Lot's Wife Media Campaign

Lot's Wife is a St. Louis nonprofit dedicated to providing queer and transgender chaplaincy services. Pastor Tori Jameson founded the organization in 2018 as a resource for LGBTQ individuals who seek spiritual guidance, healthcare advocacy, companionship and community. We created a plan to generate widespread awareness of Pastor Tori and their services, as well as improve means of accessibility to their contact information and general explanations of the Lot's Wife mission. We created a website, social media strategy and flyers that are geared toward the reactions and community sentiment received from carefully constructed Google Form surveys.

The group would like to thank their faculty sponsor Jennifer Korte for their help with this project.

Sofia Hingorani

Sofia Hingorani is a senior from Omaha, Nebraska. Sofia is studying Economics and Communication with a specialization in Public Relations and Advertising.

Gianna Parise

Gianna is a senior from Arlington Heights, Illinois, studying Marketing and Communications with a curriculum focus in Public Relations and Advertising.

Terry Clark

Terry is a senior from Edwardsville, Illinois, studying English.