Hiroaki YAMAGAMI山上   浩明
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Seikei UniversityResearch field: Environmental Economics
Office:3-3-1 Kichijoji-kitamachi, Musasshino-shi 180-8633 Tokyo, Japan
I am a professor at the Faculty of Economics, Seikei University, situated in Tokyo, Japan. My research interests are in environmental economics, especially in market-based policies and their economic impacts, fiscal policies related to environmental issues, and household behavior on energy use. 
Latest news:  2024/06/20 [Research] Our paper, "Ambiguity in climate disasters and asset prices: A quantitative investigation (with Shiba Suzuki)," is now available at SSRN : https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4871136
2024/06/07 [Research] Our paper, "On the effects of pessimism toward pollution-driven disasters on equity premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)," has been published online in Economic Theory Bulletin.
2024/05/18 [Research] Our paper, "Impact of time-saving technology on household electricity consumption: Automatic vacuum cleaner distribution experiment in Japan (with Kenichi Mizobuchi), has been published in Ecological Economics. Free Download till July 7, 2024 
2024/05/15 [Seminar] Our paper "Greend bonds and term premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)" was presented by Shiba Suzuki at a seminar of Statistics Norway. 

Click here or the right arrow to see earlier news
  • 2023/12/16 [Student] 上級ゼミナールを通じて、環境経済・政策インターゼミナール大会(第11回 InSEP)で当ゼミ3班が報告しました。
  • 2023/07 [Conference] Our paper "Greend bonds and term premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)" was presented by Shiba Suzuki at 9th International Conference Computing in Economics and Finance, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France. 
  • 2023/06 [Conference] Our paper "Greend bonds and term premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)" was presented by Shiba Suzuki at EAERE, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. 
  • 2023/06/05 [Seminar] Our paper "Greend bonds and term premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)" was presented by Shiba Suzuki at a seminar "Regulation and Environment" of Paris School of Economics. 
  • 2023/02/01 [Research] Our paper "Greend bonds and term premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)" is out online as a working paper at SSRN.
  • 2022/12/12 [Student] 上級ゼミナールの井川・尾上・齊藤・髙山・村松『自動車燃費性能の向上要因とそれを促進させる政策』と磯島・齋・中村・山岸『全国市町村における可燃ごみのごみ袋有料化とリサイクル率促進についての分析』の2つの班が、第10回 InSEP (Interseminar for Students majoring Environmental economics and Policy)に参加し、2つの班とも同票で優秀賞を獲得しました。
  • 2022/12/10 [Outreach] 週刊東洋経済にて一般向け記事 『地球温暖化の特殊性が鍵、グリーン債の経済学』が掲載されました。オンライン記事はこちらです。[登録者のみ閲覧可能 & 登録無料].2022/08/09 [Seminar] Our paper "Mitigation, adaptation, and public finance (with Mouez Fodha)" was presented by Hiroaki Yamagami at an internal seminar of Seikei University, 09 Aug., 2022.
  • 2022/07/22 [Seminar] A preliminary version of "Green bonds and term premiums (with Shiba Suzuki)" was presented by Shiba Suzuki at a seminar at Kobe University held by Rokko Forum, A seminar on Climate Change, and Collaborative Research Group on Environmental Economics and Evaluation, 22 July, 2022.
  • 2022/05/19 [Conference]  Our paper "Mitigation, Adaptation, and Public Finances (with Mouez Fodha)" has been accepted for presentation at an international conference on Public Economic Theory  (PET2022@Marseille), held at Palais du Pharo, hosted by Aix-Marseille School of Economics on June 8-10, 2022. The presenter will be Mouez Fodha.
  • 2022/04/25 [Research] Our paper "Time Rebound Effect in Households' Energy Use: Theory and Evidence (with Kenichi Mizobuchi)" has been accepted for publication in Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, which is an Open Access Journal. Download
  • 2022/04/07 [Conference] Our paper "Mitigation, Adaptation, and Public Finances (with Mouez Fodha)" was presented by Mouez Fodha at an international conference  "Environmental Economics: a focus on Natural Resources (EENR)"  held at University of Orléans.
  • 2022/03/11 [Conference]  Our paper "Mitigation, Adaptation, and Public Finances (with Mouez Fodha)" has been accepted for presentation at an international conference  "Environmental Economics: a focus on Natural Resources (EENR)"  held at University of Orléans on April 7-8, 2022. The presenter will be Mouez Fodha.
  • 2021/12/04 [Student] 卒業研究4期生の杉崎さんの『中国の廃プラスチック輸入禁止令が諸外国に与えた影響』が、第9回 InSEP (Interseminar for Students majoring Environmental economics and Policy)で最優秀賞を獲得しました。
  • 2021/07/25 [Research] Our paper "Ambitious Emissions Goal as a Strategic Preemption (with Ryo Arawatari, and Takeo Hori)" has been published in Strategic Behavior and the Environment.
  • 2021/04/01 [Research] My research project "Theoretical Studies of Intergenerational Conflicts on Mitigation and Adaptation Facing Climate Change" (気候変動の緩和と適応における世代間対立の理論的研究 ) has been accepted for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) of JSPS for fiscal years 2021-2023.
  • 2021/02/09 [Student] 上級演習Ⅱの最終報告が終了しました。報告を踏まえて、最終レポートが提出されましたので、上級演習Ⅱのページを更新しました。リンク
  • 2021/01/21  [Research] Our paper "Ambitious Emissions Goal as a Strategic Preemption (with Ryo Arawatari, and Takeo Hori)" has been accepted for publication in Strategic Behavior and the Environment.
  • 2020/06/25 [Conference] Our paper "Subjective Expectations on Pollution-driven Disasters and Asset Prices (with Shiba Suzuki)" has been presented by Shiba Suzuki at a webinar parallel session of EAERE 2020, virtually organized in Berlin.
  • 2020/06/13  [Conference] Our paper "Subjective Expectations on Pollution-driven Disasters and Asset Prices (with Shiba Suzuki)" has been presented by Shiba Suzuki at a virtual parallel session of Nippon Finance Association Meeting 2020, organized in Tokyo Metropolitan University.
  • 2020/04/10  [Conference] Our paper "Subjective Expectations on Pollution-driven Disasters and Asset Prices (with Shiba Suzuki)" has been accepted for presentation at a virtual parallel session of EAERE@Berlin 2020.  The presenter will be Shiba Suzuki.
  • 2020/02/27: [Research] The paper titled as "Optimism on Pollution-driven Disasters and Asset Prices (with Shiba Suzuki)" is out online in a working paper series of FAERE (French Association for Environmental and Resource Economists).
Earlier updates than Dec 2019 
  • 2019/10/16: Our research project with Kenichi Mizobuchi (Matsuyama Uni) titled as "Study on Substitution between Time and Energy in a Household Sector" has been accepted for Environmental Research Grant of Sumitomo Foundation.
  • 2019/09/10: The paper titled as "Ambitious Emissions Goal as a Strategic Preemption (with R. Arawatari and T. Hori)" is now out online in a working paper series of FAERE (French Association for Environmental and Resource Economists).
    • 2019/09/19: Please refer to the pdf file for correction of Equation (16): pdf
  • 2019/06/13: 拙稿『Ambitious Emissions Goal as a Strategic Preemption (with R. Arawatari and T. Hori)』mimeoを成蹊大学経済学部セミナーで報告しました。
  • 2019/05/13: 拙稿『Mitigation, Adaptation and Public Finance (with M. Fodha)』mimeoが CER-ETH Research Seminar (at ETH Zurich) で報告されました(報告者 M. Fodha)。
  • 2019/03/28: 拙稿『環境税制改革の政治的実現可能性』日仏経済学会Bulletin (2016) vol.30 pp1-22をアップロードしました。
  • 2018/12/29: 拙稿『Time Rebound Effect in Households' Energy Use: Theory and Evidence (with K. Mizobuchi)』がFAERE(フランス環境資源経済学会)のWorking Paper Series (査読付き)に掲載されました。
  • 2018/11/30: Twitterはじめました。
  • 2018/09/08:拙稿"Time rebound effect in households' energy use: Theory and evidence (with K. Mizobuchi)"がSEEPS年次大会@上智大学において報告されました(報告者:K. Mizobuchi)。
  • 2018/06/29: 拙稿"Redistribution of emission tax revenue between firms and households (with R. Arawatari and T. Hori)" is presented in WCERE2018 held at University of Göteborg.
  • 2018/05/28: 拙稿"Redistribution of emission tax revenue between firms and households: Theoretical perspectives" is presented in Open Colloquium held at GEAS, FU Berlin.
  • 2018/04/03: 拙稿"Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Presence of Exhaustible Resources (with T. Hori)"がEnvironmental Economics and Policy Studies誌のHP上で先行出版されました(オンラインファースト版)。
  • 2018/04/03: 拙稿"Environmental Tax Reform under Debt Constraint (with M. Fodha, T. Seegmuller)"がAnnals of Economics and Statistics誌(vol.129)上に掲載されました。
  • 2018/03/31: 拙稿”Redistribution of emission tax revenue between firms and households (with R. Arawatari and T. Hori)”が、国際会議WCERE2018(ヨーテボリ, スウェーデン)のパラレルセッション報告論文として受理されました。
  • 2018/03/23: 拙稿"Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Presence of Exhaustible Resources (with T. Hori)"のEnvironmental Economics and Policy Studies誌上での出版が受理されました。
  • 2017/06/30: 拙稿"Environmental Tax Reform under Debt Constraint (with M. Fodha, T. Seegmuller)"がEAERE2017@Athensにおいて報告されました。
  • 2017/04/21: 拙稿 "Environmental Policy in the Presence of Induced Technological Change (with A.A. Liu)" のEnvironmental and Resource Economics誌のHP上で先行出版されました(オンラインファースト版)。
  • 2017/04/06: 拙稿 "Environmental Policy in the Presence of Induced Technological Change (with A.A. Liu)" のEnvironmental and Resource Economics誌上での出版が受理されました。
  • 2017/04/02: 私が分担する研究課題が、日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C)に採択されました。
  • 2017/03/03: 拙稿『環境税制改革の政治的実現可能性』が日仏経済学会Bulletinに掲載されました。
  • 2016/10/26: 拙稿"Environmental tax reform under debt constraint (with M. Fodha and T. Seegmuller)" のAnnals of Economics and Statistics誌上での出版が受理されました.