June 25 - most expressive

Post date: Jun 26, 2011 12:59:57 PM

The prairie is coming to life; Foxglove Beardtongue, Butterfly Weed, and the most expressive flower of all, Pale Purple Coneflower, Echinacea pallida.

Each delicate bloom expresses it's light purple ray florets into a unique gesture that is full of grace.

We found a Monarch caterpillar on the Butterfly Weed and decided to protect it through the chrysalis stage- we have it safely housed in a large jar, with a daily feed of fresh milkweed.

Red Buffalo Nursery had a booth at the Woodstock Farmer's Market; and I could not pass up purchasing a Gray's Sedge, Carex grayi. The sedge identification class with Barb Wilson has given me a new appreciation for the Genus Carex! The pistillate spikelet of this attractive sedge resembles a medieval mace; I planted it in a moist area of the woods where it should thrive; The mosquitoes were fierce, so I spend very little time admiring it in its new home.