2014 May 23

Post date: May 23, 2014 10:41:41 PM

Peak bloom has passed in woods; primarily Bluebells, White trillium, Bleeding heart, Dutchman's breeches and Celandine poppy are going to seed.

The are still many plants in bloom, though not as showy or numerous: Phlox, Shooting stars, Wild geranium, Yellow trillium, Pussy toes, Greek Valerian, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Blue-eyed-grass, Wild Columbine.

Spotted a red headed woodpecker today, first for this property.

We have nesting bluebirds in one box, and a wren has taken the other previously occupied by chickadees.

Great blue herons visit occasionally, and usually manage to take one of the fish.

We are down to 3 large koi, and 2 out of a brood of 13 that hatched in the pond.