Buy Gold or Silver Louisiana

Where to Buy Gold or Silver in Louisiana

Louisiana is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. It is the 31st largest state at 52,271 square miles and the 25th most populated with over 4.6 million residents. It is the only state where it's political subdivisions are called parishes, while other states refer to them as counties. A majority of the state's lands were formed from sediment washed down the Mississippi river. Louisiana has more Native American tribes compared o any other southern state.

Fun Facts About Louisiana

    • Mardi Gras was declared a state holiday in 1875.
    • New Orleans is knows as the birthplace of jazz.
    • A Louisiana-bred chef was the the creator of what is known as a Turducken.
    • Because of the low elevation in New Orleans (lowest point being 8 feet below sea level), the dead are often laid to rest about ground.
    • It is home to the world's longest bridge over a body of water, known as Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, which stretches almost 24 miles and has two parallel span, the first opening in 1956 then the other in 1969.
Where To Buy Gold And Silver Keywords
Silver and gold bullion bars.
Where to Buy Gold and Silver