Morning Verses

What Are They?

Q. What are the “morning verses” the children and teachers recite in Waldorf schools? 

A. Mornings at Waldorf schools usually begin with the recitation of prayers written by Rudolf Steiner. These prayers are usually disguised as "morning verses," but in fact they are clearly prayers. For example, the "morning verse" written for the four lower grades includes the following words :

"I reverence, O God,

The strength of humankind,

That thou so graciously 

Hast planted in my soul ... 

From Thee come light and strength, 

To Thee rise love and thanks.”

This "verse" addresses, praises, and thanks God — it is undeniably a prayer.

And here is the conclusion of the "morning verse" written for the upper grades:

"God’s spirit, ‘tis to Thee 

I turn myself in prayer, 

That strength and blessing grow

In me, to learn and work."

This "verse" too address God. Moreover, it clearly identifies itself as a form of prayer ("to Thee I turn myself in prayer"). 

Knowing that his "verses" for Waldorf students are clearly prayers, and knowing this would expose Waldorf schools as religious institutions, Rudolf Steiner instructed Waldorf teachers to disguise the nature of the morning verses: 

"I ask only one thing of you. You see, in such things everything depends upon the external appearances. Never call a verse a prayer, call it an opening verse before school. Avoid allowing anyone to hear you, as a faculty member, using the word ‘prayer.’” — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER (Anthroposophic Press, 1998), p. 20.

Sometimes Waldorf schools change the wording of these "verses" to disguise them further, and sometimes they use other, less distinctly religious verses.


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If you want to send your children to a religious school, and if the religious nature of Waldorf education appeals to you, you should remember that the religion underlying Waldorf education is Anthroposophy. If you want your children to receive an Anthroposophical education, then Waldorf schools may be right for your family. But otherwise, you should almost certainly find a different sort of school.