> E - F - G - H - I <
Terms to be defined are shown in bold type. Definitions excerpted from the SteinerBooks dictionaries are placed within quotations marks. Anything I have added is placed within brackets. Definitions quoted from THE STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PSYCHIC, MYSTIC, OCCULT, published in 1973, are marked "73". Definitions quoted from THE NEW STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PARANORMAL, published in 1980, are marked "80".
- E -
Ea "The powerful Sumerian god...the god of waters beneath the earth...the god of beneficence, but also of cunning and deceit...." 80 p. 82
eagle "[O]ne of the most ancient symbols of the supernatural and the occult...." 80 p. 82 [According to Steiner, the "eagle" is one of the four group souls shared by early humans; it is the soul of those who have a special ability to rise above the earthly.]
[early-childhood education Waldorf schools frequently offer preschool activities and gatherings, but generally they do not provide early instruction in subjects such as reading or writing.]
[Earth The planet on which we live now. "Present Earth," on the other hand, is our current "planetary condition": the current incarnation of the solar system, according to Steiner.]
[earth Soil: one of the four "elements," Steiner taught; it is home to gnomes.]
Earthbound "Spirits [i.e., the dead] who are still operating close to earth conditions owing to old attachments, habits or ignorance of their state." 80 pp. 82-83
[earth ether In Anthroposophy: the ethereal form of the element known as earth.]
[Earth Goddess In Anthroposophy: the goddess who is, or who personifies, the Earth. She is known as Demeter, Gaia, Mary, and other names.]
[earthly children In Anthroposophy: one of six constitutional types. These children (often boys) incarnate fully or too fully on earth, tending to lose their ties to the spirit realm.]
Earth plane "All that pertains to the ordinary earth life, as distinct from the spirit world." 73 p. 68
[earthquakes Natural disasters often caused by human wickedness, according to Steiner; they are sought out by humans to fulfill their karmas,.]
[Earth sphere In general, this is the Earth plane or the portion of reality circumscribed by earthly — physical, mundane — existence. But there are variations in esoteric accounts. If a planet's "sphere" is the portion of the solar system enclosed by the planet's orbit, then the Earth sphere is everything in the solar system within about 93,000,000 miles of the Sun. However Steiner sometimes used the term "Earth sphere" as a synonym for Present Earth or our current condition of consciousness.]
[earth-water beings Ahrimanic beings that dwell below the surface of the Earth, according to Steiner.]
Easter "Fertility rites and nature's power of regeneration have made spring the magically potent time of year for mankind. It has been celebrated by every ancient tribe and nation ... The Norse Ostara, the semitic Astarte and Ishtar, and the Hebrew Esther are sources of the name [Easter]." 80 p. 83 [In Christianity, Easter is the celebration of Christ's resurrection; at Waldorf schools, the observance is often termed a "spring festival" and pagan elements are emphasized.]
Eblis "The Satan of the Muslims...." 80 p. 83 [The personal name of the Devil is usually spelled "Iblīs". In Islamic teachings, the Devil is equivalent to Satan and is sometimes referred to as "adūw Allāh" (enemy of God).]
Echidna "In Greek mythology a monster, half woman and half serpent...." 80 p. 83
[ecliptic In astronomy and astrology: the great circle in the sky described by the Sun's apparent movement during the year.]
ecstasy "[E]motional rapture...common to mystics and saints, during which a sort of trance prevails." 80 p. 83
ectoplasm "A subtle living matter present in the physical body, primarily invisible ... It is extruded in the dark ... [It] is the substance out of which materialized forms are built by the spirit operators ... The levitation of tables and heavy objects is accomplished [during seances by means of ectoplasm] ... Ectoplasm has been photographed on many occasions...." 73 p. 69 [Some mediums produce, or pretend to produce, ectoplasm during seances; it can be vaporous, liquid, or (soft) solid.]
[ECWSE The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education, the coordinating and certifying authority for Waldorf schools in Europe.]
Eddas "The Icelandic sagas which relate...the mythology and religious beliefs of the Northern European World [sic]." 80 p. 84 [The Eddas are two 13th-century books that are the chief historical anthologies of Scandinavian mythology.]
[Eden In the Bible: the Garden of Eden, the paradisiacal state in which the first humans lived before sinning and being expelled.]
[education Conveying knowledge and preparing students for their adult lives. In Waldorf schools, however, the primary (but usually concealed) goals are healthful incarnation, assistance with karma, and subtle indoctrination in Anthroposophy.]
effigy "A representation of a dead person to serve both as a memorial and a home for his spirit". 80 p. 85
ego "The self-consciousness of the individual. The soul." 73 p. 71 [Steiner said the ego or "I" is the third of our invisible bodies; it is our share of divinity in the form of individual selfhood. Defined thus, "ego" must be distinguished from the ego discussed in psychology: one's purely subjective sense of identity and importance. Also see "I". Cf. "egoism, egotism".]
[ego being The spiritual essence of selfhood possessed only by human beings and gods.]
[ego body This is an alternate term for the ego or "I" — the third and highest of a human being's three invisible bodies.]
[ego consciousness Consciousness of your individual spiritual selfhood, your "I"; cf. "ego sense".]
[ego feeling Ego consciousness.]
[egoism, egotism Excessive self-interest; the bane of modern humanity, leading us to the War of All Against All, according to Steiner. Cf. "ego".]
[ego organization The psychological/spiritual structure of the ego in its most comprehensive sense; the "I" organization.]
[ego sense In Anthroposophy: the sense that enables you to comprehend that someone else has an "I" or ego. Also see "I sense"; cf. "ego consciousness".]
egregore "[In] hunting and agricultural societies...the collective ritual [meant to] assure a plenitude of animals...and rain ... While a sorcerer or a witch is the chief figure in the ceremony, the collective community added their energy...." 80 p. 85
[EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD, THE Ancient Egyptian text containing spells meant to protect the dead.]
[Egypto-Chaldean Age According to Steiner: the third cultural epoch, when ancient Egyptian and Chaldean cultures were at their height (approx. 2900-747 BC).]
eidolism "The belief in the survival of souls or ghosts...." 80 p. 86
[8] Eight, in some of its meanings "For the alchemists, [eight] symbolized density and death. The 8th sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio, has been interpreted as symbolizing death ... In ancient Egypt, [eight] was a symbol for blessedness. Among the Hebrews, it was associated with purification ... Some Medieval writers [called it] the number of immortality...." 80 p. 86
Eightfold Path, The "(Buddhism) The central rule toward the development and achievement of Nirvana...." 80 p. 86 [The eight portions of the path are right understanding, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.]
[1879 AD In the spirit realm, Anthroposophists believe, the Archangel Michael won a momentous victory over the forces of darkness during this year. On Earth, Rudolf Steiner met the man who would give him occult initiation: Felix Koguzki.]
[1899 AD In Anthroposophical belief: Kali Yuga, the spiritual dark age, ended in this year when Rudolf Steiner began delivering spiritual lectures.]
[Eighth Sphere According to Anthroposophical belief: a realm of perdition near the Earth and Moon.]
Elberfeld horses "The potential mathematical genius of horses was discovered by William von Osten in 1891." 73 p. 71 [A group of trained horses seemed to be able to answer mathematical questions. Their apparent ability was later disproven.]
electional astrology "[Selecting] the most significant time to initiate an action, to start a project...." 80 p. 86
electric girls "[A]scribed to the presence of a poltergeist...certain girls [radiate] powerful emanations of electricity...." 80 p. 86
[electricity In Anthroposophical belief: a force in the sub-natural realm ruled by demons. Electricity is deemed a perverse over-densification of light ether.]
[electronics In Anthroposophical belief, electronic devices such as computers and televisions contribute to the incarnation of demons, especially Ahriman.]
elemental "Occult term for a 'nature spirit' said to possess...great power in the natural [world]." 73 p. 72 [The terms usually used in Anthroposophy for elementals are "nature spirits" and "elemental beings." The four primary types are gnomes, sylphs, undines, and fire spirits (salamanders). See "elemental beings", below.]
[elemental beings In Anthroposophical belief: subhuman spirits that dwell within the elements of nature; also called nature spirits. They are gnomes (in the earth), sylphs (in the air), undines (in water), and "salamanders" (in fire).]
[elemental kingdoms In Anthroposophical doctrine: the first three of the seven conditions of life; preparatory stages preceding the mineral kingdom; also called elementary kingdoms.]
[elemental spirits of birth and death Destructive nature spirits, hostile to physical existence, Steiner indicated; they manifest in modern technology and commerce.]
[elemental world In Anthroposophical doctrine: the natural, mineral world.]
elementary "Occult term for an astral 'shell' which is supposed to account for hauntings and poltergeist phenomena." 73 p. 72
[elementary beings See "elemental beings".]
[elementary kingdoms In Anthroposophical doctrine: the first three of the seven conditions of life; preparatory stages preceding the mineral kingdom; also called elemental kingdoms.]
[elementary world In some esoteric teachings: the first world we enter during the process of occult initiation; it is the first "higher world," the astral plane or soul world.]
elements "Astrologers assign the four elements to the signs of the Zodiac: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius); and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). 80 p. 87 [In reality, there are well over 100 chemical elements, but in occultism — including Anthroposophy — the four ancient "elements" (fire, earth, air, water) are usually affirmed.]
Eleusinian Mysteries "Mysteries...associated with the worship of the goddess Demeter ... [They] symbolized the death and rebirth of the seed-corn...[and] of the human soul...." 80 p. 87
[elf See "elves".]
elfstone "Offerings made to elves were placed on this stone." 80 p. 87
[Elohim In the Bible: God. The word is plural in form (suggesting multiple gods), but is understood to be singular (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — the religions "of the book" — are monotheistic). In Anthroposophy, the word "Elohim" is taken as plural; it applies to gods four levels above humanity. They rank among the lowest gods of the Second Hierarchy, dwelling in the sphere of the Sun. They help to apply the works of higher gods to the human form. Other names for gods of the same rank as Elohim include Exusiai, Spirits of Form, and Powers.]
elongation "A peculiar phenomenon associated with some physical mediums, in which the body of the medium is altered considerably in stature." 80 pp. 87-88
[elp See "elves".]
[elves Nature spirits within the human aura, Steiner said. More generally, in folk tales and legends, elves are tiny supernatural humanoid creatures having magical powers.]
emanation "[S]pirit flowing from the divine and passing through grades of angels and creative processes to man's mystic perception...." 80 p. 88
emerald A gem "[c]onsidered an important aid to healing, and used in divination." 80 p. 88
[emotion According to Steiner, emotion leads us to spiritual truths far more reliably than thinking does. Trust your heart more than your head, he advised.]
[empiricism One of seven world outlooks, Steiner said; it accepts "whatever experience may offer."]
En Suf "To the Cabalists God had created the universe, [and He] was of it, yet not in it ... [T]hey named him En Sof — 'Without End'." 80 p. 88
[End of Karma In Anthroposophy: liberation from the cycle of self-guided karmic incarnations, which will occur with liberation from the physical body. The end of karma will be attained in the fourth Region of Soul, following development of true sacrificial will and prior to the attainment of purification. It will occur under the aegis of Virgo.]
[enemies Visible and invisible opponents, Steiner said. He warned his followers that they are surrounded by enemies, at least some of whom are demonic.]
[English (academic subject) "English" classes are courses in the English language and study of literature written in, or translated into, English. At Waldorf schools, such classes emphasize myths, fables, and spiritualistic/religious tales — although carefully selected secular works may also be included.]
[English (people) Steiner taught that the English people have a particular affinity for the consciousness soul, the soul type that has developed particularly in the Anglo-Germanic Age.]
engram "Term of scientology for a painful mental image...." 80 p. 88. [Engrams are painful because they preserve memories of traumas experienced in the past.]
[enlightenment The condition of having attained spiritual wisdom and fulfillment, or, alternately, the condition of gaining rationality and empirically verifiable knowledge.]
[Enlightenment, The European intellectual movement emphasizing reason and individualism, 17th-18th Centuries.]
enoichion "[T]he inner eye in [Greek] rites of initiation. Also, the gift of clairvoyance." 80 p. 89
[entelechy a) the soul, b) a guiding principle of development, c) in Anthroposophy, that which contains its own purpose — said, for instance, of the human mind, whose goal is the development of itself.]
entity "A discarnate personality. An individual." 73 p. 73 [More generally, an entity is anything having a distinct and individual existence, discarnate or otherwise — usually otherwise.]
[enviromentalism Concern for, and care of, the environment. Anthroposophy has long been allied with environmentalism. The Anthroposophical view of nature, however, is shot through with superstition and gnosticism. The physical world, including nature, is deemed a realm of maya or illusion.]
envoutement "A very widespread form of sympathetic magic practiced on a representation of a person...usually with evil intent." 80 p. 89
epiphany (lower case) "The appearance of a deity in a particular place [such] as God in the burning bush...." 80 p. 89
[Epiphany (upper case) The festival commemorating Christ's manifestation to the Gentiles; it is celebrated on January 6.]
[Epoch of Seals In Anthroposophy: the sixth great epoch, the epoch that will follow our current Post-Atlantean Epoch. During the Epoch of Seals, humans will in effect evolve through the seven regions of the soul world. The War of All Against All will mark the transition between the Post-Atlantean Epoch and the Epoch of Seals.]
[Epoch of Trumpets In Anthroposophy: the seventh great epoch.; it will follow the Epoch of Seals. During the Epoch of Trumpets, humans will in effect evolve through the seven realms of the spirit world. The Epoch of Trumpets will conclude the Physical Stage of Form.]
[epochs In Anthroposophy: seven extended evolutionary periods on Earth: great epochs, not to be confused with cultural epochs. The great epochs are the Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Post-Atlantean, Sixth (Seals), and Seventh (Trumpets) Epochs. We are currently in the Post-Atlantean Epoch — according to Steiner.]
[epochs of physical-etheric state In Steiner's Theosophical teachings: great epochs.]
[Epoch Spirits In Anthroposophy: gods two levels above us who preside over 350-year periods of Earth life; also called Time Archangels.]
Epoptes "In ancient Greece...those who had reached the highest level of development in the Mysteries, and direct knowledge of the spiritual world." 80 pp. 89-90
equinox "The point where the sun appears to cross the celestial equator...." 73 p. 74
erh "The fulfillment of Tao in the Yin and Yang which...produces the infinite number of world things [sic]." 80 p. 90
eromanty "[T]he use of air in divination." 80 p. 90
eschatology "Ultimate concerns in religion that pertain to death, heaven, and hell." 80 p. 90
esoteric "That which is not accessible except by initiation." 73 p. 74 [More generally, esoteric matters are of interest, or are meant to be known, only among a small group. Often, the matters labeled esoteric are spiritual or occult.]
esoteric Christianity "Refers to the occult knowledge of Christianity and the Christ-Being." 80 p. 91
[Esoteric School A school of occult spiritual knowledge, founded by Steiner while still a Theosophist; remnants were incorporated in the later School of Spiritual Science, an Anthroposophic institution.]
[Esoteric Society for Germany and Austria The Theosophical organization of which Steiner was head before he broke away from Theosophy to set up Anthroposophy as a separate spiritual movement.]
[esotericism Belief in knowledge — often occult — possessed by only a few, and/or the claim to possession of such knowledge. Esoteric knowledge or beliefs are often meant to explain deep spiritual questions.]
ESP "Extra Sensory Perception [sic]." 73 p. 74 [Extrasensory perception is the purported ability to perceive things or acquire knowledge without use of the senses such as sight and hearing. Also see "extrasensory perception".]
ether "Hypothetical all-pervading, fluidic substance ... [T]he word appears to have been adopted by Spiritualism to describe [spirit permeating physical reality]." 73 p. 75 [Steiner identified several forms of ether, including warmth ether, light ether, sound (or chemical) ether, and life ether.]
[ether body See "etheric body".]
[ethereal In general parlance: heavenly or spiritual. In Anthroposophy: pertaining to, or existing in, the etheric realm; etheric.]
[etheric, the In Anthroposophy: the etheric realm; also the soul world.]
[etheric aura According to esoteric teachings: a colored nimbus of etheric radiation, surrounding a being and reflecting that being's spiritual nature, perceptible by clairvoyance. See "aura".]
[etheric beings According to esoteric teachings: spirits that dwell primarily on the etheric plane and have etheric bodies but not physical bodies.]
etheric body "A counterpart of the physical body which lives on after death. Also known as the spirit body, double or perispirit ... Although made of material it is considerably lighter. It is purported to weigh 2 1/2 oz ... Normally invisible, it is occasionally seen by clairvoyants." 73 p. 75 [According to Steiner, the etheric body is the first of three "subtle" bodies that incarnate during earthly life, incarnating at about age seven. The etheric body molds the physical body, to which it is bound (unlike the higher astral body and the still higher "I"). The link between the etheric and physical bodies is broken at the time of death, Steiner said. Various entities other than humans also have etheric bodies, Steiner said.]
[Etheric Christ According to Steiner: Christ's etheric essence, which has been present in the Earth's etheric body since the Crucifixion. Steiner also taught that Christ's Second Coming has occurred in the etheric realm: The spirit found there now is often called the Etheric Christ.]
[etheric double An elastic term in esotericism: the etheric body, or the double or Doppelgänger, or sometimes the astral body.]
[etheric forces According to esoteric teachings: supersensory powers mediated by or associated with ether; they are chiefly responsible for giving form to physical incarnations.]
[etheric man According to esoteric teachings: the portion of a human being that lives on the etheric plane (or within the etheric realm) in an etheric body.]
[etheric matter In some esoteric teachings: the invisible substance of which etheric phenomena consist. When it is distinguished from astral matter, etheric matter is deemed grosser and more nearly physical. (Different esotericists differ on whether etheric matter is ether. Ether is usually said to exist on the physical plane, whereas etheric matter presumably exists on the etheric plane.)]
[etheric movement In Anthroposophy: eurythmic motions that express the etheric.]
[etheric nature The second subdivision of body nature, according to Steiner; in general, the part of ourselves that exists on the etheric plane.]
[etheric organization According to Anthroposophy: the inner structure or constitution of etheric forces that make up the etheric body.]
etheric plane ”That part of the spirit world adjacent to the earth. The landing place of all, in passing through the gates of death ... This is the plane most often mediums." 73 p. 76 [The etheric plane, the astral plane, and the soul world may be differentiated, but in various esoteric teachings they are also often said to be one and the same.]
[etheric processes See "ether processes".]
[etheric realm In various esoteric teachings: the level of existence above the physical, within the ether; the etheric plane.]
etheric senses [The senses available to beings in the etheric realm. They] "correspond closely with our earthly senses, and function similarly, but there appear to be important extensions of [etheric] senses, difficult for us to comprehend, plus telepathy as a normal means of communication.” 73 p. 76
[etheric sheath The etheric womb within which the etheric body gestates, Steiner indicated. The term is also sometimes applied to the etheric body itself.]
[etheric sphere See "etheric realm".]
[etheric streams See "ether streams".]
[etheric technology Hypothesized by Steiner: technology that runs on life forces (etheric forces) rather than mechanical or physical forces. The people of Atlantis had etheric technology at a primordial level, Steiner said.]
[etheric vision Generally, clairvoyance. In Rosicrucian teachings, etheric vision is a form of spiritual sight that humanity will develop in the future. Also see "etheric senses".]
[etheric world According to various esoteric doctrines: the etheric; the etheric realm; sometimes, more generally, the spirit world or spiritual worlds.]
[etherization of blood In Anthroposophy, a) blood vaporizes (it etherizes) in the area of the heart and flows as an etheric force into the head; b) at the Crucifixion, the blood of Christ vaporized (etherized) and united with the etheric essence of the Earth. Also see "Etheric Christ".]
[ether processes In Anthroposophy: seven activities in or directed by the etheric body; Waldorf education seeks to assist them: breathing, warming, nourishing, secreting, maintaining, growing, reproduction.]
[ether spirit According to Anthroposophical teachings: an elevated part of our spiritual nature — the portion of the etheric body elevated by the "I"; it does not die but accompanies the "I" when it travels to the spirit realm in preparation for the next incarnation. It is also called "life spirit."]
[ether streams According to Steiner: the movement of ethers around or within entities, including human beings. ]
[Ethiopian race In Steiner's teachings: black Africans.]
ETP "Extra Temporal Perception [i.e., clairvoyant perception of events occurring in other times]." 73 p. 76 [Also see "extratemporal perception".]
[Eucharist A Christian ceremony commemorating Christ's last supper with his disciples, during which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. Traditionally the bread is believed to become Christ's body and the wine becomes Christ's blood (see "transubstantiation"). The ceremony is also called Holy Communion.]
[eugenic occultism According to Steiner: the capacity, developed mainly in peoples of the East, to bring spiritual forces into earthly evolution through spiritual birth control.]
[eugenics The purported study of measures (generally involving physical birth control) that would improve a species through the directed inheritance of desirable traits and the suppression of undesirable traits.]
Euhemerism "A view that divinities [i.e., gods] are merely defied men and women of eminence." 80 p. 92
euphemism "A name or designation which in seeking to placate or deceive refers to a deity, the devil, spirits, animals, or especially powerful persons with a substitute appellation." 80 p. 93 [More generally and correctly, a euphemism is a mild, polite, or indirect expression used instead of a harsher or offensive expression.]
[European-American Age In Anthroposophy: an alternate designation for the Anglo-Germanic Age, 1413-3573 CE. Also see "Aryan Epoch".]
[European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education, The (ECSWE) Coordinating and certifying authority for Waldorf schools in Europe.]
[Europeans According to Steiner: the most highly evolved humans now, with the highest civilization; the "Jupiter race." Also see "Central Europe", "Germany".]
[eurythmy A form of dance meant to reveal the inner meaning of language and connect the dancer to the spirit realm; developed by Steiner. ("Eurythmy" is pronounced yur-RITH-me.)]
[Eve In Anthroposophy, Eve is generally the female side of human nature, which became distinct during life in Lemuria. The name is also applied to the first woman and/or to primordial Earthly women generally.]
evergreens "Among the Druidic nations evergreens decorated the homes in winter as a haven for the sylvan spirits until summer should produce natural shelter for them." 80 p. 93
[evil In Anthroposophy: deviation from the divine cosmic plan, impeding evolution. Cf. "good". Many Anthroposophists argue that Steiner denied that evil exists, ultimately, because the good gods take it into account and turn it to good purposes. Steiner did say so, sometimes; but on other occasions, he said evil is a real force, and evil gods or demons and devils fight against the forces of goodness. See, e.g., "Spirits of Darkness".]
[evil beings In Anthroposophy: principally, demons and evil gods who war against the good gods; also beings who work against the divine cosmic plan or who regress, falling to lower evolutionary levels.]
evil eye "[T]he glance of certain individuals has the power to harm or destroy...." 80 p. 94
[evil gods Spirits standing among the ranks of the gods but who oppose the intentions of the good gods. Cf. "good gods".]
[evil races According to Steiner: races that embody evil human impulses, in particular materialism (the denial of spirituality). Cf. "good races".]
[evil souls In Anthroposophy: principally, errant humans. Whether any humans are truly evil is a matter of debate. Also see "evil spirits". Cf. "good souls".]
evil spirits "We hear more of these from theology than Spiritualism. As the 'spirits' are human, albeit in a different sphere, it follows that they are no more evil than we ... [A] person predisposed to cruelty and intolerance will attract [similar] spirits...." 73 p. 78 [Competing forms of esotericism disagree about the nature of evil, the nature of evil spirits, and whether evil spirits actually exist. Steiner taught that our evil actions can create evil spirits. According to Steiner, there are evil spirits both above and below us. Also see "evil".]
evocation "By incantations, spells, and rituals the summoning of a spirit, or demon to aid in arcane activities...." 80 p. 95
[evolution of consciousness In Anthroposophy: this is the central, all-important form of evolution. We and the gods above us evolve to higher and higher stages of consciousness. We human beings will rise through the ranks of the gods and eventually attain consciousness superior to that of any other beings.]
evolution, spiritual "The gradual unfoldment of spiritual understanding on this earth and the succeeding progress in the spirit spheres." 73 p. 79 [Steiner taught that human beings and the entire universe — including gods — are evolving from primitive conditions to highly spiritualized conditions; this includes but is not confined to the "unfoldment of spiritual understanding." Anthroposophy describes, and aims to attain, ever-higher stages of spiritual consciousness.]
[exact clairvoyance Highly accurate, consciously controlled clairvoyance; sought by Anthroposophists. Steiner claimed to possess it.]
[excarnation The opposite of incarnation: leaving the body; ultimately, death (but with the possibility of new life).]
[exercises, spiritual Anthroposophy, or "spiritual science" or "occult science," describes various spiritual practices and applications intended to lead one to spiritual initiation.]
[exogamy Sexual relations outside one's national group or race; Steiner opposed it.]
exorcism "The act of expelling evil spirits by Divine appeal...." 73 p. 79
exoteric "Not secret, opposite of esoteric." 73 p. 80
exteriorization of motricity "Action of a medium's motor force outside the bounds of his body." 80 p. 96
exteriorization of sensations "Sensory perception of the medium outside the bounds of his body...." 80 p. 96
extra "[T]he supernormal appearance of a face or figure on sensitive photographic material." 80 p. 96
extrasensory perception "Scientific term for perception without use of recognized sense channels." 73 p. 80
extratemporal perception "E.S.P. [t]hrough time, as well as distance in space." 73 p. 81
[Exusiai In Anthroposophy: gods four levels above humanity. Dwelling in the sphere of the Sun, they stand at the lowest rank of gods in the Second Hierarchy. They help to apply the work of higher gods to the human form. Other names for gods of the same rank as Exusiai include Elohim, Spirits of Form, and Powers.]
[eyesight One of the 12 senses, according to Steiner; perception through use of the physical eyes. Eyesight is a soul sense, and it is associated with Virgo.]
- F -
[fable A moral tale, typically with animals acting like humans; used in Waldorf second grades to promote incarnation of the astral body, a process starting at age seven, fulfilled at age 14. (Like humans, animals have astral bodies, Steiner said; but the difference between humans and animals is great.)]
facsimile writing "The reproduction of a dead person's mediums." 80 p. 97
[FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER A two-volume publication of the Anthroposophic Press, recounting faculty meetings conducted by Rudolf Steiner at the first Waldorf school.]
fairies "Evidence for the existence of the little folk, comes mainly from photographs." 73 p. 82 [In Waldorf belief, "fairies" is a general term for nature spirits: gnomes, sylphs, undines, and fire-spirits; it is also applied to sylphs in particular and/or to "little people" as a separate race. Fraudulent photographs were once accepted, by the gullible, as proof for the existence of fairies.]
[fairy tales According to Steiner, these are true accounts of clairvoyant observations, often conveyed in fable form.]
[faith Generally: trust or confidence in someone of something. Religious faith is usually deemed the acceptance of a religion or, more loosely, of a religious perspective. ("Faith. The disposition of believers toward commitment and toward acceptance of religious claims." — THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF WORLD RELIGIONS (Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 334.) When faith is differentiated from belief, the former is more general — the disposition to hope or believe — while the latter is usually more specific — the acceptance of specific propositions or teachings. Steiner stressed the importance of faith, and it is promoted in Waldorf schools. Also see "belief".]
[faith body In Anthroposophy: the astral body.]
faith healing "Healing which is said to be effected by the patient's faith in Divine power." 73 p. 82
fakirs "Members of a Moslem mendicant sect, who possess or claim to possess psychic powers." 73 p. 82
[fallen Angels Spiritual beings, gods, who descend to lower evolutionary levels — according to Steiner.]
[fall festival At Waldorf schools: generally the observance of Michaelmas, with pagan and other admixtures; the religious component of this event in the school calendar is usually disguised to one degree or another.]
[fall of man According to Steiner, to "fall" is to become overly hardened, to descend too far into physical existence. The Bible tells of man's fall when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Steiner says man's fall occurred when, during the Lemurian Epoch, mankind came under the influence of the rebellious Luciferic spirits. See "Luciferic rebellion".]
[fall of the Spirits of Darkness According to Steiner, in 1879 minions of Ahriman lost a long-running conflict in the spiritual realm with guardian archangels, particularly Michael. The Ahrimanic spirits were then cast down into the physical universe.]
familiar "A term much used in medieval witchcraft to denote a spirit attendant on a witch." 73 p. 82 [Familiars are evil spirits, and — according to some sources — they may attend other beings than witches. Mephistopheles (q.v.) is usually identified as a familiar of the Devil.]
[familiar world The ordinary world or level of reality, accessible to our ordinary senses.]
[family soul In Anthroposophy: the group soul shared by the members of a family.]
famous returns "Many of the illustrious [i.e., famous people] are alleged to have returned after death but it is very difficult to prove these claims, the more so when we hear of the possibility of impersonation by spirits who possess histrionic powers [i.e., they are good actors]...." 80 pp. 98-99
[fantasy In Anthroposophical discourse, generally: a) imagination, b) consciousness midway between daydreaming and nighttime travel to the spirit realm.]
[fantasy-poor children In Anthroposophy: one of six constitutional types. These children are excessively "realistic," which reduces their capacity for clairvoyance.]
[fantasy-rich children In Anthroposophy: one of six constitutional types. These children have a natural bent toward fantasy, which may lead to heightened clairvoyance if it does not mire them in make-believe.]
[farming Steiner prescribed special techniques for a spiritually "correct" form of organic agriculture, which he called biodynamic farming.]
fascination "A form of witchcraft by which certain possessors of this gift are able to bewitch, charm, or enchant by means of the eyes." 80 p. 99
[Fascism (upper case) The extreme-right ideology of Mussolini or, in general (lower case), extreme-right authoritarianism. Nazism was a German form of fascism.]
fatal look "A variant of the evil eye, but much more dreadful, since instant death may be caused...." 80 p. 99
["father" In Anthroposophy: a very high initiate.]
[father forces Masculine primordial creative forces, Steiner said.]
[Father God In Anthroposophy: the planetary spirit of Saturn. See "Father, God the".]
[Father, God the In Anthroposophy: usually, the presiding god of Saturn, a Spirit of Form. Otherwise, reference may be made to God the Father in the conventional Christian sense (the highest member of the triune God), although Anthroposophy is polytheistic and thus does not accept the literal existence the triune God.]
[father principle In Anthroposophy: the male principle and/or the principle of the Father God.]
[Father World According to Steiner: the realm of the Father God.]
[fauns In Anthroposophic belief: real beings who have used Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces for ill.]
[Faust A magician who, in various literary accounts, is said to have sold his soul to the Devil.]
[feelings Emotional states or responses. In Anthroposophy, they are deemed truer than thinking; intermediate between conscious thinking and unconscious willing, they provide an avenue to the spirit realm.]
[female In Anthroposophy: a spiritual condition complementary to the male condition. The female is more oriented to the cosmos; the male more to the earthly. Humans may alternate between female and male incarnations.]
feminine planets "In astrology: the Moon, Venus, and Neptune." 80 p. 99
feminine principle "Matter, wisdom and forms, have been considered feminine by polytheistic religions. Occultists interpret this as passive, negative and receptive qualities of cosmic order." 73 p. 83
festivals "Community observances which are often keyed to magical rituals." 80 p. 100 [Festivals are often celebrated at Waldorf schools. They generally have underlying religious or spiritual intent, but they are also used as colorful events that may attract newcomers and please students' parents.]
[fetish Inanimate object worshipped because it is believed to be possessed by a spirit.]
fetishism "Objects or persons possessed by spirits which are not their own souls." 80 p. 100
[fifth essence In Anthroposophy: ether; also called quintessence.]
[fifth gospel Various mystics have described a "missing" book of the New Testament; Steiner produced one in the form of 18 lectures. He claimed his FIFTH GOSPEL reveals truths about Christ ascertained through the use of clairvoyance.]
[Fifth Realm of Spirit Comprising the first level of Higher Devachan, this is the fifth area or realm of the spirit world. Steiner said it holds the germinal points for the soul.]
[fire One of the four "elements" recognized in Anthroposophic belief, drawing from ancient teachings.]
[fire-air The atmosphere of the Old Moon, according to Steiner: a fiery atmosphere filled with saltpeter, carbon, and sulphur gases.]
[fire ether In Anthroposophy: the ethereal form of the element known as fire.]
fire immunity "There are many famous cases in history of those who it is claimed possessed the power to defy the ravages of fire." 80 p. 101
[fire jumping As used in some Waldorf schools: children on the verge of graduation or advancement leap over a fire or bed of coals.]
fire philosophers "Those occultists...who believed that fire was the symbol of God." 80 p. 101.
fire signs "In astrology, these are termed the three inspirational signs — Aries, Leo, Saggittarius [sic]." 80 p. 101
[Fire Spirits In Anthroposophy: gods two levels above mankind. (Cf. "fire spirits") Essentially equivalent to Archangels, they stand in the middle rank of the Third Hierarchy. They dwell in the sphere of Mercury and oversee human groupings such as families, people, nations, and races. Other names for gods of the same rank are Agnishvattas and Solar Pitris (gods who were human during Old Sun).]
[fire spirits Nature spirits that dwell in fire; often called "salamanders." (Cf. "Fire Spirits".)]
[First Beginnings In Anthroposophy: gods three levels above mankind, standing in the highest rank of the First Hierarchy. Dwelling in the sphere of Venus, they oversee human civilization in general during various historical periods. Other names for gods of this rank include Spirits of Personality, Spirits of Selfhood, and Zeitgeists.]
First Cause "Synonymous with Deity. Origin of the universe...." 73 p. 84
[First Class In Anthroposophy: the original class instituted at the School of Spiritual Science, and its continuation in successive incarnations.]
[first condition of life See "first elementary kingdom", below.]
[first elementary kingdom The first of three kingdoms below the mineral kingdom (the lowest kingdom of nature that is usually acknowledged). Inhabited by the lowliest of subhuman beings, the elementary kingdoms gather and produce the constituents of the higher kingdoms. The first elementary kingdom underlies the animal kingdom especially.]
[First Elementary Kingdom Condition of Life The first condition of life: for us, in the Present Earth condition of consciousness, the first of seven evolutionary steps that must be completed before we can proceed to the next condition of consciousness, Future Jupiter.]
first fruits "To placate the gods, sacrificial offerings were made to them of the first food obtained...." 80 p. 101
[First Hierarchy In Anthroposophical belief: the highest of three groupings of gods, consisting of gods seven, eight, and nine levels higher than humanity. These gods dwell at the outer limits of the solar system and in the zodiac beyond. They work to translate divine will into reality, developing conceptions, plans, and substances that will be implemented or incarnated concretely by the gods of the Second Hierarchy.]
[First Woe In Anthroposophical belief: the fifth Realm of Spirit, one of three scourging tribulations in the seventh great epoch (Trumpets) that will lead us to evolve to a stage of form (Perfected Astral) higher than our present stage (Physical). Analogous to a cultural epoch in our current great epoch (the Post-Atlantean), First Woe will be overseen by Capricorn.]
[fish According to Steiner, the fish symbolizes Old Moon.]
[5 (five) The number of evil, according to Steiner.]
[fixed stars Lights in the sky that do not perceptibly move — stars that seem immobile, as opposed to planets, asteroids, meteors, and other perceptibly moving celestial objects.]
flagellation "[U]sed to exorcise evil spirits ... [S]ometimes [used] to gain illumination." 80 p. 101 [To flagellate is to flog: beating with a stick or whip.]
[Flood, The Great In the Bible: God's punishment for man's wickedness, a global inundation. In Anthroposophical belief: the "flood" was the human-caused catastrophe that sank Atlantis.]
flying saucers "Technically described as U.F.O's [sic], or unidentified flying objects ... Sound evidence can be found for the existence of these unheralded objects...." 73 p. 85 [Actually, no sound evidence has been found; the nature of unidentified flying objects remains controversial.]
folk soul "The spirit, between Angel and Archangel, which aids mankind during oracular dreams...." 80 p. 102 [In Anthroposophy, a folk soul is the soul shared by all members of a nation, people, or race; a folk spirit.]
[folk spirit In Anthroposophy: an archangel that oversees a people, nation, or race; a folk soul.]
[folk tales These are true accounts of ancient clairvoyant visions, Steiner said.]
[formative body In Anthroposophy: the etheric body, the second of three "subtle" bodies that incarnate during earthly life.]
[formative ether In Anthroposophy: chemical ether. The third of four subdivisions of the ether, according to Steiner, it gives form to matter at its finest level.]
[formative forces In Anthroposophy: forces from the spirit realm that shape physical reality; also human mental forces.]
[form drawing Repetitive drawing of angular and rounded geometric forms, meant to lead toward development of clairvoyance; taught in Waldorf schools.]
fortunes "In astrology Jupiter, the 'Greater Fortune'; Venus, the 'Lesser Fortune'...." 80 p. 103 [In astrology, generally, these planets are thought to foretell beneficial futures. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are also generally considered beneficent.]
[Foundation Stone Meditation A long meditation by Rudolf Steiner, delivered at the laying of the foundation stone for the Goetheanum; sometimes taken as summarizing Anthroposophy.]
[FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE, THE A collection of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, published by the Anthroposophic Press, laying out the premises for Waldorf education.]
[4 (four) The number of the cosmos or creation, according to Steiner.]
[fourfold nature of man One of Steiner's several accounts of human nature. According to this account, man consists of physical nature, etheric nature, astral nature, and the "I".]
four-footed signs "In astrology, the 'animal Signs' [sic]. When one of these is in the ascendant, it is believed that the individual expresses some of these qualities of the animals." 80 p. 103
Four Noble Truths "The basic principles of Buddhism ... [A]ll life is subject to suffering ... [D]esire to live is the cause of repeated existences ... [O]nly the elimination of desire can produce release ... [T]he way of escape is the elimination of selfishness...." 80 p. 103 [More typically, the Four Noble Truths are given as 1) life is suffering, 2) suffering arises from desire, 3) detachment from desire and from the objects of desire will end suffering, 4) the Eightfold Path enables detachment and the attainment of enlightenment.]
fourth dimension "A mathematical welding of space and time, as a framework for all natural phenomena." 73 p. 85 [In science, the fourth dimension is usually conceived to be time, but some scientific theories postulate more than three physical dimensions.]
[France, French people Steiner said the French "race" is deteriorating, in part because France is bringing blacks to Europe. Also see "French (language)", below.]
Fravashis "(Zoroastrianism) Spirits of the dead and gods of the underworld." 80 p. 104
[Free Association for Anthroposophy A splinter group of Anthroposophists, centered around the controversial figure of Judith von Halle.]
[freedom Supposedly stressed in Anthroposophy and Waldorf education; however, Steiner taught that freedom applies only in the spiritual realm, and he taught that we are not free to choose our own paths toward enlightenment, because there is really only one correct path: the path he outlined.]
[Freemasonry A fraternal order having secret rites. Steiner was reportedly a member.]
[Free School of Spiritual Science The School of Spiritual Science, housed at the Goetheanum.]
[French (language) Steiner said use of the French language corrupts the soul. Also see "France, French people", above.]
Frey, Freya "The Venus of ancient Scandinavian mythology...." 80 p. 104 [More accurately, Freya or Freyja is the Norse goddess of love, the night, war, and death. Frey or Freyr is Freya's brother.]
[Freyr, Fro In Norse mythology: the god of fertility and its components, rain and sunshine. He is sometimes spoken of as the Sun God, but in Anthroposophical interpretations Baldur is usually given that designation.]
Frigg, Frigga "The mother of the gods in ancient Scandinavian mythology ... [Q]ueen of heaven and Odin's wife." 80 p. 105
fruitful signs "In astrology these are the Water Signs — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces." 80 p. 105
frustration "In horary astrology the situation of three conflicting planets." 80 p. 105 [In astrology, planets "conflict" when they have influences that run contrary to one another.]
fumigation "An essential rite during exorcism of an evil spirit, which is a burning of a picture of the demon which has been fumigated [sic]." 80 p. 105
[future Steiner said that he could see the future, thanks to his clairvoyance. He taught that mankind will evolve through as many as eight more conditions of consciousness, five of which cannot be described.]
[Future Jupiter The next major stage of evolution for humanity and the entire solar system, according to Steiner. It will thus succeed Present Earth and precede Future Venus.]
[Future Venus The major stage of evolution that will follow Future Jupiter, according to Steiner. As the sixth incarnation of the solar system, it will precede Future Vulcan.]
[Future Vulcan The major stage of evolution that will follow Future Venus, according to Steiner. It will be the seventh incarnation of the solar system. Steiner often indicated that Future Vulcan will be the final stage evolution for us, but he sometimes indicated that there will be five additional stages after Future Vulcan, stages that cannot be described.]
- G -
[GA German, Gesamtausgabe: total works. Steiner's books and lectures, etc., have been collected and tagged with GA numbers, indicating their place in his total output. For instance, GA 13 is his book OCCULT SCIENCE - AN OUTLINE.]
[Gabriel According to Steiner: the Archangel of the Moon, who was Time Archangel from about 1500 to 1879 AD.]
[Gaia In Greek mythology: the personified Earth, the Earth Goddess. According to some current ecological theorists, the name can be applied to the Earth as a unified, living organism.]
galactic center "This is, in astronomy, the gravitational center of the Sun's revolutions." 80 p. 105 [A more correct definition is that a galactic center is the point around which a galaxy rotates.]
[galaxies Huge systems of stars held together by gravitational attraction. Our own galaxy is called the Milky Way; other galaxies are enormously distant. Steiner rarely recognized the existence of multiple galaxies: His focus was on our solar system, which he sometimes called a galaxy or the universe. Science currently teaches that there are about 200 billion stars in the Milky Way and about 100 billion other galaxies each containing approximately the same number of stars as the Milky Way.]
Gandarvas "Vedic divinities of the atmosphere...." 80 p. 106
Garden of Delight "In the tradition of Judaic mysticism, it represents the occult arts." 80 p. 106 [In various religious traditions, humanity is described as having begun its existence in a blissful garden; redeemed humanity is also often described as ascending to such a garden in a spiritual afterlife. The Talmudic conception of the Garden of Delight refers to the latter vision.]
[Garden of Eden In the biblical account of the Creation: the paradise in which Adam and Eve lived before they sinned or fell, and were expelled.]
[gardens Waldorf schools often have biodynamic gardens in which students may be required to work. Produce from the gardens is sometimes served in the schools' cafeterias.]
[gate of birth According to various spiritual belief systems including Anthroposophy: the portal through which one passes when leaving the spirit realm to begin a life on the physical plane of existence.]
[gate of death According to various spiritual belief systems including Anthroposophy: the portal through which one passes when leaving the physical plane of existence to begin a new life in the spirit realm.]
garlic "The occult powers of this vegetable have made it...a protection against vampires and the 'evil eye.'" 80 p. 106
Garuda "A half-man, half-bird...upon which Vishnu rides." 80 p. 107
gastromancy "Divination that consults the belly..." 80 p. 107
[Gautama, Gotama This is Siddartha Gautama (c. 563 - c. 460 BCE): a Nepalese prince who became the original and perhaps greatest Buddha, having attained — according to Buddhist belief — perfect spiritual wisdom. See "Buddha".]
Gayomard "(Zoroastrianism) The first of the created men." 80 p. 107
Gemini "Astrological sign (May 22-June 21) ... Sensitive...mercurial ...highly intelligent ... The danger of this sign is a lack of steadfast concentration...." 80 p. 108
[General Anthroposophical Society The central Anthroposophical body, headquartered in the Goetheanum. Also see "Anthroposophical Society".]
[GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE HUMAN BEING, A Alternate version of THE FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN EXPERIENECE, which lays out Steiner's central rationale for Waldorf education.]
[genius a) Exceptional intelligence, or a person possessing such intelligence; b) the active spiritual presence of a place, structure, etc. (plural: "genii").]
[genius of language According to Steiner: the divine essence of language, the divine capacity for language; it is the spirit or god of language.]
[Genius of the Sun According to Steiner: Christ, the Sun God.]
[geography The study of the Earth's physical features. As taught in Waldorf schools, this subject may sometimes include such occult beliefs as the existence of Atlantis and the proposition that islands and continents float in the sea. (Such Anthroposophic beliefs are rarely stated in class, but occasionally they surface.)]
[geology The study of the Earth's physical structure. As taught in Waldorf schools, this subject may sometimes include such occult belief as that the Earth is alive and, for instance, some of its layers will cry out if stepped on. (Such Anthroposophic beliefs are rarely stated in class, but occasionally they surface.)]
geomancy "Divination from inspection of the local geographic situation...." 80 p. 109
[geometry The branch of mathematics dealing with regular physical forms such as points, lines, triangles, squares, cones, etc. Steiner said geometry reveals spiritual truths and leads toward the development of clairvoyance.]
[German Idealism A philosophical movement that opposed the rational skepticism of Enlightenment philosophy; it harkened back to a more metaphysical vision.]
[Germans, Germany Steiner was a German nationalist. He created Waldorf education to help Germans fulfill their national "mission." He deemed Germany to stand at the pinnacle of human civilization and spiritual development, albeit not without imperfections that he offered to cure.]
GESP "General Extrasensory Perception." 80 p. 109 [Parapsychologists sometimes use this term as a catch-all label for apparent instances of psychic cognition that cannot be distinctly identified as ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.]
gestic magic "Black magic in which assistance by evil spirits is said to be invoked." 73 p. 87
ghost "Apparition or supernormal appearance of a deceased person...." 73 p. 88 [According to Steiner, ghosts are entities detached from the spirit realm due to evil experiences or evil actions of human souls.]
ghoul "[A]n evil demon who robs graves and gorges himself on corpses." 80 p. 110
[giants Mythical beings of great stature and power; in some traditions, the rivals of the gods. Steiner said they really exist.]
[globes, global states Theosophical term sometimes used by Steiner. In general: stages of form.]
glossolalia "Speaking in pseudo tongues." 73 p. 88
gnani yoga "The yoga path to the Absolute, by the attainment of wisdom." 73 p. 88
gnome "In Cabalism, a hunch-backed [sic] dwarf...[who] is considered to be in the earth's exact center." 80 p. 112 [In Anthroposophy, gnomes are nature spirits that live within the ground.]
gnosis "In the first Christian centuries the esoteric wisdom imparted by Jewish and Christian teachers." 80 p. 112 [More generally, gnosis is knowledge of spiritual mysteries. (The word gnōsis, Greek, means knowledge.)]
[gnosticism In general, belief that secret spiritual knowledge — not faith or good works — is needed for spiritual advancement or salvation.]
Gnostics "Members of an early Christian church sect, professing special knowledge of an Oriental esoteric nature...." 73 p. 89
goat "[T]he Devil's invocation ... The goat was also viewed as a symbol of the Jew's satanism." 80 p. 112
[goblins In Anthroposophy, real beings: gnomes.]
God "Power superior to man's, and one who controls the world in all its aspects." 80 p. 112 [Generally, "God" with a capitalized "G" means the one and only true God of monotheistic faith. When a small "g" is used, "god" refers to any of a number of gods: powerful spiritual beings whom humans worship. In Anthroposophy, there are many gods, extending from gods just barely superior to humans to gods almost incomprehensibly superior.]
[goddess A female god. "The source of life and being, once prevalent in religious imagination, but much suppressed during the millennia of male control of religions." — OXFORD DICTIONARY OF WORLD RELIGIONS (1997), p. 380. Also see "great goddess".]
[Godhead, The The ground of being or divine nature. The Godhead is often conceived to be the origin of all existence, although the concept tends to be nebulous and not distinctly coterminous with an identifiable Creator God. On the other hand, perhaps reductively, Anthroposophists sometimes equate the Godhead with the Holy Trinity. More accurately, according to Steiner's indications, the Godhead is divine will, the beneficence that the nine ranks of gods seek to fulfill.]
[God of Light The Sun God; in Anthroposophy, Christ.]
[gods Deities; superhuman beings having great powers, and often worshipped. In polytheistic faiths, many gods are recognized. Anthroposophy is polytheistic — Steiner taught that there are nine ranks of gods divided into three groupings he called hierarchies.]
[God the Father In Christianity: the first person of the triune God. In Anthroposophy: the planetary spirit of Saturn, and/or the ultimate divinity that we will evolve to become.]
Goethe, Johan Wolfgang von (1749-1832) "One of the last universal of the greatest poets and dramatists ... [H]is interest in alchemy and the occult was utilized in his masterpiece Faust." [Steiner admired Goethe and named the Anthroposophical headquarters, the Goetheanum, after him.]
[Goethean science The form of physical science advocated by Steiner and often found in Waldorf schools. Based on the teachings of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, it emphasizes "discerning" spiritual essence in physical phenomena.]
[Goetheanum The Anthroposophical headquarters, named for Goethe, whom Steiner admired. The original Goetheanum was destroyed by fire; the current building was begun before Steiner's death and completed afterwards. It stands in Dornach, Switzerland.]
goetia "In occultism, the evil or malign — Black Magic [sic]." 80 p. 113
gold "In the occult [sic] this metal represents the metal of the sun, or true knowledge, and of spiritual worth." 80 p. 113
[golden age In general usage, a "golden age" is any idyllic historical period; often it is equated with life in the Garden of Eden. In Hinduism and Theosophy, the "Golden Age" is the first major age in each recurring cycle of ages: Krita Yuga.]
[golden fleece In Greek mythology: the marvelous golden wool of a mythic ram; Jason and his Argonauts searched for it. In Anthroposophy, Jason's quest is seen as the enactment of an initiation rite. (Anthroposophists tend to interpret all great human quests — for the Holy Grail, for the philosopher's stone, for the golden fleece — as a quest for occult wisdom, i.e., a quest that leads to Anthroposophy.)]
golem "In Hebrew legend a lump of clay given life [with a human form] ... [Such] artificial men, homunculi, androids, robots, were made by the ancient sages...." 80 p. 113
[Golgotha Calvary, the site of Christ's Crucifixion.]
[Gondwana, Gondwanaland A primeval landmass that may have stretched from South America to Australia.]
[good In Anthroposophy: conformity to the divine cosmic plan, furthering evolution. Cf. "evil".]
[good gods In Anthroposophy: benevolent, self-sacrificing gods who promote human and cosmic evolution. Cf. "evil gods".]
[good races In Anthroposophy: races that evolve in accordance with the divine cosmic plan; races comprised of individuals with progressive, properly evolving souls. Cf. "evil races".]
[good souls In Anthroposophy: people and beings who walk the white (good) path of spiritual evolution. Cf. "evil souls".]
[gospel A set of teachings and beliefs, especially the teachings of Jesus Christ. The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. Steiner "corrrected" these with his Fifth Gospel.]
[Gotama See "Gautama".]
[Götterdämmerung In Norse mythology: the ultimate battle between the gods and their enemies, in which all perish. It is the prototype for Anthroposophy's War of All Against All.]
[grace In Christianity: the freely bestowed favor of God. In Anthroposophy: assistance enabling one to evolve properly.]
[graces Prayers of thanksgiving given before or after meals; many are used in Waldorf schools.]
[Graeco-Roman Age See "Greco-Roman Age".]
[Grail, The Holy See "Holy Grail".]
[Grail stream One of the four mystical streams that purportedly converge in Anthroposophy. This stream is said to originate in the East, bearing the spiritual wisdom of the East.]
[gravity In physics: the force that attracts physical masses to each other. In Anthroposophic belief, gravity is a local phenomenon found only on solid planets.]
[gray See "grey".]
[great chain of being A Medieval Christian concept: a hierarchy of beings extending from the lowest to the highest, encompassing all of creation. Steiner adapted this concept for his Anthroposophical teachings.]
[great epochs In Anthroposophy: extended historical periods: evolutionary phases falling between stages of form and cultural epochs: the Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Post-Atlantean, Sixth Epoch (Seals), and Seventh Epoch (Trumpets).]
great goddess "[The] great fertility goddess which in one form or another is found in all major mythologies and religions..." 80 p. 11 [Also see "goddess".]
[Great Sacrifice In Anthroposophy: spiritual self-denial.]
[great self In Hinduism: one's higher, truer identity; one's spiritual self. The concept is reflected in Theosophy and Anthroposophy. Cf. "little self".]
[Great Sin In Anthroposophy: leaving the correct or "white" evolutionary path.]
Great White Brotherhood "See White Brotherhood [sic]." 73 p. 90
[Greco-Roman Age According to Steiner: the fourth cultural epoch in the Post-Atlantean great epoch, when ancient Greek and Roman cultures were at their height (747 BC to 1413 AD).]
[Greek Olympics at Waldorf schools Competitions/festivals patterned on traditional Olympic games, generally staged for fifth grade students, who are believed to have reached the evolutionary level of ancient Greeks.]
green "Green light perceived in the human aura, is generally held to be indicative of intellectual activity." 73 p. 90
grey "Patches in the human aura are noticed at the site of incipient physical disorder." 73 p. 90
[Grimm's fairy tales Folklore collected by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, published between 1812 and 1857; these tales are often told to young Waldorf students.]
grimoires "Magician's Black Books [sic] ... There were many such books, very popular during the Middle Ages, which described the arts of Black Magic [sic]." 80 p. 115
[Group, The Monumental sculpture of Christ, Ahriman, and Lucifer, in the Goetheanum. Christ is depicted as humanity's prototype, and for this reason the sculpture is sometimes called The Representative of Humanity. The statue is usually described as Steiner's creation, but most of the actual sculpting was done by sculptress Edith Maryon.]
[group ego See "group soul".]
[group karma In Anthroposophy: the karma of a species or group having a group soul.]
group soul "[M]any souls are linked by a group in a scale of spiritual evolution." 73 p. 90 [According to Steiner, a group soul is a spiritual being, an over-soul shared by members of a spiritual grouping; it is more characteristic of animals and ancient peoples than modern humans, although human groups — families, nations, races, etc. — today still have group souls.]
guardian "In the Eastern Orthodox Church the belief that in addition to a guardian angel each person has also a guardian devil." 80 p. 116
guardian angel "A guiding spirit, control or guide, more particularly the personal control who is charged with the well-being of the medium...." 73 p. 90 [Steiner's conception was more conventional; he said guardian angels are angelic beings who seek to protect individual humans. All angels, according to Steiner, are in effect guardian angels.]
[guardian devil Some occultists say that, since humanity's expulsion from the Garden of Eden, each human being has an accompanying demon or imp, analogous to a guardian angel but generally working harm.]
[GUARDIAN OF THE THRESHOLD, THE The third of four mystery plays written by Rudolf Steiner; finished in 1912.]
[Guardians of the Threshold In Anthroposophy: beings who block access to the spirit realm until one is properly prepared to enter.]
guide "[A] beneficent control who acts in a protective or instructive capacity." 73 p. 90
[guiding light In Anthroposophical teachings: a) spiritual guidance, a spirit that guides; b) guidance from the Lodge of Twelve, the seat of the spiritual guides of human evolution.]
[Guiding Lodge, The According to Steiner: the Lodge of Twelve, the seat of the spiritual guides of human evolution.]
guru "The teacher whose spiritual knowledge and advice must be absolute in authority, and one the student must accept." 80 p. 119 [Steiner taught that all spiritual seekers must have gurus whose authority is unquestioned, although in Western spiritual streams gurus function more as advisors than lords. He also said that Waldorf students, especially young ones, should accept their teachers as unquestioned authorities — in effect accepting them as priests or gurus.]
guru mantra "The sacred formula whispered by a guru into the ear of the disciple on initiation." 80 p. 119
gyromancy "Divination by continuing around a circle until exhaustion...." 80 p. 120.
- H -
H "This letter...for Cabalists, has the magical property of imparting divinity to words to which it is added." 80 p. 120
Hades "Commonly known as the 'infernal regions', 'purgatory' and similar after-death states." 73 p. 91 [In Greek mythology, Hades is the abode of the dead. Christians and others often conflate it with Hell.]
Hagirth "One of the seven Olympian spirits in occultism. He is the master of Venus." 80 p. 120
hair "Considered the seat of the body's vital essence is esoteric doctrine...." 80 p. 120
half circle "In esoteric, mathematical mysticism this denotes the soul." 80 p. 121
Hall of Revelations, The "(Taoism) The magicians and mediums...used this special building to induce spiritualistic revelations." 80 p. 121
halls of learning "Places for instruction in the spirit spheres. Sometimes said to be visited by earth people during sleep." 80 p. 121 [Steiner taught that, during sleep, the astral and ego bodies ascend into the spirit realm. He said the visions one has during sleep are, in at least some circumstances, true.]
halo "A circle of light often depicted around a saintly person's head ... May have some connection with the aura as seen by clairvoyants." 73 p. 92
[handcraft, handicraft See "handwork", below.]
[handwork Work done by hand; the term usually applies to crafts such as woodworking or sewing. Handwork is often stressed in Waldorf schools; it is deemed to confer healthful and spiritual benefits.]
hanse "The mystic bird in the occultism of the Asian nations." 80 p. 121
Haptok-ring "(Zoroastrianism) The star constellation that surrounds the doorway to hell." 80 p. 122
[harmony of the spheres The purported music, inaudible by ordinary hearing, created by the motions of the celestial spheres and/or their resident spirits. In some traditions, it is said to be responsible for the creation of the physical universe. Some esotericists equate it with the Godhead.]
[Hasidism Mystical, fundamentalist Jewish movement, found today primarily in Israel and New York City.]
[Hausaka therapeutic painting A form of watercolor painting meant to be guided by unconscious spiritual insight.]
hatha yoga "Yoga pathway by means of physical culture and health discipline." 73 p. 92
hauntings "Regular supernatural disturbances commonly attributed to spirits of the dead." 73 p. 92
Hayoth "(Judaism) ... Ezekiel and Isaiah ... In Christian occultism [the Hayoth] are the Evangelists...." 80 p. 122
[head According to Steiner, a metamorphosed cuttlefish; not the center of true cognition.]
["head, heart and hands" A Waldorf motto, meant to indicate that the schools educate the whole child. In practice, emphasis on the heart and hands means downplaying the importance of the head (academics and intellect).]
[head man In Anthroposophy: the inner human being embodying the forces of the head system.]
[head system In Anthroposophy: the nerve-senses system: one of three primary physiological systems, this one centered in the head.]
healing, spirit "Healing by spiritualist healers is claimed to be primarily due to the power of doctors in the spirit world who are able to co-operate [sic] with them, following intercession for a particular patient." 73 p. 93
[health In Waldorf belief, health is a reflection of karma, astrology, and other esoteric influences. Cf. "illness".]
"health" aura "The first aura, the almost colorless lines radiating from the body." 80 p. 123
[hearing One of the 12 senses enumerated by Steiner; a spirit sense, it functions under the aegis of the constellation Cancer.]
[heart a) In modern medicine: a muscular, hollow organ that pumps blood. b) In Anthropsosophy: a sense organ, not a pump. As the seat of feeling, it provides truer guidance than the head, Steiner taught.]
[Heat Death In Anthroposophical belief: the fourth Realm of Spirit, preceding the First Woe in the seventh great epoch (Trumpets). Having transcended the spiritual equivalents of earth, water, and air, the equivalent of fire will be transcended. Like the other Realms of Spirit, Heat Death will be a period analogous to a cultural epoch in our current great epoch (the Post-Atlantean). Heat Death will be overseen by Aquarius.]
[Heaven In Anthroposophy: heaven as it is usually conceived does not exist. Steiner taught that above the physical world are spirit realms that we visit in sleep and death. Our spiritual objective is not a place, however, but an ultimate stage of evolution when we will become the highest gods or, jointly, God the Father.]
[Heaven of the Four Guardian Kings, The One of the most important of the many heavens described in Eastern cosmology: the dwelling place of gods who battle the evil Asuras who seek to disrupt the peace of heaven. Each of these gods protects one quarter of the lands below heaven.]
[Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods, The One of the most important of the many heavens described in Eastern cosmology: the dwelling place of gods who watch over human affairs in the mundane world, noting the good and evil done.]
Hebdomad "In Gnosticism the psychic, astral or soul-region, or body of man." 80 p. 123
[Hebrews, Jews — members of a Semitic people traditionally said to descend from the patriarch Abraham. According to Steiner, there is no reason for the continued existence of this people or their culture.]
[Heimdal In Norse myths: the white god who guards the bridge to Asgard.]
Hel, Hela "In Norse mythology, the Queen of the Land of the Dead...." 80 p. 124
[Helios Ancient Greek Sun God — in Anthroposophy, a vision of Christ.]
[Hell Like heaven, hell does not exist as a location, according to Anthroposophical doctrine. However, something very like it does — the Abyss and/or the Eighth Sphere.]
helper, spirit "Term for a discarnate entity...who is eager to assist a subject in a humble way." 73 p. 95
hepatoscopy "The use of the sheep's liver in divination...." 80 p. 124
herbal exorcism "Abyssum [sic] in the four corners of a house exorcises evil spirits." 80 p. 125
[herbs Seed-bearing plants without woody stems; they die to the ground after flowering. Anthroposophical medicine relies heavily on the use of herbs. A treatment for cancer, for instance, entails use of mistletoe. (Steiner said he received his first occult initiation from an herb collector, Felix Koguzki.)]
[heredity In Anthroposophical belief, inherited characteristics are far less important than karma.]
[Hermes Ancient Greek messenger god; according to Steiner, a student of Zarathustra and an early apprehension of Christ.]
hermetic axiom "This expressed the relationship of Macrocosm to Microcosm...'as above, so below.'" 80 p. 125 [Steiner taught that the human being is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm or universe. The hermetic axiom is also reflected in other Anthroposophical teachings.]
hesed "In the Cabala the masculine energy of justice, peace, and love...." 80 p. 126
hex "The practice of witchcraft." 80 p. 126
[hexagram Any figure made of six straight lines. A six-pointed star made in this way is often called the Star of David. In Anthroposophy, a six-pointed star is the framework for the astral body. Sixty-four figures each consisting of six straight lines (whole or broken) occur in the I CHING.]
[Hiberian mysteries According to Steiner: mysterious or occult spiritual wisdom found in Hibernia (i.e., Ireland).]
hierarchy "In theosophy...the degrees, grades, and levels of evolving entities...." 80 p. 126 [Steiner identified nine ranks of gods divided into three groupings called hierarchies: the first (highest), second (middle), and third (lowest) hierarchy. Also in Anthroposophy, the term "hierarchies" is sometimes used as a synonym for "gods."]
hierarchy of spirit "A term often used by controls of trance mediums. It is descriptive of the integration between the different spirit planes of existence...a chain of communication through the spheres to the medium on the earth plane." 73 p. 95
hieroglyphs "In poltergeistic phenomena and in seances, the writing that is produce without a medium or any physical agent." 80 p. 126 [According to more conventional usage, hieroglyphs are a stylized pictures — words or sounds — in writing systems that do not use alphabets.]
hierophant "A priest instructor for initiatory ceremonies and ritual [sic]." 73 p. 96
[Higher Devachan According to Theosophy (and reflected in Anthroposophy): the highest three areas or realms in the spirit world, holding the geminating seeds for soul existence, life existence, and physical existence.]
[higher ego Generally, in esoteric belief: one's purified, spiritualized identity; the better, higher self one aspires to be. In Theosophy, "higher ego" is one's spiritual identity, which passes from one incarnation to the next; it is distinct from the lowly ego of psychology. Also see "higher I", below; cf. "higher self".]
[higher "I" A superior portion of the "I", according to Steiner; it remains in the spirit realm while the lower "I" exists on Earth. Also see "highest 'I'".]
[higher mental plane According to Theosophical teachings, this is the upper or more elevated portion of the mental plane, where expression is given to one's higher mental functions, ego, or self.]
[higher races Steiner taught that there is a hierarchy of races, extending from low, less evolved races to high, more evolved races. Generally, the white race is currently the highest, most advanced race, Steiner said.]
higher self "An Eastern esoteric concept of a super consciousness [sic] attainable by meditation practices." 73 p. 96
[Higher Spiritland According to Steiner, this is the higher portion of the spirit world, higher than both the soul world and the lower portion of the spirit world.]
[Higher Spiritland Stage of Form In Anthroposophy: the first stage of form. For us, in the Present Earth condition of consciousness, it is the first of seven subdivisions of our current condition of life, manifested in the mineral kingdom.]
[higher worlds The spirit realms above us. Steiner generally identified two higher worlds, the soul world and the spirit world (although he indicated that there are other, higher worlds beyond these). Cf. "lower world".]
[highest "I" According to Anthroposophy: the god we will become when we unite our higher "I" with the "I" of the universe.]
Hinayana "[A]n 'inner' Buddhist creed supposed [sic] for the intelligent minority ... [M]ainly a technique for absorption into the Absolute, [it] has no belief in Buddha as a continuant and disclaims the notion of Buddhist saints or Bodhisattvas." 73 p. 96
Hinduism "The main religion of India ... The foundation of all existence is said to be Brahma ... There is also the doctrine of the Atman or Higher Self ... This Great Self is later identified with Brahma. The personal [endeavor] is to discard the earthly experience as an unreal perception, as being worthy of being only a misperceived 'little self', therefore meditation must center on the Great Self to conquer the little self." 73 p. 96 [A polytheistic faith, Hinduism puts great store in the concept of reincarnation. Both Theosophy and Anthroposophy draw extensively from Hinduism.]
[history In Anthroposophy, true history is the story of evolving human spiritual consciousness, which has included periods on the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. How much of this story shows up in Waldorf history classes varies from school to school and teacher to teacher.]
hitlahavat "(Judaism) God intoxication...." 80 p. 128
Hodur, Hod "The Scandinavian god of night...." 80 p. 129 [He is often described as the blind god who — having been tricked by Loki — killed his brother, Baldur, the god of light.]
[holistic education Waldorf schools aim to educate the whole child, by which they mean a youngster who has three invisible bodies, 12 senses, both a soul and a spirit, a classical temperament, an astrological identity, a spiritually significant racial identity, and so forth.]
[Holocaust denial The belief that the Nazi Holocaust, aimed principally at eradicating Jews, did not occur or has been greatly exaggerated. Some prominent Anthroposophists have been Holocaust deniers.]
[Holy Communion Christian ceremony, commemorating Christ's last supper with his disciples, during which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. Traditionally the bread is believed to become Christ's body and the wine becomes Christ's blood (see "transubstantiation"). The ceremony is also called Eucharist.]
[Holy Ghost In Christianity: the third person of the triune God. In Anthroposophy: a separate god, the god of Old Moon, the female creator of Christ.]
Holy Grail, The "Much sought-for sacred vessel of innumerable symbolic myths and legends." 73 p. 97 [The Holy Grail is usually identified as the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Steiner said the Grail symbolizes occult wisdom; the search for the Grail is, then, the quest that leads to Anthroposophy.]
[Holy Nights The 13 nights between Christmas and Epiphany. In Anthroposophical lore, the Earth holds its breath during this period, nature spirits are busy preparing for spring, and human dream life intensifies.]
[Holy Spirit See "Holy Ghost", above.]
[Holy Trinity The Christian triune God is believed to have three members or persons — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In Hinduism, the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva comprise a trinity of creation, preservation, and destruction. In Anthroposophy, the Holy Trinity consists of the creative forces of the physical world, the divine forces imminent in the present, and the divinity yet to be realized in the future. The three divinities seen as a single triune God in Christianity are separate gods in Anthroposophy, although — as in Hinduism — they may be seen as comprising the Godhead.]
home circle "A dedicated group of about seven friends, meeting regularly but unobtrusively...united in their belief that spirit helpers are ready to uplift them and stimulate their efforts to serve humanity or to develop their psychic powers...." 73 p. 97
[homeless souls In Anthroposophy, generally: souls who do not feel "at home" on the physical plane during Earthly incarnation.]
[homeopathy Treating diseases with tiny doses of the substances that cause the diseases. Anthroposophical medicine includes some homeopathic practices.]
homunculus "A term used in Jewish mysticism to refer to...androids. [sic]" 80 p. 129 [More commonly, a homunculus is a tiny human or humanoid figure.]
honey "In ancient times...honey was considered a heavenly gift with religious qualities. It was believed to have dripped from trees in the Golden Age; that being heavenly it has mystic virtues and was therefore used in drinking to the dead." 80 p. 129
[Honir An enigmatic Norse god, rarely mentioned in the myths. In Anthroposophical interpretations, he bequeathed imagination to humanity.]
hoodoo "In evil spirit." 80 p. 130
horary astrology "This branch of astrology deals with the problems or questions asked by a querent (q.v.)...." 80 p. 130
horned hand "An occult sign that renders the Devil powerless, made by depressing the middle fingers and the thumb while raising both the index and little fingers." 80 p. 130
horoscope "A symbolic map of the heavens at a particular moment, drawn by an astrologer...for the purpose of interpreting an alleged correlation between the positions of the celestial bodies and earthly tendencies at that time." 73 p. 98
house "In astrology...houses are divisions referring to the time involved in the earth's daily rotation ... [T]hey cover a two-hour segment...." 80 p. 131 [Each house spans a twelfth of the zodiac and is represented by one astrological sign. Generally, the houses are 1: Aries 2: Taurus 3: Gemini 4: Cancer 5: Leo 6: Virgo 7: Libra 8: Scorpio 9: Sagittarius 10: Capricorn 11: Aquarius 12: Pisces.]
[house spirit The soul or deva of a structure built to be occupied by humans.]
[HOW TO KNOW HIGHER WORLDS This is one title for the seminal Steiner text otherwise known as KNOWLEDGE OF THE HIGHER WORLDS AND ITS ATTAINMENT or simply KNOWLEDGE OF THE HIGHER WORLDS. In it, Steiner prescribes spiritual exercises meant to foster clairvoyance and, through it, knowledge of the spirit realm.]
Hsin "(Taoism) The original or intuitive mind of man...." 80 p. 131
Hsuan "The term central to Taoism means the 'mystery of mysteries, the gate of all existence'...the Supremely Profound Principle." 80 p. 132
[Hu Ancient Egyptian god associated with the Sun. In Anthroposophy, Hu is deemed an early vision of Christ.]
[human beings In Anthroposophic belief, the entire universe — or at least the solar system — was created so that human beings can exist and evolve. Humans are the center of creation. The universe or macrocosm is the human being or microcosm writ large. The gods above us were once human before evolving higher; we will follow them and become gods — ultimately the highest god.]
[human constitution Steiner gave varying accounts of human nature, variously indicating that we have three, four, seven, or nine major component parts.]
[humanism Generally, an outlook that accords primary importance to human beings. Waldorf humanism is essentially religious, placing humans at the center of creation, beloved of the gods.]
[human kingdom In Anthroposophy, drawing from ancient teachings: the highest of four kingdoms of nature, standing above the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms.]
[Human Kingdom Condition of Life The final condition of life in the Present Earth condition of consciousness; during this condition of life, we become fully, truly human.]
[human stage of evolution According to Steiner, being "human" means standing at a certain stage of spiritual evolution. The gods above us once passed through their own human stages; we will pass beyond our human stage as we evolve to become gods.]
[humors, humours Bodily fluids believed to be largely responsible for temperaments. They are black bile (melancholic temperament), yellow bile (choleric), blood (sanguine), and phlegm (phlegmatic).]
hunting magic "Since prehistoric times man has used many magical rituals to insure success in the hunt." 80 p. 133
[hygienic occultism In Anthroposophy: occultism that protects and promotes health: i.e., Anthroposophy.]
hyle "Meaning 'first principle' or primordial substance of the physical universe." 80 p. 134
hylozoism "A doctrine that life is the property of all matter: all things being alive." 73 p. 100 [Steiner taught that essentially everything is alive; even minerals are alive.]
[hymns Religious songs, typically praising or addressing God or a god. Hymns are often sung in Waldorf schools.]
hyperaesthesia "Extreme acuteness of the normal senses, often noticed with hysterics and hypnotized subjects." 80 p. 134
hyperamnesia "Extension of the memory powers...noticed in hypnotized subjects." 80 p. 134
[Hyperborea In ancient Greek mythology, an idyllic land "beyond the north wind"; in Anthroposophy, the second condition of the Present Earth stage of evolution.]
[Hyperborean Epoch In Anthroposophy: our second great epoch, the evolutionary stage falling between the Polarian and Lemurian great epochs.]
hypnotic regression "Hypnotic technique whereby the subject is able to far back in his personal history...[sometimes including] events before birth ... [This] is advanced as evidence for the theory of reincarnation." 80 p. 134
- I -
["I" (ego) In Anthroposophy: our third invisible body, which incarnates around the age of 21. It (or its inner essence) is our divine selfhood; true individuality. Possessing an "I" makes one truly human. The gods before us, who evolved through their own human stages, attained "I"s. Animals and subhuman beings of other types do not possess "I"s, Steiner taught. Also see "ego".]
[I Am the I Am This is a disputable translation of a self-definition offered by Jehovah in the Bible (see Exodus 3:14). Other translations are "I Am That I Am," "I Am Who I Am," "I Will Be Who I Will Be," etc. In Anthroposophy, each awakened human being is said to share the divine comprehension of unique existence: "I am" is the central intuition of the human soul; "I Am the I Am" is thus considered the highest expression of divine selfhood.]
["I"-being In Anthroposophy: the "I" or spiritual ego, or the possessor of an "I".]
I CHING "The Chinese BOOK OF CHANGES, the experimental basis of classical Chinese philosophy, in which a grasp of the total situation at any given moment is said to be obtained ... The psychic and physical worlds are held to be the dual expression of a living reality." 73 p. 102
["I" organization In Anthroposophical belief: the comprehensive description of one's identity, consisting of the "I", the higher "I", and the highest "I".]
["I", sense of, or sense of the "I" In Anthroposophy: the spiritual sense that enables one to recognize the "I" in another. However, you cannot truly know another's "I"; only the individual can truly know his or her own "I". Also see "ego sense".]
Ialdabaoth "In Gnosticism the evil demon who gave birth to the Lower World." 80 p. 135
Iao "[T]he mystic symbol of the Supreme Divine World among the ancient Chaldeans and Phoenicians; the name which is not to be spoken...." 80 p. 135
Iblis "(Islam) The Devil...whose domain is now the earth...." 80 p. 135
icthyomancy "Divination by a study of the entrails of fishes." 80 p. 136
[idealism According to Steiner: one of the 12 justified world conceptions; it holds that everything in existence is an embodiment of an idea.]
[ideal magic According to Steiner: true "white" magic — i.e., accepting Anthroposophy and receiving the beneficial results of that acceptance.]
ideoplasm "A term for ectoplasm with the additional implication that it is capable of being moulded into any desired shape." 73 p. 103
Idisi "Demonic female spirits in Germanic mythology." 80 p. 136
Ieu "The Gnostic term for...the archetypal first man...." 80 p. 137
igneous demons "[M]alevolent spirits who never permit use them as familiars...." 80 p. 137
ignis fatuus "Peculiar lights which appear in cemeteries or marshy places ... [S]ome sensitives claim to see [such] lights where sudden death has occurred." 73 p. 103
[illness In Waldorf belief, illness comes, at least in part, from karma, astrology, and other esoteric influences. Your karma, for instance, may require you to undergo certain illnesses. Thus, illness is often deemed a blessing.]
Illuminati "The brotherhood of the enlightened adepts in the occult arts which flourished in Spain and France throughout the latter part of the 15th century and the 16th. Rosicrucians also called themselves by this name." 80 p. 137
[illusion In many forms of esotericism, the physical realm is deemed a region of maya or illusion. An extreme position is that nothing physical actually exists — it is wholly illusory.]
Ilmatur "The virgin who falls from heaven into the sea before Finnish mythology...." 80 p. 138
[imagination As generally understood, this is mental creativity; the faculty for developing new ideas or images; also the process of fantasizing. As understood in Anthroposophy: In its low form, imagination is the ability to form mental pictures (imagination); in its high form, imagination is the first stage of clairvoyance (Imagination). It is "the first stage of initiation...clairvoyant imaginative perception [in which] imaginations can reveal their significance." — H. van Oort, ANTHROPOSOPHY A-Z (Sophia Books, 2011), p. 59. All humans will possess high Imagination when we proceed to Future Jupiter, Steiner said; hence, Imagination is sometimes called "Jupiter consciousness".]
[imaginations Accurate images formed by imagination or clairvoyance — according to Steiner.]
[imitation According to Steiner, imitation is the primary impulse and mode of existence for children during their first seven years. Waldorf teachers strive to give students the proper attitudes, feelings, and actions to imitate.]
immanence "In theology, the indwelling of Deity with the world. (Equivalent of pantheism.)" 73 p. 104
[immorality In Anthroposophy: wickedness, sin, or immorality is deemed essentially the failure to evolve in accordance with the divine cosmic plan.]
[immortality Steiner taught that the human spirit is immortal, whereas the human soul ceases to exist after each incarnation — it is replaced by a new soul in the next incarnation.]
[imp A small, mischievous demon or sprite.]
impersonation "The imitation by one spirit of another's person and character. This can happen in [seances]...." 80 p. 139
impression "[T]he process by which [disembodied] entities can influence the mind of a mediumistic person [i.e., a medium]." 73 p. 105
incantation "The expression of special formulae to achieve a magical effect through some supernatural powers...[such as] bewitching someone, or the exorcising of a demon." 80 p. 139
incarnate "Clothed in flesh, a spirit animating an earthly body." 73 p. 105 [Also see "incarnation", below.]
[incarnating exercises In Anthroposophical belief: spiritual exercises meant to aid the process of incarnation. As used in Waldorf schools, they aim to help children to be fully present.]
[incarnation Coming to possess a distinct form. In Anthroposophical doctrine, various members of our being gradually incarnate as we age. The etheric body incarnates around age seven, for instance, and the astral body around age 14. The goal of Waldorf schooling can be described as assisting children with their incarnations. Also in Anthroposophical doctrine, we reincarnate many times; each incarnation (which consists of several minor incarnations) is just one of our many lives.]
incarnation of Satan "It is believed that certain Satanic figures on earth are incarnations of Satan; for example...Nero, Attila, Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin." 80 p. 139
[incarnations of the solar system In Anthroposophical doctrine, the major stages of our evolution (our conditions of consciousness) occur within a sequence of incarnations of the entire solar system. These are also known as planetary conditions.]
1. Old Saturn 7. Future Vulcan 2. Old Sun 6. Future Venus 3. Old Moon 5. Future Jupiter 4. Present Earth
Incommunicable Axiom "The catalytic knowledge in [sic] the occult which has been considered the magic code. Once this is solved, the occultist has deemed himself omnipotent." 80 p. 140
[incorporation a) In Anthroposophy, often: incarnation. b) In some esoteric teachings: the invasion of a human body by a spirit that takes control of the body.]
incubus "An evil spirit, a vampire ... It descended on sleeping persons, especially to have sexual intercourse with women...." 80 p. 140
[Indian Age In Anthroposophy: the first cultural epoch here on the physical Earth (approx. 7230-5070 BC), when ancient Indian culture was at its height. (The reference is to Asian India, not the culture of American Indians.)]
[indoctrination Teaching uncritical acceptance of a body of doctrines. Critics say that Waldorf schools aim to indoctrinate students, their parents, and new faculty members in the doctrines of Anthroposophy.]
Indra "(Hinduism) ... [T]he god of the sky, the sovereign of the world...the hurler of thunderbolts." 80 p. 140
influence "Mediums often refer to spirit influences, usually meaning impression or clairsentience." 80 p. 140
initiate "One admitted to knowledge of occult mysteries by systematic psychic development." 73 p. 106 [In Anthroposophy, becoming an occult initiate is considered a necessary step in one's spiritual advancement. Waldorf faculty members often consider themselves to be occult initiates.]
[initiation The process of becoming an initiate. Steiner outlines the process of Anthroposophical initiation in his book HOW TO KNOW HIGHER WORLDS, which sometimes bears the subtitle "A Modern Path of Initiation".]
inner light "Term used by the Society of Friends [i.e., Quakers] that describes the human capacity for spiritual experience of God." 80 p. 141 [The term is actually used widely, generally meaning personal spiritual enlightenment or revelation.]
[inner logic Internal consistency. Anthroposophists often make the disputable claim that their belief system or "spiritual science" is distinguished by great inner logic. Cf. "contradiction".]
[inner men Steiner sometimes indicated that the outer human being consists of many tiny, inner human beings. In this sense, humans are composite beings.]
[inner organs According to Steiner: incorporeal organs that we develop after death as we rise through planetary spheres, particularly the spheres of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.]
[inoculation Vaccination; generally but not absolutely opposed by Anthroposophists, believing that it can interfere with karma.]
insanity "It has been said that mediumship is a threat to sanity. However, there is at present no definitive data on the subject." 80 p. 141
inspiration "[Receiving information] from unknown sources. This is an act of drawing-in mentally which parallels the physical concept of the drawing-in of breath." 73 p. 107 [In Anthroposophy, at its low level: sensing the spirit of something (inspiration); at its high level (Inspiration), understanding the truths of imaginations; mid-level clairvoyance. Inspiration is "the second stage of initiation ... The initiate at this stage can perceive the living flux from which imaginations come into being." — H. van Oort, ANTHROPOSOPHY A-Z (Sophia Books, 2011), p. 61. Inspiration will be perfected during Old Venus, Steiner said; it is thus sometimes called "Venus consciousness."]
[instinct In Anthroposophy: intuitive response; an element of the will arising from the physical body.]
instrument "A term often used by a control when referring to the medium." 73 p. 108
insufflation "[O]ne of the most important aspects of occult medicine...[meaning] to breathe upon ... [A]n alternation of cold and warm one of the most potent methods...." 80 p. 142
[intellect The faculty of reasoning and objective understanding; according to Steiner, in its standard form it is dangerous, unreliable, and damaging — it is a "gift" of Lucifer corrupted by Ahriman. Acceptable "intellect," of the type that Waldorf high schools aim to foster, is the use of reasoning capacities under the direction of heartfelt imagination, inspiration, or intuition.]
[intellectual soul In Anthroposophy: the mind soul, the second of three soul members, above the sentient soul and below the spirit soul. This soul is "intellectual" only in the altered, Anthroposophical sense — the mind subordinated to the heart, rationality subordinated to clairvoyance.]
[Intellectual Stage of Form In Anthroposophy: the sixth of seven subdivisions of our condition of life, recapitulating Lower Spiritland at a higher level.]
intuition "Knowledge obtained without reasoning." 73 p. 109 [At its low level: unreflective knowledge; at its high level, unmediated, immediate spiritual wisdom; high clairvoyance. It is the "third stage of initiation ... [T]he initiate is able to perceive not only the activity of spiritual beings but those beings themselves..." — H. van Oort, ANTHROPOSOPHY A-Z (Sophia Books, 2011), p. 61. We will perfect intuition during Future Vulcan, Steiner said; it is thus sometimes called "Vulcan consciousness".]
Intuitional world "In theosophy this is the sixth world, the one from which intuitions are received. The Buddhic Plane." 80 p. 142
invocation "A preliminary prayer, usually spoken at the beginning of a religious service." 73 p. 109
[involution In physiology: the shrinking of an organ. In various esoteric systems, including Theosophy and Anthroposophy: retrograde evolution; evolving away from, rather than toward, one's proper evolutionary goal. Also see "devolution".]
["I" organization In Anthroposophical belief, this is human identity comprehensively understood, consisting of the "I", the higher "I", and the highest "I".]
[irreclaimable moon In Anthroposophy: a place of perdition to which wrongdoers will be consigned during Future Venus; there, they will undergo an indescribable evolution.]
["I", sense of This is one of the twelve human senses enumerated by Steiner: the sense that enables you to perceive the "I" in another.]
[Isis Ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility; in Anthroposophy, the divine female principle.]
[Islam One of the world's great religions, founded in A.D. 622 by Muhammad. Rudolf Steiner occasionally found something to praise in Islam, but his basic view of that religion was deeply negative; he associated Islam with the arch-demons Ahriman and Lucifer.]
[islands According to Steiner, they float in the sea and are held in place by the stars.]
[Izeds In Zoroastrianism: spirits that regulate the days of the month.]