> A - B - C - D <

A - D     E - I    J - O     P - R     S     T - Z

Terms to be defined are shown in bold type. Definitions excerpted from the SteinerBooks dictionaries are placed within quotations marks. Anything I have added is placed within brackets. Definitions quoted from THE STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PSYCHIC, MYSTIC, OCCULT, published in 1973, are marked "73". Definitions quoted from THE NEW STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PARANORMAL, published in 1980, are marked "80".

- A -

[abdominal system   According to Steiner: one of three primary physiological systems. Consisting of digestive organs and limbs, the abdominal system is the seat of the will, he said.]

[Abel   According to the Book of Genesis: the second son of Adam and Eve; killed by his brother Cain. According to Steiner, Abel represents the female principle, whereas Cain represents the male principle.]

[abnormal   In Anthroposophical teachings, generally: backward, delayed, or regressive in development or evolution. Being abnormal is often akin to, but not identical to, being evil.

abracadabra   "A charm, incantation or magical word used to ward off misfortune...."  80 p. 1

Abraham   "The founder of Judaism ... [O]ne of the great mystics of antiquity...." 80 p. 1   [In biblical tradition, Abraham is the Hebrew patriarch from whom all Jews have descended.]

absent healing   "Healing through the intercession of a healing medium ... [The patients] have no direct contact with the medium."  73 p. 13   [Cf. "contact healing".]

Absolute, the   "The ultimate ground of all reality — Brahma, God ... [The] foundation of all mysticism; also of religion and much of the occult."  80 p. 2 

[abyss, Abyss   a) A deep, perhaps bottomless, canyon, on land or under the sea. b) Hell. c) According to Steiner: the region separating physical reality from spiritual reality; and/or a place of perdition for individuals who have sunk too far into physicality.]

[Accadians   Akkadians: the sixth sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[Adam   According to the Bible: the first man. In Anthroposophy: a sufficiently hardened early human, able to remain on Earth when other humans migrated to other planets. Steiner also used the name “Adam” to refer to a primal condition of humanity in general.] 

Adam Kadmon (Adam Cadmon)   "Meaning 'first man,' the archetypal man ... [T]he paradigm of the divine power emanating from God." 80 p. 2   [According to Kabbalistic teachings, Adam Kadmon is the perfect prototype of the human form, or the mystical meaning of that form.]

adept   "An occult title representative of the highest attainment on this earth by an Initiate, with conscious and complete mastery of psychic powers."  73 p. 13 

[adult teeth   A person's second set of teeth. In Waldorf schools, replacement of baby teeth by adult teeth is believed to signal the incarnation of a child's etheric body.]

[advanced races   According to Steiner: "normal" races that have evolved to higher spiritual levels than lower races. Whites are the most advanced, he said.]

[Advent   The four-week period leading to Christmas; also the second coming of Christ. The term applies to the coming (the "advent": birth or return) of Christ.]

[Advent Garden in a Waldorf school   A candlelit spiral of greenery laid on the floor of a darkened room. In observance of Advent, students walk silently along the spiral.]

[Advent Spiral - see "Advent Garden".]

[adversarial powers - in Anthroposophy, demons or evil gods or spirits that work to thwart the divine cosmic plan.]

Aeon   "Among the ancient indefinite or infinite period of time ... [The concept was] adopted by the Gnostics...." 80 p. 3.  [In gnostic teachings, an aeon is an age (an historical epoch) or the god presiding over that age. ]

Aesir   "The greater gods of the Scandinavian pantheon [i.e., in Norse myths] ... They inhabited the heavenly city of Asgard." 80 p. 3   [They were opposed by the band of gods called Vanir.]

affinities   "According to reincarnation theories, one person's destiny may be bound to another's through many earth lives ... [A]n extremely close bond of affection is said to be formed ... [The persons] are then said to be 'affinities'."  73 p. 14

afflatus   "Inspiration drawn upon. An aura of divine origin."  73 p. 14

[Africans   According to Steiner, the native peoples of Africa constitute an unevolved, childish race.] 

[age   In Anthroposophy: a subdivision of the current great epoch, a cultural epoch such as the Greco-Roman Age.]

agent   "In psychical research, one who acts as the transmitter in telepathic communications."  73 p.  14

[ages of man   In Greek and Roman mythology: stages of human existence, ranging from an idyllic Golden Age when humans dwelt among the gods, to the harsh Iron Age (the present) in which men toil and suffer. There were variously said to be four or five ages of man: Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Iron with, sometimes, an Heroic Age situated between Bronze and Iron.]

[Agnishvattas   In Anthroposophy: gods two levels above humanity. Essentially equivalent to Archangels, they are mid-level gods of the Third Hierarchy. Dwelling in the sphere of Mercury, they oversee such human groupings as nations, peoples, and races.]

Ahriman   "Chief of the fallen angels...the principal of evil or the Devil...." 80 p. 5    [Ahriman is the chief devil in Zoroastrianism; he is the foe of the Sun God, Ahura Mazda. In Anthroposophy, Ahriman is one of two arch-demons; the other is Lucifer. Ahriman is also known as Satan, aka Mephistopheles, aka Beelzebub. Steiner generally differentiated between Satan (Ahriman) and the Devil (Lucifer). Steiner also spoke of the Antichrist, Sorat sometimes called the major Antichrist). In some Anthroposophical texts, Ahriman is identified as a minor Antichrist.]

[Ahrimanic   Associated with (influenced by, controlled by...) Ahriman.]

[Ahrimanic beings   Minions of Ahriman; minor demons aligned with the great demon Ahriman.]

[Ahrimanic world   The world or the plane of existence dominated by Ahriman.]

Ahura Mazda   "In the Persian dualism, he was the creative and benevolent being heading the good spirits — also called Ormuzd." 80 p. 5   [In Persian usage, the name means "Wise Lord." Steiner taught that Ahura Mazda, as the Sun God, is Christ as comprehended by the ancient Persians.]

[air   One of the four elements recognized in Anthroposophy: earth, air, fire, and water. A fifth essential substance, ether or "quintessence", is sometimes also mentioned.]

[air ether   According to Steiner: the ethereal form of the element known as air.]

[air-fire beings   According to Steiner: Luciferic beings composed of air and warmth, dwelling in the atmosphere around the Earth.] 

[akasha (akasa)   A concept derived from Hinduism: the spiritualistic universal ether, sometimes termed astral light.]

[Akashic Chronicle(s) - see "Akashic Record(s)".]

Akashic Record(s)   "An occult term said to be a cosmic picture gallery and record of every thought, feeling and action since the world began. Often advanced as an explanation of clairvoyant and psychometric perceptions."  73 pp. 14-15   [Sometimes reference is made to more than one such record. Steiner claimed the clairvoyant ability to read these records. Also see "Astral Record(s)".]

[Akkadians   Accadians: the sixth sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

alchemy   "The ancient art which sought to transmute base metals into gold...." 80 p. 6    [In Anthroposophy: alchemy is occult bodily and spiritual transformation leading to higher states of existence.]

[alcohol   Steiner warned against its use, but he evidently used it in his pursuit of heightened clairvoyance, and he taught that it has played a needed function in human evolution, contributing to the development of individual spiritual identities.]

[All Against All, War of   Thomas Hobbes used this expression to denote the state of primitive human existence before the institution of civil government. Rudolf Steiner adapted the expression, applying it to a future apocalyptic war that will end the Post-Atlantean Epoch.]

[Allah   The chief designation of God as worshipped by Muslims and Arab Christians. The word means "God" in Arabic, and is thought to be a contraction of al-Ilāh, “the God.” "Allah is the pivot of the Muslim faith. Islam’s holy scripture, the Qurʾān, constantly preaches Allah’s reality, his inaccessible mystery, his various names, and his actions on behalf of his creatures ... Among the names of Allah are the One and Only, the Living One, the Subsisting (al-Ḥayy al-Qayyūm), the Real Truth (al-Ḥaqq), the Sublime (al-ʿAẓīm), the Wise (al-Ḥakīm), the Omnipotent (al-ʿAzīz), the Hearer (al-Samīʿ), the Seer (al-Baṣīr), the Omniscient (al-ʿAlīm), the Witness (al-Shahīd), the Trustee (al-Wakīl), the Benefactor (al-Raḥmān), the Merciful (al-Raḥīm), and the Constant Forgiver (al-Ghafūr, al-Ghaffār)." — ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, Feb. 9, 2016.]

[alp   An elf.]

[alternative education   Education that differs from mainstream, public schooling. The Waldorf alternative is rooted in the occult doctrines of Rudolf Steiner.]   

[America   According to Steiner: the home of abnormal descendants from Atlantis; materialistic America exists under the sway of Ahriman.]

[American Age   The seventh and concluding age (i.e., cultural epoch) of the current, fifth great epoch, the Post-Atlantean Epoch. The American Age will run from 5733 CE to approximately 7900 CE, and it will end in the War of All Against All.]

[American Indians   Native Americans: According to Steiner, descendants of abnormal Atlanteans, the "Saturn race"; they are doomed to decline and die out. (Steiner often indicated that, in effect, they have already died out.)]

[American Transcendentalists   Members of an idealistic/Romantic philosophical and political-reform movement considered by some Anthroposophists to have been precursors of Rudolf Steiner because of their interest in spiritual matters.]

Amshaspands   "The 7 Amshaspands of ancient Persia are analogous to...the 7 archangels of the Christian Apocalypse." 80 p. 9    [In Anthroposophy, the Amshaspands are gods, Time Rulers; there are twelve, and they are linked to the signs of the zodiac.]

[Anael   According to Anthroposophy: the Archangel of Venus, and — during the Anglo-Germanic Age — Time Archangel from ~2600 AD to ~2950 AD.]

[Ancient Akkadians   Akkadians: the sixth sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[ancient clairvoyance   The unschooled clairvoyance that, Steiner said, ancient peoples possessed naturally.]

[Ancient Mars - see Old Mars. Both "Old Mars" and "Ancient Mars" refer to Old Moon, the third incarnation of the solar system.]

[Ancient Mongolians   Mongols: the seventh sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[Ancient Moon   In Anthroposophy: the third incarnation of the solar system: Old Moon.]

[Ancient Rmoahals   Rmoahals: the first sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[ancients   Peoples of the distant historical or prehistorical past; in Anthroposophical belief, generally, they are thought to have possessed natural clairvoyance, wisdom, and spirituality.]

[Ancient Saturn   In Anthroposophy: the first incarnation of the solar system: Old Saturn.]

[Ancient Semites  Primal Semites: the fifth sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[Ancient Sun   In Anthroposophy: the second incarnation of the solar system: Old Sun.]

[Ancient Tlavatlis   Tlavatlis: the second sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[Ancient Toltecs  Toltecs: the third sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[Ancient Turanians   Primal Turanians: the fourth sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[android   A robot or automaton (q.v.) having a human appearance.]

Angel   "...[I]n the mystical and occult traditions, a supernatural messenger of God." 80 p. 9   [In Anthroposophy, Angels are gods one level above humans; each Angel oversees the life of one human being. Angels are low-level gods of the Third Hierarchy; essentially equivalent to Lunar Pitris or Barhishad-Pitris; they dwell in the sphere of the Moon.]

[Angel Jesus   In Anthroposophy: an archangel who condescended to work at the level of an angel, functioning in the spirit realm to enable the Sun God to work through him. (The earthly Jesus performed a similar function in the physical realm.)]

[angelology    Theological teachings and speculation about angels.]

[Anglo-Germanic Age  The fifth cultural epoch of the current great epoch: 1413-3573 CE; often simply called the Present; also called the "Aryan Epoch".]

[animal form   The shape or anatomy of animals. Sinful souls will live in animal form in the abyss, Steiner taught.]

[animal kingdom   The kingdom of nature below the human kingdom and above the plant kingdom.]

[Animal Kingdom Condition of Life   According to Steiner: the sixth stage or condition of life during a condition of consciousness, especially during our current condition of consciousness, Present Earth.]

[animal man   In Anthroposophy: the human being during the Old Moon stage of evolution.]

[animals   Members of the third kingdom of nature, higher than plants and lower than humans; they have etheric and astral bodies and group souls, Steiner taught; they lack "I's". Most animals branched off the human evolutionary line; they evolved from us, we did not evolve from them, according to Steiner.]

[animal signs   Chinese astrology is based on 12-year cycles, with each year in the cycle related to an animal: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. The 1980 SteinerBooks dictionary refers to these as "four-footed signs."]

[animated monad   In Theosophy and Anthroposophy: atma-buddhi, the germ of our developing spiritual essence, beginning at Old Sun.]

animism   "The theory that all objects have a natural life and are linked to a separately existing immaterial soul...."  73 p. 17

[Anthroposophia (Anthropo-Sophia)   Variant of "Anthroposophy" (human wisdom) emphasizing "Sophia" (goddess of wisdom, the female element in divinity, according to Steiner): the goddess overseeing Anthroposophy.]

[Anthroposophical   Adjective: pertaining to Anthroposophy. ("Anthroposophical" is pronounced an-throw-po-SOPH-e-cal.)]

[Anthroposophical medicine   Medical treatments based on Anthroposophy, often spurning or de-emphasizing modern treatments such as vaccination.]

[Anthroposophical Society   The central organization of the Anthroposophical movement; reconstituted in 1923 as the General Anthroposophical Society. The headquarters is in Dornach, Switzerland, at the Goetheanum. There are branches of the Society in various countries around the world.]

[Anthroposophist   An adherent or practitioner of Anthroposophy. ("Anthroposophist" is pronounced an-throw-POS-oh-fist.)]

Anthroposophy   • "Man's knowledge. Usually refers to the occult system of philosophy as taught by the Anthroposophical Society founded by Rudolph [sic] Steiner."   73 p. 17  • "Literally, knowledge concerning man ... The term...was first used in English by Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666), the English alchemist...." 80 p. 11  [As used by Steiner and his followers, the term "Anthroposophy" applies essentially the body of occult teachings promulgated by Steiner and pursued by his followers. Referred to by its adherents as "spiritual science," Anthroposophy is in fact a religion — it specifies practices meant to enable adherents to know the gods, evolve spiritually, rise into the spirit realm, and attain apotheosis. "Anthroposophy" is pronounced an-throw-POSS-o-fee.

[“Anthroposophy.” A strange word. Most people, on first hearing it, don’t quite catch it. What? Anthropology? Anthro-what?  If we break the word down to its Greek roots, “anthroposophy” means human wisdom (anthropos = human, sophy = wisdom). But today, the word is used primarily as the name of Rudolf Steiner’s occult system, which forms the basis for Waldorf education. Steiner adopted the word for its affirmative meaning, although in doing so he eviscerated it. Arguably, there is little or no real wisdom in Steiner’s Anthroposophy.

[Steiner did not coin the term “anthroposophy.” Various authors wrote of anthroposophy — referring to human wisdom or human knowledge in one form or another — long before Steiner. According to the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY, the first known use of the word “anthroposophy” in English occurred in 1542. Steiner may have learned the word “anthroposophy” (in German, “anthroposophie”) from the philosopher Robert von Zimmerman, whose ANTHROPOSOPHIE was published in 1882. — R.R.]

[Antichrist   a) "An eschatological figure first mentioned in the epistles of John in the New Testament. He is described as a pseduo-messiah who stands against Jesus at the end of days." — OXFORD DICTIONARY OF WORLD RELIGIONS, p. 75.  b) According to Steiner, the Antichrist is the Sun Demon, Sorat, who will spread evil and calamity before eventually being vanquished. Ahriman and other demonic spirits sometimes serve as "minor" Antichrists.]

[anti-intellectualism   Dismissal of the intellect, including scorn of intellectuals. iIn Waldorf schools, intellectual work is minimized and/or postponed. Intellect is deemed materialistic thinking, often occurring under the sway of Ahriman.]

[antipathy   Aversion; the converse of sympathy. According to Steiner, antipathy is needed to separate oneself from one's surroundings. During earthly incarnation, we experience antipathy because we have separated from the spirit realm.]

[anti-scientific bias   Steiner claimed that Anthroposophy is a science, but he disparaged science generally. The study of science is often downplayed or distorted in Waldorf schools.]

[anti-Semitism   Prejudice pr hostility against Jews.]

Apocalypse   "[A] revelation or unveiling of mysteries." 80 p. 11   [More commonly, the term refers to the Book of Revelation and/or to the destruction of the world as described therein.]

apocrypha   "...[S]piritual writings too sacred or mysterious for the uninitiated." 80 p. 12   [More commonly, the term refers to writings of a semi-biblical nature that are generally not accepted as part of Scripture. Some of these texts are commonly judged heretical or otherwiese unfit. The term has also come to mean unreliable and probably false writings.]

Apollo   "In ancient Greece the most Greek and most significant of all the gods...identified with the sun god Helios." 80 p. 12   [In Anthroposophy, any pagan Sun god is deemed essentially a partial apprehension of Christ.]

[Apollonian   Associated with the god Apollo. In Anthroposophy, the term "Apollonian" applies to formative forces centered in the head. Apollonian forces are contrasted with Dionysian forces.]

apotheosis   "Mythology, religion and nations record great men who have been so admired that they have been deified [i.e., turned into gods]." 80 p. 12   [In Anthroposophy, apotheosis or deification is forecast as the next evolutionary stage for humanity: Heeding the truths of Anthroposophy, we will rise to become gods. Initially, we will be gods of the lowest rank, but later we should ascend through the divine ranks.]

apotropaism   "...[T]he prevention of evil through carefully elaborated observances." 80 p. 12

apparition   "A supernatural appearance which suggests the presence of a person living or dead."  73 p. 18

apports   "The entry of objects by seeming penetration of matter [e.g., passing through walls] ... The apporting of human beings is termed 'transportation.'"  73 p. 18   [Cf. "asports".]

[Aquarian Age   In Anthroposophy: the sixth cultural epoch of our current great epoch; the Russian Age.]

Aquarius   "Astrological sign (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) ... [Q]ualities — cautious, prudent, noble, progressive, mentally acute, intuitive, psychic, inquisitive, generous, cosmic, modest; but can be lazy, erratic, unreliable, too self-interested, subservient to others' opinions."  80  p. 13

[Arabism   In Steiner's teachings, this term applies to the influence of the Arab worldview, which Steiner associated with use of the intellect. He said Arabism is less evolved than the European/Christian worldview.]

arcana   "That which is hidden. Mysteries and secrets."  80 p. 14.

[Archai   Gods three levels above humanity, according to Anthroposophical belief; they oversee human civilization as it evolves. They are among the highest gods of the Third Hierarchy, dwelling in the sphere of Venus. (In Gnostic tradition, Archai are world-governing powers created by the Demiurge.)]

Archangel   "Chief of a host of heavenly angels." 80 p. 14   [In Anthroposophy, Archangels are gods two levels above humanity; they oversee human groupings such as peoples, nations, and races. They are mid-level gods of the Third Hierarchy, dwelling in the sphere of Mercury.]

[Archetypal Stage of Form   The seventh and final stage of form in our condition of life: our final, spiritualized stage in this sequence of stages.]

[archetypal world   The realm occupied by Archetypes.]

[Archetypes   In Anthroposophy: spirits that manifest as thoughts outside the brain; they present ideal models for incarnated beings; they are the spiritual powers that find expression in physical phenomena.]

[Archon   Singular of "Archai"; one of the Archai.]

Aries   "Astrological sign; (Mar. 22-April 20) ... qualities — ambitious, sincere, industrious, courageous, pioneering...[also] self-centered, unfeeling...." 80 p. 14

[Aristotle   Immensely influential ancient Greek philosopher and scientist. According to Steiner, Aristotle was an occult initiate, in effect a predecessor of Steiner himself.]

[arithmetic   The study of numbers; generally not taught in Waldorf schools until at least age seven; then it is taught with mystical undertones.]

arithomancy   "Divination by the use of numbers." 80 p. 14

[Ark   In the Bible: the ship built by Noah to save his family and representative animals from the Flood. In Anthroposophy, this story is usually said to be a mythical representation of mankind's survival during the destruction of Atlantis.]

Ars Geomantica   "[A] method of divination involving the throwing of grains, dice or coins...."  73 p. 19

[Arthur, King   A legendary king of Britain; according to Steiner, a pre-Anthroposophical initiate.]

[Arthur stream, Arthurian stream   One of four spiritual traditions Steiner claimed to unify in Anthroposophy; this one flows from Western Europe and is associated with King Arthur, Celts, and Druids.]

[arts    At Waldorf schools, the arts are thought to have spiritual powers and effects; arts are emphasized in order to attain such spiritual benefits.]

arts, black   "[S]orcery in general or the imaginary power of performing wonderful feats by means of assistance and help from evil spirits...." 80 p. 15   [In Anthroposophy, black arts and black magic are deemed real.]

[arts-intensive   Said of a school curriculum that emphasizes the arts. At Waldorf schools, the arts are meant to invoke, and give entry into, the spirit realm.]

[arupa   From Sanskrit: bodiless, formless, incorporeal. Cf. "rupa".]

[arupa conditions of form   Conditions of formlessness coming before and after descent into physical incarnation. Steiner spoke of "arupa conditions of form" during his Theosophical phase; later he dubbed these the Higher Spiritland Stage of Form and the Archetypal Stage of Form. Also see "astral conditions of form".]

[Aryan Epoch   One of the labels Steiner applied to the present. Also see "Anglo-Germanic Age".]

[Aryans   In Theosophical teachings, these are the members of our evolutionary period's root race. More loosely, Aryan are whites. (The historical Aryans were Indo-Europeans who invaded northern India in the second millennium BCE.)]

asana   "The third stage of Yoga. The assumption of certain bodily postures to assist the development of certain thoughts."  73 p. 19

ascendant   "Astrologically, the degree of ecliptic longitude rising in the east at any given time. Said to be of special significance for any person or thing which comes into being at that moment."  73 p. 19   [Cf. "descendant".]

[asceticism   Severe self-denial and self-discipline, usually undertaken for religious reasons.]

[Asgard   In Norse myths, the land of the gods, especially the home of the Aesir.]

[Asians   According to Steiner, the peoples of Asia are abnormal descendants of the population of Atlantis; they are spiritually adolescent.]

[aspected planet   In astrology, especially Hindu astrology: a planet at a particular angle with another, during which time its energies are especially effective for good or ill.]

aspects   "Astrologically, angular distance between celestial bodies as viewed from earth. Various angles are said to promote harmony or otherwise [i.e., disharmony] between planetary principles."  73 p. 19

asports  "Apport phenomena in reverse; objects disappear from the seance room and reappear elsewhere."  73 p. 19

[Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA)   Coordinating and certifying authority for Waldorf schools in North America.]

[asteroids   According to Steiner: way stations between Earth and Jupiter; also, celestial colonies.]

astral, the   "A common abbreviation for the astral sphere or plane of the spirit world."  73 p. 20

[astral beings   In Anthroposophy: beings living in or around stars and/or existing on the astral plane.]

astral body  "Among Spiritualists, [this term] is commonly used to denote the etheric body or double ... Theosophists, however, distinguish astral matter from etheric matter...."  73 p. 20   [Steiner distinguished the etheric body from the astral body: they are two of the three "subtle" or higher bodies possessed by fully incarnated human beings. Housing the soul, the astral body (also called the soul body, faith body, or sentient body) consists of soul forces/living forces that fine-tune the physical body (which has been shaped by the etheric body). Among human beings, the astral body contains the senses (twelve in all) and it incarnates at about age 14. Animals also have astral bodies.]

[astral conditions of form   In the sequence leading to physical incarnation, these are the third and fifth stages. After breaking with Theosophy, Steiner dubbed these the Astral Stage of Form and the Perfected Astral Stage of Form. Also see "arupa conditions of form".]

[astral forces   Forces or powers originating in the astral plane, astral world, or soul world. 

[astral form   According to some esoteric teachings: the astral body or the human form composed of pråna or, according to Anthroposophy, life ether.]

[astrality    Of an astral nature; existence at the astral level.]

astral light   "The light natural to the astral sphere, as perceived by clairvoyant sight."  73 p. 20

[astral man   In Anthroposophy: this is the portion of a human being that lives on the astral plane, in the astral body.]

[astral matter   According to some esoteric teachings: the impalpable substance surrounding the physical body, forming an aura. When etheric matter is distinguished from astral matter, then the former is more gross — closer to mere physical matter — and the latter more rarefied.]

[astral nature   According to Steiner: the third division of the sevenfold nature of man or the third division of the fourfold nature of man: generally, the part of us that exists on the astral plane.]

[astral organization   In Anthroposophy: the inner structure or constitution of astral forces that go to make up the astral body.]

astral plane   "In Spiritualism, often synonymous with the etheric plane...but in Theosophy it means the plane occupied by the recent dead and non-human nature spirits or 'elementals'."  73 p. 20   [In Steiner's teachings, the astral plane is the soul world: the world located between the physical world and the spirit world.]

astral projection   "A state of separation between the physical and etheric bodies ... This occurs most often during sleep ... [A] technique can be acquired to accomplish projection at will ... This faculty offers an explanation of the seeing at a distance by Indian fakirs and witchdoctors [sic]."  73 p. 20   [Astral projection more generally is conceived as the ability to send one's consciousness or one's astral body to distant locations.]

[astral realm   In Anthroposophical teachings: the realm sometimes referred to as the astral world or the astral plane.]

[Astral Record(s)   The Akashic Record(s): a hypothesized cosmic picture gallery and record of every thought, feeling, and action since the world began.]

[astral sheath  The astral womb within which the astral body develops, according to Steiner.]

astral shell   "An occult idea that the etheric body at death is soon discarded, leaving an inner astral or spirit body which continues."  73 p. 20

[astral slap   Nonphysical — emotional, mental, spiritual — punishment.]

[astral space   Cosmic or starry space, more spiritual than physical. Cf. "astral plane", "astral world".]

[astral sphere   According to Anthroposophical teachings: a region or area of soul forces, astral forces..]

[Astral Stage of Form   In Anthroposophy: the third stage of form during our current condition of life, preceding our current, Physical Stage. During the Astral Stage, we had descended far toward physicality, but not all the way. Our past actions were embodied as astral beings as we worked on our karmas.]

[astral vision   Imagination conceived as a form of clairvoyance.]

[astral world   In Theosophy: the lower of two "higher worlds"; it is below the mental world. In Anthroposophy, the astral world is usually called the soul world, which is between the physical and spirit worlds. The term "astral world" is also sometimes applied to all invisible worlds above the physical plane.]

astrology   "Founded on the influence of the stars and planets, astrology is a highly sophisticated occult science predictive in many areas."  73 p. 21   [More generally, astrology is the occult study of the stars and planets, their positions and movements, and the occult influences these are thought to have on human beings and other creatures.  Modern science and scholarship have debunked astrology.]

astromancy   "Divination from the stars." 80 p. 17

[astronomy    The scientific study of celestial objects, outer space, and the physical universe. Often taught, in rudimentary form, in Waldorf sixth or seventh grade.]

[astrosophy   Star wisdom. As Anthroposophists use this term, it applies to clairvoyant knowledge of the stars and their powers: Anthroposophical astrology.]

Asura   "While in its earliest meaning [in Hinduism] it designated the 'spiritual, divine'...its meaning changed to an extreme degree and denoted a demon, or an enemy of the gods." 80 p. 17   [In Anthroposophy, Asuras are abnormal Archai; their actions are generally evil, and they live on the Moon.]

[atavism   Something ancient, ancestral.]

[atavistic clairvoyance   In Anthroposophical belief: the surviving remnant of the natural clairvoyance possessed by the ancients. Unlike "exact" clairvoyance, atavistic clairvoyance is not precise or controlled by the ego, Steiner indicated.]

[Atlantean   As a noun: a resident of Atlantis. As an adjective: pertaining to Atlantis.]

[Atlantean Epoch  The fourth great epoch of humanity's evolution during the Present Earth condition of consciousness, Steiner said. We lived on the continent of Atlantis.]

Atlantis   "A civilization [sic] said to have sunk in the Atlantic 10,000 years ago."  73 p. 21   [More accurately, Atlantis is a legendary ancient continent; Steiner taught that it really existed. We lived on Atlantis after living on Lemuria, a previous lost continent, he said.]

[Atma   According to Steiner, taking from Theosophy: spirit man, the basic component of our spirit nature: the temporal self, the soul.]

[Atma-Buddhi   According to Steiner, taking from Theosophy: the combination of atma (spirit man) and buddhi (life energy or life spirit).]

[Atma-Buddhi-Manas   Further development of Atma-Buddhi (see above), adding mamas (the spiritual mind).]

[atman (with lower-case "a")  In Hinduism, the spiritual life principle of the universe, reflected within one's temporal self, one's soul. Cf. "Atma".]

Atman (with capital A)   "Hindu concept of the Great Self, identifiable with Brahma the Creator, yet capable of being split into individual egos, or invisible 'Higher selves.'"  73 p. 21

[Atmospheric Realm   In Anthroposophy: the third of seven realms or periods or stages that will occur during the seventh great epoch, the Epoch of Trumpets. Analogous to a cultural epoch in our own Post-Atlantean Epoch, it will unfold after the Oceanic Realm and before the Heat Death Realm. It will ruled by Pisces.]

[atom   The basic unit of a chemical element. According to Steiner, atoms are essentially illusory and/or evil.]

[atomic ether   According to occult teachings: the finest form of ether, imparting life to an entity.]

[atomic theory   The scientific theory that matter is composed of atoms; Steiner generally denied it.]

Augurs   "In ancient Rome the priests who interpreted the auspices — the movement of birds, the movement of animals...[also] thunder and lightning."  80 p. 19

[augury   A sign or omen; also the act of interpreting such signs.]

[aum   Om: A mystic syllable used as a mantra in meditations and prayers; sometimes believed to reflective of the spiritual realm or supreme divinity.]

aura   "A field of radiation round the human body, sometimes visible as bands of color to clairvoyant sight".   73 p. 22   [Steiner affirmed the reality of auras. According to some esoteric traditions, beings aside from humans also have auras.]

[auric   Pertaining to auras.]

[auric sheath   According to Steiner: the spiritual "skin".]

[auspice   A prophetic or spiritual omen, often indicated by the movements of birds.]

[Authorities   According to Steiner: gods four levels above mankind or, sometimes, five levels above mankind. In the former case, they are low-level gods of the Second Hierarchy, dwelling in the sphere of the Sun; in the latter case, they are mid-level gods of that Hierarchy, dwelling in the sphere of Mars. As members of the Second Hierarchy, they help implement the plans conceived by the First Hierarchy.]

automatic painting and drawing   "(Spiritualism). Artistic expression without the medium's conscious volition ... [H]ieroglyphs, visions (see William Blake's work), departed relatives, and guides have all been depicted. Remarkable evidence has come through this means...."  80 p. 20   [The medium is assumed to be guided or possessed by spirits.]

automatic speaking   "(Spiritualism). Impulsive speech without conscious volition, either in trance of the waking state...."  80 p. 20

[automatic typing   As meant by esotericists, this is "automatic writing" done with a typewriter.]

automatic writing   "(Spiritualism).  Scripts [sic] produced without the control of the conscious self ... The scripts sometimes exhibit a knowledge far exceeding that of the medium. It has been used in the past as a means of divination."  80 p. 20

[automata, automatons   Robots; also, soulless materialists. Steiner said materialists and enemies of Anthroposophy are automatons, or worse.]

avatar (avator)   "Hindu word for a 'descent' or incarnation of a deity in human or animal form."   73 p. 24   [This word is usually spelled "avatar," for instance in Steiner's works. Steiner generally denied that avatars take animal form. He affirmed the incarnation of various avatars in human form, including Christ.]

[Avesta   The sacred writings of Zoroastrianism.]

awareness   "An exalted state, an expansion of consciousness in which one becomes aware of higher powers or the presence of protective entities."  73 p. 24

[AWSNA   Association of Waldorf Schools of North America; the coordinating and certifying authority for Waldorf schools on the North American continent.]

- B -

[baby teeth   Steiner taught that a child's first set of teeth enables thinking. Later, the replacement of baby teeth by adult teeth is believed to signal the incarnation of the etheric body.]

[Bacchus   Dionysus: Greek god of fertility and, later, wine.]

[bacilli   Disease-causing bacteria. According to Steiner, they are Ahrimanic.]

[backward races   According to Anthroposophical teachings: races that remain at former, lower levels of evolution, or that may be regressing to such levels.]

[backward souls   According to Steiner: souls lagging behind in evolution or spiritual development.]

[bad races - see evil races.]

[bad souls   Abnormal, errant souls lagging behind in evolution, according to Anthroposophical teachings.]

[balance (sense of)   One of our twelve senses, according to Steiner; it provides a personal space where the "I" can work; it functions under the aegis of the constellation Capricorn.]

Baldur, Balder [or Baldr]   "The ancient Norse god...the god of light, joy, kindness and wisdom." 80 p. 22   [In some tellings, he was also the god of lust. In Anthroposophy, he is a Christ figure, and as such he is often referred to as the Sun God. However, Freyr — the god of fertility promoted by rain and sunshine — is also sometimes called the Sun God.]

band, psychic   "A peculiar sensation of pressure often felt around the head during phases of mediumistic development [i.e., development as a medium]."  73 p. 24

band, spirit   "A group of spirit people working with a medium to achieve a definite purpose...."  73 p. 25   ["Spirit people," in the sense meant here, are disembodied spirits, generally the dead.]

[Barhishad-Pitris   In Anthroposophy (from Theosophy): Lunar Pitris — gods one level higher than humanity. Essentially equivalent to Angels, they are among the lowest-level gods of the Third Hierarchy.]

[Barhishads   In Theosophy, Lords of the Moon — generally, Lunar Pitris.]

basilisk   "[T]his fabulous creature...which came from a cock's egg hatched by a serpent ... [It] could kill by its mere look or breath." 80 p. 24   [Basilisks are often depicted as enormous, ferocious lizards, sometimes winged.]

beans   "Used by Romans in funeral feasts ... Pythagoras and Plato condemned bean-eating, since it corrupted the truth of dreams." 80 p. 25  [Steiner taught that beans do not provide nourishment for the head.]

[Beast, The   The Antichrist. In Anthroposophy, this is Sorat — although Ahriman sometimes functions as a secondary Antichrist.]

[beauty   In Waldorf belief, beauty — especially as embodied in art — is an avenue to the spirit realm. Outer beauty may often reflect inner — spiritual — beauty, Steiner indicated.]

[Beelzebub   The Devil. In Anthroposophy, he is identified as Ahriman.]

[bees   According to Steiner, a beehive is more highly evolved than humans; bees embody cosmic wisdom.]

[belief    In general, belief is acceptance of a statement as true or of a phenomenon as actual. Religious belief is generally the acceptance of the teachings of a particular religion. Belief is either the same as faith or, when a distinction is drawn, belief is more specific: It is acceptance of particular religious teachings, while faith may be deemed a more general trust in a religious perspective. Also see "faith".]

belomancy   "[D]ivination by arrows...." 80 p. 26

bestiary   "[A] compilation of tales about animals and their magical, marvelous and spiritual significance for man." 80 p. 27

BHAGAVAD GITA   • "Hindu sacred writing...a compendium of Upanishadic teaching ... Strict Brahmins do not accept it."  73 p. 28   • "The profound Hindu philosophical drama...." 80 p. 28   [The Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture in the form of a dialogue between an ancient prince and the god Krishna.]

Bhakti   "Hindu emotional practice for the maintenance of a personal relationship with God."  73 p. 28   [As the term is used today, Bhakti is essentially any form of Hindu devotional practice.]

Bhakti Yoga   "[O]ne of the seven paths of Yoga. The way of devotion."  73 p. 28

[BIBLE, THE   The holy scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. The Christian Bible adds a second series of books, the New Testament, to the books of the Hebrew Bible, which Christians refer to as the Old Testament. In Anthroposophical belief, the Bible is a flawed document. Steiner placed more emphasis on apocrypha and his own visions, such as his Fifth Gospel.]

BIBLE and number wisdom   "The numbers used in the Bible are considered to have a purpose and have been used to divine God's ultimate intentions. Some occultists use them as a means of attaining spiritual power." 80 p. 28

[big-headed children   In Anthroposophy: such children constitute one of six "constitutional types." Children with big heads are excessively influenced by their metabolic-limb systems, Steiner said.] 

bilocation   "Being present in two places at once...attributed to the separation...of the double, or etheric body."  73 p. 29

[biodynamics   The form of organic gardening and farming developed by Rudolf Steiner; associated with astrology and magic.]

[biogenetic law   A concept attributed to Ernst Haeckel, later adopted by Steiner: The developing individual recapitulates the development of the species. The Waldorf curriculum is designed to lead children through the cultural development of humanity, on the belief that the individual repeats the evolutionary history of mankind overall.]

[biography   In Anthroposophy: the story of one's life written by the higher "I" in discharging karma.]

biological phenomena   "In recent years increasing scientific evidence that psychic power can cause the accelerated growth of plants, the rapid curing of animal wounds, and psychic healing has been reported...." 80 p. 29   [There is, in fact, little if any such evidence; indeed, the existence of psychic power is unproven.]

[biology   The study of living organisms. Anthroposophical belief veers far from scientific biology, for instance teaching that animals evolved from humans, the heart is not a pump, and the brain does not produce thoughts.]

birth   "A spirit's assumption of a new outward form...."  73 p. 29  [In Waldorf belief, children are born four times during each incarnation, once for each "body": physical, etheric, astral, and ego.]

[birth chart   An astrological chart depicting cosmic conditions at the moment of one's birth; considered more informative than a solar chart.]

[black   In Anthroposophical belief, the color of spiritual death.]

black magic   "The use of supernatural knowledge in order to achieve evil results." 80 p. 30

black mass   "Initially an idealistic protest against the Roman Catholic Church ... Those who burlesqued [what they considered the Church's] profanity instituted what came to be called the Black Mass, for their ritual was blasphemous and obscene." 80 p. 30   [A black mass is generally an inversion of a Catholic mass; often conducted by self-described witches, it is typically a form of Satanic worship.]

[black path   The downward path of evil, according to Steiner; those who follow it fail to evolve properly and may become subhuman. Cf. "white path".]

["black race", blacks   Steiner taught that skin color reflects the state of the soul; black skin reflects a lowly, undeveloped spiritual state.]

[block   In Waldorf schools, a "block" is a period of a few weeks during which a subject is taught as the main lesson — i.e., the first and longest lesson on the day. The subject is dropped after three or four weeks, to recur in another block months later.]

[block books   In Waldorf schools: notebooks created by the students recording the material covered during a "block." Generally, the contents are careful copies of text and illustrations put on the chalkboard by the teachers. Also see "class books".]

[block teaching - see "block".]

[blood   In Anthroposophy: a spiritually significant bodily fluid, carrier of the "I"; it may vaporize, becoming spirit. Different peoples and races have different blood types, Steiner taught.]

blue   "Colors clairvoyantly perceived have a generally recognized significance ... Pale blue is supposed to be the color of healing and spirituality."  73 p. 30

Bodhisattvas   "Northern Buddhist conception of High Beings who sacrifice their attainment of Nirvana in order to incarnate as saints, out of compassion for mankind."  73 p. 31

bodies   "A term having different meanings in the various supernatural disciplines ... (See: Astral Body, Astral Projection, Astral Shells, Double, Etheric Body.)"  73 p. 31   [According to Anthroposophy, a fully incarnated human being has four bodies: the physical, etheric, astral, and ego bodies. The latter three are invisible, and they incarnate successively at about the ages of seven, 14, and 21. The Waldorf curriculum is geared to the birth of these "higher" or "subtle" bodies.]

[bodily sheaths   The "wombs" within which the etheric, astral, and ego bodies develop.]

[body nature   According to Steiner: the lowest division in the ninefold nature of man; it consists of physical nature, etheric nature, and the lower of two types of soul nature.]

[bones   Steiner taught that some forms of thinking occur in the bones, and some knowledge is carried in the bones; but modern people have largely lost such powers of thought and such knowledge, he said.]

[BOOK OF ENOCH   An ancient Hebrew apocryphal work, not part of the Bible. Traditionally ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, it was known to at least some early Christian writers, and is accepted as canonical by a few Christian sects.]

BOOK OF THE DEAD   "Ancient Egyptian texts 2500 B.C. - A.D. 200 ... They describe the travails of the human soul after death...."  73 p. 32

[botany   The study of plants. In Anthroposophical belief, plants have etheric bodies, like animals and humans, but they lack astral bodies and "I's". Plants are deeply influenced by astrological forces, Steiner said.]

[Bothmer gymnastics   Named for Anthroposophist Graf von Bothmer, this is a non-athletic form of movement in which the practitioners "experience" the space around them.]

Brahamanic [sic] trinity   "(Hinduism). The Father, Nara (Eternal Masculine); the Mother, Nari (Eternal Feminine); and the Son, Viraj (Creative Word)." 80 p. 34 [The correct term is "Brahmanic" trinity. The reference is to an ancient traditional trinity. The more widely known Hindu trinity consists of the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who represent the forces of creation, preservation, and destruction.]

Brahma   "Hindu verbal image of the Sacred, the Creator or most High God. Identified also with the Atman...."  73 p. 33  [According to Steiner, Brahma is one of the three Logoi: the three gods comprising the Godhead.] 

[Brahman   In Hinduism, the ground of being; in Anthroposophy, divine unity.]

[Brahmanic trinity - see "Brahamanic trinity".]

[brain   According to science: the organ of thought and the managing center for the activity of nerves that control the body. According to Steiner, no real thinking occurs in the brain, which only reflects thoughts occurring elsewhere.]

[brainwashing   Inducing beliefs through a systematic program of conditioning. Arguably, such indoctrination is undertaken in Waldorf schools.]

breathing   "Some consider the control of breathing of prime importance, regarding breath as the king of the senses ... It is also well-known that control of breathing is essential to some forms of meditation, and in demonstrations of levitation." 80 p. 35

breezes   "Cool currents of air combined with a drop of temperature is a well-known phenomenon in physical seances, although the reason for it is unknown. Apparitions are notoriously chilly."  73 p. 34

[Bronze Age   In mainstream history, a period between the Stone Age and the Iron Age, when bronze came into widespread use: late fourth millennium to early third millennium BCE. In Hinduism and Theosophy, the "bronze age" is the third major age in each recurring cycle of ages: Dvapara Yuga.]

[brotherhoods   Associations of individuals having similar interests. In Anthroposophical belief, there are secret spiritual brotherhoods working for both good and ill.]

Buddha   "An enlightened and wise person who has attained perfect wisdom. 'The Buddha' refers to Gotama [founder of Buddhism]...560-480 B.C."  73 p. 36  [The term "Buddha" is a title, not a name. Traditionally, the title is applied to the human being named Siddartha Gautama: He is the original Buddha of Buddhism. However, Steiner also applied the title "Buddha" to the Norse god Odin, suggesting that Gautama and Odin are the same.]

Buddha Vasra-Sattua   "Vasra symbolically means 'thunderbolt,' but in its literal sense it means penis ... Buddha [possessed] the virility of the penis and the explosive power of the thunderbolt...." 80 p. 37

[Buddhi, Budhi   According to Steiner: an elevated part of our spiritual nature — the portion of the ether body elevated by the "I"; it does not die but accompanies the "I" when it travels to the spirit realm in preparation for the next incarnation. It is also called the life spirit.]

[Buddhi(c) plane   A Hindu term used in Theosophy: the realm of living warmth; the level of foreseeing. ]

Buddhism   "The religion based on the teachings of Gotama ... [These] may be summed up as seeking the self (Atman), removal of passion, moderation, abandonment of asceticism and the Hindu caste system."  73 p. 36   [Buddhism focuses on the alleviation of human suffering. Rudolf Steiner incorporated some Buddhist beliefs in his own belief system. He taught that Buddhism, like other ancient religions, represented early, partial comprehension of divine realities.] 

[bull   One of four group souls shared by humans at an early state of evolution, according to Steiner; the soul of those especially attracted to the physical plane of existence.]

[bullying   Using superior strength or position to intimidate or harm another; sometimes implicitly allowed in Waldorf schools, when it is deemed an enactment of karma.]

- C -

Cabala, Cabalism   "One of the great systems of mysticism ... Although based on Jewish doctrine, it has taken important elements from gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and oriental mysticism ... Teaching a way that leads to oneness with God, the Cabala describes ten intermediary emanations...."  73 p. 37   [Cabala (or Caballa, Kaballah, Qabalah) is the Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible. Today it is largely found in Hasidism.]

cabinet   "A small space, usually enclosed by a curtain, in which most materialization mediums claim to condense the psychic energy necessary for a manifestation." 80 p. 39

caduceus   "The Wand of Mercury symbol, a rod entwined by a dark and a light serpent ... All that pertains to earth life, as distinct from the spiritual world [is symbolized] ... [It is] a symbol of disease and cure."  73 p. 37   [The caduceus is often used as a symbol of healing, and as a representation of the medical profession.]

[Cain   According to the Book of Genesis: the first son of Adam and Eve; he killed his brother Abel. According to Steiner, Cain represents the male principle, whereas Abel represents the female principle.]

caitanya   "(Hinduism) The state of superconsciousness [sic] close to the essential core of the Absolute Spirit." 80 p. 40

[CALENDAR OF THE SOUL, THE   A series of 52 verses created by Steiner to lead Anthroposphists through the cycle of the year.]

[Calvary   Golgotha, the site of the Crucifixion.]

[Camphill   Name given to Anthroposophical residential communities. Therapy for the disabled is often offered. The name derives from the Camphill Estate in Aberdeen, Scotland.]

[cancer (illness)   A disease marked by rapid, malignant cell proliferation and growth. According to the Waldorf belief system, cancer can be cured by mistletoe.]

Cancer (sign)   "Astrological sign (June 22nd-July 23rd) ... [People born under this sign] show unusual enduring love, are fond of tradition, travel, seascapes...[but they are] hermit-like...too changeable and restless...."  80 p. 42

capnomancy   "Divination by reading smoke...." 80 p. 42

Capricorn   "Astrological sign (Dec. 23rd-Jan. 20th) ... [People born under this sign are] incredibly sure footed [sic]; also cautious, unsentimental, magnetic...[also] too practical; often despondent, melancholy...." 80 p. 42

card reading   "[T]he precognitive powers of the diviner determine the quality of the reading." 80 p. 43   [Card reading is, generally, the claimed ability to foresee the future based on the interpretation of cards drawn from a pack. Tarot cards are generally used.]

[catastrophes   According to Steiner, these are often sought by human souls for the fulfillment of karma.]

catching, soul   "[D]eath could be prevented if the soul could be stopped from leaving the body, or, if it left, to catch and return it...." 80 p. 45

catoptromany   "A method of divination by the use of a mirror...." 80 p. 45

[Caucasian race   Whites; according to Steiner, the most spiritually advanced race.]

causal body   "Occult term for a permanent element of man said to reincarnate ... [It is] a sexless human form."  73 p. 39

celestial   "Heavenly, an adjective commonly used to denote the higher spheres of the Spirit world." 80 p. 46

celestial dance   "An ancient Egyptian dance which symbolizes the movements of the heavenly bodies. It was performed around the altar of the sun god Ra."  80 p. 66

celestial magic   "Asserts that the planets are controlled by spirits who have influence over man."  73 p. 39

[celestial sphere   In general usage: the sky, the imaginary globe enclosing the universe.]

celestial spheres   "The sphere [sic: spheres] inhabited by beings far in advance spiritually of earth consciousness."  73 p. 198   [In Anthroposophy, these are essentially the planetary spheres (q.v.).]

[centaurs   In general usage: mythological beings, half human, half horse. In Anthroposophy: early humans, still part-animal.]

[centers of cosmic influence   In Anthroposophical belief: places on Earth where astrological powers are especially strong.]

[Central Europe   Home of the most evolved humans, the highest culture, the best mythology — according to Steiner. Its heart is Germany.]

ceremonial magic   "[T]he art of dealing with spirits, a way of gaining from God the power to overcome spirits." 80 p. 47   [This form of magic requires careful performance of prescribed actions and speeches, in a prescribed order, as in a religious ceremony.]

ceromancy   "Divination by inspecting melted wax...." 80 p. 48

[certificates   Documents awarded to students at many Waldorf schools, often in lieu of report cards. Personal verses, written by teachers, are typically included.]

[chain   In Theosophy, the sequence of globes that constitute a planet or other celestial body.]

chakras   "Centres of psychic power, according to Hindu and occult ideas, situated in the subtle body which permeates the physical body." 73 p. 40   [As used by Steiner, the term "chakras" generally applies to incorporeal organs, especially organs of clairvoyance.]

changeling   "A widespread ancient belief that it is the devilish work of gnomes, witches, or fairies when a child is born defective ...  [T]hese supernatural entities had substituted a deformed baby for the normal offspring ... [A] changeling can be made to disappear by making it laugh." 80 p. 48

[change of teeth   In Waldorf belief, the loss of baby teeth and their replacement by adult teeth is taken as a sign that the etheric body has incarnated.]

charms   "[B]ehavior, verbal formulas, or small objects...[used] either to bring good fortune or to ward off evil." 80 p. 49

charomany   "[D]ivination through the careful perusal of atmospheric changes." 80 p. 49

chela   "Hindu and Yogic term for pupil...."  73 p. 40  [Steiner sometimes extended the term to encompass all students of mystery or occult wisdom.]

[chemical ether   The third of four subdivisions of the ether, according to Steiner. Also called formative ether, it gives form to matter at its finest level.]

chemical phenomena   "[Strange physical phenomena] recorded in the seance room. Lights which are cold, ozone smells, phosphorescence...." 80 p. 49 

[chemistry   Like other sciences, it is often taught with an antiscientific bias at Waldorf schools. Anthroposophy inclines more toward alchemy, as described by Steiner.]

[Cherubim   In Judaeo-Christian esotericism: high-ranking angels. According to Steiner: gods eight levels above humanity. Also known as Spirits of Harmony, they are mid-level gods of the First Hierarchy. Dwelling in the zodiac, they formulate spiritual-evolutionary plans based on the ideas of the Seraphim, harmonizing these plans with the rest of the cosmos.]

[chest man   In Anthroposphical belief: the inner human being that embodies the forces of feeling; also called the rhythmic man.]

[chest system   In Anthroposophy: the rhythmic-circulatory system, predominantly the heart and lungs.]

child guides   "Often encountered in Spiritualistic inquiry. [Departed children who] retain the childish mannerisms of their last earth years ... Their knowledge and intelligence however are usually adult...." 80 p. 49

[childhood   In Anthroposophic belief: a period of three seven-year-long stages of incarnation. Young children are thought to retain memories of the spirit realm, for which reason Waldorf schools seek to prolong childhood.]

[childhood diseases   In Anthroposophic belief: these are often necessary enactments of karma and generally should not be prevented. Children get the diseases required by their karmas.]

[Chinese (people)   According to Steiner: The Chinese, with their history of opium use, are a race in which many "substandard souls" incarnate.]

chiromancy   "Palmistry. Divination by the lines and forms of the hand."  73 p. 41

[choleric   In Anthroposophy and Waldorf education: one of the four "temperaments." Associated with yellow bile, it is typified by irritation and anger.]

Christ   "'[T]he Anointed One' ... He is spiritual light, that supreme state of God Consciousness ... The Messianic or Christ spirit has inhabited many other supreme teachers of mankind outside the realms of Christianity." 80 p. 51   [In Anthroposophy, Christ is the Sun God whose essence flowed into the Earth at the Crucifixion. He has been recognized in other religions as the Sun God worshipped in those religions, Steiner said.]

[Christ Being   In Anthroposophy: a high god, Christ, the Sun God.]

[Christ Consciousness   According to Steiner, this is the consciousness made possible for humanity by Christ's sacrificial death: We can now be guided by the awareness Not I, but the Christ in me.]`

[Christ Event   The incarnation and ministry of the Sun God, protecting humanity and promoting our evolution. According to Steiner, there have been several Christ Events (several times when Christ helped humanity); the first came while we lived on Lemuria, saving us from total ruin when that continent was destroyed.]

[Christian Community   The overtly religious offshoot of Anthroposophy: an Anthroposophical Christian denomination, a church.]

[Christian-Gnostic way   In Anthroposophy: one of the paths to initiation, incorporating gnostic teachings deemed heretical in mainstream Christianity.]

[Christianity   In Anthroposophy, "true" Christianity is the reverential comprehension of the Sun God made possible through Anthroposophy.]

[Christian Rosenkreutz   The reputed founder of Rosicrucianism. See "Rosenkreutz, Christian".]

[Christ impulse   The direction and impetus for evolution provided by the Sun God. Also see "Christ Principle".]

[Christmas   The mass celebrating Christ's birth. The observance of Christmas at Waldorf schools is, in part, the celebration of the Sun God's incarnation.]

[Christmas Conference   Anthroposophical congress at the end of 1923 when the Anthroposophical Society was reconstituted as the General Anthroposophical Society and Rudolf Steiner formally became the Society's leader.]

[Christmas Foundation Meeting - see "Christmas Conference".]

[Christmas Play   In Waldorf schools: a dramatic recounting of Christ's birth, often performed by faculty members.]

[Christ Principle   Effectively the same as the Christ Impulse, this is the essential spiritual power of Christ, altering human evolution.]

[Christ, Second Coming of   According to Steiner, this is the return of Christ on the etheric plane or in the etheric realm; it has already happened and was the fifth Christ Event.]

Christ Spirit   "Although usually associated with Jesus, many spiritualists believe that the Messianic or Christ spirit has been operative through many other great teachers...."  73 p. 41   [In Anthroposophical belief, Jesus the man was merely the vessel that held the Sun God's spirit, the Christ Spirit, for three years. Anthroposophists believe that other humans — spiritualists — have likewise held the Christ Spirit in various times and places.]

[Chronos, Chronus, Kronos   "In ancient Greek mythology, the youngest son of Heaven and Earth. Having castrated his father, he and his fellow Titans ruled the earth."  80 p. 159.]

[chthon   In Anthroposophy: the principle or being of the earthly, the material, the natural.]

[chthonic   In normal usage, pertaining to the underworld. For the Anthroposophical usage, see "chthon".]

[circle   For esotericists, often: a symbol of wholeness, the cosmos, and/or the Sun. Sacred dances are often performed in circles, as are various sacred or esoteric meetings, such as seances.]

circle, development   "A group of people who meet regularly for the purpose of developing any latent psychic abilities they may possess."  73 p. 41

circle, magic   "[S]orcerers, shamans, and wizards since ancient times have used the circle drawn around themselves or others as a kind of supernatural defense against demons." 80 p. 52

[civilization   According to Steiner, various races and their civilizations stand at various evolutionary levels. The most civilized race — in a sense, the only true civilization — is found in Europe, he taught.]

clairaudience   "A faculty of Extra Sensory Perception described as 'hearing' by the medium."  73 p. 43   [It is the auditory analog of clairvoyance: "hearing" what cannot be detected by physical ears.]

clairsentience   "Psychic perception by sensing conditions pertaining to communicating entities and auric emanations...."  73 p. 43   [More generally, it is psychic knowledge or perception acquired through the use of clairvoyance or similar supersensory means.]

clairvoyance   "Extra Sensory Perception described as 'seeing' by the medium...."  73 p. 43   [More generally, clairvoyance is the purported ability to perceive things that are not accessible to ordinary senses, including the future. Steiner claimed to be clairvoyant, and essentially all of his teachings derive from his professed use of clairvoyance. His entire system — including the rationale for Waldorf education — collapses unless we accept his claim.]

[class books   In Waldorf education: notebooks created by students, largely by copying the work of their teachers displayed on chalkboards. Waldorf schools tend to shun mainstream textbooks, which present knowledge incompatible with the Waldorf vision. Students often create class books instead, which means relying wholly on Waldorf authorities. Class books are also sometimes called block books or lesson books.]

[Class Readers   At the School of Spiritual Science: members who read Rudolf Steiner's lectures aloud for the other members.]

[class teacher   At Waldorf schools: a teacher who takes responsibility for a group of students and stays with the group for several years — often first through fifth grade, sometimes first through eighth. This teacher provides all of the main lessons for these children through all these years. See "looping".]

[classical planets   These are the seven "planets" recognized in classical astrology: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Steiner generally affirmed these as the true members of the solar system, denying that Uranus and Neptune are true planets. (He was unaware of Pluto or any other Kuiper belt objects.)]

cleromancy   "[D]ivination in which pebbles are thrown on a flat surface...." 80 p. 53

clown  "[C]lown-magician with cosmic powers who acted as an intercessor between his people and the gods...." 80 p. 53

[college of planetary spirits  A collective association of the gods presiding over the seven "planets" of our solar system, according to Steiner.]

[college of teachers   At many Waldorf schools: the inner circle of teachers who guide the school. The group is a "college" in that its members are meant to be coequal colleagues; in addition, the members of the college undertake advanced study of Anthroposophical texts, chiefly the works of Rudolf Steiner.]

[College of the Twelve  According to Steiner: a gathering of spiritual masters during the thirteenth century AD. They educated a boy who would reincarnate as Christian Rosenkreutz.]

[colonies in space   According to Steiner, various beings have created colonies on planets and asteroids.]

[Colonies Iona   Anthroposophical camps in France, associated with Waldorf schools and the Christian Community.]

colors, colours   "[C]olours perceived in the human aura ... Gold is spirituality, pale blue and purple [are] healing, pink [is] pure love and affection, red is desire and anger, dark red is passion, green [is] intellectual apprehension, browns and dark muddy hues [are] illness and disease. Colours are also used by spirit guides ... Colour therapy is used by some healers...."  73 p. 45   [Steiner taught that colors provide an avenue for cosmic spirits to enter the physical realm, and for our souls to enter the spirit realm.]

[columns, mystic or occult   Steiner designed seven pillars for use in Anthroposophical/Theosophical structures. They represent the seven planets of classical astrology.]

[comets   Small natural satellites of the Sun, usually in highly elongated orbits; they produce gaseous tails when near the Sun. According to Steiner, comets are wanderers that bring the laws of the Old Moon into the present solar system.]

communications with/by spirits   "Can be established in many ways ... We are told that the purpose of spirit communication is to uplift humanity from materialistic apathy...."  73 p. 45

communicator   "A personality seeming to be that of a deceased person or other discarnate being."  73 p. 46

compact, death   "An agreement between two people to endeavor to give evidence to each other of their continued existence after death." 80 p. 56

[composite beings    Anthroposophical teachings indicate that many beings we usually consider individuals are actually composites: They are made up of numerous components that are, themselves, beings.]

[computers   Generally shunned in Waldorf schools, as part of the general Waldorf aversion to modern technology, which is thought to embody destructive and even demonic influences.]

[concept sense   According to Steiner: one of our 12 senses — the "sense" that enables us to comprehend meanings clothed in language; also called thought sense. A spirit sense, concept sense functions under the aegis of the constellation Taurus.]

[conceptual sense - see "concept sense".]

[conditions of consciousness   In Anthroposophy: the major stages of our evolution; each is a new incarnation of the solar system. Steiner said the solar system has incarnated in four different forms thus far (Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, and Present Earth), and we have evolved to a higher level of consciousness with each. These stages bear the names of planets, but they are periods of time rather than positions in the solar system as currently incarnated. Several more conditions of consciousness lie before us, Steiner said; our consciousness will evolve higher and higher.]

[conditions of form   In Anthroposophy: seven evolutionary stages falling between conditions of life and great epochs; also called stages of form. Each condition or stage of form is a subdivision of a condition of life, and each comprises seven subdivisions often called great epochs.]

[conditions of life   In Anthroposophy: evolutionary stages falling between conditions of consciousness and stages of form. Each condition of consciousness comprises seven conditions of life.]

conjunction   "Astronomically the apparent meeting of two celestial bodies...."  73 p. 48

conjuring   "The art of calling upon, summoning, charging, or constraining a devil or spirit...." 80 p. 57

[consciousness   The purpose of life, in Anthroposophical belief, is evolving toward higher and higher stages of spiritual awareness or consciousness.]

consciousness, planes of   "Higher planes of consciousness can be achieved by meditation, awareness, knowledge, and understanding." 80 p. 58

[consciousness soul   The third of three soul members, incarnating at about age 42, Steiner said; it is the part of the soul that enables us to comprehend the act of comprehension, or to think about thinking.]

[conspiracy theories   The belief, generally unsubstantiated, that clandestine conspirators are behind many — perhaps most — events in world history. See "secret brotherhoods".] 

[constellations   Illusory groups of stars, arbitrarily defined patterns, deemed important in astrology. For convenience, astronomers also sometimes refer to constellations. The twelve major constellations are found on the celestial equator or zodiac. Overall, the sky can be informally divided into 88 constellations.]

[constitutional types   Steiner said school children fall into six categories: large- and small-headed, cosmic and earthly, and fantasy-rich and fantasy-poor. These characteristics, along with the four temperaments, astrological signs, etc., express children's inner natures.]

contact healing   "Healing where bodily contact is made between the healer and the patient...." 80 p. 58   [Cf. "absent healing".]

[Continental Realm   In Anthroposophy: the first of seven realms or periods or stages that will occur during the seventh great epoch, the Epoch of Trumpets. Analogous to a cultural epoch in our own Post-Atlantean Epoch, the Continental Realm will give rise to the Oceanic Realm. It will be ruled by Aries.]

[continents   Large land masses that, according to Steiner, float in the sea and are held in place by the stars. In Anthroposophical belief, some continents usually deemed legendary actually existed: principally Lemuria and Atlantis.]

[continuant   In esotericism, generally: a spirit that continues to exist after death.] 

[contradiction   Steiner's teachings, and Anthroposophy is general, contains many contradictions that Steiner said are necessary and unavoidable. Logicians teach, however, that contradictions invalidate the arguments that contain them.]

control   "The state of possession of a medium by another personality."  73 p. 49   [A "control" may also be a spirit that guides or possesses any individual — a spirit that takes control.]

Corpus Hermeticum   "A body of esoteric knowledge that includes the whole spectrum of supernatural sciences ... It covers the work of Hermes Trismegistus on through...the 17th century." 80 p. 59

[cosmic children   In Anthroposophy: one of six constitutional types. These children (often girls) retain strong ties to the spirit realm and find earthly incarnation difficult.]

cosmic consciousness   "A revelation of life and order in the universe."  73 p. 51

[Cosmic Christ   Christ as conceived in Anthroposophy and worshipped in the Christian Community. He is the Sun God, who poured his essence into the Earth and who exists now in cosmic precincts as an etheric being.] 

[cosmic ether   In Anthroposophy: the universal ether that carries living thoughts.]

[Cosmic Humor   This is the name Steiner gave to the "rock being" included in the monumental statue, The Representative of Humanity, at the Goetheanum.]

[cosmic "I"   Divine selfhood that extends throughout the cosmos; our individual "I's" proceed from it and, eventually, they will expand to become it, Steiner said.]

[cosmic intelligence   In Anthroposophy: the wisdom of the gods, pervading the universe, guarded by Michael.]

[Cosmic Man   A Jungian and/or occult concept: the archetypal man found in many creation myths.]

cosmic memory   "An idea similar to that of the Akashic records...a 'pool of memory' which may be tapped by individuals during certain trance states."  73 p. 132

[COSMIC MEMORY   One of Steiner's books: a history of human development so far, beginning with Old Saturn.]

[Cosmic Word   In Steiner's teachings — drawing from gnostic tradition — the Cosmic Word is generally speaking Christ, the embodied Word of God. Equivalent to Logos, the Cosmic Word may be deemed the second member of the triune God. However, Anthroposophy is polytheistic, and Steiner said all three members of the Godhead are Logoi. See "Logoi" and "Logos".]

[cosmos   The universe, especially — in esoteric teachings — the spiritual universe.]

[Cosmos of Love   Present Earth; also called the planet of love; Steiner said we are evolving toward perfected love in our current condition of consciousness.]

[Cosmos of Wisdom   Old Moon, our previous condition of consciousness, when we looked to the gods for wisdom, Steiner said; also called the planet of wisdom.]

coven  "A regular gathering of witches...."  73 p. 51

[crafts   Forms of handwork (e.g. knitting); they are emphasized in Waldorf schools for their purported spiritual and/or healthful effects.]

[Creation, The   The free decision of divine will to bring the universe into existence; we should not inquire why, Steiner taught.]

[creationism   The belief that the universe and its contents were created by an active divine intention — by God or by gods.]

crisis apparitions  "In moments of crisis, apparitions would seem to be more likely to manifest than at other times."  73 p. 53

crithomancy   "Divination using grain or particles of flour...." 80 p. 61

[critical thought   Rational inquiry; generally disparaged in Anthroposophic belief.]

[Cronus  The supreme god in Greek mythology before being dethroned by Zeus. The equivalent of Cronus in Roman mythology was Saturn.]

cross  "In all likelihood the greatest magical, occult, and religious symbol ever developed by man." 80 p. 61   [The cross is best known as an emblem of Christianity, but other crosses have been used in many other religions, cultures, and traditions.]

[crossing the Rubicon   In Waldorf pedagogy: the point in a child's development — around age nine — when s/he becomes consciously aware of the separation between the self and the surrounding world.]

[Crucifixion   The killing of Jesus: He was nailed to a wooden cross and left hanging there until he expired.] 

cryptomnesia   "Unconscious memory which may be drawn upon in special circumstances." 80 p. 62

crystal gazing   "[D]ivination in which a clairvoyant state is induced by gazing at a crystal ball, a pool of water, or a mirror." 80 p. 63

[crystal heaven   The legendary region beyond the zodiac; Steiner said it contains the deeds or effects of evolutions before our evolution.]

[cult   A small, unorthodox religious group, usually centered on an individual leader.]

[cultural ages - see "cultural epochs".]

[cultural epochs   In Anthroposophy, subdivisions of the current great epoch: the Egyptian, Persian, Egypto-Chaldean, Greco-Roman, Anglo-German, Russian, and American Ages.]

[curative education   All of Waldorf education is meant to be curative, but sometimes special emphasis is placed on applying Anthroposophical therapy for individuals having special needs.]

[curative eurythmy   Eurythmy used for healing purposes. (As an enactment of divine intentions embodied in language, eurythmy is deemed to be inherently health-giving.)]

cursed bread  "By casting a spell upon a piece of barley bread, then feeding it to a suspected individual, evidence of guilt was shown if he became ill or choked on it." 80 p. 64

- D -

[daemon   In some esoteric teachings: an intermediate spirit, between gods and humans; sometimes equivalent to genius.]

daevas   "(Zoroastrianism)  Evil spirits, also demons of darkness."  80 p. 65

Daimon   "[S]upernormal guide who advised Socrates...."  73 p. 55

daimonology   "A body of information that spells out the rules for dealing with spirits...."  80 p. 65

dance, celestial   "An ancient Egyptian dance which symbolizes the movements of the heavenly bodies. It was performed around the altar of the sun god Ra."  80 p. 66

daphomancy   "Divination is which a laurel is used. If it crackled when burning, the augury was benign...."  80 p. 67

[Dark Age(s)   In mainstream history, the early Middle Ages are sometimes called the Dark Ages (500-1100 CE), a time when learning was at a nadir. In Hinduism and Theosophy, the "dark age" is the fourth major age in each recurring cycle of ages: Kali Yuga.]

Dark-faces, Sons or Lords of the   "These Asuras, having incarnated in Atlantis, raised a rebellion...."  80 p. 67

[Darkness, Spirits of   In Steiner's teachings: lagging or evil spiritual beings, often minions of Ahriman; they are gods three levels higher than humanity, which means they rank as upper-level gods of the Third Hierarchy.]

[Day of Atonement   In Judaism: the culmination of the Days of Repentance at the beginning of each new year; it is also known as Yom Kippur.]

[Days of Repentance   In Judaism: the first ten days of the new year, beginning with Rosh Hashanah and culminating in Yom Kippur.]

Deae Matres   "Mother goddesses, usually three, belief in whom spread from Rome and Gaul..."  80 p. 68

[dead, the   In Anthroposophic belief, very little is really dead or ever dies; virtually everything is alive; "dead" humans can be contacted.]

[death   In Anthroposophical belief: the passage from life in the physical world to life in the spiritual realm, to be followed by additional incarnations.]

death compact   "An agreement between two people to endeavor to give evidence to each other of their continued existence after death."  80 p. 56

death dance   "A widespread ritual engaged in to commune with the dead."  80 p. 69

[declamation   Strong, clear enunciation. It is important, Steiner said, because language is a gift of the gods and, through our spoken thoughts, we create spiritual realities.]

[deep sleep   When deeply asleep, we are in contact with the deep soul force called will, and we go to kamaloka — or so Steiner taught.]

[degenerate races   According to Anthroposophy: races that have fallen behind or regressed in evolution.]

Deism   "Belief in one god as creator, but not revelatory."  73 p. 57

[deities   Divine beings, gods. Steiner taught that there are nine ranks of gods divided into three groupings he called hierarchies.]

déja vu   "The feeling of having previously experienced an event that is being encountered for the first time ... [Possibly caused by] memory from a previous incarnation and memory of a precognition...."  80 p. 69 

Delphic Oracle (400 B.C.)   "The famous Greek oracle, the prophetess Pythia...."  73 p. 58

dematerialization   "The disintegration and disappearance of matter, or [of] a materialized form which can occur in physical seances."  80 p. 70

[Demeter   Ancient Greek goddess of grains; also the name of an Anthroposophical magazine.]

[Demeter farms   Anthroposophical farms that follow biodynamic principles.] 

Demiurge   "The world builder and maker of Platonic philosophy."  73 p. 58   [In Gnosticism: a subordinate god who created and presides over the material world and is opposed to pure spirituality.]

[democracy   A system of government in which all eligible members have a vote and leaders are freely elected. According to Steiner's scheme for threefolding, only the political sphere should be run democratically; the economic and cultural/educational spheres should not.]

[demon - see "demonic beings" and "demons".]

[demonic beings   Great and small demons; according to Anthroposophic belief, they are legion.]

[demonic possession   According to various belief systems, a person's body may be invaded — and taken over — by a demon; Steiner affirmed this belief.]

[demonization   Identifying individuals as demons. According to Anthroposophical belief, opponents of Anthroposophy and/or Waldorf education may be controlled by demons or they may actually be, themselves, demons. Hence, demonizing them is simply telling the truth about them.]

demonology   "Systems of demonology have been developed by most peoples for dealing with demons — supernatural beings in rank below the gods ... The science of demonology has played an important part in the development of black magic."  80 pp. 70-71   ["Demonology" is more commonly defined as the study of demons and demonic belief.]

demonomancy   "Using demons in divination...."  80 p. 71

[demons   Evil spirits, devils. Anthroposophy speaks of both major and minor demons — great demons and their minions. Ahriman and Lucifer are the great demons most often discussed in Anthroposophy. Our evil thoughts and actions create minor demons, Steiner said.]

[denial   Waldorf schools and Anthroposophists often disguise their beliefs and aims; they deny many realities about their movement.]

[dentition   The development of baby teeth. Also see "second dentition".]

dermography   "The appearance of writing on the skin, similar to stigmatic writing ... Some mediums have given answers to messages in this way."  80 p. 71

descendant   "[In astrology] that degree of the ecliptic which is setting. Opposite of the Ascendant."  73 p. 59   [Generally, stars and constellations that are descending are given less significance in modern astrology than those that are ascending.]

[design   According to Anthroposophical belief, the cosmos and the course of evolution have been designed by the gods.]

[desire   According to Anthroposophical belief, this is an element of will, and it arises from the astral body.]

Deva   "Hindu term for...a god."  73 p. 59

Devachan   "Hindu term descriptive of an intermediate stage between incarnations."  73 p. 59    [In Theosophy, Devachan is the heavenly realm, the realm of the gods.]

[Devachanic plane   In Theosophy: the spirit world, the third or highest realm of human existence.]

[Devachanic world   In Theosophy: the heavenly plane or realm, the highest of the three worlds. It has higher and lower levels; in this sense, there are higher and lower Devachanic worlds or Devachans.]

development circle   "A group of people who meet regularly for the purpose of developing any latent psychic abilities they may possess."  73 p. 41

Devil, the   "Traditional personification of evil influences, he has no place in Spiritualism, which teaches that evil is the result of man's ignorance and cruelty...."  73 p. 59   [In Anthroposophy, the Devil is generally identified as Lucifer, whereas Satan is usually identified as Ahriman.]

[devils - see "demons".]

[devolution   Evolutionary degeneration; evolving downward rather than upward. Also see "involution".]

[devotion   A reverent or religious attitude. It is needed for spiritual development, Steiner said. Waldorf schools try to instill it in children.]

dharana   "The sixth stage of Yoga. Mental composure and steadying of the mind."  73 p. 59

dharma   "Law of Buddha; a sense of divine duty...."  73 p. 60

dhyana   "The seventh stage of Yoga. Thought fixed on Absolute idea [sic]."  73 p. 60

diablerie   "[S]orcery, black magic, or devilish arts...."  80 p. 74

diableros   "[E]vil practitioners of Black Magic. They claim to possess the power to transform themselves into animals...."  80 p. 74 

Diabolarch   "The ruler of the devils."  80 p. 74   

diabolepsy   "[B]eing possessed by a devil...."  80 p. 74

diabolism   "Belief in and worship of the devil."  80 p. 74

diamond   "A very potent gem that offers many powers and protections to its wearers."  80 p. 74

Diana   "One of the earliest of the ancient Italian goddesses [associated with hunting and virginity] ... In occult literature and practice she is significant as the moon goddess."  80 p. 

Didyma   "An oracle sanctuary of Apollo...."  80 p. 75

[dinosaurs   Some breathed fire, Steiner said; in effect, they were dragons.]

[Dionysian   Associated with the god Dionysus. In Anthroposophy, "Dionysian" applies to the functioning of the metabolism, centered in the abdomen and limbs; it is the polar opposite of the Apollonian, centered in the head.]

[Dionysus   Greek god of fertility, wine, and creativity in music and poetry; also called Bacchus.]

Dipper, Wise Men of the Great   "(Hinduism)  [T]he 7 Holy Rishis who were embodied in the 7 stars known as the constellation of Ursa Major [the Great Bear or the Big Dipper]."  80 p. 75

direct voice   "The phenomena [sic] of a voice proceeding from an artificial larynx, made from ectoplasmic material extracted from the medium and sitters."  73 p. 61

direct writing   "Writing produced without visible contact with the medium [i.e., the medium produces writing without appearing to touch pen or paper]...."  73 p. 62

Dis, Dispater   "[T]he [Roman] god of the underworld, similar to the Greek Pluto."  80 p. 75

discarnate   "Not incarnated."  73 p. 62

[disease   Often the result of karma and/or astrological forces, Steiner taught. Having a disease may, therefore, be considered a blessing, and preventing diseases may often be a mistake.]

[divine code  In various forms of esotericism: mysterious words, acronyms, or secret signs that, once decoded, confer great spiritual wisdom and/or power.]

[divine cosmic plan   In Anthroposophy: the gods' plan for human and cosmic evolution.]

[divine "I" - see "cosmic 'I'" and "universal 'I'".]

[divine impulse   In Theosophy: the divine intention behind the cosmos; essentially equivalent to divine will as discussed in Anthroposophy.]

[divine will   According to Steiner: the gods' will; the Godhead. Also see "divine impulse".]

Divine World   "In Theosophy, the first or highest world, the world that was first created by the divine impulse to exert its creative power. This world is not attainable by man in his present state. "  80 p. 76

[divine year   A Hindu concept incorporated into Theosophy: a period equal to 360 Earth years.]

divining, divination   "Wilful exploration of the future or the discovery of hidden things...."  73 p. 62   [This "exploration" and "discovery" involve supernatural means, often clairvoyance.]

divining rod   "A V-shaped rod ... When the dowser holds it in a state of tension the apex will move when a source of water, or some specified hidden objective is traversed."  73 p. 62

Docetists   "Early Gnostic-Christian sect who, considering matter to be totally inferior and impure, maintained that Christ had never taken the human body...."  80 p. 77

dogs   "[G]host hunters...have used dogs to determine the presence of ghosts since dogs have extraordinary capacities of hearing and smell...."  80 p. 77   [Steiner taught that dogs, like other animals, have no memories. Your dog does not remember you, he said.]

["doing" Anthroposophy   Following Steiner's instructions, and/or using clairvoyance, to perform "spiritual science" — i.e., learning about the spirit realm through the controlled use of clairvoyant insight.]

[Dominions   In Anthroposophy: gods six levels above mankind. Essentially equivalent to Spirits of Wisdom or Kyriotetes, they are upper-level gods of the Second Hierarchy. Dwelling in the Jupiter sphere, they develop the evolutionary system that fulfills the designs formed by the First Hierarchy.]

[Donar   The Germanic god of thunder: Thor.]

doorkeeper   "The personal spirit control of a medium."  80 p. 77   [A "control," in the sense meant here, is a spirit that directs or controls a medium.]

doppelgänger   "German term for the astral body."  73 p. 63   [More generally, a doppelgänger is an apparition or double of a living person. See "double".] 

[Dornach   Swiss town where the Anthroposophical headquarters, the Goetheanum, is located.]

double   "[The] etheric body."  73 p. 63    [More generally, a "double" or "doppelgänger" is a secondary self, s second soul or spirit occupying one's physical body alongside one's primary self. In Steiner's teachings, the double has a baleful nature, distinct from the normal and healthful etheric body. Also see "doppelgänger".]

[dowser   One who performs dowsing. Dowsers primarily search for water, but they may use the same or similar techniques to search for other prized substances such as gems.]

dowsing   "Water divining by rod, twig or pendulum. Also known as rhabdomancy, Radiesthesia."  80 p. 78   ["Water divining" is essentially the search for water through methods of divination.]

dracontia   "Since the dragon was a widespread occult symbol, temples dedicated to his worship became popular."  80 p. 78   [In the sense meant here, then, dracontia is worship of dragons or of a particular dragon.]

[draconites   A black stone taken from the head of a dragon; it confers courage and neutralizes poisons.]

dragon   "[T]he dragon symbolizes the everlasting rebirth of things ... Western occultism, portraying the dragon biting his own tail, signifies him as the master of the future, since everything is destroyed or dies but is reborn...."  80 pp. 78-79   [Dragons are mystical monsters, generally depicted as gigantic  winged lizards. Steiner said dragons really existed — they were fire-breathing dinosaurs. In Anthroposophy, the dragon may symbolize evil or all the forces that distract humans from their true evolutionary purpose; often, the image of a dragon represents Ahriman.] 

drapery   "Spirit robes. The simple flowing garments worn by spirit people...."  80 p. 79

dream   "Spiritualists maintain the possibility of visits during the dream the spirit sphere."  73 p. 65    [Steiner essentially agreed with this — he said our astral and ego bodies travel to the spirit realm during sleep. He also said that through spiritual discipline dreams can be made accurate and reliable. Also see "dreaming true" and "dreams".]

dream body   "See Astral body...."  73 p. 66    [In Steiner's teachings, the astral body departs from the physical and etheric bodies during sleep and ascends to the spirit realm. The "dreams" it has there are true spiritual experiences.]

dream communications   "These come usually as warnings ... This could well be a form of temporary clairvoyance...."  80 p. 79

dream prophecies   "[D]reams that are prophetically very significant".  80 p. 79

dream telepathic   "[D]reams that are telepathic, revealing events that are occurring simultaneously with the dreamer's dream...."  80 p. 79

dreaming true   "The possession of control and consciousness whilst in the dream state."  73 p. 66   [Steiner claimed to possess "exact clairvoyance"; when someone with this power dreams, he indicated, the resulting visions are true.]

dreams   "It is the dream that is responsible for the concepts such as [sic] the soul, life after death, supernatural entities, ghosts, [etc.]...."  80 p. 80   [I.e., our knowledge of these things comes to us through true dreams. Also see "dream" and "dreaming true".]

[Druids   Ancient Celtic seers, magicians, and/or priests. Steiner credited them with great wisdom.]

dualism   "[The concept that] there exist two realities — physical vs. spiritual [or] two opposing cosmic forces — one good, the other evil."  80 p. 81

Dugpas   "Much feared...malicious, evil sorcerers...."  80 p. 81

[duration   The timeless condition before the beginning of time, according to Steiner (time, proper, began during Old Saturn).]

[Dvapara Yuga   In Theosophical belief — drawing on Hinduism — this is the third great age of the world, the bronze age. Lasting 864,000 years, it follows Treta Yuga, the silver age, and it precedes Kali Yuga, the dark age.]

[dwarfs   In mythology, small beings often skilled in mining, sometimes identified with gnomes; according to Steiner, they are real.]

Dweller on the Threshold   "An occult term for the 'doorkeeper' [at the threshold between physical life and the spirit realm]."  73 p. 67    [Steiner spoke of the "Guardians" of the Threshold.]

Dyaus  "(Hinduism)  The masculine Vedic deity represents the sky or heaven."  80 pp. 81-82

Dybbuk   "The Cabala describes the evil spirits or souls of the dead that enter the body of a living person and control him."  80 p. 82   [Steiner spoke of demons in human form, and evil doubles. Some human bodies are possessed by evil spirits, he said.]

[dynamic drawing   Also called form drawing: in Waldorf schools, the careful, repetitive drawing of basic geometric forms thought to reflect divine law.]

[Dynamis   In Anthroposophy: gods five levels above mankind. Essentially equivalent to Spirits of Motion and Principalities, they stand at the middle level within the Second Hierarchy. Dwelling in the sphere of Mars, they oversee the operation of the evolutionary system developed by the Dominions or Spirits of Wisdom.]

[dynamism   The philosophical theory that phenomena are caused by energy rather than matter or motion.]