> T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z <

A - D     E - I    J - O     P - R     S     T - Z

Terms to be defined are shown in bold type. Definitions excerpted from the SteinerBooks dictionaries are placed within quotations marks. Anything I have added is placed within brackets. Definitions quoted from THE STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PSYCHIC, MYSTIC, OCCULT, published in 1973, are marked "73". Definitions quoted from THE NEW STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PARANORMAL, published in 1980, are marked "80".

- T -

table of houses   "In astrology, this is the essential information by which to calculate [important matters]. Tables...are available in occult book stores [sic]."  80 p. 293   [An astrological table of houses lists the twelve signs of the zodiac ("houses") and provides astrologically significant information for each.]

taboo   "A practice found in most primitive tribes, based on a rule of prohibition, the violation of which brings an inviolable penalty...."  80 p. 293

[tadpole in young child's drawings   In Anthroposophical belief: children aged 3 or so often draw human beings having only heads and limbs, no trunks: "tadpoles." This is thought to mean that these children are still in a dream state, imbued with will, and should not be awakened or stimulated to think with their brains.]

talisman   "An object which may be a stone, a ring, a pendant, etc., possessing occult powers...."  80 p. 294

Talmud   "Book of study...containing the fundamental principles of Jewish law."  73 p. 211

tamarisk   "A tree flourishing in the Mediterranean world...credited with extraordinary occult powers."  80 p. 294

Tammuz   "The Babylonian god of vegetation and springtime ... The mystery of his life and resurrection was re-enacted [sic] each year."  80 p. 294

TANTRAS   "(Hinduism, Buddhism)  A large body of works, outside the Vedic tradition, which are dialogues between Siva and his wife."  80 p. 295

Tao   "Chinese word for Logos, the Absolute, or the course of nature...."  73 p. 211   [Tao is the ultimate principle underlying the universe, unifying opposites, and representing "the way" —  the correct path through life, in harmony with nature.]

[Taoism   A Chinese philosophy based on the writings of the sage Lao Tzu (6th century BCE), who advocated piety and humility.]

Tao shu (Taoism)   "The essence of Tao (q.v.), the center at which all infinities and distinctions merge and disappear."  80 p. 295

tãpãs   "Yoga exercises designed to free the spirit from the body."  73 p. 211

[Tarok   Egyptian symbol used in Anthroposophical Christmas symbology. Steiner said it represents ancient Egyptian occult wisdom.]

Tarot, the   "[P]icture cards which have been used as a system of divination for thousands of years ... The symbolic figures on the cards represent the stages of man's destiny...being divided into the major arcana of 22 cards, and the minor arcana of 56 cards ... [T]he major arcana represent a far-ranging sweep of esoteric insight demanding close study."  80 p. 296

[taste, sense of   One of the 12 senses enumerated by Steiner: the sensation of flavor. A soul sense, it falls under the influence of Pisces.]

taurobolium   "In the ancient Persian religion of Mithras this was the blood baptism into the mysteries...."  80 p. 298

Taurus   "Astrological sign (April 21-May 21) ... Qualities — strongly independent, forceful...warm, friendly ... [But] inflexible and stubborn; intense dispensers of enemies...."  80 p. 298

[technology   In Anthroposophy, modern technology is generally seen as dangerous, Ahrimanic. Waldorf schools usually try to shield their students from TVs, computers, smart phones, etc.]

[teeth   Hard, enamel-coated structures in the jaws, used for chewing. They are very important, in Waldorf belief. During the first seven years, children think with their teeth, Steiner said. Only after the adult teeth come in, marking the incarnation of the etheric body, should children be taught reading and other basic academic skills.]

telekinesis   "The movement of objects without normal natural connexions [sic] to the cause [of the movement]...."  73 p. 212   [Telekinesis is the supposed power to move physical objects by applying  mental energy or other nonphysical means.]

teleology   "The belief that divine causes can be inferred from a study of means and ends."  73 p. 212   [More generally, teleology is the explanation of phenomena based on their functions, and/or the proposition that there is purpose and design to be found in the physical universe.]

telepathy   "An extra sensory [sic] correspondence between a present pattern of A and a present past or future [sic] mental pattern of B."  73 p. 212   [A more conventional definition is that telepathy is the communication of thoughts without use of the normal senses — minds communicating directly, without intermediation.]

teleplasm   "Ectoplasm from the medium is mixed by the spirit operators with 'psychoplasm' to produce a palpable substance called 'teleplasm'...."  80 p. 299   [Teleplasm is postulated as the etheric substance that makes telekinesis possible.] 

[teleplasty   The supposed production of teleplasm or things made of teleplasm.]

[teleportation   The supposed power to transport objects or oneself instantaneously without use of physical means.]

telescope in dreams   "[T]o dream that one is looking at the stars [especially through a telescope] is a sign of coming advancement in the world...."  80 p. 299

telescopic vision   "A particular kind of clairvoyant perception, akin to viewing through a long telescope...."  73 p. 213

[television   Generally abhorred in Waldorf circles — like other high-tech products, it is deemed to arise from the realm of Ahriman.]

[temperaments, classical    Four human personality types associated with humours (bodily fluids): sanguine (blood), choleric (yellow bile), melancholic (black bile), phlegmatic (phlegm). Waldorf teachers often segregate students by temperament, and they assign different classwork, projects, etc., to students based on temperament.]

[temperature sense   In Anthroposophy: one of our 12 senses — warmth sense, sensitivity to temperature. A soul sense, it is under the aegis of Leo.] 

[temporal body   In Anthroposophy and Theosophy: the etheric body.] 

[10] ten   "In religion and mysticism this number represents both totality and completion."  80 p. 300

[Tenth Hierarchy   According to Steiner: ourselves, deified and ascendant: the rank we will assume when we become gods.]

tephramancy   "Divination which studies the ashes of the fire remaining from the bodies of the sacrifice."  80 p. 300

Terabiblos   "One of the greatest of all works on astrology, which is recognized as truly the bible for astrologers ... [A] four-volume book written by Claudius Ptolemy."  80 p. 301

Tetragammon   "For the Cabalists...the 'ineffable name' of God by which all the powers of the universe could be controlled...JHWH, YHVH, or YHWH. In English...Jehovah."  80 p. 301

[textbooks   Generally, mainstream textbooks are not used in Waldorf schools — they tend to contain knowledge that does not conform to the Waldorf perspective.]

Tezcatlipoca   "The Toltec-Aztec god of gods, the sun-god...."  80 p. 302    [According to Anthroposophy, all ancient sun gods were incomplete apprehensions of Christ, the true Sun God.]

Thaumaturge   "[A] worker of miracles or wonders."  80 p. 302   [The term is also a synonym for magician.]

thaumaturgy   "Miracle working, by superhuman aid."  73 p. 214

theomancy   "[D]ivination by oracles believed to be divinely inspired."  80 p. 303

theophagy   "The widely spread practice in the ancient world of eating the body of the god. In Christianity, the Eucharist...reflects this ancient practice...."  80 p. 303   

theophany   "The miraculous evocation of a god to a human being."  80 p. 303   [As more commonly understood: the manifestation of a god in perceptible form.]

[theory   In common usage, and as often used by Anthroposophists: a speculation, perhaps unfounded. In science: an explanation of phenomena, based on solid evidence. In a scientific context, the word "theory" does not denote great uncertainty. See "scientific theory".]

Theosophy   "Mme Blavatsky, a founder...defined it as 'Wisdom Religion or Divine Wisdom' ... It teaches a doctrine of compulsory reincarnation, and the development of latent psychic powers."  73 p. 214   [Steiner headed the German branch of Theosophy before breaking away to set up Anthroposophy. Many Anthroposophical doctrines stem from Theosophy.]

[therapeutic eurythmy   In Anthroposophical practice: curative eurythmy, eurythmy used as a spirit-imbued form of physical therapy.] 

theriolatry   "[W]orshipping the gods in the form of animals."  80 p. 304   [As more commonly understood: animal worship.]

thief in dreams   "[A] dream of thieves robbing your house is a prediction of honor and profit...."  80 p. 305

[thinking    According to Steiner, the human brain does not truly think; instead, like a mirror, it reflects the thoughts of the gods. See "living thoughts".]

[thinking-feeling-willing    According to one of Steiner's descriptions of the human constitution, we consist of three major parts: the so-called nerve-senses system (in the head), the rhythmic-circulatory system (in the chest), and the metabolic-limb system (in the abdomen). These three parts, in turn, are the seats of three major conditions: thinking, feeling, and willing.]

[third elementary kingdom    In Anthroposophy: the third of three kingdoms below the mineral kingdom (the lowest kingdom of nature that is usually acknowledged). Inhabited by the lowliest of subhuman beings, the elementary kingdoms gather and produce the constituents of the higher kingdoms. The third elementary kingdom informs the mineral kingdom in particular.] 

[Third Elementary Kingdom Condition of Life   In Anthroposophy: the third of seven conditions of life — for us, subdivisions of our current existence in the period called Present Earth. Here, we evolve upward through the three elementary kingdoms of nature to the mineral kingdom, then the plant, animal, and human kingdoms.]

third eye   "An occult organ of psychic vision situated in the forehead."  73 p. 214

[Third Hierarchy   In Anthroposophical belief: the lowest of three groupings of gods, consisting of gods one, two, and three levels higher than humanity. These gods dwell among the inner spheres of the solar system (Moon, Mercury, Venus), with their focus tightly directed to the Earth. They are more intimately involved in human affairs than are the gods of higher ranks.]

[Third Woe   In Anthroposophical belief: the seventh and culminating Realm of Spirit — the final scourging/purifying period of spirit evolution in the seventh great epoch (Trumpets). During the Third Woe, humanity's mind, soul, and spiritual evolution in the physical stage of form is completed; the powers of the Zodiac are loosened, and this period is ruled by no constellation — astrological powers fall away. After a small pralaya, humanity will next proceed to the Perfected Astral Stage of Form.]

[13] thirteen   "Astrologers call this the earth's number, since it [sic: the Earth] is the center of the 12 houses. Contrary to popular belief, it [i.e., the number 13] is not unlucky"  80 p. 206

Thor   "Scandinavian god of thunder...."  80 p. 305   [In Anthroposophy, Thor is an angel who forsook further development to stay behind and help humanity. He is particularly helpful in our development of individual egos, Steiner said.]

Thoth   "Ancient Egyptian god of wisdom...."  80 p. 305

[thought energy     See "thought power", below.]

[thought ether   In Anthroposophy: one of several forms of ether; also called tone ether or sound ether, it facilitates the power of thought.]

thought forms   "Apparitions built by thought energy."  73 p. 215

[thought influence   The magical power to direct or control someone else's thoughts.]

thought power   "The ability of the mind to control a wide spectrum of phenomena has been one of the most frequently proven of human capacities. Skills of Yogin [sic]; of talented mediums; of witchdoctors [sic], shamans, occultists, [etc.]...demonstrate...thought power."  80 p. 306   [Here as elsewhere in the Steinerbooks dictionaries, alleged proofs and/or evidence are mentioned but not produced. In reality, no such proofs exist.]

[thought projection   The supposed ability to send thoughts to others without use of the ordinary organs or senses.]

thought reading   "[T]elepathy in reverse [i.e., receiving thoughts, not sending them]."  73 p. 216

[thought sense   According to Steiner, one of our 12 senses — the "sense" that enables us to comprehend meanings beyond their embodiment in language. A spirit sense, it operates under the sway of Taurus.]

[thought transference     See "thought projection".]

thread   "[A] red-colored thread or cord was believed to be a sure mark of a witch."  80 p. 306

[3] three   "One of the key numbers in mysticism, the occult, and religion. In the occult 3 is the number of the higher worlds...."  80 p. 307   [Steiner generally taught that there are three worlds overall: the physical world, the soul world, and the spirit world. Steiner taught that three is the number of divinity revealing itself.]

[threefold human   In Anthroposophy: the human being understood as having a physical body, a soul, and a spirit. Steiner also spoke of the four-, seven-, and nine-member human constitution.]

[threefolding   Rudolf Steiner's plan to divide social institutions into three independent spheres: political, economic, and cultural/spiritual.]

[threefold nature of man    See "threefold human".]

[threshold   In many esoteric teachings: the boundary between the physical and spiritual realms.] 

[Thrones   In Christian angelology: the third-highest rank of angels. In Anthroposophy: the lowest gods of the First Hierarchy, standing seven levels above mankind. They reside chiefly in the sphere of Saturn.]

Tibetan Book of the Dead   "Written in three parts as a gospel for the dead, who must endure forty-nine days to experience his [sic, the dead person's] rebirth...."  80 p. 308

time   "Clairvoyant phenomena have a peculiar disregard for the normal time sequence...."  73 p. 216   [Steiner taught that time began midway through Old Saturn. Prior to that, the solar system existed in a timeless condition called "duration".]

[Time Archangels   In Anthroposophy: gods two levels above us; they preside over 350-year periods of Earth life. These Archangels preside in a fixed, cyclical sequence, one god handing off to the next. They stand in the middle rank of the Third Hierarchy.]

[Time Rulers    See "Time Spirits", below.]

[Time Spirits   In Anthroposophy: gods who preside over historical ages or cultural epochs, which last more than 20 centuries; also called Zeitgeists. They stand among the highest gods of the Third Hierarchy, residing principally in the sphere of Venus.]

tincture   "Among alchemists...a substance which colors, dyes, or stains ... [T]he active principle native to a substance which the alchemist could distill and release...."  80 p. 309

Titans   "The most ancient divinities of Greek mythology who were potent...before the Olympian divinities [i.e., ancient Greek gods] won complete domination."  80 p. 309

Tiv, Tiw, Tyr   "The ancient Scandinavian god of victory and the bravest of all the gods."  80 p. 309

[Tlavatlis   The second sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

 1. Rmoahals                                                           7. Mongols  2. Tlavatlis                                         6. Akkadians  3. Toltecs                  5. Primal Semites  4. Primal Turanians ......

[Toltecs   The third sub-race that, according to occult teachings, arose on Atlantis.]

[tone ether   In Anthroposophy: sound ether or thought ether.]

Torah   "Mosaic law. The Pentateuch."  73 p. 217   [The Pentateuch consists of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. They are traditionally ascribed to Mose]

totem   "A widespread mystical custom ... [A]n object becomes the great sacred factor in [a people's] existence ... [T]he supreme mystical union between it and its worshippers is absolute."  80 p. 311   [A more common definition is that a totem is an animal or other natural object believed to have spiritual significance and adopted by a group or society as an emblem.]

[touch, sense of   According to Steiner, one of our 12 senses. A physical sense, it operates under Libra.]

trance   "The mediumistic trance is a sleep-like condition which enables a subject's body to be used by a discarnate spirit."  73 p. 218

[trance medium   A medium who falls into a trance when contacting spirits.]

[trance speaking   Speaking while in a trance; usually, done by a medium, purportedly relaying messages from the dead or other spirits.]

[transcendentalism   a) A Kantian system for comprehending reality through comprehension of reasoning, b) An idealistic philosophical system akin to Romanticism, rejecting authority and emphasizing individual spiritual insight and conscience. Steiner said transcendentalism is one of seven justified world outlooks.]

transfiguration   "A form of physical mediumship whereby a recognizable likeness of a discarnate person is built [i.e., appears] over the medium's features."  73 p. 218

transformation   "A change of body, most often utilizing magic, as humans transformed to animals or inanimate objects, or gods into animals or humans."  80 p. 312

transit   "In astrology, the movement of a planet through a sign or house...."  80 p. 312

translation   "Ecstatic experience of the higher spheres [i.e., higher worlds] before death...[or sometimes] during periods of meditation."  80 p. 312

transmigration of souls   "The doctrine of rebirth of the soul in any  form [sic]."  73 p. 218   [In Anthroposophy, a distinction is drawn between transmigration and reincarnation. Both entail rebirth in a new body, but whereas the concept of transmigration allows for the possibility that a human soul may be reborn in an animal body, the concept of reincarnation generally denies this possibility.]

[transmutation    In ordinary discourse, transmutation is the act of changing from one condition or state to another. In alchemy, generally, it is the purported alteration of a base metal into a valuable metal (especially gold). Rudolf Steiner generally discussed transmutation as the evolution of mankind from lower (physical) conditions to higher (spiritual) conditions.] 

transportation   "The supernormal conveyance of human bodies through doors and walls...."  73 p. 219

transposition of the senses   "A peculiarity of some trance states, whereby the senses of sight, smell, taste, may be experienced in the fingers, toes, ear lobes [sic] or forehead."  73 p. 219

transubstantiation   "A change of substance, usually referring to the doctrine of the Eucharist sacrament of the Lord's supper...."  73 p. 219

transvection   "The almost universal symbol of the witch's night-flight astride a broomstick, a forked stick, a spinning stick, a pole, etc."  80 p. 313

tree of life   "(Cabalism) ... [A] symbol of the foundation pattern of the universe and its basic unity."  80 p. 313

Treta Yuga   "(Hinduism)  An epoch of 1,296,000 years, representing the second age of the world."  80 p. 313.  [Theosophy essentially adopts this Hindu concept, which can also be found in Steiner's teachings. Treta Yuga is the "silver age" of each recurring cycle of ages. It is preceded by Krita Yuga, the golden age, and followed by Dvarpara Yuga, the bronze age. Anthroposophical texts usually describe each of the yugas as being far shorter than Hindu or Theosophical texts indicate.]

[triangle   The symbol of Spirit Man, according to Steiner.]

[trichotomy   Division into three categories, as in the threefold nature of man.]

trigonocrators   "In astrology, this term means the ruler of a trigon [i.e., three-part unit] Fire - Sun, Jupiter, Mars; Earth - Venus, Mercury, Saturn; Air - Mercury, Venus, Saturn; Water - Moon, Mars, Mercury."  80 p. 314 

Trimurti   "(Hinduism)  Brahma-Vishnu-Siva, the trinity of gods, representing creation-maintenance-destruction in the universe."  80 p. 314

trine   "An observed angle of 120 degrees between two bodies in the ecliptic, said (astrologically) to be helpful for the two principles [sic] concerned."  73 p. 219

[trinity   A unity comprised of three members, such as the triune God. In Christianity, God is believed to have three members or persons — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In Hinduism, the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva comprise a trinity of creation, preservation, and destruction; seen together, they comprise the Godhead. The three divinities seen as a single triune God in Christianity are separate gods in Anthroposophy, although — as in Hinduism — they may be seen as comprising the Godhead. In Anthroposophy, also, the Holy Trinity is sometimes described as consisting of the creative forces of the physical world, the divine forces imminent in the present, and the divinity yet to be realized in the future. ]

[triune God   God conceived as having three component parts. See "trinity".]

troll   "In Germanic and Scandinavian mythology the trolls had originally been giants, fiends, demons, or ghostly monsters. But in later ages they became either dwarfs or giants dwelling in caves or hills."  80 p. 315

tropical signs   "Astrologers mean by this: Cancer and Capricorn."  80 p. 315

[true cognition   In Anthroposophy: the true use of clairvoyance, and/or the reception of living thoughts. The brain is not the center or source of such cognition, Steiner said. Also see "truth".]

[trumpets of doom   Horns sounded at the end of the world (see Revelation 8:6). In Anthroposophy, the seventh great epoch is the epoch of these trumpets.]

[trunk man   Chest man: the inner human being that embodies the forces of the rhythmic-circulatory system, Steiner said.]

[truth   In Waldorf belief, this is found through feelings, imagination, dreams, clairvoyance; it is not chiefly found through rational use of the brain. Also see "true cognition".]

tso wang   "(Taoism)  The state of absolute freedom in which the distinction between self and others, life and death, self and things is erased...."  80 p. 315

tummo   "A method of raising heat in the body...practised by some Yogis and Tibetan lamas."  73 p. 220

[Turanians   Primal Turanians: one of the sub-races said, by Steiner and others, to have existed on Atlantis.]

[Turning Point of Time   In Anthroposophy: Christ's ministry on Earth, during which he established the correct pattern for future human evolution; the Mystery of Golgotha (the occult meaning of Christ's Crucifixion) became the inflection point turning our existence in a new direction.]

Thushita, Tusita   "(Buddhism)  Before his incarnation Buddha was domiciled in this heaven...."  80 p. 316   [Buddhist tradition systematizes Eastern cosmological concepts, in which there are many heavens. Tushita — a heaven in the realm of desires — is one of the most important. Others include the Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods and the Heaven of the Four Guardian Kings.]

tutelary   "That divinity, saint, or spirit acting as the guardian of an individual, a place, or thing."  80 p. 316

[12 (twelve)    An extremely potent number in esotericism. It is the number of signs in the zodiac, the number of months in the year, the number of Hercules' labors, the number of Christ's apostles, the number of tribes of Israel, etc. It is the product of three times four, which Steiner said are the numbers of divinity revealing itself (three) and the cosmos or creation (four). Also see "seven" (which is the sum of three plus four).]

[twelvefold human body    In Anthroposophy: the physical human body has twelve major components, each of which is subject to the astrological influence of one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.]

[Twilight of the Gods   Ragnarök, the cataclysmic world-shattering war described in Norse myths.]

twin soul   "Occult term for a psychic affinity [between two souls]."  73 p. 221

[2 (two)   In occultism, this is called the number of revelation, according to Steiner.]

Tyche   "The goddess of good luck in ancient Greece and Rome."  80 p. 317

Typhon   "The fire-breathing giant, the malevolent Satan of the Greeks."  80 p. 317

typtology   "Communicating with spirits by the technique of rapping...."  80 p. 317

- U -

U   "An important mystical letter ... [C]onverted into numbers (3x7) it equals 21 ... [A]lchemists considered it a potent letter."  80 p. 318

U.F.O.   "Unidentified Flying Objects."  73 p. 221   "Sound evidence can be found for the existence of these unheralded objects...."  73 p. 85   [In reality, despite decades of investigation, no sound evidence has been found.]

Ukoback   "One of the interior demons of Hell...."  80 p. 318

Ultor   "'[T]he avenger,' the surname of the war-god Mars...."  80 p. 318

ultra-perceptive faculty   "A capacity for obtaining the employment of a perceptive faculty other than those of the recognized senses...."  80 p. 318   [In Anthroposophy, this faculty is clairvoyance.]

[understanding soul   In Anthroposophy: the sentient soul. The first of our soul members, Steiner said; it forms feelings and concepts. It fully incarnates in modern humans at about age 28.]

underworld   "[D]omain below the earth where the souls of the dead sojourn."  80 p. 319

undine   "One of the elementals [i.e., nature spirits]...spirit of the water, a nymph"  80 p. 319

unfoldment   "[D]evelopment of personal psychic or spiritual powers."  73 p. 221   [More generally in Anthroposophy, unfoldment is the incarnation and development of a faculty, member, or capacity.]

unfortunate signs   "In astrology...the negative signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius."  80 p. 319

unicorn   "In mythology, religion, and the occult...[it represents] chastity or purity ... [E]mblematic of the Holy Spirit ... In alchemy, it symbolized Mercury and the Lion...."  80 p. 319

Unidentified Flying Objects   "See flying saucers."  73 p. 221   [Also see "U.F.O."]

unio mystica   "[M]ystical union wherein the individual consciousness...merges with a transcendant [sic] consciousness."  80 p. 319

[universal ether   Ether; an impalpable substance that supposedly fills the universe. Belief in a universal ether was affirmed in nineteenth century science, but later the concept was discarded. It has persisted in some esoteric teachings, including Anthroposophy.]

[universal human   According to Steiner: a future form of humanity, beyond racial forms.]

[universal "I"   In Anthroposophy: the "I" of the universe; in effect, the Godhead.]

universalism   "A doctrine that all men will eventually be saved."  73 p. 222

universals   "[T]he essential idea [sic] of a thing, as distinguished from the discrete thing itself."  80 p. 320

Unknown Father   "[In] Gnostic mysticism — the demiurgos [or Demiurge]...the progenitor of creation."  80 p. 321   

[unredeemable moon   In Anthroposophy: the irreclaimable moon, a place of perdition to which wrongdoers will be consigned; there, they will undergo indescribable evolution.]

UPANISHADS   "The second section of sacred Hindu literature, following the Vedas."  73 p. 222

Urakabarameel   "[O]ne of the leaders of the fallen angels"  80 p. 322

Uranian   "In astrology, an individual who is erratic, independent...because of the influence of...Uranus...."  80 p. 322

[Uranus   The seventh planet from the Sun; not really a part of the solar system, Steiner said.]

[urge   An emanation of will derived from the etheric body, Steiner indicated.]

[Uriel   In Anthroposophy: Oriphiel, the Archangel of Saturn. He oversees periods of tribulation for humanity, seeking to awaken our conscience.]

Urmensch   "The primordial man...progenitor of the race (Adam and Eve)...."   80 p. 322   [The term is German and usually denotes caveman or primitive man generally.]

Uroboros   "[T]he tail-eating serpent...[symbolizing] the unity of the sacrificer and sacrificed...."  80 p. 322  [The word derives from Greek and means "tail-devourer". The tail-eating serpent is found in both ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian symbology. Also see "Ouroboros".]

Usanas   "Venus."  80 p. 322

[useless human beings   According to Steiner: people who fail to evolve properly; he specified Malayans.]

U.S.M.   "Union of Spiritual Mediums."  80 p. 323

Utnapishtim   "The Babylonian Noah whose story undoubtedly was the source of the Genesis legend...."  80 p. 323 

- V -


Vac   "(Hinduism)  In Vedic religion this is the Logos...."  80 p. 323   [Actually, Vac is the Hindu goddess of speech.] 

[vaccination   Usually viewed askance by Steiner's followers: It can interfere with karma and may be Ahrimanic, according to Anthroposophy.]

[vacuum   Space devoid of matter, including air. It enables demons to incarnate, Steiner said.]

Vadhagna   "(Zoroastrianism)  The evil ruler whose power [would be conferred] on Zarathustra, if he would curse Ahura Mazda."  80 p. 323

Vairagya   "(Hinduism)  The abominable river...which must be crossed to reach the underworld."  80 p. 323   

Valhalla   "In ancient Scandinavian mythology, the haven of the dead heroes...."  80 p. 324   [In Norse myths, Valhalla is the hall of Odin where dead heroes are gathered, awaiting the beginning of Ragnarök.]

Valkyries   "In Norse mythology, the beautiful maidens...who attend the fields of war, choosing who are to be killed...."  80 p. 324

vampire   "[A] night-wandering blood-sucking [sic] ghost or a dead person who returns from the grave with the malefic desire to suck the blood of sleeping persons...."  80 p. 324

[Vanir    In Norse mythology, one of two rival bands of gods. The Vanir are gods of wealth, commerce, and fertility. They are unheroic compared to the more valiant, martial Aesir.]

Varuna   "(Hinduism)   [T]he divinity of the night and the waters, the god of the subconscious level of the soul...."  80 p. 324

Vassago   "The spirit of the crystal which is called on by the crystal-gazer...."  80 p. 324

Vasus   "Eight evil deities who serve Indra...."  80 p. 325

Vaulderie   "[O]ne who is in league with the Satanic powers."  80 p. 325   [The term is French; it was used during the French Inquisition to denote the formation of Satanic pacts.]

[Vé   In Norse myths: one of Odin's two brothers; the other was Vili. Together, these three gods fashioned the earth and endowed humans with life.]

VEDA[S]   "The oldest section of Hindu sacred literature."  73 p. 223

Vedanta   "Hindu philosophy, based on the Vedas."  73 p. 224

vehicle of life   "An occult concept ... [T]he Etheric Body...."  80 p. 328

[veil   In various spiritual traditions: the barrier or threshold between the physical and spiritual realms.]  

[veil painting   Watercolor painting technique in which many translucent layers or coatings of color are laid down, creating an impression of the occult veil between the physical and the spiritual.]

Veleda   "A prophetess of the Germanic tribes ... [S]he was honored as a goddess."  80 p. 328

[veneration   Reverence, adoration, worship. It is required for spiritual growth, Steiner said.]

[Venus   The second planet from the Sun, between Mercury and Earth; named for the Roman goddess of love. Venus is the home of Lucifer, Steiner said. Steiner also occasionally used the name "Venus" as shorthand for Future Venus, a coming condition of consciousness.]

[Venus consciousness   In Anthroposophy: perfected Inspiration. All humans who survive into Future Venus will have it, Steiner said.]

[Venus evolution   The stage of cosmic evolution that will follow Future Jupiter: Future Venus. Also its equivalent experienced by an individual in her/his spiritual development.]

[Venus humans   According to Steiner's teachings, these are variously humans who migrated to Venus, or their descendants on Earth, or humans on Earth who are under the astrological influences of Venus, or humans as we will become during the Future Venus stage of evolution.]

[Venus supermen    According to Steiner: superhuman beings of Venus who — among supermen from other planets — bring spiritual wisdom to Earth, enabling the development of spiritual science, in particular Anthroposophy.]

vernal equinox   "In astrology, that period when the sun enters Aries, the first day of spring."  80 p. 328   [The spring equinox is approximately March 20 in the northern hemisphere and September 22 in the southern hemisphere.]

[verses or morning verses in Waldorf schools    Prayers written by Rudolf Steiner, recited in unison by Waldorf students and teachers, usually at the beginning of the school day.]

vibration   "A misleading word frequently used by Spiritualists to denote a phase of mental attunement ... Spirit beings, to contact our environment, do not have to do anything mysterious physically, like 'lowering their vibrations'...."  73 p. 224

Vidar   "Scandinavian god, [a] son of Odin, and next to Thor the strongest of the gods."  80 p. 329   [According to Steiner, Vidar — like other mythic gods — really exists.]

[Vidar stream   According to Steiner's followers: one of four spiritual streams summarized in Anthroposophy. This stream originated in Northern Europe and is reflected in Norse myths, which play a large role in Waldorf schooling.]

Viduus   "A divinity in ancient Rome responsible for parting the soul from the body at death."   80 p. 329

[Vili   In Norse myths: one of Odin's two brothers; the other was Ve. Together, these three gods fashioned the earth and endowed humans with life.]

violent signs   "In astrology...Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius."  80 p. 331

Virgo   "Astrological sign (August 24-Sept 23); Element — Earth; Symbol — the Virgin; Ruling planet — Mercury; Qualities — Excellent conversationalists, very logical...enormously persistent...possessing loyalty, frankness, acumen, and integrity ... [C]an, however, be overly critical, hypersensitive, overly conservative ... [C]an sometimes be too self-centered...."   80 p. 331

[virtue   In general, possessing and acting on high moral standards. In Anthroposophy, virtue is specifically acting in accordance with divine will to promote proper human evolution.]

[Virtues   In Christian angelology: angels of the seventh rank. In Anthroposophy: gods five levels above mankind. As middle gods in the Second Hierarchy, they help impart moral correctness in the fulfillment of the intentions of the First Hierarchy. They are centered in the sphere of Mars.]

Vishnu   "Hindu deity, one of the trinity (with Brahma and Shiva). 'The Preserver', a beneficent god ... Incarnated as Krishna, the charioteer ... Many worthy people of recent times have been considered incarnations of Vishnu...."  73 p. 225

[Vishva Karman, Vishvakarman   According to Steiner: the name by which Hindu saints have known Christ. In Hindu mythology, Vishvakarman is the architect of the gods.]

vision   "May be divided into two classes, objective...and subjective ... Clairvoyance or etheric vision should be classed in the latter, although it may yet prove to be 'objective'...."  73 p. 225    ["Vision," in the sense meant here — clairvoyance — is the ability to "pierce the veil" and see spiritual realities; often, visions occur during trances or sleep. Steiner claimed that he used "exact clairvoyance" to gain objective knowledge of the spirit realm. Cf. visions.]

visionary   "[One who has] the experience of visions."  80 p. 332

vision questing   "The practice by some North American Indians in puberty rites to send a boy to the woods ... [He was not] to return home until he had heard from a supernatural power."  80 p. 331

[visions   According to Steiner, generally: unschooled clairvoyant images, sometimes true but often unreliable. Cf. "vision", above.] 

visitants   "Spirit communicators. Apparitions."  73 p. 226

vital body   "The double or etheric body."  73 p. 226

[vital force   Life force: a hypothetical natural force that imparts life and health. It is a nineteenth century concept that was later discarded by scientists but retained by Anthroposophists.]

vitalism   "Theories of life, ascribing its phenomena to other than merely physical principles. Non-materialism."  73 p. 226    [Steiner argued that life cannot arise from "dead" matter — life must come from life.]

[Vitzliputzli   The Aztec god of war. According to Steiner: he was a god in human form who battled a murderous initiate.] 

vocal signs   "In astrology — Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius."  80 p. 333

voices, supernormal   "[V]oices from materialized forms. Voices heard only by oneself would be clairaudience."  80 p. 333   [Modern psychiatry holds a different view. "Hearing voices" is often a significant sign of mental imbalance.]

void of course   "In astrology — the Moon or another planet [sic] that will reach the following sign without having formed any aspects...."  80 p. 333

[volcanos   Steiner taught that human will, especially corrupt human will, creates catastrophes such as volcanos. Karma requires some humans to seek out volcanos and other lethal situations in order to experience needed deaths or injuries.]

[voluntarism   According to Steiner: one of the seven possible world outlooks; it posits will as the basis of all reality.]

vow   "In the occult sphere, to commit oneself to a supernatural power...."  80 p. 333

[vril   A mysterious etheric energy postulated by novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his novel THE COMING RACE (1873). Various occultists, including Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner, accepted the reality of vril in one form or another.]

[Vulcan   A planet nearer the Sun than Mercury; hypothesized by astronomers but later determined to be illusory. Steiner indicated that Vulcan does exist. He also sometimes used the term "Vulcan" as shorthand for the seventh condition of consciousness: Future Vulcan.]

[Vulcan consciousness   Perfected Intuition or piety; the clairvoyant power we will all acquire during the Future Vulcan phase of evolution, Steiner said.]

[Vulcan evolution   The stage of cosmic evolution that will follow Future Venus: Future Vulcan. Also the equivalent of that stage experienced by an individual in her/his spiritual development.]

[Vulcan humans   In Anthroposophy: human beings living on Vulcan, and/or descendants of such humans, and/or humans during Future Vulcan, and/or humans with special connections to Vulcan.]

[Vulcan supermen    According to Steiner: superhuman beings of Vulcan who — along with supermen from other planets — bring spiritual wisdom to Earth, enabling the development of spiritual science, in particular Anthroposophy.]

- W -

Wai Tai   "(Taoism)  [An] occult term ... Basically it refers to external alchemy...enabling the practitioner to attain Tao."  80 p. 334

[Waldorf-Astoria Cigarette Factory   A tobacco company, founded by Emil Molt and two partners in 1906. Molt prevailed on Rudolf Steiner to develop a school for the children of the factory's workers. This became the first Waldorf school, which opened in 1919.]

[Waldorf charter schools   Publicly financed schools that follow, to a significant degree, the Waldorf curriculum.]

[Waldorf communities   Social groupings centered on Waldorf schools. The schools are often just one component of a broader effort to establish Anthroposophical institutions of various types, with an ultimate aim of remaking human society generally.]

[Waldorf Critics, waldorfcritics    An online discussion group, focused on Waldorf education, associated with People for Legal and Non-Sectarian schools (PLANS). PLANS was later renamed Waldorf Critics International.]

[Waldorf curriculum   The sequence of courses and activities usually followed in Waldorf schools, intended to foster human capabilities as described in the doctrines of Anthroposophy. There is heavy emphasis on art, for its presumed spiritual effects, and imagination, which in Anthroposophy is considered a form of — or a precursor to — clairvoyance.]

[Waldorf Early Education Association of North America (WECAN)    An Anthroposophical group that focuses on the earliest periods of childhood, promoting Steiner educational approaches for the rearing of young children.]

[Waldorf education   The purpose of Waldorf schooling is only tangentially related to ordinary education (i.e., conveying knowledge and preparing children for life in the real world). Waldorf schools exist to spread Anthroposophy, covertly or otherwise, and to bring the "benefits" of Anthroposophy to children.]

[Waldorf-inspired schools   Schools that, without overtly being Waldorf schools, implement appealing Waldorf practices. Often, these are new schools that aspire to become full-fledged Waldorf schools; they tend to be deeply (if covertly) invested in Anthroposophy.]

["Waldorf orphans"   Children of excessively committed Waldorf teachers; these children, allegedly, are often ignored by their parents, who spend most of their time attending to school duties rather than family duties. Children of Waldorf class teachers — who are required to teach numerous subjects at numerous grade levels — are said to be particularly at risk.]

[Waldorf parents   Parents of Waldorf students are usually expected to make a deep commitment — financial and otherwise — to their Waldorf schools. However, until/unless they show clear signs of adopting Anthroposophy, they will probably held at arm's length and much may be concealed from them.]

[Waldorf School, original    The first Waldorf school, overseen by Rudolf Steiner, opened in Germany in 1919. It took its name from a cigarette factory, whose owner underwrote the school. Many Waldorf schools still use the Waldorf name, but some call themselves Steiner or Steiner Waldorf schools, and others have wholly different names (Shining Star School, Misty Vale School, and the like).]

[Waldorf schools   Steiner schools, Steiner Waldorf schools: institutions based on Anthroposophy, intended to deliver the "benefits" of Anthroposophy to children and, more generally, to implement and spread Anthroposophy.]

[Waldorf students   Children attending Waldorf schools are usually exposed to many Anthroposophical beliefs, although often the process is covert and indirect. Indoctrination occurs especially in the lower grades. Waldorf students are often denied ordinary academic schooling while their teachers focus on their souls, spirits, invisible bodies, temperaments, etc., as conceived in Anthroposophy.]

[Waldorf teachers   According to Steiner, they should be true Anthroposophists. Usually some non-Anthroposophists serve on Waldorf faculties, if only briefly, but Waldorf faculties are usually led and largely staffed by Anthroposophists, as Steiner specified. Waldorf subject teachers concentrate on specific disciplines, while Waldorf class teachers shepherd groups of students through several grade levels, teaching most of the core subjects at all of these levels.] 

[Waldorf UK   The coordinating and certifying authority for Waldorf schools in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It was previously called the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship.]

Walpurgis night   "One of the four great nights for the assembly of witches...."  80 p. 335   [In German folklore: April 30 — the eve of May Day.]

[wand   "[T]he most common magical instrument in legend, as well as in actual magical practice ... [A] symbol of the will." — J. M. Greer, THE NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE OCCULT (Llewllyn Publications, 2009), p. 508.    A long thin rod or stick, a wand is used for casting spells.]

[War of All Against All, The   According to Steiner: the culminating war that will end our present period of evolution, the seventh cultural epoch of the fourth stage of form; the war is comparable to Ragnarök. (The term "war of all against all" was originally used by Thomas Hobbes to describe the condition of humanity before the institution of civil government.)]

warlock   "A skilled demon conjurer...."  80 p. 335    [More commonly, the term applies to a male witch, a sorcerer.]

[warmth, sense of   According to Steiner: one of our 12 senses, able to detect both physical and spiritual (soul) temperature. A soul sense, the sense of warmth functions under the effects of Leo.]

[warmth ether   According to Steiner: the first of four subdivisions of ether; it causes air to expand and is the embodiment of the "element" known as fire.]

[water   In Anthroposophy, drawing from ancient teachings: one of the four elements, home to undines.]

[water ether   According to Steiner: the rarefied, more elevated variant of the element called water.]

weak signs   "In astrology ... Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces."  80 p. 336  

[WECAN    See "Waldorf Early Education Association of North America".]

[Weleda   A firm producing Anthroposophical medicines and other preparations such as beauty products.] 

[Werbeck singing   A form of vocal production that seeks to express the inner, spiritual significance of song. It is named for the Swedish singer Valborg Werbeck-Svardstrom.]

werewolf   "This old Germanic term is a compound of words meaning 'man' and 'wolf.' The mythologies of northern Europe related tales of persons who for a short time, or permanently, were transformed into wolves, or had the occult power to assume the form of the animal."  80 p. 337

[wet-on-wet painting   A watercolor technique intended, in Waldorf schools, to suggest the nature of the spirit realm: a place of colors and tones but no distinct forms.]

wheel of life   "Traditional pictorial representation of the eastern doctrine of reincarnation."  73 p. 229

[wheels   In Theosophy: vortexes, centers of revolving forces. In Anthroposophy: nonphysical organs, chakras.]

[white   The color of virtue and truth, Steiner said.]

[White Brotherhood   According to Steiner: an occult league of the good powers; the true, hidden government of the world. Also see "White Lodge".]

white fire   "(Cabalism)  A term to express, in certain esoteric relationships, the ineffable, the infinite, the unknowable...."  80 p. 338

[White Lodge   In Anthroposophy: the occult lodge of the good powers. Also see "White Brotherhood".]

[white magic   In esoteric tradition: good magic, magic performed by "white" (i.e., good) magicians; the reverse of black magic.]

[white occultist    A good occultist, according to Steiner.]

[white path    According to Steiner: the good, upward path of spiritual evolution.]

["white race"    The most evolved race, the race that is creating spiritual realities, according to Steiner. It consists of Caucasians, chiefly Europeans.]

white stone   "The Christ-like [sic] development of the individual, one who in esoteric Christian doctrine has achieved the higher ego."  80 p. 338

white witches   "A new breed of witches who practice a benevolent assistance program."  80 p. 338

[Whitsun   Pentecost, a Christian festival honoring the Holy Ghost. The festival is often observed in Waldorf schools, but in accordance with Anthroposophical doctrine it is reformulated as a celebration of clairvoyance and the formative powers of human speech. (The reformulation is usually not explained, nor is it easily comprehended.)] 

[whole child   Waldorf schools aim to work on a child's "head, heart, and hands." In Waldorf belief, a whole child has 12 senses, one of four temperaments (phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, or melancholic), a spirit, a soul, three invisible bodies (etheric, astral, ego) incarnating in sequence, a karma, an astrological sign, a racial identity embodying a racial group soul, teeth and bones that think, brains that do not think, hearts that do not pump blood, and so forth: human nature as described in Anthroposophy.]

whole signs   "In astrology...Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius...."  80 p. 338

whore   "In old dream interpretation, for a man to dream of copulating with a whore is a sign that he is certain to suffer losses and disgrace. However, for a chaste girl to dream she is engaged in prostitution is a favorable omen."  80 p. 338

[will   In Anthroposophy: a separate human faculty, endowed by the gods and embodied in the metabolic-limb system. Children under the age of seven are thought to live largely through their wills.]

[will man   The inner human being that embodies the force of the will, Steiner said; it is carried by the limb man.]

Winterfest   Often occurring in late January or in February, this is one of the festivals punctuating the Waldorf school year. Winterfest — also known as Winter Festival or Winter Carnival — entails role-playing by the students, who may or may not wear costumes. Each child is asked to spend the day in the role of a character having a personality opposite to the child's real personality.]

wisdom   For Rudolf Steiner's followers, wisdom essentially consists of Anthroposophy (the word "Anthroposophy," derived from Greek roots, means knowledge or wisdom of the human being). Considered from slightly different angles, this wisdom is the purported substance of spiritual science or occult science.

Wise Men of the Great Dipper   "(Hinduism)  [T]he 7 Holy Rishis who were embodied in the 7 stars known as the constellation of Ursa Major."  80 p. 75

[wish   in Anthroposophy: a motive originating in the "I"; it reflects will.]

[Wishes, Region of   This is a term Steiner sometimes used for the third of seven regions in the soul world. A part of Kamaloka, it is below the Region of Liking and Disliking, and above the Region of Mobile Sensitivity.]

witch   "The witch has a very ancient history and has been a universal phenomenon ... [T]he witch still flourishes ... Some contemporary witch groups are devotees of Black Magic...."  80 p. 340   [More generally, a witch is a woman who is believed to possess evil magical powers.]

witch's marks   "[P]rotuberances — extra breasts or nipples on a witch's body — for her familiars to suck."  80 p. 342

witchcraft   "It has been estimated that there are about 400 practising witches in England ... Supernormal powers of healing and thought influence are claimed [for witches]...."  73 p. 230   [More generally, witchcraft is the purported use of magic, especially evil magic.]

witches' bath   "Trial by water for those suspected of witchcraft."  80 p. 341   [The suspected witch was held underwater until she confessed or died.]

witches' broth   "A devilish potpourri concocted of infants' flesh and the flesh of hanged men."  80 p. 342

witches' holy water   "At the witches' mass the holy water was generally urine...."  80 p. 342

[witches' mass   A religious ceremony conducted by witches, generally worshipping the evil powers, especially Satan.]

witches' sabbat   "A congress of witches, warlocks, magicians, sorcerers, and necromancers...."  80 p. 342

witching   "That which has the demonic power to be used in sorcery or occult practices."  80 p. 342

wizard   "[A] sage or a wise man. But conversely, wizards have also signified men who were adepts in the occult arts, men who were magicians and sorcerers, and men who were professional practitioners of witchcraft."  80 p. 342

wolf   "In old dream interpretation, to be chased by a wolf in your dream is an omen [that] you are due to be cheated...."  80 p. 342

[Word, The   Generally in the Western world, the Bible is deemed to be The Word of God. In gnostic and occult traditions, however, the true Word or the true meaning of The Word is hidden and must be discovered, often through a process of occult initiation. Christ is often said to be the living Word of God, the embodiment of divine intent; the second member of the Godhead; Logos. But by some accounts Christ's true identity may itself be occult; in Anthroposophy, He is the Sun God. Also see "Logos".]

[world   In various spiritual traditions and teachings, the term "world" is applied to a level of existence. There may be higher and lower worlds. Other terms such as "plane," "realm," and "sphere" are also used as synonyms for "world"; sometimes all these terms are used interchangeably. Steiner taught that there are primarily three worlds: the physical, soul, and spirit worlds. Learning to know the higher worlds is a central effort in Anthroposophy.]

[world aroma   The spiritual scent of the cosmos, emanating from the highest of three Logoi, Steiner said.]

[world conceptions   According to Steiner: twelve justified or defended conceptions of reality; they are philosophical standpoints.]

[world ether   In Anthroposophy: the Earth's etheric body, or the etheric essence that pervades the world.] 

[world light   The spiritual light of the cosmos, emanating from the second of three Logoi, Steiner said.] 

[world moods    See "world outlook moods", below.] 

[world of light   In Anthroposophy: the light world, the spirit realm or the etheric realm.]

[world of soul   In Anthroposophy: the soul world, the realm of the soul, the lower of two worlds above the physical world.]

[world of spirit   In Anthroposophy: the spirit world, the realm of the spirit, the higher of two worlds above the physical world.]

[world outlook moods   According to Steiner: seven possible subjective dispositions one can have within the twelve world outlooks. They are associated with the seven "planets" of astrology.] 

[world outlooks   According to Steiner: twelve justified or defended attitudes one can have toward reality; philosophical standpoints. Steiner associated them with the twelve signs of the zodiac.] 

world soul   "A philosophic-religious-occult view of an intelligent, dynamic, immanent principle in the cosmos."  80 p. 343

[world sound   The spiritual sound of the cosmos, emanating from the lowest of three Logoi, Steiner said.] 

[World Word   The Logos — the Holy Word. See "The Word".]

wraith   "An apparition; the etheric double."  73 p. 231

Wyrd   "The goddess of death among the Teutonic Germans."  80 p. 344

Wyvern or Wivern   "The legendary dragon, which in various forms was famous in Asian and European mythology and occultism."  80 p. 344

- X -

Xaphan   "Famous in the war of the [Satanic] angels against heaven for his desire to set fire to heaven."  80 p. 345   [According to some esotericists, Xaphan is a fallen angel, a cohort of Satan; he and Satan rebelled against God's rule in heaven, and were expelled. Also see "Luciferic rebellion".]

xenoglossy   "The phenomena [sic] of speaking in tongues unknown to the medium [i.e., in a trance, the medium speaks a language s/he does not know]."  73 p. 232

Xipe   "In the Aztec religion the god of young vegetation ... Symbolically [representing] the emergence of new life to replace the old."  80 p. 346

Xiuhcoatl   "In the Aztec religion the 'Fire Snake,' one of the cults of Quetzalcoatl."  80 p. 346

x-ray vision   "Some healers have claimed this power, which enables them to see the affected organs within the body."  73 p. 232   [X-ray vision is generally described as the ability to see through solid objects.]

xylomancy   "A form of divination which involved tossing sticks or twigs on the ground...."  80 p. 346

- Y -


Yagi-gyemo   "(Tibetanism)  One of the four female divinities who preside over the seasons of the year...."  80 p. 347

[Yahweh   Jehovah. In the Bible, Jehovah is God Almighty. According to Steiner, Jehovah is a rather lowly god, the god of the Jews ; he dwells on the Moon. Also see "God", "Jehovah", "Yhva", and "YHWH".]

yama   "The first grade of Yoga consisting of ten rules [of proper conduct]...."  73 p. 232

Yamin Noraim   "(Judaism)  ... [T]he 'Days of Awe.' It represents a period of ten days preceding the solemn holy day of Yom Kippur."  80 p. 347   [This period is usually known as the Days of Atonement.]

yawn   "In the popular belief of many yawn was dangerous, for it permitted demons to enter the body."  80 p. 348

yellow   "[T]o dream of getting a yellow object was a sign the person would soon possess gold."  80 p. 349

["yellow race"   Steiner sometimes subdivided modern humans into three races: white, black, and yellow.  The latter race consists of Asians.]

Yesod   "Kabbalistic [sic: Cabalistic] idea of the archetypal world, somewhat akin to the astral sphere."  73 p. 232

Yggdrasil   "In Scandinavian mythology this is the colossal evergreen ash tree, the three gigantic roots of which bind together Asgard, Midgard, and Nifleheim — heaven, earth, and hell."  80 p. 349    [It is more accurate to say that Yggdrasil's roots extend to the realms of the gods, giants, and humans.]

Yhva   "Jehovah, the early tribal god and special protector of the Jews in the Old Testament."  73 p. 232   [In the Bible, Jehovah is the one and only Lord God of the universe; in Anthroposophy, he is one of many gods. Also see "God", "Jehovah", "Yahweh", "YHWH", and "Zebaot".]

[YHWH   The name of God transliterated from Hebrew, a language which in written form omits vowels. "YHWH" is often rendered as "Yahweh", "Yhva", or "Jehovah", but according to some teachings it should not be spoken in any such form, since the name of God should not be uttered.]

Yi-dam   "(Lamaism)  Tutelary gods."  80 p. 350

yin and yang   "Ancient Chinese cosmic principles of duality."  73 p. 232    [In Chinese philosophy, yin is the passive female principle, yang is the active male principle.]

Ymir   "In Scandinavian mythology, the great giant...from whose body Odin, Wili [sic], and Ve created the world."  80 p. 351   [Ymir is also known as Aurgelmir, Bláinn, and Brimir. He was the progenitor of the race of giants, the Jötuns. ("Wili" is more correctly known as Vili.)]

yoga   "Ancient Hindu system of self-discipline and psychic training."  73 p. 233    [Steiner taught that yoga is one of the legitimate occult paths, but it is no longer suitable for present-day, evolved humans.]

yogin [yogi ]  "One who practices yoga."  73 p. 233   [A yogi is one who is proficient in yoga.]

[Yom Kippur   The most solemn fast of the year for Jews, the last of the 10 Days of Repentance that begin with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Yom Kippur is also known as the Day of Atonement]

Yomael   "In the apocalyptic book of Enoch, Yomael is one of the ring-leaders [sic] of the rebellious angels."  80 p. 351

yomi   "Japanese term for the spirit world."  73 p. 233

young   "In old dream mythology [sic] for an older or even middle-aged individual to dream that he is young was a dread omen of death."  80 p. 351

yuga   "(Hinduism)  One of the four ages of a world cycle with each succeeding age shorter and less spiritual and righteous than the one preceding."  80 pp. 351-352    [In Hinduism, the yugas are the "golden age" (Krita Yuga), the "silver age" (Treta Yuga), the "bronze age" (Dvapara Yuga), and the "dark age" (Kali Yuga). Theosophy and Anthroposphy adopt these terms, but use them to refer to shorter periods than the extremely long Hindu conceptions.]

[Yul, Yule, Jul   "In ancient Scandinavia...the disc or wheel of the sun ... [T]he period of the year which, being sacred to Freyer or Fro, the Sun-god, celebrated his powers...."  80 p. 150   [Anthroposophists often refer to Baldur as the Norse Sun God, seeing in him a Christ figure. Freyr is the Norse god of fertility, rain, and sunshine. "Jul", in Scandinavia, is July. The Yule feast, on the other hand, comes in December.]

- Z -

[Zachariel    In Anthroposophical belief: the Archangel of Jupiter, who last presided over human evolution from 500-850 AD.]

Zacornu   "A grisly tree that grows in the Islamic hell, the fruit of which are the heads of devils."  80 p. 352

Zarathustra   "The original Persian prophet of Zoroastrianism ... Zoroastrianism inclines to dualism — the conflict of good with evil forces."  73 p. 233   [According to tradition, Zarathustra was born in Persia. He is said to have begun preaching the doctrines that became Zoroastrianism after receiving a vision from Ahura Mazda. Also see "Zoroaster".]

[Zarathustrian    Noun: A follower of Zarathustra. Adjective: characteristic of Zarathustra.]

Zebaot   "The name applied to the Hebrew God when he engages in both the role and act of making war upon evildoers."  80 p. 353

[Zeitgeists   in Anthroposophy: gods three levels above humanity; they are the presiding spirits of historical ages. Standing near the pinnacle of gods within the Third Hierarchy, they are also known by such names as Time Spirits and Spirits of an Age. Whereas lower gods concern themselves with particular human populations and with individual human beings, Zeitgeists help steer the evolution of human civilization in general.]

Zen   "A sect of Mahayanna Buddhism ... It lays great emphasis upon the doctrine of inaction or 'bending before the storm.'"  73 p. 234   [Zen was brought from China to Japan in the 12th Century CE. The goal for Zen Buddhists is to attain enlightenment in a sudden burst (satori), usually achieved after meditating on a paradoxical teaching (koan) of a Zen master.]

ZENDAVESTA   "The sacred writings of the Zoroastrians."  73 p. 234

zenith   "Astrologers consider this pole of the horizon [sic], which is directly overhead, a very powerful influence."  80 p. 355   [The zenith is the point in the celestial vault directly above an observer; the term also applies to the highest point reached by any celestial object as observed from the Earth.] 

[Zervan Akrana   The Zoroastrian god of time; Steiner taught that time is the embodiment of this god.]

Zeus   "The name of God, as accepted by the Stoics ... Also a supreme deity corresponding to Jupiter of Greek myth."  73 p. 234   ["Zeus" is the Greek name for the supreme deity in the pantheon of gods; "Jupiter" is the Roman name for the same deity.]

Zion   "To the Jew it was the holy land of Jehovah ... For Christians, in the apocalyptic writings, Zion or the 'New Jerusalem' represents the capital of Christ's Kingdom at the Millenium [sic]."  80 pp. 355-356   [Zion is the hill in Jerusalem upon which the city of David was built. The term may also apply to Jerusalem generally or to Judaism. In Christianity, generally, Zion is the kingdom of heaven or the heavenly city. The term may also be used as applying to the Christian church.]

ziruph   "Divination by utilizing various combinations and various transformations of letters...."  80 p. 356

zodiac    See "zodiac, sidereal" and "zodiac, tropical".

zodiacal aspects   "In astrology these are the distances between the planets as they move through the zodiac...."  80 p. 356

zodiacal man   "The twelve signs of the Zodiac have long been credited with ruling separate parts of the body ... Aries - head; Taurus - neck and throat; Gemini - arms and lungs; Cancer - chest; Leo - back and heart; Virgo - gastrointestinal tract; Libra - loins and kidneys; Scorpio - sexual and elimination organs; Sagittarius - thighs; Capricorn - knees; Aquarius - legs; Pisces - feet."   80 p. 356   [Anthroposophy generally affirms this concept.]

zodiac, sidereal   "Those particular constellations which lie along the sun's path through the sky (ecliptic)."  73 p. 234   [The zodiac is an imaginary belt running along the ecliptic or the sky's "equator". The apparent movements of the Sun, Moon, and most planets occur within this belt. In astrology, the zodiac is divided into 12 equal "houses", each of which is represented by an astrological sign for the constellation found in or near that house.]

zodiac, tropical   "The ecliptic (sun's path) extended laterally to seven or eight degrees...and divided...into twelve segments (signs) named after, but not now coincident with the constellations of the same names."  73 p. 234

Zoism   "A doctrine...which advocates a reverence for animal life and a belief in their occult powers and influences."  80 p. 357

zombie   "Haitian term for a corpse, said to be re-animated [sic] by black magic."  73 p. 235

[zoology   In science: the study of the behavior, physiology, and distribution of animals. In Waldorf education, the study of animals is essentially an extension of the study of humankind. Animals are deemed to represent individual qualities whereas humans possess all the animate qualities in combination; animals are said to have evolved from humans, not vice versa.]

Zoroaster   "Latinized form of Zarathustra."  73 p. 235   [Zoroaster was the Persian prophet who founded the religion known as Zoroastrianism. (Anthroposophists often differentiate between Zarathustra and Zoroaster, asserting that Zarathustra preceded Zoroaster in earthly incarnation. Zarathustra lived and died, then he reincarnated as Zoroaster.) Also see "Zarathustra".]

Zoroastrianism   "Profoundly ethical [faith] envisioning both the universe and engaged in a struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, it exhorts mankind to choose between Ahura-Mazda [sic] and Ahriman."  80 pp. 357-358


- Numerals -

1 - According to Steiner, one indicates God or the indivisible unity of God and the universe.

2 - The number of revelation, according to Steiner.

3 - The number of divinity revealing itself, Steiner said. (The Godhead consists of three spirits, and there are three worlds: the physical, soul, and spirit worlds.)

4 - The number of the cosmos or creation, according to Steiner.

5 - The number of evil, according to Steiner.

6 - According to Steiner, this is the number through which the Amshaspands rule the Izeds. 

7 - The number of perfection, according to Steiner. It is the sum of three plus four, which Steiner said are the numbers of divinity revealing itself (three) and the cosmos or creation (four). 

8 - Variously, a sign of density and death, or blessedness, or purification, or immortality.

9 - Variously, the number of aspiration and wisdom, the 'harmony of harmony', and/or the essence of all other numbers. (Steiner said three is the number of divinity revealing itself, and nine is the ultimate expression of this, since nine is three times three.)

10 - According to various traditions, the number of totality and completion. (It is the total number of fingers on both hands.)

12 - An extremely potent number in esotericism. It is the number of signs in the zodiac, the number of tribes of Israel, the number of Hercules' labors, the number of Christ's apostles, the number of months in the year, etc. It is the product of three times four, which Steiner said are the numbers of divinity revealing itself (three) and the cosmos or creation (four).

13 - In astrology: the earth's number, since the Earth is the center of the 12 houses. (In popular belief, 13 is an unlucky number, but astrology generally denies this.)

666 - According to some occult teachings: the mark of the beast (the Antichrist and/or the devil).

1879 - According to Anthroposophy: The Archangel Michael won a momentous victory over the forces of darkness during the year 1879 AD. Also during this year, Rudolf Steiner met the man who would give him occult initiation: Felix Koguzki.

1899   In Anthroposophical belief: The end of Kali Yuga, the spiritual dark age, came in 1899 AD when Rudolf Steiner began delivering spiritual lectures.]

1998-2000 - The end of the second millennium came around the year 2000, when many Anthroposphists expected the Antichrist to incarnate on Earth.

2012 - Various Anthroposophists expected the world to end in or around 2012 AD. One interpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar supported this expectation.