Exact Clairvoyance

Is It Possible?



Q. What kind of psychic powers did Rudolf Steiner possess?

A. Steiner claimed to be clairvoyant. Moreover, he claimed his clairvoyance was "exact" — that is, it yielded objective, verifiably true knowledge of the spirit realm. He said that almost anyone can develop exact clairvoyance by following his instructions. 

Waldorf teachers often aim to develop exact clairvoyance, and many think they have it. 

Unfortunately, all of this is — as far as anyone can truly say — delusion. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of clairvoyance, "exact" or otherwise.

See, e.g., "Clairvoyance", "Exactly", "The Waldorf Teacher's Consciousness", "Clairvoyance - Do Waldorf Teachers Use It?", "Spiritual Science - What Is This?", and "Anthroposophy - What Is It?"


In this book, Steiner outlines many of his instructions for the development of clairvoyance.

For a discussion of the book's contents, see "Knowing the Worlds".

A free pdf copy of the book, under a slightly different title and in a different translation, can be

had from SteinerBooks.


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