
Is It in Waldorf?



Q. Is astrology part of the Waldorf belief system?


A. Yes. In Waldorf belief, all stars and planets are the homes of gods, and all of them exert influences on human beings. Here is Steiner discussing this subject. Note that the quotation comes from a book about education — in fact, the book is part of the "Foundations of Waldorf Education" series: "The fixed stars work in the human being, the moving planets work in the human being, and all the elements of nature work there as well." [1] How do the stars and planets "work" in human beings? Through their astrological powers. According to Steiner's teachings, the stars are the abodes of the gods, and the natural world around us reflects the intentions and actions of these gods.

It would be unusual to find a Waldorf teacher openly using a horoscope to analyze a child, but we have a record of Rudolf Steiner using a horoscope for precisely this purpose on at least one occasion. Note that the following quotation also comes from a book about education. We might also note that Steiner made this statement at the height of his power and influence, in mid-1924. “By looking at what the horoscope shows we can see what is really the matter [with a child] ... Consider first Mars. For this child, who was born in 1909, Mars stands in complete opposition to the Moon. Mars, which has Venus and Uranus in its vicinity, stands — itself — in strong opposition to the Moon. Here is the Moon and here is Mars. And Mars pulls along with it Uranus and Venus...." [2] Steiner is discussing the astrological powers of the planets; he is discussing a child's horoscope. He is using astrology.

See "Waldorf Astrology" and "Horoscopes".


[1] Rudolf Steiner, THE ROOTS OF EDUCATION (Anthroposophic Press, 1997), p. 84.

[2] Rudolf Steiner, CURATIVE EDUCATION (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1972), lecture 11, July 6, 1924.


“[T]he old, real, and genuine Astrology expresses itself in the destinies of men.” — Rudolf Steiner, ROSICRUCIANISM AND MODERN INITIATION (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1965), lecture 3, GA 233a: THE RUDOLF STEINER ARCHIVE


“For as what man is today stands written in the heavenly spaces in the writing of the constellations of the stars, so stands written there too what is yet to happen with him. This is the ground of true astrology. You will see at once, from what we have been considering, that you really only need to know occultism and you have at the same time the root principle of astrology.” — Rudolf Steiner, MAN IN THE LIGHT OF OCCULTISM, THEOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHY (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1964), lecture 9, GA 137: THE RUDOLF STEINER ARCHIVE