
1. What Is It?



Q. I hear Waldorf teachers using a strange word, "Anthroposophy." What does it mean?


A. Anthroposophy is a spiritual system created by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian mystic. The word "Anthroposophy" means "human wisdom" or "knowledge of the human being." Steiner also called his system "occult science" or "spiritual science." In brief, it consists of the use of clairvoyance to study the spirit worlds. The central narrative of Anthroposophy is that humans are the center of the created universe; the gods love and even worship us; the gods are helping us to evolve to higher and higher stages of spirituality so that we ourselves will someday become the highest of gods. The essence of Anthroposophy is laid out in two of Steiner's books, AN OUTLINE OF OCCULT SCIENCE and HOW TO KNOW HIGHER WORLDS.

Waldorf education is based on Anthroposophy. There is some dispute over whether Waldorf schools actually teach Anthroposophy to the students. At least some Anthroposophical doctrines generally do work their way into Waldorf classes, and the overall atmosphere of a typical Waldorf school is broadly Anthroposophical.

Anthroposophists say their system is a science, not a religion. But by most people's standards, Anthroposophy is clearly a religion — it involves prayer, observances, meditation, spiritual guides (gurus), moral instruction, metaphysical beliefs, cultivation of reverence, and so forth. Moreover, it is recognized as a religion by many authorities; see such reference works as THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIANITY (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1999), THE NEW 20th-CENTURY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE (Baker Book House, 1991), THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION (MacMillan, 2005), THE CHAMBERS DICTIONARY OF BELIEFS AND RELIGIONS (Chambers, 1992), THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CULTS, SECTS AND NEW RELIGIONS (Prometheus Books, 1998), etc.


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Pronunciation: "Anthroposophy" is pronounced an-throw-POS-o-fee. "Anthroposophical" is pronounced an-throw-po-SOPH-e-cal. "Anthroposophic" is an-throw-po-SOPH-ick. "Anthroposophist" is an-throw-POS-if-ist.