Child Development

What Are the Stages?



Q. What are the stages of childhood development, according to Waldorf educational beliefs?


A. Waldorf teachers believe that children pass through three stages, each of which is seven years long. Here, in brief, are the Waldorf beliefs about these matters:

The first stage, beginning at birth, sees the development of the physical body. Children at this stage live in a dreamy consciousness connecting them to the spirit worlds, and they are mainly characterized by their will.

The second stage begins at age seven when the invisible "etheric body" (a constellation of formative forces) incarnates. The loss of baby teeth marks the beginning of this stage. Children of this age are mainly ruled by their emotions.

The third stage begins at age 14, when the "astral body" (a constellation of soul forces) incarnates. The transition to this stage is signaled by puberty. Only after entering this stage are children able to think rationally.

Childhood ends at age 21 when the "ego body" (also called the "I" or the "ego" — conferring divine human selfhood) incarnates.


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