Self Improvement News

As often happens in the learning profession, what most of us know as "nudge learning" has been adapted from its original purpose in a different domain to address L&D needs. In 2008, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's book Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness used the term to describe a way to make big changes in society by changing the behavior of a lot of people in small ways. The theory suggests that offering a series of choices, each leading a bit closer to the desired behavior, is more effective than trying to change complex human behavior all at once. Two fundamental assumptions of nudge theory are:

It's time to stop believing in fake science and start listening to self-help advice from real experts.

Looking to improve your sleep, relationships, and mental and physical health? You’re in luck: thanks to a booming self-help industry, there are tens of thousands of books that claim they can transform your life in less than 500 pages.

But here’s the thing: so many self-help books simply aren’t worth your time. Some just repeat what other people have said, but many make claims that are, at best, questionable and, at worst, based on fake science that can hurt you.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best, science-based self-help books that can help improve your life.

This year, we’ve broken down the list into five themes for better performance: steer, stifle, style, stretch, and study. 

Steer. Conditions will be unforgiving yet in some ways more predictable than in the recent past. The icebergs may be difficult to navigate, but at least we know what they are: recession, workforce issues, inflation, etc.

Stifle. Resolutions should always include things to avoid and reduce. Make space and perform better by stifling the activities and behaviors that might be holding you back.

Style. After experiencing the intense turbulence of the crisis years, find your rhythm and start performing more elegantly, fluidly and sleekly.

Stretch. The scope and impact of technology-enabled change has never been greater, but that means you must personally understand and reach further onto the grand stage on which it plays out.

The practice of examining ourselves can be a powerfully healthy one. If done correctly, it leads to self-awareness, which increases our ability to exercise control over our emotions and provides a greater sense of well-being.

But done incorrectly, self-reflection can go awry.

Sometimes, examining ourselves leads to self-loathing. Instead of looking at ourselves to learn more about ourselves, we may spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to others. This makes us feel insecure and worried about the future.

As the unattributed saying goes, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

The wellness sector is set to boom in 2023 as more people continue to prioritize health and wellness in their lives in the aftermath of the pandemic. Several new and helpful ways to take care of yourself are getting a lot of attention on social media, while other things that have caught people's attention are becoming important ongoing habits.

A recent report from American Spa says that more spas, gyms, and fitness studios are now using holistic methods to improve overall health. Instead of just focusing on losing weight and building muscle, they are making mindful experiences that put mental needs first. Here are 10 emerging health wellness trends to explore.