Uropi kurtim (Engli)

Uropi kurtim …ki picte



Uropi in short … with pictures



Halo ! (hello !) = Bun dia (good day), A revizo (goodbye), Bun morna (Good morning), Bun posmidià (Good afternoon), Bun vespen (Good evening), Bun noc (Good night), Tis pru (See you soon), Kim it je vo ? (Kim it ?) = How are you ?, Bun, daske = Well, thanks


Most Uropi nouns end in a consonant:

Pater = father, frat = brother, has = house, pol = town, vag = car, strad = street, kun = dog, skol = school

Plural -E: frate, hase, pole, vage

Genitive: sing. -i (unstressed), plur -is: de vag mi patri = my father's car, de kamar mi fratis = my brothers' room.

Other nouns end in -A

Mata = mother, kina = cinema, teatra = theater, snivia = swimming-pool, Englia = England…

You can form the feminine by adding -A to animals or humans:

kat (the cat in general) > kata = female cat, dictor = teacher, dictora = female teacher

Plural: -AS: kinas, matas, katas, dictoras

Genitive: sing. -U, plur. -US: de cuse mi matu = my mother's shoes, de kamar mi sestus = my sisters' room.

Specific feminine nouns: mata, sesta, ʒina, dota, ʒika… = mother, sister, woman, daughter, girl…

All nouns apart from humans and animals are neuter; they have no specific ending.


They can end in a consonant: bun, pej, gren, jun, ʒel, nar, dic, tin, hol, lud, bel, lej… (good, bad, big, young, black, thick, thin, high, loud, beautiful, light…)

Or they can end in -i (cf. genitive): miki, seni, nizi, magi, longi, kurti, lovi, huri… (little, old, low, huge, long, short, pretty, ugly…)

You can form adjectives by adding -i to nouns: noc, frat, pol, fram, mon, jar, sol, luc… > noci, frati, poli, frami, moni, jari, soli, luci… = night, brother, town, friend, month, year, sun, light… > nighly, brotherly, urban, friendly, monthly, yearly, sunny, bright (luminous)…

Adjectives are invariable; they are placed before the noun: u longi vaj = a long way, u lovi ʒika = a pretty girl


Adverbs are also invariable. They can be short everyday words: sim, spel, pen, os, mol, poj, jok, maj, min… = thus, fast, hardly, also, much, little, still, more, less…

You can form adverbs by adding -(i)m to adjectives: lej, dic, tin, hol, voli, veri, siuri, tali, noci, vagi, treni… > lejim, dicim, tinim, holim, volim, verim, siurim, talim, nocim, vagim, trenim = light, thick, thin, high, willing, true, certain, whole, night-, car-, train- > lightly, thickly, thinly, highly, willingly, really (truly), certainly, quite (wholly), at night, by car, by train…


Infinitive: V-o: avo, davo, jedo, pivo, deto, dezo, guso (to have, give, eat, drink, do, say, like)

Present: i, tu, he, ce je, nu, vu, lu av, dav, jed, piv, det, dez, gus = (I, you (sing.), he, she, it, we, you (plur), they have, give, eat, drink, do, say, like…:

simply remove the -O

Past: add (stressed ee) to the stem: nu jedì (we ate), tu detì (you did), lu gusì (they liked)

Future: VE + infinitive: I ve veno = I'll come, Ve tu pivo ? Will you drink ?

Questions: place the verb before the subject: Se tu Jan ? = Are you John? Av lu denie ? = Do they have money? Ka vol tu ? = What do you want ? Ko it ce ? = Where is she going ?

Negative: Verb + NE: He av ne denie = he has no money, lu jed ne mias = they don't eat meat, ce v'ne veno = she won't come, tu pivì ne mol = you didn't drink a lot


Subject (I…) .....> i, tu, he, ce, je, nu, vu, lu = I, you (sing), he, she, it, we you (plur), they

Object (me…)...> ma, ta, ha, ca, ja, na, va, la = me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

Dative (to me…) > mo, to, ho, co, jo, no, vo, lo = to me, to you, to him, to her, to it, to us, to you, to them

Viz tu ha ? = Do you see him ? He vok co = he speaks to her, Dav ja mo ! = Give it to me ! Je liuv = it's raining,

Nu dom in London = we live in London, Vol vu nemo la ? = Would you like (do you want) to take them ?

I ve dezo to = I'll tell you, Ven ki ma ! = Come with me ! Lu sendì no u skrit = they sent us a letter


They are invariable

mi, ti, hi, ci, ji, ni, vi, li = my, your (sing), his, her, its, our, your (plur), their


A, ane, aròn, be, berù, do, dod, for, gon, in = to, without, around, at, behind, towards, since, before, against, in,

instà, intra, ki, ner, od, ov, pa, po, pos, = instead of, between, with, near, from, about (concerning), by, for, after,

pro, su, sube, ude, us, uve, tis, tra, tru, wim = in front of, on, above, under, out of, over, until, across, through, like

Prepositions of movement


Di = this, these Da = that, those Diz = this one, dize = these ones Daz = that one, daze = those ones

indefinite article

U = a, un = an (before a vowel); it does not exist in the plural

definite article

De = the it is invariable

Nem di bib! = take this book!, Ne, i vol daz = No, I want that one. Viz tu da liente? = Can you see those people?

Moz tu skrivo di ? = Can you write this ? I incèp ne da = I don't understand that, I av ne daze = I don't have those ones, Vol vu probo dize ? = Would you like to try these ones ?

Ce av u kat id un ovel = she s'got a cat and a bird, I gus ne kune = I don't like dogs, De vag parken pro de has = the car parked in front of the house, Ko se de klije ti hasi ? = where are the keys of your house ?


Ka ? = what ?, Ke ? = who ?, Ken ? = who, whom ? (object), Kej ? = whose ? Kim ? = how ?, Ko ? = where ?, Kamòl ? = how much ?, Kamole ? = how many ?, Parkà ? = why ?

korpiparte = body parts

Ka se di ? = What is this ?, Ke se je ? = Who is it ?, Ken viz tu ? = Who can you see ?, Kej bib se di ? = Whose book is this ? Kim det vu da ? = How do you do that ?, Kamòl bir pivì ce ? = How much beer did she drink ?, Kamole liente stì je ? = How many people were there ? Parkà vol tu ne veno ? = Why don't you want to come?


Kon tu mi sesta ? = Do you know my sister ?

Di se de son mi dictoru = This is my (female) teacher's son

Lu vol kopo u novi has = they want to buy a new house

Mole liente dom in pol = many people live (dwell) in town

I vol ito a Englia = I want to go to England

Dav de bal a de ʒika = Give the ball to the girl.

Moz tu diko mo de pol ? = Can you show me the town ?

Vok tu Uropi ? = Do you speak Uropi ?

I viz ne ja = I don't see it

He venì do ma = he came towards me

Dez lo veno suprù = tell them to come immediately


Lu liam unaltem = they love each other

Vu renì do unaltem = you ran towards each other

He som ve deto ja = he'll do it himself

I vol vizo ha som = I want to see him personally

Ce av ne kap; ce ve kopo un domòr = she hasn't got a hat, she'll buy one to-morrow

Un zav nevos = you (one) never know

I vol kopo postimarke; i nud eke po di skrite = I want to buy stamps; I need some for these letters

Genore id kide incèp ne molvos unaltem = parents and children don't often understand each other