Can you help the RVC with their canine epilepsy research?

Post date: Jul 07, 2015 12:37:15 PM

The Royal Veterinary College's study of the effects of anti-epileptic drugs on canine gait (the way they walk) is continuing, run by final year student Emma Suiter. If you would like to contribute to this study which will continue until October this year and your dog meets the following criteria, please contact 1. Dogs between the age of 6months to 10 years of age

2. Dogs that have no other abnormalities which may change their gait (e.g. hip dysplasia, patella luxation, lameness of unknown origin, ruptured cruciate ligaments etc.)

3. Dogs that have been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy

• By a neurology specialist with the aid of MRI


• By your regular vet due to recurrent seizures for more than one year, with no other abnormalities on a neurological examination and between 6months and 6 years

4. Dogs currently being treated with Phenobarbitone (e.g. Epiphen®, Phenoleptil®) OR Imepitoin (Pexion®) with no other treatment for at least 2 weeks.

The study involves one visit to the RVC in Hertfordshire, where your dog is walked up and down on a lead on a flat walkway whilst being video recorded so the researchers can analyse how 'wobbly' or not their walk is. It should take no longer than 30 minutes and no markers need to be placed on your dog or any hair clipped. Emma can fit in owner visits from now until October, including weekends, so if you have time this summer/autumn please do get in touch with her!