A look back

1889 - A Look Back

There are events that shape our way of life and culture, even though we suspect this is not the moment of their arrival. The introduction of electricity, Internet and mobile phone are just as important as the invention of the fast-food chain. Other events are so spectacular, distinctive and obvious turning points at which change very countries - such as 11/09/2001 or the tsunami in 2004.And while we can still remember well when the wall came down between East and West Germany, this is for our children, only a portion of the history book.

This article will help the player to empathize with the "present time" of the year 1889, a time for their characters as being "current and real," as for us in 2009. He is also the people of the twentieth century reveal some things that are natural for him, but in 1889 were new. Some things have not yet exist but season in 1889 his soup with Maggi seasoning, Aachen Kaiserbrunnen on five continents (and some ether vessels) drinking or traveling with Thomas Cook, the cathedral was completed in 9 years ago - after he unfinished for over 600 years was.

The map of 1889 still has huge white spots, and many researchers have attempted to eradicate this.On the other hand one can book since 1845, organized by Thomas Cook Travel, which also lead to distant destinations. Travel medium is mainly on ship and train, or - extremely expensive - ether flyer to Mars. Under the rule of the British, French, Dutch, Germans and others, their colonies are formed according to the European image. Some countries like Japan, which decides on 02.11.1889 a new constitution on the European model change, is currently in its own cause.

The British Empire is at the height of his power and length, and a kingdom where the sun never goes down, because it extends halfway around the world. These numerous colonies on Mars, and even join an outpost on Mercury. In this vast empire remember only a few of a time before Queen Victoria, who only two years ago, in 1887, celebrated its 50-year jubilee.

They regarded by many as the country mother, as a defender of the Empire, and a time when they are their names - the Victorian era.

The Briton sees himself as an Civilizers - which is not always wrong. English gentleman and ladies are proud of what their country has achieved, but usually without knowing the sordid details at the end of the world. Who will translate to America - which is regarded by many as the land of opportunity - is greeted in three years (October 28, 1886) of the Statue of Liberty. It is a symbol of freedom, hope to find many here, even if the large settler trains and thus the time of the Wild West is almost over.Nevertheless, there are (still) some Wild West hero, the legendary gunfight at the OK Coral, among others at the Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday took part is only 8 years old (26/10/1881) ago. "Buffalo Bill" stoking his reputation as a Western Legend and succeeds with his Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show also to Europe, where he will perform in 1889 in Karlsruhe, among other things. Bhutan-Cola, a soft drink initially marketed as a medicine has begun to become a classic American success story. Although conquered the eponymous expensive spice Martian is probably present only in tiny doses, it in his typical - Martian red - a city logo on the other.

The great cities of America are culturally far removed from the wild west, the high society of New York is not behind that of Europe, which govern Astors, Vanderbilts, Goulds and the largest city in America with their money. A city, about half of the U.S. trade runs, and its second-largest market (after London), the second largest of the world. Yet we can see that some of the damage from the blizzard last year, the city made the strong, and more than 200 people have been killed. Science and research are on the rise, and so it surprised no one that it was the Americans Edsion who reached 29 years ago with his etheric plane of Mars. Every week in the laboratories of Edison, Tesla and others published further inventions that will make life easier.

Not only American inventors present their work in the 1889 World's Fair, in which there is the greatest industrial exhibition in living memory. Here British, Europeans and many others are represented. Besides a new version of Trockmortonschen Personenschwebers there is the model of a vehicle that can also explore the icy side of Mercury. Above all, however, is dominated by the Eiffel Tower, which was newly constructed for this exhibition, and quite a few want to see Paris again soon demolished.

Space: 1889 - in German, please.

What you see above is the final version of the cover for the upcoming Space: 1889 from Germany. Patric Goetz of Ulisses Spiele (Ulysses Games) is managing the project, but it will be released under his own label Uhrwerk Verlag (Clockwork Publishing). What a great name for a Steampunk publisher. This is a very exciting project, in the works for about two years now, and you heard it here first! It is not a simple translation of the original game, but rather a new design with more modern game mechanics -- if "modern" is the right word for a Steampunk game -- while faithful to the Space: 1889 world background and mood. The manuscript is in good shape and they are working on art (some very nice art!) as we speak. The likely release date is October of this year.

Of course, this edition will be in German, so English speakers will have to content themselves with the classic edition, available from Heliograph, Ltd, and the Red Sands of Mars/Savage Worlds version. If the German edition is a big hit, however, I've promised to consider a licensed translation of the German edition into English. The idea of an English translation of a German edition of an American game is a little weird, I know, but I'm okay with weird.

While we're on the subject of Germany, here's the new version of the German background. It is largely unchanged, and in some respects is closer to the historical Germany than that in the original Space: 1889.

Bismarck’s guidance of Prussia and then Germany has resulted in unification of the North German states under Hohenzollern rule and an alliance with Great Britain which guarantees German security on the continent. Faced by a common enemy in Communard France, the Anglo-German alliance proved profitable to both parties until 1885, when the Tournai Incident brought France and Germany to war over a French border dispute with Belgium. Great Britain intervened on the side of its allies, Germany and Belgium, but the British were willing only to reestablish the status quo. The elderly Helmut von Moltke, the German Chief of Staff, favored using the Belgian War as a pretext to march on Paris and crush the Commune, but Bismarck and the Kaiser followed the British lead, a move highly unpopular with the Army. Von Moltke resigned soon afterwards.

Early in 1888 Wilhelm I died and was succeeded by Wilhelm II, a headstrong ruler whose sentiments were more in tune with the Army's. He immediately created the Luft-Kabinett, a senior bureau responsible for greatly increasing air power, and appointed the Graf von Zeppelin its first head. The new Kaiser grows impatient with the British alliance, as British support is limited and, even on continental matters, subject to British policy interest first. On areas outside the continent, however, the British expect unconditional German support. The Kaiser believes Germany must look to its own security and its own future, an

d is charting a course separate from Britain’s. Bismarck resists this at every opportunity, but knows he has lost favor and his days of power are drawing to a close.

The Luft-Kabinett operates its own intelligence branch which works increasingly in rivalry with the British. The Imperial German Army's own intelligence branch still nominally respects the alliance, but many young and politically active officers feel otherwise, and loyalties are divided between the official policy of the government -- Bismarck and the "old school" -- versus the new policy of the young Kaiser.

Bavaria occupies a unique position within the German empire. It is a kingdom, but it is also part of the empire. As a practical matter, this means it has considerable internal autonomy, and its own security and military forces, but follows Berlin's dictates with respect to foreign policy. Anti-Prussian sentiment runs high, however, and there is considerable sympathy for neutral Austria, which was humbled by Prussia in 1866.