Weird Science Compendium

We also include a page of henchmen with a scientific bent! The devices follow the same format as per the core rules, giving players the information they need to create their own variants or improve existing models. In addition, each weird science device comes with a list of Leagues mostly likely to have access to the technology.Print on Demand and PDF

    • The Industrial Revolution has given way to the Age of Weird Science! From lone eccentrics working in garden sheds to government-funded research projects, weird scientists are producing ever more useful, and wacky, ways to improve (and end) the lives of citizens. Whether you need a device to aid globetrotting or a more efficient way to kill your enemies, help is at hand! This supplement contains new material covering : 5 New Leagues

    • 43 Weird science gadgets

    • 14 Unique weapons

    • 3 Crazy Vehicles

    • 2 Amazing Living creations

    • 3 New Sample player characters