
Musketeers are men and women of action, battling France’s many enemies, and with combat comes the risk of injury. Whether sword cut, pike thrust, musket shot hole, broken bone, or jagged slashes caused by some hellish beast, sooner or later the characters are going to need to see a doctor.This supplement contains a brief history of medicine, a recent timeline of medical advance, notes on various medical professions, sample disease, advice on how to create medical characters, new Flaws, five sample characters, and a page of lackeys willing to help cure your every ill.



    • Introduction

    • A Very Brief History

      • Recent Timeline

      • Medical Professions

        • Apothecary

        • Physician

        • Surgeon

        • Quacksalver

    • Diseases

      • Camp Fever

      • Cholera

      • Consumption

      • Plague, Bubonic

      • Plague, Pneumonic

      • Pneumonia

      • Scurby

      • Smallpox

    • Medical Campaigns

      • Making Characters

      • Medical Characters

    • Sample Characters

      • Battlefield Medic

      • Deluded Scientist

      • Faith Healer

      • Quacksalver

      • Vengeful Assassin

    • Sample Lackeys

      • Anatomical Fencer

      • Anatomist

      • Apothecary

      • Barber

      • Body Snatcher

      • Medical Student

      • Surgeon

      • Veterinarian


    • New Flaws (Albino, Allergy , Slow Healer, Hypochondriac, Malingerer, Masochism)

    • Other Diseases

    • Magick & Diseases

    • Magick & Injuries

    • Mental Illness