
Money may be the root of all evil, but it is an essential part of life for aristocrats and peasants alike. This supplement takes a look at financial matters in the early 17th century. As a game supplement, it is not intended to be an accurate historical discourse.Inside you'll find an overview of France's financial status, notes on taxation, exchange rates into livre for many common currencies, advice on using money in the game, campaign advice for rich characters, four sample characters, and eight new lackeys.



    • Introduction

    • France's Financial State

      • Taxation

      • Salt Smuggling

      • Overseas Commerce

    • Acquiring Money

      • Money Changer

      • Moneylenders

      • Pawnbrokers

      • Mont de Piété

    • Heroes & Money

      • Do we need to buy Drinks?

        • Common Services

      • No Money

      • Taverns & Inns

    • Campaigns

      • Creating Characters

      • Finance in Campaigns

    • Sample Characters

      • Comulsive Gambler

      • Fiancier

      • Impoverished Lackey

      • Jewish Moneylender

    • Lackeys

      • Beggar

      • Customs Agent

      • Debt Collector

      • Financial Backer

      • Financial Clerk

      • Intendant de Finances

      • Merchant

      • Salt Smuggler


    • European Currencies

    • Sample Wages

      • Aristocracy

      • Military

      • Clergy

      • Civilian