Dramatic Developments

A globetrotter must crawl out on the wing of an airplane to fix a broken strut while the pilot struggles to avoid crashing into the rapidly approaching ground. A thief snatches the map that leads to the lost city from their hands and disappears into the crowded market, forcing the heroes to give chase. Trapped in a small farm with a band of soldiers, the globetrotters are forced to join the defense against a host of hostile natives. Hungry cannibals will dine on the explorers unless they manage to escape their bonds and sneak out of the village before dawn. Do these situations sound like the sort of things you want your Leagues of Adventure characters to be involved in, but you’re not sure how to pull it off? Well, look no further! This supplement contains rules for exactly just these sorts of wild and exciting events.This product is fully compatible with the Hollow Earth Expedition RPG

ebook available at DriveThruRPG