Compendium One

You may not like Cardinal Richelieu, but what he has to say might just keep you alive. You can be sure it will add a host of new elements to your All for One game, as well as greatly expand the background on the alternate 17th France.Contained in this supplement is information on:• The Queen’s Musketeers.• Wondrous Devices: Unusual devices, new weapons, and Da Vinci machines.• Creatures of Sin: A host of diabolical creatures that stalk the night.• Nobles & Courtiers: Detailing the nobility of France and the most important court positions.• Nautical Adventures: Rules for ships and ship combat.• The Church: A brief look at the Catholic Church• Radicals: A look at some of the radical groups threatening France• Fencing Schools: Expanded information on the core fencing schools, plus exclusive Talents• Guidelines for creating non-Musketeer characters, a host of example characters, and dozens of new lackeysThis information previously appeared in the first eight Richelieu Guide supplements.

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ebook available from Triple Ace Games