Speed Tank

I found this part on Thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2024364 hence decided to build my own. However for list of screws, bolts, bearings, instructions, etc please visit the Thingiverse project

Printing is a big task, the model has weight so far of ~1.8kg (including a bunch of screws and bolts, excluding motor and battery), printing time is around 100hrs (not including eventual fails)

During build

The completely assembled SpeedTank - with added light strip and GoPro mount. The apple power adapter is only for size comparison; the tile on the floor has a size of 30cm x 30cm

Remote Control

Using a Turnigy 9XR with a FrSky 8Ch transmitter.

Setup for Mixer is as follows

Ch1    100% AIL + 100% ELE
Ch2    100% ELE - 100% AIL

This works fine, however in order to protect the plastic material (metal pinion driving plastic pinion) I highly recommend reducing modulation '(limits) to 50%. If you're well trained and careful, you can, of course, increase the limit, too. For sure you will limit once you make the experience the plastic parts flying around in smashed pieces.