Lego RC

Idea: Lego power function are coming with an IR detector to control the motors. There are RC available, however I wanted to have one, which can be controlled by a single stick and/or by wifi


the core is a ESP12E. Via a TS5A22364 Analog SPDT(only 1/2 part is needed) the poti value of the joystick is multiplexed and read. Take care the ESP only allows at the ADC a maximum voltage of 1V hence the voltage divider (R11/R12) has to be defined accordingly.

To multiply the IOs, I have used a I²C port expander; this allows 5 switches and 3 additional LED. Teh switches will later be used to apply settings for the RC while the LED can reflect status messages.

Transmission to the LEgo receiver is done via two IR-diodes.

Finally the ESP can be driven via the Internet. Therefore I found a great application, called Blynk, which allows easy to build GUI on the mobile and supports Arduino for control.

If you're running on battery, there is the trick with the buck/boost converter ADP2503 and extend the battery life/performance