Response to Matthew

Post date: Mar 22, 2011 2:31:04 AM

Matthew (March 19, 2011)

Has arrival timetable ests 4 train but lazy devel didn't include trip length ests based on avail tables! 5 strs if improved. Dev cmmts flood app.

Pepe Le Thew - Please accept my humblest apologies for my laziness.

You are absolutely correct, of course - I am a slacker.

It's not like I work on this app nearly every single day - nope not all!

It's not like I've been working on this app for the better part of two years now - nuh uh!

It's not like I respond to every single email I get from people that take the time to do that instead of posting on the Android Market - negativo!

You hit the nail square on the head - the only reason I didn't include "trip length ests based on avail tables!" is because I'm lazy and not because it's a more complicated problem then it would appear.

But thanks to your post I have seen the light - being called lazy and having a 5-star rating held ransom is exactly the incentive I needed to add the features you request - nay, deserve. Who needs a direct email with a polite request!? Not me!

So I'm dropping everything I was doing and putting all other feature requests from people that were nice enough to email me and working on this one feature just for you buddy!

But! I hope you can help me out with this.

You obviously know how easy this feature would be to add (as we've covered, the lack thereof is only due to my laziness!) so could you be a dear and send me a code sample or general algorithm that one would use to do this?

I would do it myself but I'm too lazy!

In fact, I'm so lazy I outsourced the writing of this response to immigrant labor (sorry for any speeling mistakes).

I will add this feature as soon as I hear back from you!

P.S. - I'm also sorry for "flooding" the app with my comments. You can disable the alerts to stop the flood at any time, FYI.

My Rating:

Has the right idea 4 asking for new feature but lazy pstr didn't include the code to make it happen! 10 stars if emailed. User cmmts flood my brain.