Response to Cheryl

Post date: Nov 4, 2011 11:35:12 PM

Cheryl (November 3, 2011)

Features Fantastic functionality, does more than any other app, responsive developer. Interface requires tons of keystrokes, is the only drawback.

Chery Coke - Hello, thanks for the good feedback!

Rest assured that I'm still working on numerous ways to improve the app, including the interface.

I'm toying with some ideas that I think should help smooth out the experience, coming at some point in the semi-distant future.

In the meantime, if you have suggestions on how you think it can improve, please let me know via email!

This will help me better address your specific needs. Otherwise you get stuck with what I think is a good idea - and I'm not the brightest!

My Rating:

Fantastic comment, more thought-out than most other comments, reasonable user. Developer requires tons more details, is the only drawback.