Response to brian

Post date: Apr 1, 2011 12:27:00 AM

brian (March 29, 2011)

Great app, would be better if it could cure athletes foot.

insane in the membrian - Hello and thank you for your comment!

Obviously I understand that no public transit tracking app would be complete without the ability to alleviate foot-related fungal afflictions.

I mean, these two concepts go together like salt & lepers, peanut butter & Nelly, or love & cabbage.

It just makes sense.

That is why I'm happy to tell you that this is very much a planned feature!

But wait! There's more!

Not only will this bus tracking app cure your pedal scourge, it will also help with that massive B.O. (dude, I can smell it from here!) and it will wither away that ridiculously huge growth on your back (you should really see a doctor about that in the meantime though - that's not normal)!

Look for this "Foot Fungus Fighter" feature in TreKing version 6.9 (the "naughty" release)!

My Rating:

I suppose this is what I get for giving people ideas ... well done, sir! =P