Response to Bill

Post date: Feb 19, 2012 8:44:44 AM

Bill (February 18, 2012)

Worthless Can't even get the bus schedule on this app. I want a refund

Buffalo Bill - I'm sorry you found this app worthless.

I cannot help you like this. If you had emailed me about this, I could have resolved this concern for you.

Please read the FAQ about leaving negative comment on the Android Market.

Of course, nowhere is it advertised that you can get the bus schedules with this app, so I'm not really sure where you got that idea.

This is app is for getting real-time predictions - as stated in the description.

You could also have tried the free version to see how the app works.

And I will gladly issue you a refund if you email me. There isn't much I can do with a comment on the Android Market.

My Rating:

Worthless Can't even get the user's issue with this comment. I want an email