Talk Show

I have no idea where this came from, and it's unlikely to happen again. I don't normally do rap, but I caught this as it came by my patio one morning in July, 2010. Only the voice track is me. My friend Rod Glaubman played a bunch of instruments, made some loops, and put the mix together in Garage Band. Maybe we will re-do it some day (with a sax?). I know of one spin of this full version on a Canadian radio station, but the FCC wouldn't like it, so there is also a shortened version (called FCC) just in case someone here wants to spin it.




Late the other evening I was sitting in my chair

When a radio talk show host came on the air.

He was talking 'bout the people coming in from everywhere,

Taking all the jobs and how it really wasn't fair,

And then some other fellow he called in to complain

About how dealing with the government was such a roaring pain

And how the great conspiracy was easy to explain

But nobody would talk to him because he was insane, and I thought

This guy's got a talk show on the radio

Where he can talk about all kinds of stuff that isn't so.

When he gets it wrong no one will ever know.

They will just believe it 'cause it's on the radio.

I couldn't turn it off, you know, it gave me such a rush.

It had turned out that this talk show host was really just a lush.

They had caught him with all those pills he'd hadn't time to flush.

And when he bitched about it, his lawyers told him hush, son,

You've got a talk show on the radio

Where you can talk about all kinds of stuff that you don't know.

When you get it wrong you can just declare it's so

And they will all believe it 'cause it's on the radio.

Well after just a little while I began to see

That maybe if it worked for him, it could work for me.

I could get me on the radio or maybe on TV

And people would believe me 'cause I've got a PhD.

Yes, I could get a talk show on the radio

Where I could talk about all kinds of stuff that I don't know.

And even if it's wrong I could just declare it's so

And people would believe it 'cause it's on the radio.

Yeh we all should get talk shows on the radio

Where we can talk about all kinds of shit that isn't so.

When we make it up no one will ever know.

They will just believe it 'cause it's on the radio, radio, radio, radio, radio ….......

Copyright (c) T. Bruce, 2010-2011. All rights reserved.