I Wish, I Could...

I knew that you were made for me,

right from the first day I met you.

I promise, my love will never fade,

my love for you will always be true.

Every time you think of something,

I hope you can feel my love there.

coz' in all the things that I do,

I've exactly the same feeling here.

I wish I could show you how it feels,

I long every second to be with you.

I feel so lonely during the nights,

It's so hard to live without you.

I wish for the day you'll be mine,

when no one can take you way.

My lips worship the God above,

and my hands are joined in his pray.

I wish I could fly to your place,

even if I could see you for just an hour.

I wish I could hold you in my arms,

If somehow, God grants me that power