
logout - logout from linux.

mv file1.c file2.c - This command will move the contents of file1.c to file2.c

in other words it will rename the filename.

man - manual used to get help on linux

commands. Example: To get help for “ls” type man ls

cp - copy contents from one file to another. Syntax: cp file1.c file2.c

cat - to display the contents of one file for e.g. cat text.c will display the

contents of file text.c

who - Displays list of current users that are logged in.

who am I - Displays your terminal number

cal 9 1990 - Displays calendar of the month September year 1990

date Displays current date and time.

rmdir - Removes directory syntax rmdir directory name [before

removing the directory u should delete all the files in that particular


rm - Remove file (or delete file). Syntax: rm text.c removes the file

text.c, similarly rm *.c will delete all the files with .c extension.