Socket Programming Lab

Wireshark: DHCP Protocal

Networking and Sockets

Socket Examples

The following are some simple TCP socket examples.

  • This client/server pair runs a simple TCP socket program as an Echo Server that only allows one client to connect to the server.
  • This client/server pair improves on the previous Echo Server that allows multiple clients to connect to the server.
  • This server improves on the previous Echo Server since it allows the "connection thread" of the server to stop executing via a command sent from the client.
  • This server improves on the previous Echo Server since it uses a time out on the server's connection TCP socket to continuously check if it should stop the "connection thread" of the server from executing.
  • This example shows how to send an object across a TCP socket by serializing a class.
  • This is a example of a extremely simple web server. The client is a web browser.

The following are some simple UDP socket examples.

  • This client/server pair runs a simple UDP socket program as an Echo/Uppercase Server that only allows the client to send one message to the server.
  • This client sends multiple messages to the Echo/Uppercase Server to check if packets get dropped.
  • This program scans the UDP ports on the local machine to see if they are being used.

These examples were written very quickly and currently are under-commented.
