Vision/Mission Statement

Vision/Mission Statement

 The Political Kingdom of God





Governmental Theodemocracy


"Where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness"




The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.


Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundamental Rights of Man Philosophy of law and Government by Joel Skousen

     The Political Kingdom of God- working towards the Establishment of God's Government Kingdom on Earth.

 "Such As Will Administer the Law in Equity and Justice Should be Sought for and upheld"




The Political Kingdom of God

Vision/Mission Statement

under development.


The Political Kingdom of God in the British Isle endeavours to establish a Government that will administer the Law in Equity and Justice to all in the government of her realm.

We acknowledge the Royal Throne of Great Britain as the Royal Throne of  David

and is the Royal Throne of  Jesus Christ, on earth.

The King of kings.

 That the present Royal family are the custodians of that Throne.

Our aim is to Establish Gods Political government in preparation and readiness of his imminent return.

We acknowledge the British-Israel World Federation as an authority in educating the British-Israel people. 

We also acknowledge all of the various BIWF sister groups throughout the World.

We acknowledge the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as the Ecclesiastical Church of God's Kingdom.

We do not endorse it as  membership into the Political Kingdom of God

We uphold the principle of Freedom to Worship

We Uphold to the principle of separation of Church and State

We acknowledge Almighty God as our lawgiver

We believe in and uphold the principle of Theodemocracy.

 where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness

We Believe in and uphold the principle of free-will consecration

We acknowledge  and uphold the Keys to the Kingdom and  that they will be held by one called of God 

We seek the Formation of The New United Federation of Anglo-Saxon States

& the Establishment of The New Greater United Kingdom of Israel.


General Statement of Purpose


We are aware that the world is now entering the final stages of  "world history", the lines have been drawn and soon all people, Kindren and Nations will have to decide whose side they will align with.

  either the Kingdom of Lucifer and the forced Socialist NWO .or the free will NWO of the Kingdom of God 

This will happen in two ways Spiritual & temporal, Spiritual through the convincing of the Holy Ghost. Temporal by the Convincing of the pending calamities

All those left after the tribulation who chose not to make war will flee to the Kingdom of God and Zion

The Political Kingdom of God aims for the Unification of the House of Israel. God has set his Hand this "second time" in this dispensation to gather scattered Israel in

We will witness the joining of all like-minded people and denominations into the Political Kingdom of God

Who will with one accord live the Law of Our God.



The Political Kingdom of God

in the

British Isles 


 agrees with and upholds the Mission Statements of  the following organisations 


Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress (RSICC)   The British-Israel-World Federation   The New Anglo-Saxon Federation of Nations.   The New and Greater United Kingdom of Israel.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints    The Ensign Message to the British and All Celtic Anglo-Saxson People






Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress (RSICC)

To define for eventual implementation the ideal form of government for the support of freedom on the local, state, national, and world levels.

We are a growing body of patriot saint leaders, volunteer and elected, representatives of our various communities and organizations.






We seek to present to the world a godly alternative to the U.N.-based drive for world socialist government.  By the grace and inspiration of God, we aim to aid and set forth an international government based on freedom and virtue.  We vow to serve faithfully, courageously, and humbly as its nascent representatives.

     As the elected body representing Remnant Saints International Patriot Alliance, we ascribe to the mission statement and Declaration of Principles of that organization.  We also uphold the principle of free-will consecration.  We endorse the 16 principles of unification.


General Statement of Purpose

One of the primary departures of Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress from the 'mainstream' patriot/conservative perspective is that we believe that there SHOULD be world government -- namely God's government based on freedom as a viable alternative to the socialist New World Order police state that is prevailing in the world today. It is not enough just to be against the status quo. As the salt of the earth, we must also present to the world the solution; and stopping with national sovereignty is not it. Like the states of the U.S. joined into an alliance to form the United States, based on principles of freedom, our task is to gather the patriot saints of the world's various nations into a world government based on freedom and individual responsibility. The term "remnant" implies that we both seek to be separate from the current system and that we will survive through the purifying calamities to come.

Related Documents:










 Mission Statement & Belief



The British-Israel-World Federation

Patron: The Rt Hon The Viscount Allenby of Megiddo

To teach the Covent Nations their Kingdom Identity

 and unique calling to lead all nations  in peace.

To publish that the Return of our Risen Lord is imminent.


Our Immediate Task


To alert the People of the Book to their

History and destiny  as God's servents nation to administer

 the continuing Kingdom of God upon Earth

in God's Great Purpose.


The Federation believes that Christ is our personal Saviour and Redeemer of the nation. We also believe that the descendants of the so-called “Lost Ten Tribes” of the Northern House of Israel are to be found in the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic and kindred peoples of today.  As the Federation believes in the whole Bible it therefore believes the Covenants made between God and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel are everlasting and that the British nation plays an important part of God’s great plan for world order. 


BIWF Covennant Nations  Magazine


An interdenominational magazine emphasizing the need for the closest

  possible co-operation between the English-speaking and kindred peoples

as the vital factor in the preservation of the freedom inherent  in the

 Kingdom of God on Earth, through the Anointed Kingship of

  Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe they embody the great bulk of the descendants of God's servent Israel-

irrespective of the people of the Jews, among whom we find only a residue  of today's Israel folk.



Mission Statement




The New United Federation of Anglo Saxons Celtic Nations



We the under signed Nations have come to agreement and ratified our common cause in establishing this federation of Anglo Saxon Celtic Nations.

For our mutual freedom and Protection of our political, economic, and monetary system. We acknowledge Britain and America has the Head of this  New United Anglo Saxon States.

We welcome any nation into our system who desire to live by the cause of Liberty and freedom.


To be Signed by

Great Britain

The United States of America



New Zealand





and others nations seeking Liberty




Mission Statement


The New Greater United Kingdom of Israel

We the descendants of the Ancient House of Israel

do pay Honor to our fathers

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

For their obedience to the Voice of the Lord

and the Blessings they poured upon us their children 

We the descendants of the Ancient House of Israel

Do pay Honor to all the Holy Prophets from Adam and up until the time of the Prophet of our day

We prepare ourselves as the bride for our bridegroom


Jesus Christ


We Cry with one voice

Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna



and the
