Remnant Saints Guild of Freemen

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

 see below for the Leadership Nomination Letter

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

 The Political Kingdom of God


 Governmental Theodemocracy


The blending of religious belief and democracy


"Where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness"


"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints (a Moses-like calling) whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God". (D&C  85:7)



 Who is the One Mighty & Strong? 


The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  Statements

see the link

  Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth.


The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.

Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundamental Rights of Man  Philosophy of law and Government by Joel Skousen

     The Political Kingdom of God- working towards the Establishment of God's Government Kingdom on Earth.


Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress (RSICC)   The British-Israel-World Federation   The New United  Federation of Anglo-Saxon Nations.   The New and Greater United Kingdom of Israel.   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

" Such As Will Administer the Law in Equity and Justice Should be Sought for and upheld"

 FAQ.  Vision/Mission Statement.   Contact Us    Membership. Donations


This site aims to be a primary resource for you as you do your part in establishing the kingdom of God on earth, both as it pertains to the gospel as well as it pertains to a free government.


 Our aims are also to assist in the Formation of The New United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Nations. Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and some other European Countries will eventually, either, leave or be expelled from the Federal European Union because the terms will be unacceptable to them. They will not surrender their sovereignty to this superstate. The economic, monetary and political power of Federal Europe, led by Germany and France will become so great that it will force the Nations of Britain and America together into an economic and political union. This will most possibly include, as stated,  Denmark, Sweden, and Norway with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. it will be literally The United Anglo Saxon States




Site Index


 Building the Ideal Government for the Protection of Freedom of All Mankind


(new index) Building the Ideal Government




 Joel Skousen Calls for Establishing Now a Uniform System of Law to which the World Can Turn Following the Calamities 





Remnant Saints, Guild of Freemen is an Organisation which vows to defend freedom

 this page is under construction.


 The Guild of Freemen are upright men & women who walk according to the indwelling of the Spirit of God and who vow to defend freedom.  They have invited volunteers, who have been nominated and elected to hold leadership positions,  in the establishment of God's Government in the British Isles.  The Guild's name is "Remnant Saints guild of "Freemen"   The guild of "Freemen" harks back to the Freeman of the Realm from the Magna Carter and of Habeas Corpus. (see the below information).


With the recent ratification of the Lisbon Treaty are right to Habeas Corpus is to be turned on its head. Next year will see the introduction of  the system proposed by Brussels, known as Corpus Juris, Britain's historic freedoms and liberties are to be ended in the name of a new "efficient" Europe


In modern times, the most enduring legacy of the Magna Carta is considered the right of habeas corpus. This right arises from what is now known as clauses 36, 38, 39, and 40 of the 1215 Magna Carta.

As the most recent version, it is the 1297 Charter which remains in legal force in England and Wales. Using the clauses in the 1297 Charter (the content and numbering are somewhat different from the 1215 Charter): Clause 1 guarantees the freedom of the English Church. Although this originally meant freedom from the King, later in history it was used for different purposes (see below). Clause 9 guarantees the "ancient liberties" of the City of London. Clause 29 guarantees a right to due process

This is a private correspondence intended for ****, and is not to be forwarded or shared indiscriminately. Please keep it secure.



Remnant Saints Guild of Freemen, Leadership  Nomination Announcement Letter

Dear ****,

You have been nominated to serve as a founding member of the Remnant Saints Guild  of Freemen, in a leadership position

The following link is for the page where you can go to accept your nomination, view the other nominees, as well as provide your input on these other individuals who are being considered as founding members of the Remnant Saints Guild of Freemen in leadership positions.

Please be discreet with this information.

URL ****

Username: ****

Password: ****

The name "Remnant Saints" Guild of Freemen as an organization is new to you because it is a new organization. We are approaching you about serving as a founding member of its leadership guild.

By "Remnant" we mean "those who remain" or survive victoriously. In the scriptural imagery of the refining of gold, the remnant is what is left over after the dross has been skimmed away.

By "saint" we means one who has been born of God and who seeks diligently to walk according to the indwelling of the Spirit of God.

Though the name leans toward more of a religious emphasis, it is actually more of patriotic organization based on the enduring principles of freedom.

The purpose of the organization, "Remnant Saints," Guild of Freemen, is to facilitate the survival of the Lord's people through the tribulations that are coming.

One of the key components of that facilitization will be the establishment of alternative modes of communication so that the patriot saint community can stay in touch one with another despite whatever disruptions may occur in the public utilities and communications lines.

The leadership guild is a body of remnant saint leaders -- invited, volunteer and elected -- who are representative of their various communities and organizations. One of the guild's primary purposes will be to facilitate the networking between the various leaders of the patriot saint world.

You have been nominated to be a part of this leadership guild.

We see you as possessing unique and gifted abilities to understand our day, and to rally people in the defense of those principles we hold dear.

The purpose of Remnant Saints organization is not to identify and include every last person who is a remnant patriot-saint. Rather, it is to provide a means of networking that body as efficiently and safely as possible, while maintaining the individuality of each member and each organization.

We recognize that each organization has its purpose, its strengths, and its weaknesses.

By networking the leadership of these organizations, we can help facilitate a synergism among the various organizations in the spirit of the body of Christ.

As this network of leaders comes to know and trust one another better, they can have dialogue among themselves that could form the basis of a sort of congress that could be instrumental in shoring up the foundations of the Zion to come. According to prophecy, the society that arises from the ashes will be the kingdom of God on earth.

A key phrase in scriptures regarding the rise of that kingdom is that it will be built "without hands."

In our opinion, that means that it is not a kingdom reliant on the brawn and knowledge of man, as the current system of Babylon is. Rather, it is a kingdom built by the inspiration of God.

Each person in the coming society will answer to God and their conscience first, not to another person.

This does not negate the principle of the body of Christ, that says that none are meant to work alone, but that together we form a more perfect union. While we work together, our trust is not foremost in another man, but foremost in our personal relationship with the heavens.

Everything we say and do is thus a balance between our foremost trust in God, and our appreciation for others who are also part of the body of Christ and the work they perform in harmony with ours.

What becomes of this body will be a function of our combined choices.

We hope you will accept your nomination and join with us in charting this exciting and challenging chapter of patriot history.

After you have completed the nomination form, you will arrive at a page listing some follow-up items. The first on the list is a reminder of the need to secure alternative means of communication with your key contacts so that communications can continue in whatever circumstances may arise, such as all major lines of public communication being severed.

The next item is for you to appoint two alternates or counselors to act in your behalf during your absence, or even for when you are available but wish to delegate certain tasks to them. These will have power to vote on guild matters. We will need some form of verification that they have been appointed by you.

Next is a notice that unless specified otherwise, all guild members will be signed up to receive the Remnant Saints Special Alerts.

You can view the rest of the follow-up items once you get there.

We will look forward to getting to know you better as we serve together in this capacity. May our combined efforts be a blessing to mankind and help bring a better world.


and all the others who are/will be part of this.