The Order of Free-Will Consecration

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations


The Political Kingdom of God


 Governmental Theodemocorcy


The blending of religious belief and democracy


"Where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness"


"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints (a Moses-like calling) whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God". (D&C  85:7) 


 Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth.


The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.


Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundalmental Rights of Man  Philosiphy of law and Government by Joel Skousen


This is a working document, information has/is  being  gathered here for the application  of the Order of free-will consecration.


 Free Will Consecration

Answer to forced Socialism


Free will consecration will work on the basis of citzens adhearing to the 16 pinciples of unifcation.


The basic principles of the order of free-Will consecration requires that those  who become members accept the following precepts as being true and self evident:


First, that all things in the earth belong to the Creator and that men are only  the coustodians of these resources and riches which He has placed upon the earth for the welfare of mankind.


Second, that the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man require that human beings look upon one another as members of the same family- the family of God, and that they are directly  responsible for one another's wealfare.


Third, that in this family  relationship every person is expected to do his share. Each shall give what he has ( labour, skills, art,  management, goods, services) and in return, recieve what he needs. All have a place in the program except one type of person- the idler, Under the order of free will consecration the managers of the system are forbidden to give the fruits  of others labours to any person who could, but will not work.


Fourth,  That the members of the order of free-will consecration shall take the responsilbility of givening  education and assisttance to those who are lacking in the ability or capacity to provide for themselves. This is not just charity for the poor but a program  to provide the poor with the necessities of life and then aid them in becoming self-sustaining members of the  order. the ultimate object is to have "no poor among us".


Fifth That private property and the dignity of the individual must be preserverd. the private property of each member of the  free-will consecration order  will be according to his family, according to his circumstances and his wants and needs, in as much as his wants are just. Everything that he can produce over and above the needs of himself and his family  is to be donated  to the common treasury of the order for the welffare of  others less fortunnate. As for the  dignity and independence of the individual everyman must be respected as a free agent. He may enter the Order at his pleasure. once in the Order of free-will consercration he must be allowed to use, fully and as he pleases, any properties placed in his hands. He may leave the Order at his pleasure.


The Mechanics in setting up the Order of Free-will Consercration


  A person who whishes to enter the order of free-will consecration deeds everything  they own by an irrevocable deed to the  Presiding elected 10 or  50 Captain or representive./ committee, who has charges over the affairs of that comuninty. the elected representive/comittee then deeds back to the individual, as a stewardship, all that the persons abilities and requirements warrant. Any surplus is to be placed in the common treasury of the Order.


During this transaction  it is  most important that the elected 50 representive/comittee and the applicant have a meeting of minds as  to just how much the person should have deeded back to him as a stewardship.

 The matter of free-will concecration must be done by mutual consent of both parties; for to give the elected  50 representive/comittiee power to say how much every person shall have, and they be compelled to comply with the judgement, is giving the elective 50 Captin/representive/committee more power than a King has; and upon the other hand, to let everyperson say how much he needs, and the elected 50 representive/comittee be compelled to comply with his judgement is to throw the Order into confusion and make a slave of the 50 captain/representive/comittee. The fact is, that their  must be a blance or equilbrium of power between the 50 captain/rep/comittee and the people; and thus harmony and good will may be preserved.


Therefore those persons consecrating property to the Order  and then reciveing an inheritance back, must reasonably show  to the 50 captain/rep/comitee that they need as much as they claim. But in case the two parties can not come to a mutual agreement, the 50 captain/rep/comittee is to have nothing to do about such consecrations; and the case must be laid before a council of the Hundreds.


We see from this that the Order of free-will consecration can be placed on a sound, practical and businesslike basis. A person recieves full title to his stewardship and it is thereafter expected that they will take pride in showing how much they can do with it so as to multiply his resources and thus prove worthy  of being assigned more. it is strictly a merit system with the greatest possible emphasis being placed on the individual initiative.



Oath of Free Will Consecration



The Individual Entering into the Order of Free Will Consecration will swear to live by the order of free will concercration. They will make this oath  before his elected Captain and  community. All will stand as witness. his name and all prceedings will be entred into a record.


1.  The Canidate will raise his right hand place his left hand on the bible

2. swear by Almighty God that he is entering the order of free will Consecration of his own free will.

3. Swear to be his neighboures keeper and protect, Support and sustain the members of his community to the best of his ability.

4. swear to deed over his labour, skills,art, management, goods and services.

5. he will acknowledge that he will come to agreement, of all property, &  resources that  will be deeded back to him,  will be according to his family, according to his circumstances and according to his wants and needs so long as  wants are just.






       I................................................ swear by Almighty God that I am  entering the order of free will Consercration of my own free will.





Citizens Covenant Oath


 see Citizens Compact


Remnant Saints Consecration


"organization" refers to Remnant Saints International Patriot Alliance

"guild" refers to Remnant Saints Intercontinental Congress


The statement, "They did have all things in common," implying a voluntary sharing of resources with one another, is a foundational ideal that should guide our financial decisions.

We hold firmly to the concept that when people do what they are best at doing -- that which God has endowed them with special abilities to do -- then society prospers with enough and to spare. Much of the prosperity in our current society is a result of this principle.

In the current money-based, money-driven system of the world, the compensation for services rendered is not always adequately or fairly administered. Some people are endowed with talents that happen to be compensated well in today's society, while others are endowed with talents that are inadequately compensated in today's society. This should not be the case in an ideal society. Everyone should receive sufficient for their needs when they accomplish what they are best suited to accomplish.

The socialist's answer to this problem is to use the power of government to intercede, attempting to bring equality among mankind through force. That is one of the primary pillars of the New World Order as presently promoted. And it is one of the primary reasons we are opposed to the New World Order, for that solution is fundamentally contrary to freedom.

Our answer to the problem is to allow individuals through their own agency to share their abundance freely one with another. In an ideal society, such sharing flows spontaneously from the heart that has been touched by God. And in the case where no such change of heart has taken place, it is not our duty to turn to the government to force such an individual to give of their excess substance to those who stand in need. A person has the right to make their own choice in this regard, and to answer to God if they sin by withholding their substance when their conscience tells them to do otherwise.



Each member of the body has a unique set of talents that they bring to the organization. Some honor the organization just by having their name associated with it, as the work they do in a given area of specialty in the quest for the kingdom of God is of great benefit toward the establishment of Zion. Others choose to use at least some of their talents directly in helping with particular tasks associated with operating the organization, from voting on decisions and offering input, to administering websites and counting votes. Not all (if any at this point) are gifted with the financial means to be able to contribute substantially to the financial needs of the organization. But most can contribute at least a small amount.

Membership in the organization should not be dependant on the ability to pay a given percentage or flat amount as a membership fee.

While a "tithe," or 10% of one's net income, is the standard for giving, a higher principle is to give freely of ones substance, being guided by the Spirit of God, so that 100% of one's assets are available to be given as the individual may be impressed to give, depending on their choice.

In reality, including in ideal circumstances, the actual amount that ends up being given or disbursed to others will vary from one individual to the next. This is a function of the uniqueness of each person and their talents, and is a major reason why people should not compare themselves or their level of giving with the next person's.

Furthermore, while some may be more gifted in the ability to disburse large amounts of tangible resources on behalf of others, even they have needs, spiritual and temporal, that others can fill on their behalf. Receiving should not be viewed as a weakness, except in the case of the willful slacker, who really doesn't belong in an patriot saint community anyway.

***One of the primary functions envisioned for local Patriot Saints branches, is for fellow remnant saints to voluntarily help each other out tangibly as well as spiritually. Needs that cannot be met in one branch may be presented to the next level of organization. Ideally, most needs will be met on a local level.

While the branch is the most ideal level for handling the disbursement of resources to those in need, each individual within the branch retains full stewardship over their own possessions, and holds the final choice on what they do with their resources, whether to give it to another branch member, or to the branch head to use as is seen fit there, or to some other entity.

Members within a branch should ideally live a covenant community lifestyle in which they become as a family to one another to administer to each other's needs.

Similar to how individuals have a right to choose whether or not to become part of a patriot saints branch, so also, will each branch have the right as a body to choose whether or not to affiliate with other branches in a group relationship. The same holds true for groups of branches affiliating with other groups of branches.

Likewise, each branch and group of branches and groups of branches decide as a body whether to affiliate with the Remnant Saints International Patriot Alliance.

Part of "affiliation" is the willingness to enter into a covenant relationship to serve one another: individuals, branches, groups of branches, and the organization as a whole.

In the case that resources are left over from within a branch, they may be offered to the next level of organization, which is a group of branches, and so forth. The agency of what to do with left over resources is decided by the branch or group of branches from which it comes.

As the organization grows (true from its conception), while many of the functions can and should be handled on a voluntary, non- compensatory basis, there will also arise need for full- and part- time staffing positions that will require compensation.

Ideally, individuals serving in full-time or part-time positions, including group-wide positions, will have their personal needs met through their local branch affiliation. In other words, their local branch, as a body, willingly offers that person's services to the organization as a whole. This way, the accountability of the extent of one's needs and the manner in which the funds are used is answerable directly to fellow patriot saints living nearby and from whom the funds came.

If the local branch is not willing or able to fully cover the personal needs of an individual serving in an organization-wide full- time or part-time capacity, then the next level up (e.g. a group of branches), will be presented with the opportunity to do so.

If that next level of patriot saints organization is not willing or able to cover the personal needs of an individual serving in an organization-wide full-time or part-time capacity, then the care of the individual will become the stewardship of the entire organization, administered by the Remnant Saints Intercontinental Congress.

The source of funding organization-wide expenses, which will be relatively small because of the bottom-up emphasis, will come primarily from the next level in the organization, which will draw from the next level, and so forth.

When the organization as a whole has a financial need, a suggested prorated amount will be presented, and each of the patriot saints branches, or group of branches, or individuals making the contribution, will decide of their own accord to provide the amount they see fit, either more or less than the amount suggested.

Full and part-time staffing positions falling under the care of the organization as a whole shall be approved by a guild vote.

Those appointed to disburse the compensatory funds should be separate individuals from those receiving the compensation.

Organization-wide finances, if exceeding the amount of the average individual's yearly income, shall be subject to annual independent audits.

As voted upon by the guild in the following document:

Remnant Saints Consecration