The 60 Identity Marks of Israel     The Union of Jack  The Remnant of Jacob

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

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Jacob's Blessing on Joseph's Double Portion Blessing of Ephraim & Manasseh

The Hebrew meaning for British is Covenant Man 


 The Political Kingdom of God


 Governmental Theodemocracy


The blending of religious belief and democracy


"Where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness"


 Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth.


The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.


Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundamental Rights of Man  Philosophy of law and Government by Joel Skousen


 "Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth".



"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints (a Moses-like calling) whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God".(D&C  85:7) 



 "Such As Will Administer the Law in Equity and Justice Should be Sought for and upheld"

Identity Marks of British/Israel

Know who you Are

These are the Identity Marks of "Israel" and will awaken the nation to respond to their true Identity

most of the promises and blessings here are unconditional some however are conditional. The reader should note carefully these unconditional & conditional blessings.


For I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. Hear the word of the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, as a shepherd doth his flock. —JEREMIAH 31: 9

All these references are found in the King James Version of the Bible

(Click on the Marks to discover more information.)

1. They must exist as a "Nation"                                               Jer 31:35; Jer 33:20-26, 30:11

2. They must be an island nation                                               Jer 31:10; Isa 41:1; 42:12; 11:11

                                                                                                 24: 14; 49:1-3; 49:12

3. Their island must be north & west from Palestine                      Jer 3:12; 28:8; Isa 49;12

4. Their number must be as the sand of the sea                           Hosa 1:10 Gen 22:17; 32:12

5. They must have found there island home to small                      Isa 49:19

6.They must have found their island home to small more than once     Isa 49:20

7. They must be living under a monarchy and have a descendant

of David as King or(Queen)                                                         1 Chr 22:10; 2 Chr 13;5

                                                                                                Jer 33: 17-26; 2 Sam 7:13-16

                                                                                                 Psa 89:3-4,25-37

8. they must be a company or (commonwealth of nations)               Gen 35:11; Eph 2:12

9. They must have a great nation spring from them

but be independent from them.                                                   Gen 48:10; Isa 49: 20

10.They must have immense  colonies                                            Isa 49:8; 54:3

11. They must push the aboorigines into cornors                             Deut 33: 17

12. They must be the chief of nations                                         Jer 31: 7; Amos 6: 1, Deut 28:13

13. They must be a undefeated nation                                          Isa 54: 17 ;Micah 5:8 Deut 28:7

14. They must conquer by a small army (conditional)                      lev26:8 Deut 20:1

15. They must be a wealthy nation                                                Deut 8: 18

16: They must lend to other nations( Gentile) but not

borrow from them (conditional)                                                    Deut 15: 6

17.They must abolish the slave trade                                             Isa 58: 6

18. They must have the finest fruit & cattle ( conditional)                Deut 28: 4

19.Their national heraldry must be a Lion & unicorn                        Num 24: 8-9

20. They must be a great missionary people                                  Isa 27:6 ; 43:21, Mark 16:15

                                                                                                 Matt 7: 20

21. They must be Known by another name- BRITISH

( NB Hebbrew Birth= covenant and Hebrew "ish= man giving a

Hebrew etymology of BRITISH meaning " covenant man"                     Isa 65: 15; 62:2

22. They must be named after Isaac, not Israel

i.e. SAXON= ISAAC-SON                                                                            GEN 21: 12, Rom 9: 17

23. The Nations name must be called GREAT                             Gen 12: 2

24, They must speak another language, not Hebrew                          Isa 28: 11

25. Note for not sounding their " Hs"                                                    Judges 12: 6

26. The Canannites must trouble Israel                                             Num 33:35;Josh 23:13; Ch 9


27. Israel must be a Christian nation                                               Hoa 1: 10 Isa 9:2, 8

28. Israel must possess the sea gates of the earth

( gate  of his ememies)                                                                  Gen 22:17-18

29. They must observe the Sabbath, nationally   see also The Sunday Trading Act of 1994                              Exo 31:13, 16, 17

30. Israel must be a great sea power    (see this Link also History of the Royal Navy)                                             Psa 89: 25;Num 24;7

31. Israel's benefactors will succeed and her enemies fall                     Gen 12:3

32. They must eventually come into possession of all the land

between the Nile and Euphrates                                                      Gen 15: 18

33. They must be tolerant of strangers                                             Lev 19:33-34

34. They must be successful in war to be in vincible in the "last days"     Isa:4111-12; 54:15-17

                                                                        Num 24:8; Lev 26:7 Deut 33:27-28; 28:7

35. To be Gods battle axe among nations                                           Jer 51:20

36. Their Enemies to be found liars                                                    Deut 33:29

37.Israel to be the Lords portion- the lot of his inheritance                    Deut 32: 8-9

38.They must not be subject to a foreign power                                  Deut 15: 16

39. They will hold a most honorable place among the nations "if"           Deut 26:19

40. They must be in possession of an "appointed" haven,                     1 Chr 17:9; Num 23:9

invincible from enemies, outside Palestine                                           2 Sam 7: 10; Lev 26:6

41. To be envied and attacked                                                       Gen 49:  23-24

42. Israel preservation  will be due to divine protection and

and intervention against her foes                                                     Psa 124; Deut 20:1-4

43. Israel will be joined by Judah and return respectively-

to Palestine                                                                                Jer 3:14, 18; Eze 37

44.Israel must exist as a "Nation" as the sun, moon and starts endure; and until heaven can be measured  and the earth's foundations searched out.              Jer 31:33-37; 33:24-26

45. They must have a lineal descendant of David reigning over them forever   Sam 7:16; Jer 33:17-21

46. They will be used as instruments in the Hand of god in war to

destroy the Gentile nations                                                                       Jer 51:20; dan 2:44

47. they were instructed to set up "waymarks" and high heaps                     Jer 31: 21

48. Israel to be under a new covenant                                                        Jer 31: 31

49. To spread aboard to the WEST, EAST, NORTH and SOUTH                     Gen 28: 14

50. Israel to dwell alone                                                                      Num 23: 24; Deut 33:28

51. Israel to be like a Lion                                                                    num 23: 24; 24: 9.

52. Israel to lose a colony and then increase in the Isles, then seek more room.      Isa 49: 20

53. Israel not to be found in circumcision                                                   gal 5

54. In multiplying, the Israel people were not to be crowded. They would expand and become a company of nations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Deut 32:8

55. The Israel people are the only people in the Bible to be called "sheep". At the time of the end "sheep nations" are to be separated from the "goat nations"                                   Goats on the left and Sheep on the Right. There will be a total polarization of the peoples. in ever sphere of life.                                                                  Matt 25:31-34

56. The Israel nations would feed the hungry; cloth the naked; and liberate the captives

                                                                                                            Matt 25:31-46

57. To enjoy spiritual blessings from above.                                          Gen 49: 25

58. To enjoy the blessings of the deep (sea power) (oil)              Isa 60:5; Gen 49:25

59. to have blessings from the sand ( oil, treasures)                   Deut 33: 19

60. To be addicted to drunkenness                                            Isa 28: 1