The Political Kingdom of God Structure & Levels of Government

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

 This page is in working progress.


 The Political Kingdom of God


 Governmental Theodemocorcy

“Thus saith the Lord God who rules in the heavens above and in the earth beneath, I have introduced my Kingdom and my Government, even the Kingdom of God, that my servants have heretofore prophesied of and that I taught my disciples to pray for, saying ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,' for the establishment of my rule, for the introduction of my law, for the protection of civil and religious liberty in this nation and throughout the world; and all men of every nation, color and creed shall yet be protected and shielded thereby; and every nation and kindred, and people, and tongue shall yet bow the knee to me, and acknowledge me to be Ahman Christ, to the glory of God the Father.”

Prophet John Taylor revelation, June 27, 1882, in Collier, Unpublished Revelations, 133, vv 4-8


The blending of religious belief and democracy


"Where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness"



 Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth.


The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.


Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundamental Rights of Man Philosophy of law and Government by Joel Skousen



"Such As Will Administer the Law in Equity and Justice Should be Sought for and upheld"

"Moreover, thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, and women such as fear God, men and women of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:" Exodus 11:21 


  "And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints (a Moses-like calling) whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God". (D&C  85:7)

this is in work progress & will be updated, and corrected as I understand more. 

The three divisions of the House of God,



 Jesus Christ,  God The Father, The Holy Ghost

The Kingdom Of God On Earth

As Above So Below

Thy Kingdom Come as it is in Heaven



Jesus Christ

 The High Priest

Who Holds the Keys to The Kingdom both Political & Ecclesiastical after the Order of Melchizedek


  Custodian High Priest to hold this office in the Lords Abcence

Noah ( Is The  Arch Angel Gabriel)   Adam (Is The Arch Angel Michael)  Joseph Smith (Is The ArchAngel  Phanuel)  

                                                                   1st      Counsellor                               President                                  2nd  Counsellor  

(Note:- In his research, Dr John P. Pratt states that he, (Joseph Smith is identified as one of seven chief angels of God and the second counsellor to Adam in a "First Presidency" of the entire earth.) (See Note 2 below)



High Priests

over the kingdom

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ( Peter, James, John)?

             Government                     Church                



The Separation of State & Church


Governmental Theodemocorcy

The Structure & Levels of Government

 The Political Kingdom


President of the Government

  Holds the Priesthood of God after the order of Melchizedek

Custodian of the Keys of the Political kingdom


The  First Presidency over the Political Kingdom


 The Council of the Fifty( 49) ( maybe held by 53 or more ?)

 are to Govern each of the  Regions/ States/Domions

The Council of Forthy-nine is composed of seven smaller councils which preside over seven different areas of human endeavour which include but are not limited to, (1) politics and defence, (2) philosophy, (3) education, (4) the arts, (5) science (6) religion,  and (7) finance and business.


1,00000 x 10 families form a Nation. Each elected Captain from the Region/State/Domion form the Council of the Fifty


100,000 x 10 Shires form a Region/State/Dominion of 1,000000 families. with an elected Captain who acts as an official/Judge/rep in the Council of the 1,000000 families.


10,000 x 10 Counties form a Shire with an elected Captain who acts as an official/Judge/rep in the Council of the 100,000 families


1000 x 10 families form a County of 10,000 families with an elected Captain who acts as an official/Judge/rep in the Council of the 10,000 families.


 100 x 10 wards form a township of 1,000 families with an elected Captain

Who acts as an Offical/Judge/rep in the Council of the 1000 families . 


2 Vils form a Ward of 100 families with an elected Captain

who acts as an Offical/Judgel/rep in the Council of the 100 families


 10 x 5 tithes form a Vil of 50 families with an elected Captain

Who acts as an official/Judge/rep in the Council of the 50 families 


Families gathered into tithes of 10 families with 2 elected Captains

Who acts as a officials/Judge/reps in the Councils of the ten families


 The Family, Husband & wife act as joint authority over their family with the Husband as spokesman


See Deuteronomy 1: 13 -18









see Government Administration


Jesus Christ stands at the Head of the Government. The Purpose of the Government of God is to administer the Law in Equity and Justice to all people and nations. To fullfil this purpose the Government is organised according to the pattern revealed by the Lord " till we all come in the unity of peace, and of the  knowledge of  the Justice and Mercy of the Son of God.

 The Ecclesiastical Kingdom


President of the Church

Holds the Priesthood of God after the Order of Melchizedek

Custodian of the Keys of the Ecclesiastical Kingdom


The First Presidency of the Church


The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles


  Seven brethren are called to serve as

 the Presidency of the Seventy.

 The First and Second Quorums of the Seventy

Members are designated General Authorities, and they may be called to serve anywhere in the world 

 World is divided up into Regional Areas with a Presidency taken from the First Quorum of the Seventy

The Presiding Bishopric

over the whole Church




Regional Areas consists of 5? or more Statkes?


The territorial divisions of the Church settlements are wards and stakes. Each ward has a bishop and two counsellors; five to ten wards compose a stake.



Stake Preidentcy

 President and two Councilors

With 12  Melchizedek High Priest

Who serve on the High Council




Bishop & two councilors

Set up as below




With a Branch Presidency

The Branch President and two councilors

Quarum of the Priesthood

Melchizedek & Aaronic

Edler Quarum High Priest Quarum. Aaronic Priesthood


Male members to optain the Priesthood


The Family, Husband and Wife Jointy Perside over their family

With the Husband Who Holds the Melchizedek Priesthood as Head of the Family


Jesus Christ stands at the head of the Church. The mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to help all people come unto Him (see Moroni 10:32). To fulfill this mission, the Church is organized according to the pattern revealed by the Lord "for the perfecting of the saints, . . . till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God" (Ephesians 4:12–13; see also Ephesians 4:11).


There is no such thing as World Government in the Millennium?

We will have Institutions of Law and the organization of the Church in the Millennium.

God does not operate by Government. Government is compulsion, it is top-down force.

In Heaven there is only one law: Love.

Love is self control. If you love God with all your heart, might, mind and strength you are living by that one law, you are living by Love.

In the Millennium we will have the Institutions of Law and Love. 

[Law and Love come from the same Germanic word that we still use today "Lo," as in "Lo, there." Lo means to Look, it is the looking that we do with all three eyes, the physical eyes but mostly the minds eye.]

There will be order in the Millennium because of the Institutions of Law.

This is the true design and order that these institutions will follow.






"The Twelve" Judges

The Chief Judge or "President" and the "Patriarch."

At all of these levels there are elections, order and procedure for the leaders, but never, never compulsion by a manager or a wise potentate. (D&C 121:34-37)

Hence no such thing as World Government, only the business of Christ. By us individually applying self-control, and working together by elections in the institutions that support and encourage self-control.

God Bless,


Note 2. a.  The Ach Angel  Phanuel is the fourth angel "set over repentance and those who hope to inherit eternal life" [Enoch, Chapter 40:9]

 b.  Phanuel's duties include bearing up God's throne, acting as a guardian angel to all who have inherited salvation in Jesus Christ, ministering Truth, and serving as an angel of judgement. 

W. Cleon Skousen has stated that the life and service of Joseph Smith in the pre-existence must have been monumental. this would be the only way  to account for the fact that he was given the tremendous responsibility and honor of ushering in the great dispensation of the "Fullness of Times" in our day. ((Treasures from the Book of Mormon, volume One page iii Preface.)

It is so very interesting that Dr. John P. Pratt identifies the Arch Angel Phanuel with Joseph Smith. The Characteristics and duties of this Angel fit Joseph  Smith perfectly.   It has been said of Joseph Smith that he has done more for the salvation of men, save Jesus Christ only.  

 3 Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated! (Doctrine & Covenants 135: 3.)