
Under Construction 

  "Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth".


The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.


Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty for the British Isles   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundamental Rights of Man  Philosophy of law and Government by Joel Skousen



With the recent ratification of The Lisbon Treaty, Britain has now lost its Sovereignty. The promised referendum from the Labour government was denied to the British people. And the up-and-coming Conservative government has stated that "all" member states have ratified the Lisbon Treaty, and therefore  "there is no need to now, hold a referendum".

Britain has now sealed the deal with the devil, and we are now under the law of serfdom. We have lost the right to govern our own country and our own lives. We will be dictated to by an unelected body from Brussels, with an unelected President.


The English Anglo-Saxon common law of "innocent until proven guilty" will no longer be right   (dating back to the Magna Carta of Habes Corpus) when the Lisbon Treaty comes into effect next year. We will all be presumed "Guilty" and have the burden of proof laid upon us. see Britain's Unique Heritage of Law Threatened by an E.U. Police State "In Britain and the island countries throughout the English-speaking world, liberty is understood to mean liberty from arbitrary arrest and incarceration, as safeguarded by Haber's Corpus and trial by jury: a judicial system which is unknown anywhere on the European continent". 


We will also have imposed upon us a "religious belief" this will apply to all member states and all individuals. The religious belief system will be Roman Catholicism. All Protestant Churches in Europe with be "forced " to come back" into "The Mother Church"  and those that refuse will suffer great persecution. ( could be economic, loss of membership of EU,(good) unable to trade). Next year Britain will receive the Pope on a "state" visit. He will be receiving "home" Anglican Church and they will be reunited back into Catholicism.

It is interesting to note that when Tony Blair became Prime Minister one of his very first acts, was to go to Rome and Kiss the Pope's ring! and "His parting act of constitutional illegality, or “EU treachery” as one press headline put it, was to sign the revised EU constitution ( we were never going to get a referendum Tony Blair had already sign Britain into the Lisbon treaty.). in Brussels just 5 days before handing his resignation to the Queen. “An arrogant stitch-up… handing Gordon Brown a poisoned chalice,” as the Daily Mail, London, put it on 11th June 2007".

"The suggestion also that he may now declare himself a Roman Catholic,(now has become). having left office, confuses the picture even further as to his understanding of what constitutional Protestant Britain represents in respect of ancient freedoms and faith. For a Covenant Nation such as Great Britain, with a history approaching 800 years since Magna Carta 1215, which predates Parliament and which was addressed to “the freemen of the Realm,” and 320 years in 2008 from the Declaration of Rights 1688, when Parliament was suspended, it was a very serious constitutional act of betrayal for Tony Blair to end his premiership". see

In dramatic symbolism, after signing Britain up to the alien EU constitution on 22nd-23rd June, Blair went immediately to see the Pope, his last State visit as Prime Minister. It seemed just like the act of King John placing the British Crown at the feet of the papal legate. His Oath of Allegiance to the Queen and the Realm seemed to matter not. He was on his way out. Nevertheless, he was still receiving his salary and still representing the Covenant Nation of Great Britain. Historically papal blessings have proven to be curses. Was the extensive flooding that occurred just 2 days later in England on 25th June a warning of events to come, plus the new Foot and Mouth disease outbreak that followed on 3rd August?".

Of Course What did Gordon Brown do as soon as he came into office? Yes went and kissed the Pope's ring! inviting the Pope to come to Britain. As Stated this visit will be taking place next year. He will welcome back the head of the Anglican Church.

It is also interesting to note that the French President has called, in a roundabout way, "the Union of State and Religion" Of course that religion being, Roman Catholicism.

"Sarkozy's recent speeches to Catholics and Muslims prompted charges he was violating France's separation of church and state. He was the first French president to address the CRIF annual dinner, a role the prime minister normally takes".

Sarkozy says he is a lapsed Catholic. Previous presidents avoided talking about faith even if they were believers themselves.

"He argues people of faith have a hope and purpose missing in modern society due to the "end of ideology" after the Cold War and the spread of disillusionment in consumer society".



 The Purpose  of Government


Because people live together they must have some system to promote their corporate welfare, solve problems, and afford protection. Therefore,  says a modern political manifesto of the Later-day Saints, "governments [ are] instituted of God for the Benefit of man" (Doctrine & Covenants 134:1 here after D&C).  The question is how should they benefit us? and the answer is "that, Governments should  make Laws that's will "secure to each individual" the following:(1) "the free exercise of conscience", (2) "the right and control of property," and (3) "the protection of life"   (D&C134: . Governments do  "have a right to enact such laws as in there own judgements are best calculated to secure the public interest;  at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience" (D&C 134: 5). And then they must enforce the laws and  adminster them with equity and justice" (D&C134: 3). All men are obligated to respect and obey these laws, for "without them peace and harmony would be supplanted by anarchy and terror" D&C134:6). Governments must also have limitations. With  regard to religion, "men are amenable to [God], and to him alone, for the excercise of it, unless their religions opinions prompt them to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others"; but governments do not have the right to interfere in prescribing rules of worship to bind the consciences of men, women and children , noritate  forms for public or private devotion" D7C 134:4). These inspired lines  make clear that good government is intended by God to promote the peace and happiness of mankind. the absence of good government brings injustice, chaos and even war.


Is there anything the world  hungers for  more than peace? Is there anything more antithetical to the message of Jesus Christ than war? Then why is there so much war. We are witnessing wars and rumors of war, among all the nations and kindreds of the earth at this present time. We are living in an environment of war, witnessing it's devastation and suffering evils. All of us have a duty and responsibility to show through  personal example and teaching  the means  of how to  prevent it, (see the 16 principles of Unification), and what  righteousness means in times of corruption and human conflict . As history nears it climax,  ancient and  modern revelation has told us , that "Zion" shall be the "only place that shall not be  at war one with another" D&C 45:69). We  are witnessing the rise of more wars and natural calamities through out the world year after year and they will  continue and worsen,  we are told this in another  famous  revelation,  "untill  the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all the nations" (D&C 87:6).


The Christian  response to war has always been a major theological problem. we have seen in modern times a whole spectrum of approaches, from Gandhi's and Martin Luther Kings nonviolent pacifism to "just war" theories to overt militancy. In a world where humankind has not yet learned to live peacefully, there are a few more vital needs  than revealed knowledge  has taught us about war and it's prevention. The Book of Mormon  (the Stick of Ephraim) supplies us with insightful information on the subjects of war and politics., I would suggest that we  read this book with the Holy bible( the stick of Judah). to aid us in establishing true happiness and peace that we remain obedient to the law of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ our Saviour. For it is  the  very  foundations to build our lives upon and work towards the establishment of the Kingdom of God.



 The European Union ( The Rise of the New Roman Empire) will now become a great political, economical, religious/ecclesiastical and military power. The confederation of member states will give their power to a central overall leader/President. Thank goodness that this"Beast" will only have a life span of 15 years and will eventually be turned upon by it's member states.

The events that are transpiring now, are  however  a direct result of humanities choice to do evil to a greater or lesser degree. We, all of us, have collectively sown to the wind & we are now reaping the whirlwind. It is the law of cause & effect, and of course this will result in great suffering, destruction, and death, and every man's soul is on the line.

However the Devil doesn't have it all his way. God is at the Helm. The rise of the N.W.O is prophesied in the Bible and other scriptures and it will remain untill the word of God shall be fulfilled.

The European Union is in its final stages with the  "forced" ratification of the  Lisbon Treaty and the introduction of it's soon to be ecclesiastical system which will last but "one hour" (see rev, 17: 12; 18: 10,19).

One hour in the biblical time frame = 15 years. If a 1000 of our years = 1 day, therefore 1 hour =15 of our years.

The Rise & fall of the European Union, the Final Roman Empire, is prophesied of in the book of Revelations, & in the book of Daniel & other biblical books.

The Nations outside of this federation will stand no chance . This colossus will call the shots. it will be a greater economic power than the United States of America, Japan and all the rest put together! the "Beast" that both John & Daniel predicted as "coming out of the SEA" ie Single European Act ?( surley the reference cannot be a coincidence!) will be short lived. From the year in which it is fully organised as a political, economical, monetary & ecclesiastical power, which had it's beginnings in 1992/3, it will last for "one hour"


"In Revelation chapter thirteen, John recorded a vision that closely resembles the one Daniel saw. He described a symbolic beast that would make war with the Saints for three and a half years. (13:5,7.) His graphic account suggests how influential, deceptive, and alluring this beast will be. Only those saints whose names are "written in the book of life" will not worship the beast and take the mark of the beast". (13:8,16.)

The 15 years will apply to it's three separate influences and will be effective at different 15 year periods. Commencing in 1978 when the Single European Act came into force.

1987...................................................................................15years................................................................2002 "coming out of the "SEA".

Counterfeit economic & political system.


1992/3.................................................................   15 years................................................................2007 Maastricht Treaty

Counterfeit economic, social, political, monetary system.

2009..........................................................................15 years.....................................................................2024 Lisbon Treaty

Counterfeit economical, social, political, monetary & introduction of the ecclesiastical/religious system

As a point of note Britain suffered a great storms through out the whole of the UK, in 1987 after we signed into the S.E.A. Coasts suffered tidal waves, winds of over 90 miles per hour, ancient trees felled, buildings destroyed & wide spread flooding. and the weather men had predicted a nice pleasant sunny day the day before. Coincidence? or ominous warning!

In my opinion we should see the destruction of the European Union/ N.W.O about 2024, if we are all still here that is. There will of course be a 3rd WW at some stage but i have n't studied that in depth yet.

What i do know is that Britain will come out, or be expelled from the EU as will some other european countries IE Denmark, Norway and the like. The British are in the Main staunch Royalist. they are also a fiercely independent people, fearing subjection or slavery to any form of government or power.

This fear of suspicion is born of their slavery in Egypt! This is reflected in the national "anthems" Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Britannia.

The Hope is that we will witness the Rise of Gods "Political Kingdom" round about 2015/16 this will be made up of all the Anglo-Saxson Celtic Nations and all nations, people Kindred who love liberty. We will see the Rise of the Greater United kingdom of Anglo-Saxon Celtic States. Everyone who loves liberty will want to seek out the Lords Laws & Statues and live them, be they of what ever faith or no faith. People will live these laws because they will know that they are just & true. We will see the 10 commandments established and coming out of 10 Downing street where the Law of God belongs.

Now I personally believe & trust in the word of God. I don't blindly trust in it, but gather up information, study ponder pray, & exercise faith. I believe the scriptures to be true so far as they are translated correctly, I have learnt through faith, prayer & Study that there are only really two "Churchs" one of the Devil/luciferian and one of God. The Church of the Devil with all its political, social, econmical,  & religious systems are all counterfeit The European Union flag is a counterfeit flag of the real flag of God. Know that Lucifer Counterfeits the Things of God How else could he deceive the Children of God & men. He uses symbols that belong to God.

Britain membership  in  the European Union into a Federation that will take away the freedoms of men. The Completion of the Lisbon Treaty will introduce the finale (Religious) stage of the "Beast"  who came out of the SEA, spoken of in the Book of Daniel and the book of Revelations. This Sea represents a sea of people and Britain joined into it with the signing of the Single European Act. (SEA) in 1978.


The Kingdom of God

Both religious and Political