Messiah Ben Joseph
The Political Kingdom of God & The Restoration of the Whole House of Israel
Ensign To The Nations
The 7th Article of faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints
"We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly........"
24 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
25 And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.
26 So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.
Joseph in Egypt prophesies of Moses freeing Israel from Egyptian bondage; of a branch of Joseph’s descendants being led to a faraway land, where they will be remembered in the covenants of the Lord; of God calling a latter-day prophet named Joseph to join the records of Judah and of Joseph; and of Aaron serving as a spokesman for Moses.
24 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die, and go unto my fathers; and I go down to my grave with joy. The God of my father Jacob be with you, to deliver you out of affliction in the days of your bondage; for the Lord hath visited me, and I have obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of my loins, the Lord God will raise up a righteous branch out of my loins; and unto thee, whom my father Jacob hath named Israel, a prophet; (not the Messiah who is called Shilo;) and this prophet shall deliver my people out of Egypt in the days of thy bondage.
25 And it shall come to pass that they shall be scattered again; and a branch shall be broken off, and shall be carried into a far country; nevertheless they shall be remembered in the covenants of the Lord, when the Messiah cometh; for he shall be made manifest unto them in the latter days, in the Spirit of power; and shall bring them out of darkness into light; out of hidden darkness, and out of captivity unto freedom.
26 A seer shall the Lord my God raise up, who shall be a choice seer unto the fruit of my loins.
27 Thus saith the Lord God of my fathers unto me, A choice seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins, and he shall be esteemed highly among the fruit of thy loins; and unto him will I give commandment that he shall do a work for the fruit of thy loins, his brethren.
28 And he shall bring them to the knowledge of the covenants which I have made with thy fathers; and he shall do whatsoever work I shall command him.
29 And I will make him great in mine eyes, for he shall do my work; and he shall be great like unto him whom I have said I would raise up unto you, to deliver my people, O house of Israel, out of the land of Egypt; for a seer will I raise up to deliver my people out of the land of Egypt; and he shall be called Moses. And by this name he shall know that he is of thy house; for he shall be nursed by the king’s daughter, and shall be called her son.
30 And again, a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins, and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of thy loins; and not to the bringing forth of my word only, saith the Lord, but to the convincing them of my word, which shall have already gone forth among them in the last days;
31 Wherefore the fruit of thy loins shall write, and the fruit of the loins of Judah shall write; and that which shall be written by the fruit of thy loins, and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah, shall grow together unto the confounding of false doctrines, and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of thy loins, and bringing them to a knowledge of their fathers in the latter days; and also to the knowledge of my covenants, saith the Lord.
32 And out of weakness shall he be made strong, in that day when my work shall go forth among all my people, which shall restore them, who are of the house of Israel, in the last days.
33 And that seer will I bless, and they that seek to destroy him shall be confounded; for this promise I give unto you; for I will remember you from generation to generation; and his name shall be called Joseph, and it shall be after the name of his father; and he shall be like unto you; for the thing which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand shall bring my people unto salvation.
34 And the Lord sware unto Joseph that he would preserve his seed forever, saying, I will raise up Moses, and a rod shall be in his hand, and he shall gather together my people, and he shall lead them as a flock, and he shall smite the waters of the Red Sea with his rod.
35 And he shall have judgment, and shall write the word of the Lord. And he shall not speak many words, for I will write unto him my law by the finger of mine own hand. And I will make a spokesman for him, and his name shall be called Aaron.
36 And it shall be done unto thee in the last days also, even as I have sworn. Therefore, Joseph said unto his brethren, God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land, unto the land which he sware unto Abraham, and unto Isaac, and to Jacob.
37 And Joseph confirmed many other things unto his brethren, and took an oath of the children of Israel, saying unto them, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.
38 So Joseph died when he was an hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and they put him in a coffin in Egypt; and he was kept from burial by the children of Israel, that he might be carried up and laid in the sepulchre with his father. And thus they remembered the oath which they sware unto him.
Messiah ben Joseph: Jewish Traditions and Legends of a Latter-day Restorer
Trevan G. Hatch, “Messiah ben Joseph: Jewish Traditions and Legends of a Latter-day Restorer,” Selections from the Religious Education Student Symposium, 2007 (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007), 37–56.
Messiah ben Joseph: Jewish Traditions and Legends of a Latter-day Restorer
Trevan G. Hatch
For more than two thousand years, many Jewish scholars and rabbis have attempted, with only a certain degree of success, to explain and even comprehend the Jewish traditions of the Messiah ben Joseph, the man who would come forth in the last days as a restorer and a forerunner to the Messiah. A handful of scholars have attempted to present these traditions from a Latter-day Saint perspective. Despite their efforts, many Jewish texts and ideas have been ignored. The similarities between the life of Joseph Smith and the traditions of the Messiah ben Joseph (MBJ) are striking.[1] The primary objective of this paper will be to present these similarities in greater detail than has previously been done.
This paper is intended for the reader who possesses a general knowledge of the life of Joseph Smith. I have, in as much detail as possible due to length restrictions, juxtaposed the life of Joseph Smith Jr. and the traditions of MBJ. Occasionally I will cite an event in the life of Joseph Smith that parallels the traditions of MBJ. In other instances, however, I will not mention the parallel but simply present the information concerning MBJ, and the parallel should be quite obvious. I will mention in the text or in the endnotes any aspect of the tradition that may not stand out as an obvious parallel.
I will periodically refer to Jewish scholars and rabbis as “the Jews.” In doing so, I do not imply that all aspects of the tradition were believed by all Jews or even a majority of them. Some aspects of the MBJ tradition mentioned in this chapter may have been the opinion of a single Jewish scholar or rabbi. [2]
Origin and Sources of the MBJ Tradition
Scholars and theologians have been unsuccessful in determining the origin of the MBJ tradition. Without knowing where or from whom the tradition originated, one can only make a vain attempt to explain the ambiguities relating to the tradition. Coming to a full understanding of the MBJ tradition is difficult considering the fact that every rabbi and scholar have expressed different ideas or theories surrounding it. I have included a brief summary of the earliest known sources of the MBJ tradition which may be helpful. The MBJ traditions are found in at least four sources: (1) The Talmud, which is a collection of rabbinical discussions pertaining to Jewish law, custom, and history. The discussions of the rabbis were kept orally for several centuries and were eventually recorded around AD 200.[3] (2) The Targumim, which are Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible compiled in Babylon or Israel during the Second Temple Period (537–20 BC). (3) Kabbalistic writings, which contain Jewish mystical traditions regarding the creation of the earth and other ideas concerning God and spirituality. (4) The apocryphal and pseudepigraphical writings, which are religious and extrabiblical texts resembling books of scripture. These texts were not included with the other canonical books and date from around 300 BC to AD 100.
“Two Messiahs”
Modern Jews, in general, do not believe the Messiah has come. To Jews, Jesus was simply a “teacher . . . who in his day and since his day has had a very exceptional influence,” but he was not considered to be the Messiah.[4] However, many Jews and Christians are anxiously awaiting the moment when the Messiah will arrive. For Christians, it will be His second coming and for Jews, His first.[5] Not only are Jews awaiting the Messiah, but they are also awaiting the arrival of a “second” Messiah: one who will precede the first but will be “second in rank of the two Messiahs.”[6] Dr. Joseph Klausner, a noted Jewish scholar, stated that MBJ will have no “atoning power.”[7] He also stated that only the primary Messiah can atone for sins, although other Jewish scholars might argue that the Messiah cannot atone for sins but that atonement is reserved for God. Klausner also stated that the Messiah, not the MBJ, possesses “eternal life.”[8]
Jews refer to the primary Messiah as Messiah ben David (MBD), sometimes referred to as Messiah ben Judah or King Messiah.[9] This Messiah will descend from the lineage of King David, who descended from Judah, a son of Jacob. The secondary Messiah was referred to by Jews as Messiah ben Joseph, sometimes referred to as Messiah ben Ephraimbecause he will descend from the tribe of Joseph through Ephraim. Messiah comes from the Hebrew word meaning “Anointed One” and ben translates as “son” or “son of,” so Messiah ben Joseph would render as “The Anointed One, son of Joseph.”
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan teaches that the MBD and MBJ existed[10] “before the world was created”[11] and that they were called to take part in a joint effort during the Messianic Age to serve as redeemers[12] and to bring “salvation to the Jewish people and to the whole world.”[13] The two Messiahs will know of one another’s role in redeeming God’s people, and it will be the MBD who will protect the MBJ until his work is completed.[14]
The Messianic Age
Jews referred to the period of time when MBJ will be born, leading up to the arrival of MBD, as the “Messianic Age,” also known as the “footsteps [leading to the coming] of the Messiah” or “birth-pangs [preparing for the coming] of the Messiah.”[15] People will know that the Messianic Age has arrived when they see an increase of miracles,[16] works of evil, and great calamities.
According to Rabbi Nehemiah (Talmudic period), “Impudence will increase and esteem will be perverted” during the Messianic Age.[17] “This period,” wrote Lawrence Silverman, a Jewish scholar, “is generally depicted as one of upheavals in family life, convulsions in social order, intense and prolonged human suffering, rampant heresy and immorality, and worldwide warfare and devastation.”[18] According to Julius Greenstone, “There will be an increase in drunkenness and immorality. Youths will no longer respect their parents, the pious, and the aged. . . . Judges and officers of the law will have no authority, denunciators will multiply, anarchy will reign supreme. . . . Those that fear sin will be despised, and the house of public convention will become a house of harlots.”[19]
Along with continually decreasing morals, truth and the word of the Lord will be hard to find. Rabbi Judah stated, “The wisdom of the Scribes will become foolish. . . . The face of this generation is as the face of a dog, and truth is lacking, as it is written (Isaiah 59:15): ‘And truth shall be lacking, and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey.’”[20]Consider also the following passage of the Talmud, which states,
When our teachers entered the vineyard (school) at Yabneh, they said: The Torah is destined to be forgotten in Israel, as it is written (Amos 8:11): “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor of thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” It is further written (Amos 8:12): “And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east: they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.” . . . “The word of the Lord” means The End; “the word of the Lord” means prophecy.[21]
Calamities, immorality, deceit, disrespect, and famine of God’s word will not be secluded within a few nations or geographical regions but will be prevalent throughout “the whole earth,” and “all who live will experience it.”[22] The teachings of the rabbis and prophets concerning the last days were so graphic and frightening that some people, including the rabbis, prayed that the Messianic Age would not come in their day.[23]
Calamities around the Birth of MBJ
According to Silverman, calamities such as earthquakes and plagues will occur around the time of the arrival of MBJ.[24]Joseph Smith was born December 23, 1805, in Sharon, Vermont. Six years following his birth and one week prior to his sixth birthday, one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history rumbled U.S. soil. This massive earthquake, the seventh largest in U.S. history, shook the New Madrid Region,[25] causing buildings, tall trees, and even cattle to be swallowed up in the earth.[26] On January 23, 1812, just five weeks later, a second earthquake of equal proportion, shook the same region. Two weeks later on February 7, 1812, the New Madrid fault line released yet another massive earthquake, which has been recorded as the ninth largest earthquake in U.S. history.[27] To get an idea of the magnitude of these earthquakes, we may compare the largest of the three to an earthquake of equal proportion which took place in Caracas, Venezuela, just three weeks following the New Madrid quakes. This single earthquake was responsible for the death of over 20,000 people.[28] Fortunately for the Smiths, the New Madrid earthquakes did not reach New Hampshire where they lived.
Three years later in April 1815, one of history’s largest volcanic eruptions exploded from Mount Tambora in Indonesia. The volcanic explosions sent massive amounts of volcanic pollutants into the air, which experts claim altered weather conditions worldwide through 1816. This probably contributed to the record-breaking seasonal low temperatures and frozen crops in New England during the spring and summer of 1815 and continuing through to 1816.[29] Lucy Smith, mother of Joseph Smith Jr., stated that the continual crop failures in 1815 and 1816 “almost caused a famine.”[30] Could these be some of the calamites that Silverman said would accompany the arrival of the Messianic Age and the birth of the MBJ?
Messiah ben Joseph
The coming of MBJ will serve many purposes which will be discussed in further detail below; however, all purposes will encompass one paramount goal, which will be to prepare the way for the coming of the MBD. MBJ, as previously mentioned, was also referred to as Messiah ben Ephraim.[31] Joseph Smith claimed that he descended from the tribe of Joseph through Ephraim.[32]
In the early nineteenth century, Rabbi Hirsch Kalischer wrote a letter in which he expressed his view of the MBJ. At the conclusion of the letter, speaking of MBJ and MBD, he wrote, “God will send His prophet and His anointed king.”[33]
Not only will MBJ be a prophet, but he will also be a “restorer.” According to the Samaritans,[34] although not always consistent with Jewish tradition and understanding, the MBJ will be regarded as a “prophet who will restore.” The word they use, taeb, means “he who restores” or “he who causes to return.”[35]
In analyzing these traditions, we must ask ourselves the question, what would need to be restored that was lost over the centuries? As previously mentioned, the rabbis believed, as did Amos, that “hearing of the word of the Lord” as well as the “word” itself, will be lost. The rabbis believed that not being able to hear the word of God or even “find” it (see Amos 8:11–12), was the result of a lack of faith. Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav (1772–1810) taught that MBJ will be a key figure in restoring faith to the world. This increase of faith in the last days will be a great tool in preparing the world for the coming of MBD. Nahman also taught that MBJ will restore belief in the “supernatural”and that angels and miracles will accompany the Messianic Age.[36]
The Samaritan tradition teaches that MBJ will restore “everywhere the true Law to its former validity.” He will also restore the understanding of the doctrine of repentance, which will have the power to “convert all peoples” to the word of God and to God’s Kingdom.[37] This ties in nicely with the statement by Solomon Shelemiel in the late sixteenth century. He said the “sole mission on earth” of the MBJ will be “to bring about the Redemption and fill the whole earth with the Messianic kingdom.”[38] The Kabbalists also teach of a Tiqqun haolam, roughly meaning a Restoration of the World Order, which will occur in the last days.[39] Perhaps we may say that there will be a “restitution of all things” (see Acts 3:20–26) by which the key figure will be MBJ.
Joseph Smith and a Restoration
Monday, December 23, 1805, a boy was born into the world who would later claim, with impressive boldness, that heavenly personages appeared to him and instructed him to prepare to serve as an instrument in God’s hands in bringing about a restoration of faith, repentance, order, and the word of God. Joseph Smith’s parents knew little about the significance of the birthday of their son, but this was the day following winter solstice, the first day of the year in which light is expected to increase. In Hebrew the very name Joseph means to “add” or “increase.” It seems only fitting that a man who claimed to restore light and truth to a spiritually dark world was born on the day that signifies an increase of light and warmth to a physically dark world.[40]
Following several years of intense study of the Talmud and Torah, Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel (1604–57)[41] wrote a book titled The Hope of Israel: About the Origin of the Americans, published in 1650, wherein he stated that the “prince” and “leader” who will be called MBJ would soon come to earth. “The Talmudic writings,” he concluded, “claim that the [MBD] will reveal himself to the [MBJ].”[42] Joseph Smith claimed that in the spring of 1820, he was visited by two personages, one of them being Jesus Christ,[43] who, to Christians, is MBD. He also claimed a second visit by Christ in the Kirtland Temple in 1836 (see D&C 110). Interestingly, both of these appearances occurred during the Jewish month of Nisan.[44]“It was generally supposed,” stated Julius Greenstone, “that the Messiah would make his appearance in the month of Nisan or Tishri.”[45]
Three and one half years[46] following Joseph’s visit from Christ in 1820, another personage appeared and quoted to Joseph many passages of scripture including Isaiah 11. The angel stated that this prophecy was “about to be fulfilled.”[47]Many scholars, especially Jewish, agree that Isaiah 11 refers directly to the Messianic Age and the gathering of Israel.[48]The angel also quoted other passages referring to the last days,[49] including Acts 3, which prophesies that in the last days there will be a “restitution of all things” (see Acts 3:20–26).[50] September 21, 1823, the day this angel appeared, was significant because it was day two of the seven-day Jewish holiday of Sukkoth, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Feast of Booths.[51] This is a day of remembrance of the Israelites’ wandering in the wilderness for years and the protection they received from God. Jews also remember God’s promise to bring them out of the wilderness.[52]
MBJ will be instrumental in reestablishing the messianic kingdom on earth. He will also perform a great work in spreading the word of God throughout the world.[53] In the teachings from the ancient prophets and rabbis, a trumpet was used to symbolize the preaching of the gospel, the gathering of Israel, and the coming of the Messiah (see Nehemiah 4:20; Revelation 8:13; Isaiah 58:1; Jeremiah 4:5; Joel 2:1).[54] “Sounding the trump of God” (D&C 88:92) was as if to say, “Preach the gospel in all the world and cry with a loud voice.”[55] In Joel we read, “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand” (2:1).
On top of many Latter-day Saint temples, stands the statue of the angel Moroni with a trumpet pressed to his lips. It was this same angel who appeared to Joseph Smith during Sukkoth and told him that the prophecies concerning the Messianic Age were “about to be fulfilled” (Joseph Smith—History 1:40). Four years later on September 22, 1827, Moroni again appeared to Joseph Smith and gave him gold plates to translate and to use as a tool to gather Israel from the four corners of the earth. As an interesting side note, according to Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi (mid-third century AD), precious stones will be used during the Messianic Age.[56] It was Joseph Smith who used precious stones to translate the gold plates.[57]
What was the significance of September 22, 1827, other than Joseph Smith receiving gold plates? This day happened to be one of the Jewish High Holy Days, Rosh Hashanah, [58] also known as the Feast of Trumpets.[59] On this Jewish holiday, the trumpet (ram’s horn or “shofar”) is sounded in celebration of the future gathering of Israel, the rebuilding of the temple, and the coming of MBD.
MBJ and the Gathering of Israel
Preaching the gospel is directly related to the gathering of Israel, and the rabbis taught that MBJ will work to gather the lost tribes.[60] “It is God himself,” according to Joseph Klausner, “who will ‘sound the great horn for freedom’ and ‘lift up the ensign to gather our exiles, and gather us quickly from the four corners of the earth’ just before Messiah’s coming.”[61] The Lord, using roughly the same language, revealed to Joseph Smith, “It is a descendant of Jesse, as well as of Joseph, unto whom rightly belongs the priesthood, and the keys of the kingdom, for an ensign, and for the gatheringof my people in the last days” (D&C 113:6; emphasis added).
Moses appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on April 3, 1836, in the Kirtland Temple and “committed unto us the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the ten tribes from the land of the north” (D&C 110:11; emphasis added). Rabbi Zaddok Hacohen (1823–1900) taught that Moses is a type and shadow of MBJ. He said MBJ “will be like Moses . . . ; that is to say, he will put everything right.”[62] In 1841, Joseph sent Orson Hyde to Jerusalem for the purpose of dedicating the land for the return of the Jews.[63] This he did, fulfilling the prophecies of the prophets and teachings of the rabbis, that the MBJ would do a great work in gathering the lost tribes and restoring the Jews to the Holy Land. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that MBJ will not gather all the tribes during his lifetime but will be instrumental in gathering “part of the Ten Tribes.” [64] The gathering will continue throughout the Messianic Age.
MBJ and the Return of Elijah
Many Jews today believe that Elijah will one day return, and when he does, “he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers,” thus fulfilling the prophecy of Malachi (Malachi 4:6). Jews also believe that he will return on Pesach (Passover). Therefore, during the Passover meal, each family reserves a place for him to dine with them in case he happens to return.[65] Jews also taught that the return of Elijah would occur during the Messianic Age.[66] According to one modern scholar, when Elijah returns, he will appear on the top of a mountain.[67]This is intriguing for Latter-day Saints as well as Jews who believe that the “tops of the mountains” or “mountain of the Lord’s house” refers to the Lord’s temple. The prophet Hosea talks of sacrificing and burning incense, both temple-related practices, in “the tops of the mountains” (Hosea 4:13).
Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith on April 3, 1836, in the Kirtland Temple. This day, the sixteenth of Nisan, was the second day of the Passover season in the year 1836. Many Latter-day Saints believe, however, that Elijah returned on the fifteenth of Nisan, the first day of the Jewish Passover season and the day the Seder feast was held; unfortunately, this was not the case.[68] Despite this fact, it is still very significant that Elijah returned during the Passover season, and more specifically, on the second day of Passover, a day some Jewish sects open their doors to Elijah and hold another Seder fest for a second consecutive day.[69]
When Elijah appeared in the Kirtland Temple, he bestowed upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery sealing powers that would unite families for eternity. Klausner states that Elijah will be “a maker of peace among families.”[70] President Boyd K. Packer related this story about Elder LeGrand Richards and the mayor of Jerusalem:
At the dedication of the Orson Hyde Park in Jerusalem in 1979, Elder LeGrand Richards of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles had a conversation with the mayor of Jerusalem. Elder Richards told the mayor of having visited a synagogue that day and having observed a large armchair suspended from the ceiling above the altar. He had asked the rabbi what the chair was for. (He said he already knew what it was for, but that he asked the question to see if the modern-day rabbi still held to the tradition.) The rabbi informed him that the chair was for Elijah, and that upon Elijah’s return it would be lowered from the ceiling so that he might occupy it. Elder Richards then bore testimony to the mayor that the tradition was not only true but had been fulfilled.[71]
Interestingly, Moses and Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on the same day in 1836. We find, in a rabbinical commentary of the second century BC, a passage stating that Moses and Elijah would arrive together at the “end of time,” or in the Messianic Age.[72]
The War of Gog and Magog and the Death of MBJ
The rabbis taught that during the lifetime of MBJ, a war will ensue with Gog and Magog. This war will not be a physical war as much as it will be a spiritual one,[73] and it will be fought between the forces of good and evil. Remarkably, on September 22, 1827, the same night Joseph received the plates (Rosh Hashanah), another fascinating event occurred. A group of people including Heber C. Kimball, who was unknown to Joseph Smith at the time, saw a vision in the sky of two armies engaged in a great battle. Perhaps this vision was given as a sign of the forthcoming war to be fought between the forces of good and evil, a war in which MBJ would participate.[74]
The calamities and evil that would plague mankind during the Messianic Age would be the war tactics of Satan’s empire. Satan’s purpose will be to disrupt the work of the Restoration and ultimately destroy Israel.[75] According to Rabbi Nahman (1772–1810), MBJ will use a sword on the spiritual battleground to fight his enemies. Not only will this sword be used by MBJ but it will also be used by all the righteous. Nahman states, “He who attains this sword must know how to battle with it. He must turn neither to the right nor the left, but must strike his mark without fail.”[76] The sword, which will be the “chief weapon [of the righteous army,] will be that of prayer.”[77] It was the prayer of Joseph Smith that brought about the Restoration, it was the prayer of Joseph Smith that healed the sick and even raised the dead,[78] and it was a prayer that fell from Joseph’s lips at Carthage as bullets pierced his body. In these last moments of his life, Joseph cried out, “Oh, Lord, what shall I do?”[79]
Traditionally, the rabbis expected the war to begin shortly following the return of Elijah.[80] MBJ will lead his troops into battle against the evil forces led by King Armilus from the north.[81] “Armilus” means the son of Satan or the “anti-Messiah.”[82] Unfortunately, MBJ will die by the hand of Armilus shortly after being captured by him and taken as a prisoner.[83] Joseph Smith was taken to Carthage Jail on June 24, 1844, and three days later, he was killed.
The death of MBJ will cause great mourning and lamenting to his followers; however, it will “allow the final work of redemption” to proceed.[84] According to one scholar, the appearance and the work of the MBJ in the last days will “arouse both terror and fury in the lands of Christendom.”[85] Anyone who is familiar with Joseph Smith’s story can attest to that statement. In fact, it’s an incredible understatement. This may have played a factor in the war of Gog and Magog as well as in the death of MBJ.
Joseph Smith was killed on June 27, 1844. This day was the tenth of Tammuz on the Jewish calendar. The “three weeks of Tammuz” followed the week Joseph Smith was murdered. This is a time when Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple, both in 586 BC and AD 70. It seems appropriate that Joseph would be killed prior to a time of great mourning and lamenting in all of Israel.
Following the death of MBJ, Armilus will drive the remnants of Israel into the wilderness.[86] Enoch, in vision, saw this take place. He saw them riding in chariots traveling from the east.[87] Klausner translates chariots as “wagons.”[88] After the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, the Saints were indeed driven from their homes into the wilderness. With everything they owned stuffed in wagons, the Saints traveled from the East and eventually gathered in the Rocky Mountains, just as the blessing of Joseph of Egypt prophesied.[89]
We must keep in mind that the rabbis were not prophets, at least not in the traditional sense. Therefore, these legends and traditions must be considered as just that—traditions. However, the fact that scholars and rabbis have been teaching and believing in a Messiah ben Joseph, one who will be born into the world to restore God’s kingdom and prepare the way for the Messiah, is remarkable.
Joseph Smith appeared to have fulfilled many of the Jewish expectations of MBJ. He claimed to be a prophet and a restorer, and he was visited by Elijah and Moses during his lifetime. He saw the Messiah in vision, his work raised “fury in the land of Christendom,” and he was killed in direct association with his divinely appointed mission.
[1] See W. Cleon Skousen, The Third Thousand Years (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964), 156–62; Truman G. Madsen, Joseph Smith the Prophet (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1989), 106; David G. Calderwood, Voices From The Dust: New Insights into Ancient America (Austin, TX: Historical Publications, 2005), 463–66; Joseph Fielding McConkie, His Name Shall Be Joseph(Salt Lake City: Hawkes, 1980), 153–84; Matthew B. Brown, All Things Restored: Confirming the Authenticity of LDS Beliefs(American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2000), 34–37.
[2] The teachings uttered and recorded by the rabbis concerning the MBJ must be analyzed with proper perspective. Their writings are not prophecies in the traditional sense but rather legends and traditions passed down through the ages. These men were not divinely called as prophets of God who received revelation, although some of their statements have been proven to be prophetic; therefore, prophecies that were once free of error may have evolved into fancified and perhaps corrupted traditions. This is clearly evident by the variations of traditions relating to MBJ and the latter days. However, these traditions show fascinating similarities and parallels to our day and could possibly be of great value to Latter-day Saints and should be carefully considered.
[3] The Talmud is an ancient record containing rabbinic discussions and writings regarding Jewish custom, law, and history. The Talmud is made up of two components. One component is called the Mishnah (AD 200), which contains the oral law; the other is referred to as the Gemara (AD 500), which contains discussions mainly pertaining to the Mishnah and the Tanakh (Old Testament). Two sets of the Tamlud exist today: the Babylonian Talmud, produced in Babylon, and the Palestinian Tamlud, produced in Jerusalem (AD 200–400). Today the Babylonian Talmud is recognized as the primary source of authority and rabbinic discussion. These texts are still widely used today especially among Jewish scholars.
[4] Thomas Walker, Jewish Views of Jesus: An Introduction and An Appreciation (New York: Macmillan, 1931), 14.
[5] See Julius H. Greenstone, The Messiah Idea in Jewish History (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1906), 9.
[6] Joseph Klausner, The Messianic Idea in Israel: From Its Beginning to the Completion of the Mishnah (New York: Macmillan, 1955), 497. Dr. Joseph Klausner, professor emeritus of Hebrew literature and Jewish history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was a noted scholar of the Messiah ben Joseph. See also Harris Lenowitz, The Jewish Messiahs: From the Galilee to Crown Heights (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 30–34. According to Rabbi Zaddok, Proverbs 15:4 tells about MBJ’s resurrection: “The tree of life [MBD] heals the tongue [MBJ].” MBJ is referred to as the tongue because he is the one who proclaims the gospel. According to Greenstone, after the MBJ is resurrected he will be “made viceroy to Messiah son of David” (Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 211). A viceroy is a person who rules over a portion of God’s people.
[7] Klausner, Messianic Idea, 483.
[8] Talmud Sukka 52a, as cited in Samson H. Levy, The Messiah: An Aramaic Interpretation, The Messianic Exegesis of the Targum (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974), 108.
[9] See Klausner, Messianic Idea, 11; see also Dan Cohn-Sherbok, The Jewish Messiah (Edinburgh, Scotland: T&T Clark, 1997), 43; Madsen, Joseph Smith, 106.
[10] See Pseudo-Jonathan Targum Malachi 5:1, as cited in Levy, The Messiah, 93; Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 29.
[11] Pesahim 54a and Nedarim 39b, as cited in Klausner, Messianic Idea, 520. Joseph Smith taught, “Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was. I suppose I was ordained to this very office in that Grand Council” (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1965], 365).
[12] See Targum of Cant. 4.5 and 7.4; see also Joseph Heinemann, “The Messiah of Ephraim and the Premature Exodus of the Tribe of Ephraim,” in Messianism in the Talmudic Era, ed. Leo Landman (New York: KTAV Publishing, 1979), 345: Heinemann stated that the Targum speaks of “two redeemers who will redeem you in the future, the Messiah ben David and the Messiah ben Ephraim.”
[13] Isaac Landman, ed.,The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (New York: The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1942), 7:499.
[14] See Arthur Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” in Essential Papers on Messianic Movements and Personalities in Jewish History, ed. Marc Saperstein (New York and London: New York University Press, 1992), 402.
[15] Lawrence M. Silverman, “Messiah Son of Joseph in the Apocalyptic Midrashim,” in “Open Thou Mine Eyes . . . “ Essays on Aggadah and Judaica, ed. Herman J. Blumberg (Hoboken, NJ: KTAV Publishing, 1992), 273.
[16] Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 107.
[17] Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a, as cited in Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 45.
[18] Silverman, “Messiah Son of Joseph,” 273.
[19] Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 94. “The young,” said Rabbi Nehorai, “will insult their elders, and the elders will wait upon the young” (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a, as cited in Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 45).
[20] Sanhedrin 97a, as cited in Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 45–46.
[21] Shabbat 138b, as cited in Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 46.
[22] Baraithas (Talmud), as cited in Klausner, Messianic Idea, 342.
[23] See Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 95.
[24] See Silverman, Essays on Aggadah, 277.
[25] Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas, Indiana, Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, and other states were all in the earthquake zone. Experts claim that the New Madrid fault line, which is located between St. Louis and Memphis, could produce another big earthquake in the future. If the size is similar to the 1811 earthquake, the damage is estimated to reach upward of fifty billion dollars.
[26] See Jay Feldman, When the Mississippi Ran Backwards: Empire, Intrigue, Murder, and the New Madrid Earthquakes (New York: Free Press, 2005), 140–41, 170. James Fletcher, resident of Caruthersville, Missouri, saw “a granary and a smokehouse [sink] into a fissure and disappeared, after which the gap in the ground closed up, permanently burying the buildings” (140).
[27] See U.S. Geological Survey; (accessed November 8, 2006).
[28] See Feldman, When the Mississippi Ran Backwards, 178.
[29] Ray L. Huntington and David M. Whitchurch, “‘Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death’: Mount Tambora, New England Weather, and the Joseph Smith Family in 1816,” in Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint History: The New England States,ed. Donald Q. Cannon, Arnold K. Garr, and Bruce A. Van Orden (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2002), 91.
[30] Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, Lucy Mack Smith (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1954), 59. I must also mention the struggles the Smiths found themselves in when a plague in 1811 swept through New Hampshire. Every child in the Smith home fell sick with typhus fever including Joseph. The disease steadily got worse until an operation was required to save Joseph’s leg. Joseph received proper medical assistance and was bed-ridden for months and walked with a slight limp the rest of his life (see Madsen, Joseph Smith, 20; Joseph Smith, The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, comp. and ed. Dean C. Jessee [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1984], 665).
[31] See Targum of Cant. 4.5, as cited in Charles C. Torrey, “The Messiah Son of Ephraim,” Journal of Biblical Literature(September 1947): 254; see also Klausner, Messianic Idea, 484, 487.
[32] See Daniel H. Ludlow, ed., Encyclopedia of Mormonism (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 461–62. Joseph was told by the Lord, “Abraham received promises concerning his seed, and of the fruit of his loins—from whose loins ye are, namely, my servant Joseph” (D&C 132:30; emphasis added). At another time he was told, “And also with Joseph and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham, your fathers, by whom the promises remain” (D&C 27:10; emphasis added).
[33] Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 267.
[34] The Samaritans clung to their religious traditions and claimed that their form of worship was the true form of ancient Israel. Today there is a community of Samaritans, approximately a thousand, living on Mount Gerizim, which is located in the West Bank.
[35] Klausner, Messianic Idea, 484.
[36] See Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” 397.
[37] Klausner, Messianic Idea, 484.
[38] Abba Hillel Silver, A History of Messianic Speculation in Israel (Boston: Beacon Press, 1927), 137–38.
[39] See Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” 391. Green states, “As preached by the Kabbalists, tiqqun was a process of restoring wholeness to a world still suffering the effects of the primal cataclysm; this restoration would culminate in the advent of messiah.”
[40] December 23, 1805, also fell on the eighth day of Hanukkah. The Jews celebrate this holiday in remembrance of at least three events, all of which contain symbolic significance in the life of Joseph Smith: (1) They celebrate the victory over their enemies during the Maccabean revolt in the second century AD. Joseph’s life and death were compact with events which display his and the Church’s victory over their enemies. (2) They remember the “Miracle of Oil,” which was a time when one day’s worth of oil burned for eight days while new oil was prepared, symbolizing light and Spirit, which would shine forth forever. Joseph was given priesthood keys by which he was commanded to bestow the Holy Ghost, or Spirit, upon people after baptism. Oil is a symbol for the Spirit, which is synonymous with light. This authority had been lost for centuries. (3) This day marked the rededication of the destroyed Temple. After Joseph reestablished the Church, he was commanded to build and dedicate temples, which practice had also been lost for over 1,700 years.
[41] Manasseh ben Israel lived in Portugal most of his life. He became well known for his scholarship on the Talmud and theTorah. He knew six languages and had written a Hebrew grammar book by the time he was seventeen years old. He became the Chief Rabbi of a small congregation by the time he turned eighteen and was a well-respected scholar.
[42] Manasseh ben Israel, Sobre el Origen de los Americanos, as cited in Calderwood, Voices from the Dust, 463–66.
[43] See Smith, Personal Writings, 199–205.
[44] Christ appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on Easter Sunday, April 3, 1836, which was the sixteenth of Nisan of the Jewish calendar (see John Pratt, “The Restoration of Priesthood Keys on Easter 1836, Part 2: Symbolism of Passover and of Elijah’s Return,” Ensign, July 1985, 55–64; Stephen Ricks, “The Appearance of Elijah and Moses in the Kirtland Temple and the Jewish Passover,” BYU Studies 23, no. 4 [Fall 1983]: 485). Two scholars have recently presented, in separate studies, strong evidence that the date of the First Vision was Sunday, March 26, 1820, which was the tenth of Nisan in the Jewish calendar. Dr. John Pratt presents the evidence based on the Enoch Calendar, and Dr. John C. Lefgren presents the evidence using 1820 New England weather reports and maple-sugar production cycles (see John P. Pratt, “Enoch Calendar: Another Witness of the Restoration,” Meridian Magazine, August 2002; John C. Lefgren, “Oh, How Lovely Was the Morning: Sun 26 March 1826,” Meridian Magazine, October 2002).
[45] Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 106.
[46] Three and one half years or 1,260 days (“time and times and the dividing of time” [Daniel 7:25; see also Revelation 12:6]) in antiquity symbolized a limited period of time. Half of 7 is 3.5. The number seven symbolizes completeness, wholeness, or even perfection. Thus, 3.5 is not complete but “arrested midway in its normal course.” John the Revelator, speaking of the Church, said she would flee into the wilderness, meaning some sort of apostasy, and return in 1,260 days, or 3.5 years. This symbolizes the Church being taken away for a limited time and Satan, in his attempt to destroy the Church, would be “arrested midway in its normal course.” Thus, the appearance of the angel to Joseph on September 21 or 22, 1823, three and one-half years after his first instruction from heaven, would symbolize that the Church came out of the “wilderness” and that Satan’s purpose was “arrested midway in its normal course” (Alonzo L. Gaskill, The Lost Language of Symbolism [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2003], 117–19).
[47] Joseph Smith, Personal Writings, 204.
[48] Silver, Messianic Speculation, 191. Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel, using Isaiah 11, stated that the “Indians,” or Native Americans, were lost Israelites and in due time, they will be gathered with the rest of the “lost ten tribes” by the “leadership of Messiah ben Joseph”; see also Klausner, Messianic Idea, 294.
[49] See Smith, Personal Writings, 203–4; see also Journal of Discourses (London: Latter-day Saints’ Book Depot, 1854–86), 24:241; Milton V. Backman Jr., Eyewitness Accounts of the Restoration (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1986), 43.
[50] KJV renders, “restitution of all things.” Amplified Bible renders, “complete restoration of all.” NASB renders, “period of restoration of all things.” NAB renders, “times of universal restoration.” NIV renders, “until the time for God to restore everything.”
[51] David Noel Freedman, ed., The Anchor Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 1:816–19.
[52] See Hayyim Schauss, The Jewish Festivals (New York: Schocken, 1938), 170–207.
[53] See Silver, Messianic Speculation, 137–38. In a testimony meeting in the early days of the Church many brethren stood up and testified of the truthfulness of the Church and of missionary work. When they were finished, the Prophet Joseph Smith stood and said, “Brethren, I have been very much edified and instructed in your testimonies here tonight, but I want to say to you before the Lord, that you know no more concerning the destinies of this church and kingdom than a babe upon its mother’s lap. You don’t comprehend it. . . . It is only a handful of priesthood you see here tonight, but this church will fill North and South America it will fill the world” (Wilford Woodruff, The Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, ed. G. Homer Durham [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969], 38–39).
[54] See Klausner, Messianic Idea, 352.
[55] D&C 75:4 states, “Lifting up your voices as with the sound of a trump, proclaiming the truth according to the revelations and commandments which I have given you.” We find 155 trumpet references in the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants combined. All of the references refer to preaching the gospel, the gathering of Israel, going to battle, and the coming of the Messiah.
[56] Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1947), 4:221.
[57] See Smith, Personal Writings, 215; Jack Welch, ed., Opening the Heavens (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2005), 130–31; B. H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1948–57), 1:129.
[58] See Lenet H. Read, “Joseph Smith’s Receipt of the Plates and the Israelite Feast of Trumpets,” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2, no. 2 (Fall 1993): 110; see also John P. Pratt, Divine Calendars: Astronomical Witnesses of Sacred Events (Orem, UT: AstoCal, 2002), 71–72.
[59] Freedman, ed., The Anchor Bible Dictionary 1:816–19.
[60] See Greenstone, Messiah Idea, 124.
[61] Klausner, The Ingathering of the Exiles, 470, as cited in Skousen, Third Thousand Years, 159–60.
[62] Roland Goetschel, “The Messiah Son of Joseph according to Rabbi Zaddok Hacohen,” Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 15, Jewish Religious Life, 1500–1900, ed. Antony Polonsky (London: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2002), 217. For Joseph of Egypt’s prophecy, see 2 Nephi 3:7–15.
[63] See Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1950), 4:439.
[64] Isidore Singer, ed., The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1904), 8:512.
[65] Lenowitz, Jewish Messiahs, 62.
[66] See Talmud Pesahim 13a and Eduyyoth 8:7, as cited in Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 46–47; Klausner, Messianic Idea, 498.
[67] See Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 47.
[68] Stephen Ricks, “The Appearance of Elijah and Moses in the Kirtland Temple and the Jewish Passover,” BYU Studies 23, no. 4 (Fall 1983): 485.
[69] Ricks, “The Appearance of Elijah and Moses,” 485.
[70] Klausner, Messianic Idea, 257–58.
[71] Boyd K. Packer, The Holy Temple (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1986), 114.
[72] Deut. Rabba 3:10, as cited in Ricks, “The Appearance of Elijah and Moses,” 485.
[73] See Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” 408.
[74] See Orson F. Whitney, Life of Heber C. Kimball, 2nd ed. rev. (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1945), 15–17.
[75] Simeon ben Yohai said that the “war with Gog and Magog [will be] one of the most terrible evils to befall humankind” (Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 49; see also Klausner, Messianic Idea, 520).
[76] Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” 396. In Isaiah 14 we read that Satan will be “cut down to the ground” and “thrust through with a sword” (14:12, 19).
[77] Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” 395; see also page 399.
[78] See Levi Curtis, “Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” Juvenile Instructor 27, no. 12 (June 15, 1892): 385–86; see also Mark L. McConkie, Remembering Joseph: Personal Recollections of Those Who Knew the Prophet Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2003), 128–30.
[79] Madsen, Joseph Smith, 123. Madsen also cited Joseph’s statement just after hearing of the trials of the suffering Saints in Missouri: “Oh God, what shall I do in such a trial as this?” (Madsen, Joseph Smith, 182; see also Smith, History of the Church, 6:618).
[80] See Cohn-Sherbok, Jewish Messiah, 43.
[81] It was said that Armilus was the king of Rome. Rome is north of Israel, and therefore this is symbolic of the enemies from the north (see Silverman, Essays on Aggadah, 279).
[82] Encyclopedia Judaica, CDROM (Shaker Heights, OH: Judaica Multimedia, 1997), 3:476. In the Targum Pseudo-JonathanIsaiah 11:14, the name of Armilus is mentioned.
[83] See Silverman, Essays on Aggadah, 280.
[84] Green, “Nahman of Bratslav,” 424. The Babylonian Talmud uses a scriptural passage in Zechariah to refer to the death of MBJ (Sukkah 52a): “And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son” (Zechariah 12:10).
[85] Isaiah Tishby, “Acute Apocalyptic Messianism,” in Essential Papers, 273.
[86] See Silver, Messianic Speculation, 44.
[87] See “The Book of Enoch,” in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, ed. James H. Charlesworth (New York: Doubleday, 1983), 1:39.
[88] Klausner, Messianic Idea, 297.
[89] “Joseph is a fruitful bough, . . . whose branches run over the wall: the archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him. . . . The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills” (Genesis 49:22–26; emphasis added). Jacob, in blessing his son Joseph, prophesies that his posterity will travel to another land (“over the wall,” or ocean). One of his descendants will be shot, and then his descendants will gather in the “utmost bound of the everlasting hills,” the Rocky Mountains.
The Follow is an article from Don R. Hender
Missed by 'Old Testament Prophets: Joseph'
NOT Found in the Ensign
Prepared by & Anotated by Don R. Hender
Missed by 'Old Testament Prophets: Joseph'
NOT Found in the Ensign
Prepared by & Anotated by Don R. Hender
鄭nd also with Joseph and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham, your fathers, by whom the promises remain;" 1
[Among the Patriarchal Fathers, by whom the promises of the Everlasting Covenant remained with its keys and powers is listed Joseph son of Jacob. He is often left out of that list, as he was in the Ensign presentations of the Prophets of the Old Testament. He should not be as he sits at the critical point of those blessing being preserved and fulfilled to the earth through his seed, even down to the latter days and beyond with those rights of priesthood belonging to such as Joseph Smith, his descendant, and upon many of the restoration who are of the linage of Joseph through his sons Ephraim and Manasseh.2 - drh]
Joseph's dreams of the sun, moon and stars (Genesis 37:9), and the one of the sheaves bowing down (Genesis 37:7), are well known. From these dreams Joseph brother's hated him like Laman and Lemuel hated Nephi, and they assumed the attitude that they would not have their younger brother to be their ruler. Many conclude that these dreams were fulfilled when Joseph ruled in Egypt, but Jacob's comments recorded in JST Genesis 48:10-11 extends Joseph's dominance throughout down to the latter days and on 'for ever'. Some of Joseph's own prophecies JST Genesis 50:24-38 and 2 Nephi 3:14-16.[This Section Is Given As if Joseph Is Narrating His Story]
I was born in the land of our cousin Laban of Padan-aram, as were my elder brothers and sister. At that time the Lord commanded my father to leave the land of Laban and return to the land of his father Isaac. My father gathered together that which had been agreed would be his and started out for the lands of Isaac with his family, possessions, herds, servants and family members.3
As our journey was coming to an end, my father and his brother Esau did meet and were reconciled one to the other. Esau proposed that he would hold the lands east of the Jordan and Jacob would live in those lands of his father Isaac from Hebron to the highland pastures which reached to Galilee. On our journey my mother Racheal was with child and near to Ephrath she delivered my brother Benjamin. Hers was a hard delivery from which she died, and my father buried her there in the way.4
As I grew, my father's chosen love for his beloved Rachel settled upon me. I was to be the 'firstborn son of the covenant' as the firstborn son of his chosen wife. This seemed to fall to me almost naturally since the eldest three sons of my father by his wife Leah had committed acts disqualifying them from the righteousness required of the birthright covenant. In my father Jacob's determination to settle it upon me and my posterity, I was also so blessed of the Lord.5
I was an obedient child and favored of my father and the Lord. In respect to the token of the covenant, my father Jacob had made for me a coat of many colors like unto the bow of heaven, the very token of the covenant. And it soon became observable by those of my family just what our father's intent was in respect to me. In addition during that time I had a series of three prophetic dreams which I reported to my father and family. These were the dream of the sun, moon and stars; a dream of the gahtered sheaves of the field; and the dream of the preserved and rotted fruit which included an entimation that the Messiah would be my legal and rightful heir, which match with what was reveled to my mother Rachel while yet she did live.6
Because of these events and dreams my elder brethren began to hate me and murmur against me, saying they would not have their younger brother to rule over them. And they withdrew their association from me and began to plot against me.
At one point my brethren where in the high pastures of Ramah caring for the flocks. My father Jacob, who kept me near him, asked me to go up and check on how the care of the flocks progressed and then to return and give him my report. As I journeyed near to the pastures I inquired where our herds and my brothers had last been seen and I was directed to where they were. Upon seeing me coming in the distance, some of my brothers designed what they would do to me. They had decided to take my life and when I arrived at their camp they took me, removed my coat and placed me in a dry well. They, including Judah, had determined there to let me die of thurst and wasting. But when my eldest brother Rueben redturned from his turn in the fields and learn as to what had happened, he forbade them from killing me. And his thought was that he would remove me from the pit and return me to our father. But at his next turn in the fields, a caravan of Midianites were passing by on their way to Egypt. And while Judah and my other brethren dared not to cross Rueben's direction, it was Judah who promoted an alternative manner by which they might rid themselves of me. And that was to sell me, their younger brother, into slavery, to be taken by the carravan to Egypt to be sold there as a slave.
When Reuben returned again and found me gone, my brothers devised a plan whereby they would tell my father Jacob that I had been killed by wild beasts. The torn up my coat of many colors and dipped the remmenants of the coat in goats blood. They would tell my father Jacob that this is all they had found of me and that they had presummed me to have been killed by wild beasts and carried off.
This brought great sorrow upon my father Jacob and he there after protected and guarded the life of my brother Benjamin with great care. Eventually the guilt of my brothren worn upon their consciences, and they began to feel the wait of sorrow in their hearts for what they had done, having caused such great grieve to their father Jacob.
In Egypt I was sold to the household of Potiphar, an officer and captain of the guard unto Pharaoh. He was a just man and I was a dutiful servant. And did prosper as a slave and thus Potiphar gave me a position of trust and responsibility in his household. But this good fortune was not to last. Potipher's wife lusted after me and she set out a sceme of seduction with me as her object. In the course of that instance I did resist her and was able to escape her advances but not before she had obtained a portion of my outer clothing. She used the article of my clothing she had obtained and made up a story of how I had come on to her. Potipher was angry and sent me to prison for the alledged false acts his wife had accused me of. Yet the LORD was with me in prison and I was raised by the favor of the prison keeper to administer unto the other prisoners and stand over them and the prison keeper trusted in me all these things. 7
Then it was that the chief baker and chief butler were accused of wrong doing and placed into prison where I was held. And I did minister unto them. Therein they both had dreams and when they learned that I could interpret dreams by the spirit of God in me, they inquired of me what each of their dreamss did mean. The dreams indicated that one of them would be found guilty and be put to death and the other would be set free and return to the king's service. I asked the butler if he would remember me when he had gotten out and was turned to the king's service. But for a time the butler forgot me. 8
Thus I had been in prison for two years when it was that Pharaoh himself did have such dreams which did disturb him mind. None of his advisors and wisemen could interpret the dreams for him. It was then that the butler recalled that in prison there was one named Joseph would could truthfully interprets dreams. And he remembered me and spoke to Pharaoh of the Hebrew in prison who did correctly interpret his own dream. Thus I was summoned to appear before the king, which I did after being appropriately cleaned and made presentable. Pharaoh then told me his dreams and I did interpret them as the LORD revealed to my understanding that there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh not only accepted the interpretation but the spirit did impress him that he did set me in command to be over his house, land and people to do that which accordingly was necessary to do to deal with the matter and solve the problem. And it was during this time that I was wed unto Asenath, the daughter of a Hyksos priest of On by who I had two sons in the years of plenty, Manasseh and Ephraim. 9
In the seven years of famine all of Egypt and the surrounding nations came to buy food of the Egyptian nation making Egypt the greatest nation and Pharaoh the greatest and most wealthy ruler as they traded all that they had to buy Pharaoh's grain. Even my brothren from Hebron came to buy grain and food. I recognized them and had them brought before me to inquire who they were and what they wanted of Egypt. And they did bow down themselves before me and as I dealt with them I found that they were repeated for what they had done unto me but I did not reveal myself to them at that time but sent them back to Hebron with grain and food excepting Simeon who I held requiring of them to bring back their brother Joseph as a proof of who they were and what they were about. 10
After a time my father Jacob did reluctantly and but out of necessity allow my brother Benjamin to be brought down into Egypt as per my request. Upon their return with Benjamin to Egypt, I did invite them to my house dine. There they bowed themselves to me again and they did pay me tribute. Still I did not reveal myself unto them. But I devised a plan whereby to retain Benjamin and test them further. I sold them more grain and food but had concelled in Benjamin's sack my silver cup. After having their departure cut short and bring them back and when I heard Judah offer himself in Benjamin's stead, I could conceal myself no longer from them. And I did, according to Pharaoh's offer for I did live in Pharaoh's palace, request and require of them to return to Hebron and bring my father Jacob and his house hold to return and live in Egypt in the land of Goshen.11
It was when my father had come down into Egypt that Jacob did bestow upon me and my two son's the responsibility and blessings of the firstborn and covenant of the Lord. And my father did place Ephraim the second born before his brother Manasseh as the leader of the house of Israel and bearer of the covenant of God as Jacob's own firstborn in the stead of Rueben. And unto me, Jacob did seal upon my head those blessing of the covenant including that from me would be the shepherd, the stone of Israel, meaning the Messiah Jesus.12 And great blessing to come did the LORD reveal unto me concerning not only the Messiah, but the deliverer of Israel from the bondage of Eygpt as well as that my descendant would be to whom the gospel would be revealed unto the nations of the earth in the latter days.13
Joseph, Ruler over Egypt
Joseph was the firstborn son of Rachel upon whom according to scripture fell the birthright blessings of the covenant. And Jacob loved Joseph, but Joseph's brothers would not that their younger brother should rule over them in the house of Jacob.
And thus Joseph's brothers plotted first to kill Joseph, but then when Rueben the eldest resisted, the brothers then acted as Judah suggested, and settled their envy of Joseph by selling him into slavery to the Ishmealites who would sell Joseph as a slave in Egypt.
Joseph was not only honest, hardworking, dutiful, of the higherest morale character and could be trusted in all things, but he was favored and blessed by the Lord and lived in obedience to and in harmony with the Spirit of God. And he rose up in the favor of his master until one day the desires of his master's wife caused her to falsely accused Joseph of that which he did not do as he had resisted her advances toward him. But rather than to have Joseph put to death Potiphar put Joseph in prison. And there again Joseph did look to God and rise above his invironment and circumstances, trusting in the Lord and finding favor with God and man.
Joseph was a prophet, a visionary man, a man of dreams from God and the interpretation of those dreams. He not only had received his own prophetic dreams, he understood the revealing of matters to his mother Rachel. In Egypt it was his prophetic powers held by him from God by which he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler and the chief baker. Joseph had asked the butler to remember him to Pharaoh. But the butler forgot Joseph until the time that Pharaoh had troubling dreams of his own. When Pharaoh's advisors and wisemen could not interpret Pharaoh's dreams the butler spoke to Pharoah and told him there was a Hebrew in prison that could interpret dreams succesfully. Pharaoh call for Joseph to appear before him and he told Joseph his dreams. Joseph by the power and spirit of God prophetically interpreted those dreams and Pharaoh was so impressed and inspired by the spirit to place Joseph in charge of dealing with the seven years of plenty and seven years of famine as govenor over his people, lands and kingdom. And thus under the influence and direction of God's inspriation, Joseph did succesfully deal with the governing of all of Egypt.
It was in the fist seven years of plenty that Joseph married Asenath, the daughter of the semite Hyksos priest of On, and they had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. In the second seven years, Joseph's brethern had come to Egypt to buy food due to the famine. In negociating his peace with his brethren, Joseph with the approval of Pharaoh did have his father Jacob's household come to live in Egypt in the land of Goshen.
Jacob had recieved the covenant blessing of the first born over his elder brother Esau, so he knew what problems could be caused by it. Thus it seems fitting that when it came time to bestow and extend the blessings of the covenant beyond his immediate son Joseph, Jacob himself would preside and take it upon himself to bless Ephraim over Manasseh by crossing his hands of blessing, blessing Ephraim with his right hand and Manasseh with his left. Joseph had protested but Jacob was firm and let Joseph understand that this was the will and design of the LORD.
And toward the very end of the life of Jacob, Joseph and his brethren were give their 'patriarchal father's blessings by Jacob. Joseph's blessing was such that did confirm that Joseph was to be the heir and fulfiller of the covenant blessing and promises of the everlasting covenant which God had made with man from Adam to Noah, from Abraham to Jacob, and on down through Joseph unto Ephraim which would provided salvation unto the earth, every nation, kindred, tongue and people; all whoever had, does now or will ever live upon this earth.
And the LORD GOD did further visit Joseph in Egypt and did show and prophesy unto him concerning the fulfillment in him and his posterity. And that there would be raised up in the latter days a prophet like unto Moses who would be a descendant of Joseph of Egypt, and that his name would also be named after his father who would be named Joseph as well. And he revealed unto Joseph in Egypt that this Joseph of the latter days would be the restorer of the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring forth a record of the house of Joseph.
Joseph of Egypt, son of Jacob, is one of the greatest prophets of God of the Old Testament. Yet as that record has been kept by the Jews, his position is not fully presented as such. Joseph stands as the heir of the birthright blessings of father Abraham and stands as ancestral father of the prophet of the restoration. One day Joseph, son of Jacob will be more fully recognized.
[Fact Box: Joseph]
There is evidence both in the bible and in Jewish traditions that both Rachel and Joseph had prophetic dreams about the Messiah ben Joseph who was to come from the seed of Joseph as part of the fulfillment of the covenant of God with man.
Writings of Joseph: Certainly there were writings and prophecies of Joseph. And just as sure, we do not have them all. But what we do have is that which has been either integrated into that record of the Book of Moses concerning Joseph, the Book of Genesis. We know that there are such because of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible restores some critical one in the 50 chapter of JST Genesis.* And we have Father Lehi's paraphrasing of them from the Book of Mormon*, which we suppose to have come to Lehi from the plates of brass as also likely contained in the books of Moses contained therein. If not in Moses' books there, then there may have remained in the brass plate record even some specific original more direct writings of Joseph in that record which must stand as a part of the Stick of Joseph.
Premortal role: Joseph would have been selected to stand as one of the Patriarchal by whom the blessing, promises and covenants of the fathers would remain.* And as such Joseph would stand in line to be the legal and rightful ancestral line by which Jesus, Messiah ben Joseph, the 'seed'*, would be born.
Little known or understood: Joseph as the 'firstborn heir' of Jacob, received the 'birthright' blessing of the covenant whereby those blessings and promises did remain.*
Mortal roles: Joseph provided for the temporal salvation of the house of Israel in a parallel to Jesus' roles of providing for man's spiritual salvation.
Postmortal roles: Joseph will stand in his position as those Patriachal Fathers, by whom the promises of the fathers have come down.* He also, according to the word of the LORD in his own prophecies, is the literal ancestor to Joseph Smith*, and we must presume that it is in this 'priesthood right' that Joseph Smith stood as the prophet of the restoration.*
There is a sizable amount of evidence that Joseph of Egypt is the legal and rightful ancestor, that is Jesus Christ is the legal and rightful heir of the covenant blessings of the firstborn because he is the heir of Joseph of Egypt from an earthly perspective, for that it becometh it to be in order to fulfill all righteousness, that is that Jesus be the son of Joseph (John 1:45). Attached to this picture is a link which explores those evidences from a very positive perspective that Jesus is Messiah ben Joseph.Reference Notes:
1. See Doctrine and Covenants 27:10.
2. see D&C 113:7-8; Isaiah 51:1; Abraham 1:31; Abraham 2:11; JST Genesis 50:25-33; 2 Nephi 3:14-16; D&C 86:8-11; D&C 113:5-6; Isaiah 11:10.
3. Gensis 30, 31.
4. Gensis 33, 35.
5. Genesis 37:3, 23 & 32; JST Genesis 48:5-11; Genesis 50:22-26; 1 Chronicals 5:1-2.
6. Genesis 37; Yersushalmi Berachot 9:3; BhM* Volume 6:81 (See also the Messiah Texts, page 165); Isaiah and the Prophets, p. 28 & Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews vol. 5:299; 2:7 (respectively)
7. Genesis 39.
8. Genesis 40.
9. Genesis 41.
10. Genesis 42.
11. Genesis 43-47.
12. Genesis 48 & 49, JST Genesis 48.
13. JST Genesis 50; 2 Nephi 3.
rev. 23 March 2014