The New  Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Nations

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

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 The Political Kingdom of God


 Governmental Theodemocracy


The blending of religious belief and democracy


"Where God and the people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteousness"


 Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth.


The following papers & documents are the property of Joel Skousen. Permission has been sought and granted by the author for use on this site.

Principles of Law    A New Constitution of Liberty   Citizen Compact   Citizenship    The Fundamental Rights of Man  Philosophy of law and Government by Joel Skousen


 "Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on what will otherwise be a hellish earth".



"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints (a Moses-like calling) whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God".(D&C  85:7) 




"Such As Will Administer the Law in Equity and Justice Should be Sought for and upheld"

The New  Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Nations


 Our aims are to assist in the Formation of The New Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Nations. Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and some other European Countries will eventually, either, leave or be expelled from the Federal European Union because the terms will be unacceptable to them. They will not surrender their sovereignty to this superstate. The economic, monetary and political power of Federal Europe, led by Germany and France will become so great that it will force the Nations of Britain and America together into an economic and political union. This will most possibly include, as stated,  Denmark, Sweden, and Norway with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. it will be literally The United Anglo-Saxon Celtic States (This quote was taken from William Walker's book, "In the Isles of the Sea" Published by Legacy Publishers 1999.)

A Day of National Repentance 

Come out of Her my People rev 18:4

The United Kingdom of Great Britain Has by the Grace of God

On this day the 23rd of June 2016 

Through the  Democratic Voice of the People voted to free themselves from the bondage of the European Union.

This is a Historic Day for the British People. 

Glory be to God


And I heard another Angel with the TRUMP of God


Come Out of Her my People....

America, That is The USA, On this Day 8/9th of November 2016, has Through the Democratic Voice of the People voted to free themselves from the grip of the Modern Day Gadianton Robbers (Corrupt Government, Globalists etc.)

One of Donald Trumps pledges, and Now President Elect Donald Trump, Pledge is to "DRAIN THE SWAMP"

We wait to see this come to pass

Nevertheless This is a historic Day in American Politics

And the Apple cart has been turned over.

See This Link A National Repentance

See this link

Trumpxit - Nigel Farage congratulates Donald Trump Mr Brexit Plus

We the undersigned Nations/States have come to an agreement and ratified our common cause in establishing


 The New Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Nations

For our mutual freedom and Protection of our political, economic, and monetary systems. We acknowledge The United Kingdom of Great Britain with Ireland and the United States of America as the Chief Birthright nations and Head of this Federation.

 The Birthright Nations


“. . . things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—” (D&C 88:79).

 Waking up both Ephraim & Manasseh!   

And that is the Key - 

This is a Temporal awakening to their Identity not so much a spiritual one - This is what I've been saying  - Both Great Britain & the USA are jointly Joseph's double portion blessing.

That is why I suggested that Trump USA & Farage UK may well win the coming elections in both our two countries.

 We had the Spiritual/Temporal gathering with the restoration of the gospel, ( which is ongoing & will remain so), but we have now moved into the Temporal gathering & the Spiritual will follow after. see D&C 29: 30-33.

Ephraim & Manasseh have to come together before Zion can be established.

The Holy Bible came from Great Britain & was given to the world  -it was they that became a missionary country in the 1800's not the Jews.  - Joseph Smith was inspired by the KJV of the Bible  (James 1:5), - not the Torah.( but what thank we the Jews for a bible 2 Nephi 29),  The Book of Mormon came from  The USA   Joseph Smith is known as  "The  American Prophet"  - Both our national heraldry identifies who we are.

 The tribe of Ephraim (GB) & the Tribe of Manasseh (USA) It was Great Britain (Ephraim) that Liberated Jerusalem in 1917  - It was the USA ( Manasseh) that fought for the Tribe of Judah to get Statehood before the League of Nations in 1948.  

It was Trump's administration that recognized Jerusalem as the Capital city of Israel in 2017. ( see Orson Hydes Dedicatory Prayer which talks about that nation & that People a reference to  Great Britain & The USA).

 America & Great Britain, as Joseph's double portion blessing of Ephraim & Manasseh, have to come together to fulfil Ezekiel 37.

They are the Chief Tribes to lead in the Gathering in the other Tribes (Shall these bones live see Ezk 37:1-14.  The resurrection of the House of Isreal led by Ephraim & Manasseh the Chief tribes of Israel.

This is why I believe both Trump & Farage,  who are of the same mindset, &  both of whom want a  closer tie between our two countries will win the coming elections to be held in both our countries in 2024.

The Lord is the One that runs the show not the Deep state - there has to be, "a coming together", of Ephraim & Manasseh on a Temporal basis so there is no doubt as to who Ephraim & Manasseh are.  The scriptures testify to their national Identity  - see Genesis 48.

Ezekiel 37,  as, I  have pointed out, also identifies them as the 2 Stick nations that gave the Holy Bible & the Book of Mormon to the world.

We know that Ephraim & Manasseh  (GB) &  The USA  gathered in the Tribe of Judah - it is a historical fact!  borne out by Prophets  & Apostles of this dispensation see Joseph Smith sending Orson Hydes to dedicatory the Holy Land ( see Dedicatory Prayer, note paragraph 7 in particular). See also  Bruce R. McConkie  . in the Millennial Messiah page 253.  &  see Joseph Fielding Smith.  Doctrine of Salvation page 258-262. 

We can choose to ignore it but these are realities that have happened & will happen - they,  Ephraim & Manasseh have to unite before Zion can be established as is described in  Ezekiel 37:22.

"And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:"

And this has to happen before the battle of Armageddon takes place. if we believe that  Ezekiel 37. 28 & 39 are in there correct order.

Nigel Farage  supports  Donald J. Trump 

 Donald Trump addressing Nigel Farage  " Brexit  2016  they haven't implemented it too well have they " No relies Farage

  See Isaiah 23:  17. 

 ¶ And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the Lord will visit Tyre, and she shall turn[Retrurn] to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth. 

The New Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic States.

 Welcomes any nation(s) into our system who desire to live by the cause of Liberty and Freedom.


To be Signed by

Great Britain

England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. 

Eire' (Southern Ireland)

The United States of America

The Commonwealth Nations



New Zealand





Republic of Iceland


and any other nation(s) seeking  Freedom and Liberty to be added 

How will this New Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic States

 come into Being

The Birth of a New Nation

By the Hand of God

This page is under continuous construction, revision and updating.

 Today the Nations and the peoples of the world have witnessed the commencement, and the very beginning of the formation, of The New Greater United Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Nations. The United Kingdom of Great Britain has led this. ( The Racial, National, and or Spiritual.  ( The Spiritual is a choice that you have to make.) Tribe of Ephraim. See the Blessing of Jacob on Josephs of Egypt's Sons KJVB Genesis 48) The United States of America will follow it. (The National Tribe of Manasseh. See Genesis 48. KJVB) These Two Nations are in very deed the Birthright Nations of the House of Israel. We will now, with the World, witness a national repentance and see the growth and development of the Lord's people. For He the God of Israel has Called and Commanded them saying Out of Her My People! 

(Rev 18:4 King James Bible)

And it Came to Pass  


The United Kingdom of Great Britain Has by the Grace of God 

On this day the 23rd of June 2016 

Through the  Democratic Voice of the People voted to free themselves from the bondage of the European Union.

This is a Historic Day for the British People. 

Glory be to God

And I heard another Angle with the TRUMP of God


Come Out of Her my People....

America, That is The USA, On this Day 8/9th of November 2016, has Through the Democratic Voice of the People voted to free themselves from the grip of the Modern Day Gadianton Robbers (Corrupt Government, Globalists etc.)

One of Donald Trumps pledges, and Now President Elect Donald Trump, Pledge is to "DRAIN THE SWAMP"

We wait to see this come to pass

Nevertheless This is a historic Day in American Politics

And the Apple cart has been turned over.

See This Link A National Repentance

See this link

Trumpxit - Nigel Farage congratulates Donald Trump Mr Brexit Plus

 know that the True God of Heaven The Christian God of these Ancient Islands of Destiny even Jesus Christ is in the Driving Seat! It is He Who watches over the affairs of men. For JACK(ob)/ISRAEL is the “LOT OF HIS INHERITANCE!” (Deut 32: 9.) This means that the BRITISH/CELTIC PEOPLE RACIALLY AND NATIONALLY belong to HIM by Covenant. A covenant that cannot be broken even though we broke it. We are not free from it. That means  Payment is due and that payment  is owed to God  by us the British people and Nation. For We agreed  by sacred covenant and by an oath sworn by our ancestors that we were to be HIS,  throughout all time and eternity! That we were set apart as a Nation to be Great (see genesis 12: 2.) and to be a Blessing to the nations of the earth.  To lead in the world by EXAMPLE and lead people and nations to TRUTH, LIGHT, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM in righteousness. That was are call.

 Therefore, He clearly directs and states in the scriptures,(see below) that WE, this generation are to COME OUT OF HER! The women we are to come out of is the Goddess Europa. The Whore of Babylon that we have as a people and as a Nation, been fornicating with; these past 4 decades!

That is, that we (The United Kingdom of Great Britain)  have been surrendering our freedoms and our sovereignty to  be governed by foreign nations and peoples.(The EU)  If you look on the Royal coat of Arms there is a Unicorn with a Chain around it's neck. That chain was put around that unicorns neck by the Ancient House of Israel, (of whom we belong), it was put there to warn us to NEVER NEVER, SHALL  BE, (become,) SLAVES again!  As you can see it is on the Unicorn which in fact should be a Bull to represent the,  the Bull people known as John Bull,  The Chief Tribe of Israel/Ephraim. (see Identity Marks of the Israel People.)

How Close did we, The United Kingdom of Great Britain, come to being made slaves again! Well 48% of the voting population voted for us to remain in the European Union. The 48%  were mislead and lie to on a big scale What they don't understand or mor like they do! IS that he has been fighting for this country for 17 years. The thing is The EU wanted to enslave us that is no understatement. The Lisbon Treaty scraps the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679.. no more trial by jury no more innocent until prove guilty, a treason law in place if you speak out against the EU. that's what he was saying to the EU in that speech Up yours you didn't do it! And a Just deserved talking to UP YOURS EU we still got em! the two fingers that is our Freedom and sovereignty!   It is now the 52% who voted to leave to lead them into safety.

In the Apocalypse / Revelation, chapters 17 and 18, Christ warns His Own People! BRITAIN to come out of the Babylonian Market-System and Church, That is the European Union that He has sworn to destroy, so His Own people shall not be partakers of her plagues and punishment.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her, MY people, that ye take not part in her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (punishment). For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her inequities.” (Apocalypse /Revelation 18:4.)

Secular and Biblical History & Prophecy have recorded it and now show it. It is before your eyes if you will but look! The following is a synopsis of future events to come. concerning Britain & the USA as the BIRTHRIGHT NATIONS.

"Former U.S. ambassador John Bolton couldn't be happier about the UK voted to leave the EU, calling it a historic "vote for self-government. I think this is good for Britain, good for the United States and good for Western security. this is a vote that needed to happen"

(Sourse fox News youtube)

See this link

Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue of a Man

With a Head made of Gold, Breast and arms of Silver, Belly and Hips of Brass, Legs of Iron, Feet and toes of Iron mixed with clay

THE STONE CUT OUT OF THE MOUNTAIN America and The United Kingdom of Great Britain.

The Mountain is The United Kingdom of Great Britain

The Stone is the USA, Cut out of the Mountain

The Mountain & the Stone together will be the Chief Nations to establish the Kingdom of God. (That is the Birthright Nations. Josephs double Portion.)

The Treaty of Rome the Final Empire

The third and final stage of Daniels interpretation of the prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. It has been in its slow progression since 1815 and in particular since World War ll.

There is enough evidence to prove that the “Ten Toes” of the “Image” represent ten nations or governments who will make up the final stage of the great Image-

We saw its inception with the formation of the E.E.C (European Economic Community) which is as we know in the process of development into the Federal European State. This Federation will eventually develop into a unified Political, Economical and Religious Treaty. This Federation will comprise of many nations (25 at time of writing 2004. Now 28 nations.) with an Inner Cabinet of Ten nations. The final stage of this Federation will emerge as the resurrected Roman Empire.

But this union will, as predicted by Daniel, inherit the weakness symbolised as “Iron mixed with mire clay” And according to John the Revelator it will last “one hour,” i.e a period of 15 years from it's final inception. (The final inception will be when the European Union Adopt the “Religion of Islam and Ratify it into EU Law!)

12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

(Rev 17: 12-13, 17-18.)

This Federation is a Political, Economic, and RELIGIOUS union. The final stage—the Religious union is yet to be added, for they will be given power “AS” Kings, not that they are kings. Of course we see this in the presidents of the European Unions different bodies.

As Nigel Farage has often stated “WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! “ WHO APPOINTED YOU!

The “Beast” here is the beast of Islam, The “Religion” of Islam or the Ideology of Islam.

Well we are all seeing and witnessing Islam being spread and set up in Europe every day now.

The women is Rome and in this case, the TREATY OF ROME presided over by the Church of Rome, “ Which reigneth over the Kings of the Earth.”

The events surrounding this Federation of States in Europe will lead to a final phase of the prophecy-- the formation of the Political Kingdom of God predicted by latter-day prophets.

We are THIS VERY DAY 23rd JUNE 2016 braking off this poisonous “engagement” with this “scarlet women” who has seduced us and extracted our power and wealth.

We are now about to witness a new era of hope and growth. It will lead to a NEW UNION With America and the British Commonwealth of Nations This Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic State will also include Denmark, Norway and Sweden. And other nation that believe in Liberty.

According to scripture we will witness the establishment of THE NEW UNITED FEDERATION OF ANGLO-SAXON CELTIC STATES. Before the second advent of Jesus Christ.


Le Pen congratulates Britain leaving the EU

Brexit is "a slap in the face to the European system, which was increasingly based on fear, blackmail and lies."

President of the far right Front National, Marine Le Pen, delivers strong words in favour of Britain leaving the EU.


Maire Le Penn see this link


Ezekiel 37

 The Stick of Judah & Joseph

"And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes"

The Two Witnesses of Jesus Christ


They Shall Be 


Ezekiel  37:22

 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all: 

See This Link One Nation Under God

The Special Relationship is that we are


Manasseh and Ephraim

The following conversation discusses Ezekiel Chapter 37.

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the high lighted links are active 

The Following is a conversation between my facebook friend Marcus Aurelius Rhodes and myself regarding the  unification of Great Britain and the United States of America.

Marcus Aurelius Rhodes · 4 mutual friends

The 'sticks' of Judah and Joseph are the sacred writings of the Jews and the rest of Israel, not their governments, armies, or even their peoples. England, the lion, or any other revealing symbol of England or its people is used, meaning that this scr...See More

Unlike · Reply · 2 · March 12 at 1:18pm

Tony Young Marcus Aurelius Rhodes. I take your points however, sorry but I disagree with you that Ezekiel 37 has nothing to do with Great Britain/America & the other nations that I have mentioned. Often prophetic utterances have dual meanings & such is the case in these verses of Ezekiel 37: 1-14: & 15-20. Ezekiel in the opening verses of chapter 37. talks about the valley of dry bones & those bones being resurrected. Although a reference to the physical resurrection. Ezekiel is here also referring to the resurrection of the House of Israel as a nation.The rising from death & the grave metaphor used here in it dual nature has to do with the knowledge of these nations' true identity. He says He will breathe life into them. This breath of life is blown to give them new life as a nation. The chapter talks about the House of Israel being healed, & the main two nations the Lord is talking about here, is in very deed the nations & peoples of Great Britain ( The Berith-ish, the covenant man.) & the USA , (the Ammi, My People." Hosea 2:23.) They are to be raised up no more to be a separate nation & peoples but come together to be one nation. The Chief tribes of the House of Israel.“And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all: (Ezekiel 37:22.) These two nations, the tribes of Ephraim (GB) & Manasseh(USA) will come together & form an economical, political ecclesiastical (LDS) union.

These two nations will then know their true identity. Their blindness to their identity will be lifted. they will have at their head "the Servant of David" (Ezekiel 24) The servant of David although a reference to Christ is here in fact referring to The British Monarchy. Which is the Throne of David & the Throne of Christ. Queen Victoria was once reputed to be asked;- “ If Christ were to return tomorrow what would you do with the Throne” ? She replied:- “I will have no hesitation in returning it to whom it rightly belongs.” “Dieu Et Mon Droit“ “God & His Right” the motto at the bottom of the Royal Coat of Arms. This motto is a reference not to the so-called right of kings, but to Israel's birthright. These two nations will be at the head of the House of Israel. This will be the beginning of the physical Political kingdom of God.

The sticks of Judah & Joseph. Prophetic dualism is being used here again. We know from modern revelation that this is a reference to the Holy Bible & Book of Mormon. Yet it also refers to the two nations from which these two sticks or records sprang. that being Great Britain & America, the tribes of Ephraim & Manasseh racially & nationally speaking. Although the Book of Mormon is the stick of Joseph it came to us through Lehi & his family who are from the tribe of Manasseh. We are also told by latter-day prophets that Lamanites are principally from this tribe, so in effect, the BofM is a record of the tribe of Manasseh. Also, Joseph Smith & The Book of Mormon is at times referred to as the American Prophet & the American Bible. It is also important to understand that it is not from the tribe of Judah that the world received the Bible but from Great Britain. Judah lost the privilege of working in the lord's vineyard. So the record of the “Jews” the stick of the tribe of Judah, the gospel of Jesus Christ was given to Ephraim to spread throughout the world.

It is from these sacred scriptures that a “new” constitution will be implemented. It is not a new constitution at all but the Laws, Statutes & Judgements of the 10 commandments. The commandments were at the basis of Great Britain & America's legal systems. Commandments that we both have abandoned yet will be re-instigated when these two nations come together. (Ezekiel 37:24.)

Where the lord says that he will “..... take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:” (Ezekiel 37:21.) is not only a reference to the physical spiritual gathering, a gathering to the spiritual, ecclesiastical Kingdom of God. It is also a reference to the physical national political gathering of Israel. Though there will be a great day of repentance not all these racial & adopted nationals will be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. however, they will all keep the laws statutes & judgements of God. This national economic political, and ecclesiastical gathering is now at the very door of taking place even now as we speak.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the ecclesiastical kingdom of God & will play its part. The Mormons do not only ultimately have the final outcome of Ezekiel's prophecy but the coming together of all these factors. Ezekiel 36 lets us know why he will do this.

Like · Reply · 2 · March 13 at 4:23pm