Saving the Church

British Saints Saved The Church in the Past & they Will do it again in the future

As spoken by Jeffery R. Holland  London Hyde Park Devotional  October 31st 2021

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

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David My Servant

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David My Servant

Ezekiel 37: 22  -24

"And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them. 

Elder Patrick Kearon related to  Charles the Bald


Don’t people believe Charlemagne is related to Jesus? 

Gadfield Elm

 Saving the Church

British Saints Saved The Church in the Past & they Will do it again in the future

Elder Jeffery R Holland's Apostolic Address to The Saints & People of The United Kingdom.

Jeffery R Holland:- The Hyde Park State Conference  Apostolical  Address to The Saints & People of The United Kingdom of England Scotland, Wales  & the whole of Ireland. 

Jeffery R. Holland's

Prophetic Address & Vision

An address at London Hyde Park Devotional  30th/31st October 2021

A public open answer asked for from a  personal prayer 


an 11-year wait - the answer  was



  William & Freda Walker are Legendary

The Gathering in of the Blood of Israel Israel's Blindness to be removed 1st

 The Great Awakening


 the Birthright Nations

Full talk with added Links

"A primary child once said that the epistles were the wives of the apostles I think that's we'll do pro probably pat for some kind of title if you're looking for a title for the wives thank you for being here lor please uh I have to pull it down thank you. I appreciate the chance in this very spirit of each of these testimonies to be with you and to be with the travelling companions that we have we don't mean to overdo this -

 but this is historic I guess whether we like it or not sometimes we're; I said to the missionaries sometimes we're so close to history we don't know we're making it -

and I don't know when you will again have three apostles at one time specifically devoted to the united kingdom and Ireland and its activities here and the energy and the regeneration and the enthusiasm that we hope that you'll have and continue to have for the work.

 Part of what we're saying is the great days in Great Britain and in these islands the great days are not behind us the great days of the kingdom of god in in England and Wales and Scotland and Ireland are still ahead of us and we're foolish and unwise and I think a little blind if we somehow think that we have yet we have already gleaned all the blood of Israel from these sacred lands we've only begun -

 and that work needs to continue with great enthusiasm and we feel it we know you do

 and we're grateful to come and be part of it grateful to have been a part of it earlier  in our lives we were talking last night just informally among ourselves the change sometimes we don't think a lot is happening - 

I remember as a missionary just not feeling like the work went fast enough we didn't get enough done that we'd work so hard and maybe a baptism here and a baptism there and it didn't seem quite  have enough time for stakes to be created and on and on and on -

 then we returned sister Holland and I had the chance to return as in the area presidency and we waited again and thought it didn't seem like it moved very fast and that  not very many people came into the church and  not very many stakes - the  same thing over and over and yet when we consider just in our lifetime how much has happened we get a little bit of a glimpse of what can happen in the future  -

when President Ballard was here in 1948 to 1950 there were no stakes in all of the UK in Ireland it was all one mission and 14 districts but almost all of them run, I think, by the missionaries weren't they president? -

 by and large the missionaries directed all the work of the districts the ecclesiastical units as well as any proselyting that got done and as President Cook, Elder Cook has said when we were here the first stake had just been created in Manchester six months before we got here and then we lived to see the the London state created and  in our lifetime as missionaries but that was only the second stake and so on and so on and we've got I think I think we've got 45 stakes now or so we've varied back and forth a little bit as we've changed boundaries -

 "But WE'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN" I think there's a song about that we ought to sing it to each other that we've only begun the great great work that is yet to be done in these islands -

and I'm grateful for you and your faithfulness as you represent that and as you come here today and I realize we're speaking to an immediate audience in Hyde Park and on exhibition road -

but we're also speaking to a much broader audience throughout throughout these islands and we greet all of you

Elder cook was reminiscing as I love and admire him - Quentin Cook was the best missionary of our generation - he still is he heads the missionary executive council of the church currently and he and President Ballard more than any other two men were responsible for the creation of preach my gospel you're in the presence of two of the great missionaries of our dispensation and I'm honored to be with him and as he was reminiscing about his beginning -

  and sweet Pam Johnson whom we all love Pamela Wilson Johnson  - I'm reminded that I started my very first assignment out to Lowestoft if there's anybody watching from Lowestoft I send you a kiss, in the back, somebody from Lowestoft -

back here - best fish and chips in all of Great Britain right on the north sea that fish was fresh we could still  - we almost went out and caught them ourselves and that's where I put on my first 20 pounds as a missionary and so it goes.

 Some remember  these places Bill  and  Bill and Freda Walker were legendary out in Lowestoft  little tiny branch now it's the heart of steak activity and a beautiful chapel that we have but we met in the strangest little buildings in that day and age and people like

 Bill and Freda Walker were legends in our time and so it goes -

for little branches and little units all over the church and we want to celebrate all that we do celebrate it and invite the future to produce just that same kind of success and that same kind of activity for the church in the days ahead -

 let me uh just say to you that the testimony that we bring is the testimony that the ancients -

have uh have borne and that's what Sister Cook was saying that's what sister Holland was saying that's what we're all saying we are here to memorialize the the good work of early apostles uh grandfathers in both cases of -

President Ballard and Elder Cook legendary people who've come and and made history but we're determined to continue to make that history with that same kind of testimony -

 and I'm thinking of a just one one moment in the new testament when the Saviour you'll remember the incident, he cured the man of blindness and he did it by stages you'll remember that he -

it's by the way- it's an interesting declaration about blessings, [Prayer], that they happen different ways at different times to different people and sometimes blessings are instantaneous sometimes we wait a long long time in this case it was a blessing by sequence that he actually received a blessing from the Saviour  - 

this is from the son of god and he couldn't quite see couldn't quite get the vision and he had a second phase of the blessing and an anointing with a little spittle and clay and rubbed it on his eyes and by stages that that site came to him just that's just a little aside uh uh to you if you're ever impatient about how blessings come remember that they come many many different ways to different people with different timing well he is like other blessings that Jesus has been giving he's the talk of the town and even though in some cases the savoir said don't tell people about this they told they couldn't be restrained how could you how could you hold back and he became very popular in the community for his sight was restored.

 Well,  he upset the climate and the culture and those that were ruling uh in the day ecclesiastical rulers as well as political rulers

 I suppose and they wanted him to sit down and be quiet just keep your mouth shut don't run around here telling these stories about these healings because that doesn't help us any so they went to his parents and said tell your boy to be quiet they were intimidated by that these are the leaders of the community these are the leaders of the of the culture in which they live and I suppose we're in a position to do some harm one way or another to the family  -

and the parents retreat and say gosh he's of age he's so he's over 21. 

why don't you talk to him and they deflect the intruders back to their son and so they confront him and they say what is this about this this healing and your eyesight and on and on and on and the trouble that you're causing you're just causing great trouble and this sweet man sat there he is not educated he's been blind from his youth he's never read anything he doesn't know much of anything he hasn't been to any rabbinic school he hasn't read a single word of the Torah ever in his whole life he hasn't taken a scroll off the side of the synagogue and participated in it the way other young people did when they had their bar mitzvah he didn't have one because he couldn't participate in any of that he's sitting there listening to them in total ignorance and they accuse him of this and accuse him of that and finally their silence and they want to kind of ask him well what do you say to that and what he says is -

 I'm unlearned I'm an ignorant man I know nothing of your philosophy I know nothing of the rabbinic tradition I don't know anything of the Sanhedrin or the synagogue

 I just know one thing once I was blind and now I can see that is really really hard to argue with you can ask him not to see you can pretend that he doesn't see you can beat him if he talks about seeing there's all kinds of penalties you can come up with if you want to manufacture them but one simple truth outweighs them all one argument defeats every single solitary other counter one thing I know once I was blind and now I can see

 In the book of Helaman the fifth chapter eight thousand Lamanites joined the church in response to the work of two young missionaries named Nephi and Lehi named for their grandparents their grandfathers eight thousand join in one experience it's a great experience which is not was one we don't tell often enough maybe it's because we don't read we don't get that far in the book but it's back there in the book of Helaman and the concluding verse in chapter five of the book of Helaman is 

that those 8 000 joined the church because of the greatness of the evidence they could not resist the greatness of the evidence -

 in their own way whatever it was for those eight thousand a variation eight thousand times I suppose a variation on the theme -

once i was blind and now i can see and it may not have been literal blindness it might have been spiritual blindness it might have been it was all kinds of things people who were lame and people who couldn't hear and all of that in a religious and personal and spiritual way as well as a physical temporal way -

well so too I pray that it is for us that certainly it is in my case it is my witness to you that i testify to you that once i was blind and now i can see and i think the turning point of that light dawning in my life was symbolized in this building on these streets in this land 60 years ago when I first had spittle and clay anointed to my eyes and as a 19 year old -

I began to see in stages as we would at that age I began to see god's eternal truth which has carried me and blessed me for six decades since then and I've been healed every other way every other aspect I could pray for and want for my family and my marriage and every good thing that's happened to me every good thing that I have somehow came through the portals of that missionary experience and all that I've learned and felt since and been the recipient of god's blessings -

 I'm in this church because of the greatness of the evidence -

And did those feet in ancient times walk upon England's mountains green and did the lamb of god and was the holy lamb of god on England's pleasant pasture scene and did the countenance divine shine forth upon these clouded hills and was Jerusalem builded here among these dark satanic mills bring me my bow of burning gold bring me my arrows of desire bring me my chariot oak clouds unfold my spiral clouds unfold bring me my chariot of fire I will not cease from mental strife nor shall my sword sleep in my hand till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land that is still the cry and the call of every one of us until that work is done until the Savior chooses to return and we hand the church of the lamb to the lamb until then we have our work outlined for us to build Jerusalem in this green and pleasant land that we will do so i pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Saving the Church

British Saints saved the  Church in the past & they will save the Church again in the future 

Bristol Stake Conference Summer of 2022 German 70 speaks about

Saving the Church in the future -referencing Elder Holland's address October 30 &31st 2021

Jesus Christ amen amen thank you so much president Gallagher I wish you would have talked longer and I I just want to say that I felt today that it does not matter who really stands on this Pulpit because all of us were talking the words of Jesus I was so happy with pres Hill when he said I I had this talk but I won't

give it I will give something else I will give what I feel that heavenly father wants me to say now and this is this is great this is what what I what we want I'm so deeply honored to be here with you I feel that you don't have the slightest idea how special you are this morning I had an opportunity to look at the at the gallery of of the pictures of of the mission presidents and I I was very happy to see that President sister Gallaga already on there and then I went back going further and further until I started with uh seeing oh these these are all the prophets and and uh and apostles of the ord of the early church and they all have been here and it started with the British Isle Mission with Hebrew SE Kimble and know it kind of was reminded when I when Hebrew SE Kimble described when Joseph Smith uh talked to him and said Hebrew I have a work for you to do and it's not here in the United States it's it's in England and at that time Joseph was a rather lonely man there were not very many people that stood by him most of the apostles were working against him or were saying bad things about him the church in in the States was in uproar and there were many Des centers and what did he do he sent the one that were faithful to England does this make sense of course it made sense it made sense because he knew that here were so many people that had the blood of Israel recently you had again the opportunity to have three Apostles and we in the area when we we have the um coordinating Council this this was a topic and El Phillips one of the area 70s he had to take care of Elder Holland and Elder Quentin El cook and a pres Ballard and uh before I came to you I thought why do they always drive to England we never have three Apostles in Germany they might have their reasons why they don't come to Germany I'm sure and they might have their reasons why they come here and I was reminded of a saying that El Holland said when he talked to the people in England and in Europe but I think it it's especially true for the people in England he said during those early days of the church the people that have been baptized here literally saved the Church of Jesus Christ of let Day Saints this fresh blood this people coming we are Liverpool or other areas to to the United States and there strengthening the rose and being faithful to the prophet and building up Zion they literally saved the church but then he said something that I found was even more striking he said and now in the last days you will save the church again and this is something that really struck me because we normally think of growth in the church as something that happens in South America and if somebody's called to to South America we think oh great you will you will baptize a lot if somebody is called to Gree we say this must be a strong family and a very strong missionary and he will he will be fortified in his testimony and after that no bad and evil things can have anything against him but we don't talk about Europe anymore as something that will really save the church but that's what Elder Holland said it will save the church and now being here with you I tell you I understand why he said that it might not be in numbers but you have an enormous strength yesterday had the opportunity to talk to some of your members and I could feel of their goodness and I could feel of the Great greatness of their spirit I could feel how Valiant they have been in the premortal existence and that there are leaders leaders not only for for this church eaders not only in the stake but that they are beacons of truth and light for the whole church I just want you to know this now how can we do that how can we attract more people I thought when sister pppa Gentry talked I felt, I felt like me because I I wasn't really looking for something I was I was happy um I was happy as a young boy and and I went to church but I can still remember this day when I was 14 and felt I should give my testimony I didn't I I thought I was I was happy and uh I was just going to church but yeah I was just going through the motions and there while I was standing up there on this Pulpit something for me really remarkable have happened when I felt with every fiber of my being that my heavenly father was really there and that Jesus was my savior and it has changed my life ever since it was not something I was looking for it was a present but it was such a beautiful present that I feel I have the urge to just to give it again and just to tell other people and just to let them know who we we are and I think one thing that is so good is just to talk about the Church of Jesus Christ of let Saints in earlier time I also used to say sometimes we call ourselves church I don't do that anymore because the Mormon church has other associations but I we I've seen in my surrounding if I just focus on Jesus Christ by also saying I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ

William Walker In the Isles of the Sea

Bill & Freda Walker are Legendary

Said  Apostle Jeffery R. Holland at the London Hyde Park Devotional on the 31st October 2021

Isaiah 24:14-15

14 They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud from the sea.

15 Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the sea.

 Great Britain Known as The Fire Islands 

 A Remnant Shall Return from  Jacob The Union of Jack

See Crossing the Great Deep

"Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel IN THE ISLES OF THE SEA Isaiah 24:15.

The Fire  Beacons of  Great Britain 

‘Beacon masters’ light the U.K. on fire for queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Isaiah 23 continues to be fulfilled

17 ¶ And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the Lord will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.

footnote  (a)turn is rendered return

See my original post on Isaiah 23  Howl ye Ships of Tarshish, Tyre  & end of the  70-year  reign of  a King Isa 23: 15-18 being synonymous with Great Britain & with the end of the 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

In Hebrew king refer to a Monarch

My original post can be found in the EE search bar as well

this below link goes to my FB page  with all my posts on Isaiah 23

Verse 17 points out that Great Britain, as national & racial Israel,  will try to return to her enslavement with her former lovers -The European Union.

see the link for the 60 Identity Marks that identifies Britain as national & Racial Israel found in the KJVB),

Note:- Great Britain left the European Union officially in March 2022.

This Link to the 60 Identity Marks that identifies British/Israel

British Prime Minister Sunak in talks to reverse  Brexit

The Lords visit  Isaiah 23:17.  "... Meteor -Shooting star that streaked across Britain & Ireland..."

The Gathering of Israel

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  said this about the gathering of Israel at the London Hyde Park Devotional on 31st October 2021.

See the Vision  -The Removal of our Blindness.

 Realising that we are living through historical events - said he "We are so close to history we don't even know we are making it!"

see Romans 11:25 Israel blindness removed.  This scripture is about to be fulfilled 2023 is the year that ends the day of the gentile.  

see this video clip link to Elder Hollands Hyde Park address

Elder Patrick  Kearon is called as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He will, I believe be assigned to the UK sometime shortly.

Patrick Kearon was my old stake President back in 2005. and of course, every Stake member will I'm sure have nothing but fond memories of him. 

Saving the Church

The German Elder from the European Area 70, (in the attached video clip), came to the Bristol England Stake Conference in the summer of 2022. His talk incorporated Jeffrey R. Holland  Hyde Park's address of how the British Saints saved the Church in the past  & that they are yet to do it again in the future days.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland  at  London Hyde Park said "This is Historic,  whether we like it or not".  [and this is true in more ways than we may know).

Elder Holland went on to say:- "We are so close to history we don't know we are making it. - "The Great days in Great Britain & in these islands - the great days are not behind us - The Great Days of The Kingdom of God in England & Wales & Scotland & Ireland are still ahead of us & we're foolish, unwise &  I think a little blind if we somehow think we have yet  already gleaned all the blood of Israel from these  sacred lands we've only begun..."

The Remnant of Jacob/Isreal. The Union of Jacob - The Uion of Jack

see these  60 Identity marks that will aid in awakening the British people to their true Identity.

It is, I believe the remnant of these peoples - from these sacred Islands of destiny that will cross the Great Deep as described in Doc & Cov  133: 17 -34.

 The Lord will make bear His Holy Arm D&C 133:3

And those in the Isles of the Sea

"... shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud from the sea.

15 Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the sea."     Isa 24:14-15.

It is interesting to note that one of the many names given to Great Britain - because of the many fire warning beacons that were & still are dotted all around its coastline -was, the name the Fire Islands.

 William Walker -Bill & Freda Walker are legendary said Elder Jeffrey R. Holland at the London Hyde Park Devotional on the 31st of October 2021. This was my 13-year wait to get an answer to my prayer  - Please Lord  Please - just let  Jeffrey R. Holland say something about Willian Walker in a conference then I'll know lord then I'll know.  that answer came in varying degrees & stages over the years, which made Elder Hollands's talk even more poignant to me  - but it all cumulated on October 31st 2021. When Elder Holland said Bill & Freda Walker were legendary in serving the lord in this part of his vineyard & they, I say are still legendary. You will have to read his books to understand why.

 Jeffrey R. Holland's relationship to  William Walker,  (LDS Author of the Books In the Isles of the Sea & the Islands of Destiny),  was that  Elder Holland  - when serving in the UK in the 60s  lived with William Walker's family - missionaries did back them.

Ephraim and Manasseh


The Formation 


"The New Greater Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic States."

 set up for protection & liberty.

The Great days of Great Britain and these Islands of England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland our not yet done! in gleaning the blood of Israel from these sacred lands - The British Saints Saved the Church in the Past & they will yet do it again in the future" Jeffery R. Jeffrey R. Holland UK address London Hyde Park 30th/31st October 2021.

The Question is How will the British Saints & people Save The Church in the Future?

consider this:-

Could Trump & Farage win the 2024 Elections & unite the USA & Great Britain in a New friendship deal Ephraim & Manasseh no more to be two divided nations Ezekiel 37: 22.

22 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:

The Great Awakening Romans 11:25

" For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." see  Rev 13:3. 

The end of the Treaty of Lausanne ended the days of the of Gentiles over the Holy land & the collapse of Christian Europe which was signified by the burning of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris 

see  Bruce R McConkie  The Millennial Messiah  The fullness of the Gentiles of the Gentiles page 253  see General Allenby and the liberation of Jerusalem  1917


See Joseph Fielding Smith The fullness of the gentiles pages 258-262 

"come out of her my People" Rev 18: 4.

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

The Temporal Prelude Gathering of Ephraim & Manasseh - Great Britain & The United States of America The Mountain & Stone nations The Two Witnesses Nations of Jesus Christ. The two nations from whence came the Holy Bible & The Book of Mormon - Joseph's Double Portion Blessing.

 Remember Joseph Smith was inspired by the KJVB ( James 1:5_; not the Torah - ( But What thank we the Jews for a Bible 2 Nephi 29).

A Day of Nation Repentance first occurred in 2016 but was hindered by the Gadianton Robbers /Deep State/Globalist in being fully achieved.

 First Ephraim (GB) set before Manasseh (USA) see Genesis 48:20

And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.”

Both Nations came out of Babylon by the voice of the People.

A UK-wide referendum on 23 June 2016, in which 51.89 per cent voted in favour of leaving the EU and 48.11 per cent voted to remain...”

Followed By Manasseh (The USA),

 On November 8th 2016 Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton.

 Will we witness both Nigel Farage & Donald Trump will the 2024 Elections As Brothers in Arms & tie a stronger bond between our two nations in a prelude to gathering the Whole house of Israel?

Before The Temporal gathering of Israel can be achieved Ephraim & Manasseh must take the lead in forming:-

"The New Greater Federation of Anglo-Saxon Celtic States." set up for Protection & liberty.