God and HIS Right

The Political Kingdom of God & The  Restoration of the Whole House of Israel 


 Ensign To The Nations

His Who's Right it is to Reign

Israel to be the LORD's portion Lot of his Inheritance 

Deut 32: 8-9

The Royal Coat of arms is the Coat of arms of Jesus Christ the Royal throne that the present Queen of the United Kingdom sits on, is His Throne.

 Queen Victoria was once asked what she would do if the Lord came tomorrow, She is reputed to have said " I will give the throne back to whom it rightly belongs"

Queen Victoria knew and fully understood that SHE was only the custodian of the Royal Throne of David

 In the genealogy of the Kings and Queens of England their family line goes back to Jesus Christ, King David. and Adam and Eve

(Link to be added)

The Motto at the bottom of the Royal Coat of Arms God and My Right?

The Motto is Known as "Dieu et mon droit" (meaning God and my right) Although the Kings and Queens of England have said that the motto refers to "their Right " Meaning that it is "their" God given right to be King or Queen. Well we know that, that isn't really quite true! Why? because a King Who though that, had his Head chopped off as you know. The kings and Queens of England are "only the custodian of what is the "Throne of David". I have translated it as "HIS" instead of "MY" only to emphasize that the "MY" is in actual fact referring to "God's Right" and not the custodian King or Queen Right. Queen Victoria is once reputed to have said,when asked the question? "If Christ were to return tomorrow what would you do with the throne? her reply was:- "I will then hand it back to who it rightly belongs." I Should have written the HIS thus "HIS"

The Lion & the Unicorn The Emblem of the Tribe of Judah  and the Unicorn the Emblem of the Tribe of Ephraim both holding up the shield with the harp of Ireland representing King David The rampant Lion of Scotland and the three Lions the colonies  the motto around them , Evil to them who think Evil of it. The Lion on the top of the Crown with a crown on his head represents Jesus Christ  the Lion King


(William Walker In the Isles of the sea)

It is interesting to note that ancient tribe of Judah & Ephraim were  always at loggerheads over the crown so much so that  ten  of the tribes with Ephraim at it's head split from Judah and formed the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Judah forming the southern Kingdom with the tribe of Benjamin and the tribe of Levi mixed in. The Tribe of Levi was (and still is) The Priestly tribe. They did not receive a land inheritance as such they received their inheritance by serving the people.

This vexation that went on between these two tribes can be recalled in the poem of the Lion & the Unicorn:

The Lion & the Unicorn

Were fighting for the Crown

the Lion beat the Unicorn

And kicked him out of town

However it was prophesied that this Vexation would end and that the Lion & the Unicorn would jointly Govern and we see this on the Coat of arms and in the blood lines of the Royal Family.

In an address To.......name to be added

  "quite often it is said in Britain that the British Throne is descended from Germany because George I of England spoke German. Republicans like to say the royal family is German in advocating the abolition of the monarchy. However the British Royal Line came to Germany and returned to Britain as follows: George I of England, although speaking German, was the son of Princess Sophia, who was the granddaughter of James I of England (VI of Scotland). Princess Sophia’s husband was the Elector of Hanover, who in turn was the 14th in direct male succession from the Empress Maud, daughter of Henry II of England.

In this way – the Royal Line of David remained intact, from King David in Palestine, via Ireland, Scotland and England to Queen Elizabeth II. Today. The world’s Greatest Throne – as opposed to the counterfeit throne in the Vatican at Rome – which God promised in His unconditional Covenant with David. God’s promises are sure and certain. (This need working on)

< XML="true" PREFIX="O" NAMESPACE=""> * When Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), the Greek word used for “world” is kosmos, meaning the world ordered system of man. The Kingdom of God on Earth from its inception at Mt. Sinai was a literal God-orientated or heavenly ordered kingdom. It is this kingdom and this Throne of David which is upheld in the Earth by God and to which He will return in order to restore true and righteous government."


Of course, the great prestige of the British Monarchy is still revered and held in high esteem, particularly and ironically in the great republic of the United States of America. It is the history of family relationship that is involved here. Historically and symbolically the British Throne is a Christian Throne. It clearly identifies itself with the Word of God and honours Jesus Christ in a way that no other Throne has ever done. It acknowledges God’s Son as King of kings and Lord of lords. It acclaims Him as Saviour and Redeemer of the world.

This alone should be sufficient reason for every Christian to support our Monarchy System and all that it stands for. The Sceptre of Righteousness, with the balance between justice and mercy is the spirit of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth. The Gospel of the Kingdom is what Christ taught as did his herald John the Baptist, before the Church as such was born. Israel from the beginning were “the church in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38), the called out and separated people which were to be an example people and who became a kingdom to lead the world in God’s righteous and lawful ways.

"And did those feet walk on England's pleasant pastures green.."


And did those feet in ancient time,

Walk upon England’s mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On England’s pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem build-ed here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;

Bring me my Arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:

Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor Shall my sword sleep in my hand:

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In England’s green & pleasant Land.

 William Blake                       

There are many myths and Legends about Jesus Visiting, walking, and Teaching on the shores of England. It is my personal belief that Jesus Christ did walk this land and taught His Gospel to the inhabitants of this sacred Isle. I believe that the Isles of Britain are the Lords personal  Plot. The Lot of His Inheritance as the scriptures say (Deut 32:8-9). Do not misunderstand me, he is the Lord of the whole earth and the scriptures declares it to be his foot stool. That he will Govern the World from two Capital Cities, one in the East (Jerusalem in Palestine). and one in the West, the New Jerusalem on the American continent in Nauvoo Missouri.(Articals of faith, 10 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). Yet this land, this Sceptred Isle is the Lot of His Inheritance.

I have heard of the legend, that his Mother, Mary lived here, in the West country of England and with  the country of Wales, they were her "Douhery"  (See The Title the Prince of Wales) It is said that she  lived in, or near to Glastonbury. Also interesting is that the Welsh and people of the West country  both hold the legends of King Arthur, and his 12 Knights of the round table, whom I believe to be Jesus Christ. ( see Celtic Christianity)

Where The Druids and the Levitical Priests One and the Same in Ancient Times?

Did Mary and Jesus live in England

The Ancient Apostles In the British Isles

To be continued