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La phylogénie traditionnelle semble confirmée par la phylogénomique.

Cérianthaires - Sur le peu d'études intégrant les Cérianthaires, ceux-ci sont majoritairement retrouvés comme groupe frère des Hexacoralliaires. Mais ils pourraient être des Hexacoralliaires dérivés.

Myxozoaires - La position des Myxozoaires n'est pas encore solidement établie mais elle n'est pas contredite.


  • Atkinson SD, Bartholomew JL & Lotan T (2018) Myxozoans: ancient metazoan parasites find a home in phylum Cnidaria. Zoology, 129: 66-68

  • Chang ES, Neuhof M, Rubinstein ND, Diamant A, Philippe H, Huchon D & Cartwright P (2015) Genomic insights into the evolutionary origin of Myxozoa within Cnidaria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112: 14912-14917

  • Guo Q, Whipps CM, Zhai Y, Li D & Gu Z (2022) Quantitative insights into the contribution of nematocysts to the adaptive success of cnidarians based on proteomic analysis. Biology, 11: 91

  • Kayal E, Bentlage B, Pankey MS, Ohdera A, Medina M, Plachetzki DC, Collins A & Ryan JF (2018) Phylogenomics provides a robust topology of the major cnidarian lineages and insights on the origins of key organismal traits. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18:68

  • Khalturin K, Shinzato C, Khalturina M, Hamada M, Fujie M, Koyanagi R, Kanda M, Goto H, Anton-Erxleben F, Toyokawa et al. (2019) Medusozoan genomes inform the evolution of the jellyfish body plan. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3: 811-822

  • Laumer CE, Gruber-Vodicka H, Hadfield MG, Pearse VB, Riesgo A, Marioni JC & Giribet G (2018) Support for a clade of Placozoa and Cnidaria in genes with minimal compositional bias. eLife, 7: e36278

  • McFadden CS, Quattrini AM, Brugler MR, Cowman PF, Dueñas LF, Kitahara MV, Paz-García DA, Reimer JD & Rodríguez E (2021) Phylogenomics, origin, and diversification of Anthozoans (Phylum Cnidaria). Systematic Biology, 70: 635-647

  • Quattrini AM, Rodríguez E, Faircloth BC, Cowman PF, Brugler MR, Farfan GA, Hellberg ME, Kitahara MV, Morrison CL, Paz-García DA et al. (2020) Palaeoclimate ocean conditions shaped the evolution of corals and their skeletons through deep time. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4: 1531-1538

  • Simion P, Philippe H, Baurain D, Jager M, Richter DJ, Di Franco A, Roure B, Satoh N, Quéinnec E, Ereskovsky A et al. (2017) A large and consistent phylogenomic dataset supports sponges as the sister group to all other animals. Current Biology, 27: 958-967

  • Whelan NV, Kocot KM, Moroz TP, Mukherjee K, Williams P, Paulay G, Moroz LL & Halanych KM (2017) Ctenophore relationships and their placement as the sister group to all other animals. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1: 137-1746

  • Zapata F, Goetz FE, Smith SA, Howison M, Siebert S, Church SH, Sanders SM, Ames CL, McFadden CS, France SC et al. (2015) Phylogenomic analyses support traditional relationships within Cnidaria. PLoS ONE, 10: e0139068