Retour aux Arthropodes


Les quatre groupes classiques ont été confirmés comme étant monophylétiques, mais leurs relations ne sont pas claires du tout.


  • Benavides LR, Edgecombe GD & Giribet G (2023) Re-evaluating and dating myriapod diversification with phylotranscriptomics under a regime of dense taxon sampling. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 178: 107621

  • Edgecombe GD & Legg DA (2014) Origins and early evolution of Arthropods. Frontiers in Palaeontology, 57: 457-468

  • Fernández R, Edgecombe GD & Giribet G (2016) Exploring phylogenetic relationships within Myriapoda and the effects of matrix composition and occupancy on phylogenomic reconstruction. Systematic Biology, 65: 871-889

  • Fernández R, Edgecombe GD & Giribet G (2018) Phylogenomics illuminates the backbone of the Myriapoda Tree of Life and reconciles morphological and molecular phylogenies. Scientific Reports, 8: 83

  • Giribet G & Edgecombe GD (2012) Reevaluating the Arthropod tree of life. Annual Reviews of Entomology, 54: 167-186

  • Giribet G & Edgecombe GD (2019) The phylogeny and evolutionary history of Arthropods. Current Biology, 29: R592-R602

  • Noah KE, Hao J, Li L, Sun X, Foley B, Yang Q & Xia X (2020) Major revisions in Arthropod phylogeny through improved supermatrix, with support for two possible waves of land invasion by Chelicerates. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 16: 12-12

  • Szucsich NU, Bartel D, Blanke A, Böhm A, Donath A, Fukui M, Grove S, Liu S, Macek O, Machida R et al. (2020) Four myriapod relatives - but who are sisters? No end to debates on relationships among the four major myriapod subgroups. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20: 144