FUNDRAISER: Fall Product Sales - Sept 27 - Oct 27, 2013

Post date: Sep 18, 2013 7:44:40 PM


Welcome back for another great scout year!

Please read the following information about our Fall Product Sales. It is a really quick (it only runs 1 month) and easy way for your troop to make some money to help pay for your Troop's activities this year. Sale ends October 27 and deliveries are here in time for the holidays on November 15th (items make great stocking stuffers!) .The magazine portion can even but done completely online!

The Girl Scout Fall Product Sale will once again be offered in Stoneham.Please keep this in mind as you plan your troops fall schedule. The information was rolled out at last week's leaders meeting.

Fall Sale Dates: September 27 - October 27.

Troops will receive 15% of the proceeds

Girls can receive up to 6 patches

The Fall Sale allows Girl Scouts to raise money early in the program year to support their troop's activities. Fall Sale items range from magazine subscriptions to delicious candy and nut products. Similar to the Cookie Sale, the Fall Sale helps girls set goals and develop life-long skills.

The 2013 Fall Product Sale program is an opportunity for girls to experience personal growth as they contribute to the financial well-being of their troop and learn new skills in goal-setting, decision making, money management, business ethics, communication, teamwork and more!

Stoneham is in need of:

-Troops who wish to participate in earning money fast!

Troops that participated last year said it was so easy, fast and profitable.

Per girl average profit is $24.70!!!!! Ex: One magazine subscription is equal to the profit of selling 4 boxes of cookies in the cookie sale.

Please let me know if you would like further information about the sale

If your Troop is participating, please email me ASAP at with contact information for the Adult who will be the Fall Product Sale Advisor for your troop.

(Need Troop #, Name, Email, and phone #).

I will get the packets for each girl and other information out to you as soon as possible once you have confirmed.

Maureen Buckley -

Fall Sales Products Manager

Stoneham Girl Scouts