Stephane Chretien


Dean of the ASSP faculty at the University of Lyon 2

Full professor in statistics and machine learning at the University of Lyon 2, 

Member of Laboratoire ERIC, Lyon, France

Ex-Visiting researcher Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK

Visiting researcher at the Alan Turing Institute, London, UK

Visiting researcher at Institut FEMTO-ST, Besancon, France



ERIC Laboratory and UFR ASSP

University of Lyon 2 

5 avenue Mendes France

69676 Bron Cedex

Office: H339 and K073  



Member of the French Statistical Society (SFdS

President of the MALIA subgroup of the SFdS 

Member of SMAI

Member of the Scientific Board of VERSO-Optim

news ! 

The workshop FRUGALIA will take place at Sorbonne Université (sponsored by Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intellingence (SCAI) and the French Statistical Society (SFdS)) on october 4 2024: more information here  !

Again, a new edition of the workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of AI will take place at the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence on September 12, 2024. This is organised as always by the fantastic team of Marianne Clausel (Univ. Lorraine), Emilie Chouzenoux (INRIA Saclay, Institut DATAIA) and with the moral support of the Groupe MALIA de la Société Française de Statistique. 

A new edition of the workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of AI will take place at the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence on June 17, 2024. This is organised by the fantastic team of Marianne Clausel (Univ. Lorraine), Emilie Chouzenoux (INRIA Saclay, Institut DATAIA) and with the moral support of the Groupe MALIA de la Société Française de Statistique. 

A great workshop in Clermont Ferrand organised by Chafik Samir supported by the MALIA Group of the French Statistical Society: MLOMA.

We organise a workshop in Pau next week on the Theory and Application of Signatures with the support of (among others) the MALIA Group of the French Statistical Society. 

Paper accepted at Complex Networks 2023 in Menton, on using signatures to build a simplicial complex capturing the dependencies in time series. 

A superb workshop in the Mathematical Foundations of AI will take place at the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence on October 2, 2023. This is organised by the fantastic team of Marianne Clausel (Univ. Lorraine), Emilie Chouzenoux (INRIA Saclay, Institut DATAIA) and with the moral support of the Groupe MALIA de la Société Française de Statistique. 

Vidéo du workshop sur le COVID à Lyon 

Conference on Complex Systems, In person and online October 25-29, Lyon, France. 

Federated Learning Spring School, Online September 16 2021, co-organised by SFdS and Owkin. 

New paper with Mihai Cucuringu, Guillaume Lecué and Lucie Neyrac accepted at JMLR: "Learning with semi-definite programming: statistical bounds based on fixed point analysis and excess risk curvature ". 

New paper accepted at LOD 2021 conference:  "A Sobolev space viewpoint on the benign overfitting phenomenon for fully connected Deep Nets" with Emmanuel Caron

New paper accepted at ESANN 2021 conference "Benign overfitting of fully connected Deep Nets:A Sobolev space viewpoint" with Emmanuel Caron. 

Master class at the University of Lancaster : Data Science using Semi-Definite Programming: Clustering, Synchronisation, Registration

New paper with E. Caron: A finite sample analysis of the benign overfitting phenomenon for ridge function estimation. 

Federated Learning Winter School, Online November 24 2020, co-organised by SFdS and Owkin. 

Recent Advances in Numerical and Statistical Machine Learning in Lyon April 2-3 2020. Registration (free) by email:

Talk at LMS Symposium on Mathematics of Machine Learning, University of Bath, August 3-8 2020. Slides.

Talk at CM-Statistics 2019 UC-London in the session "Robust machine learning" (EO050 ) 

Talk at CFE 2019 UC-London in the session  "Robust time series models in the time and frequency domains for high dimensional data" (CO386)

Speaking at INRIA Lille (Modal team seminar) on Tuesday December 4, 2019. (New results on Robust PCA).

Speaking at AIGM day (INRA Toulouse) on Thursday December 5, 2019. (New results on clustering with Semi-Definite Programming).

Member of organisation committee of JDS 2020

Colloquium talk Surrey University

Talk at the JdS 2019

Talk at Sampta 2019 

Talk at the 5th Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing: July 29-31, 2019


Research: Computational Statistics, Machine Learning, Sparsity, Big Data and Optimization

Publications and preprints  

Teaching: Statistics and Machine Learning, Data analytics, Optimisation, R, ... 

       More information and lecture notes: Enseignement


Rémi Vaucher (CIFRE HALIAS) - current 

Jean Steve Tamo Tchomgui (co-supervised with Julien Jacques - CIFRE Orange) - current 

Mohamed Assoweh - defended 13-07-2021. 

Serge Moulin (co-supervised with Christophe Guyeux) - defended 12-12-2018 

Zhen-Wai Olivier Ho (co-supervised with Clement Dombry) - defended 04-10-2018 

Adrien Faivre (co-supervised first year with Clement Dombry) - defended 14-12-2017

Basad Al Sarray - defended 2016.

A very helpfull compendium of inequalities can be found here