TopoDroid translations


OUTDATED TRANSLATIONS (not included in the app)

Would you like to help translating TopoDroid to another language ?

If you are willing to make a new translation send me an email.

Strings and array files are availbale on the code repository.

You can also help by writing a User Manual for your language, or a tutorial.

This is probably the best way to learn TopoDroid.

If you have written a user manual or a tutorial, and you want it to be added to the TopoDroid docs page,

please, send me a link where users can download it.

Starting with v. 3.4.3r TopoDroid supports translations of the user manual.

The translated man pages can be downloaded through TopoDroid.

Send me an email if you want to setup a user-manual translation download in the app.

The English version is the only official version as far as it concerns

For problems concerning other languages, including corrections to the translation,

contact the translation maintainer (see email in the app "About" dialog).

Inaccurate translations may cause app crashes.