

TopoDroid is an Android app for cave surveying.

Current version:

The app on GooglePlay, version 5.1.40, is outdate and will not be upgraded.

Supported data acquisition devices: DistoX, DistoX2, DistoXBLE, SAP5, and BRIC4.

Survey data can also be entered manually.


New TopoDroid v6  -  Old version changes and apks

Translations - Acknowledgements Testimonials

Docs - User manual

Statistics, Ratings, and Reviews [up to 2021]


TopoDroid requires the following permissions:

    EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to save survey files


    INTERNET (only if you need to install translations of the use manual)

In addition certain features are disabled if the following permissions are not granted:

    CAMERA: in-cave pictures

    RECORD_AUDIO: voice notes

    FINE_LOCATION: entrances geo-location

If you experience problems running TopoDroid make sure these permissions are granted to the app.


To use a measuring device with TopoDroid, the device must have been previously paired with Android.

TopoDroid has several BT connection settings: if you experience data transfer problems with the DistoX try setting "insecure" socket (see the user manual for details).

DistoX, DistoX2, and SAP5 are out of production.

BRIC4 is available at "".

The DistoXBLE board can be obtained from the FB page of the developer, Siwei Tian: first_name dot last_name dot digit_seven (all lowercase).

Automatic Station Name Assignment

It has been reported that the automatic station name assignment sometimes gets screwy.  Apparently this is an error of the Android runtime that fails to correctly transform the app to native code.

TopoDroid fundraising.

TopoDroid and the other speleoapps are  free and ad-free, and will remain so. Android operating system and its SDK are fast moving on. New hardware is needed to continue the app development and to keep it up to date.

If you find TopoDroid and the other apps useful for your cave surveying projects, or for other needs, consider supporting these apps development with a donation, and click on the PayPal button.

Donations are used to help getting new hardware.