TopoDroid 3.1
3.1.6u - Beta 2016-11-29
Sketch edit mode: point icon orientation by side-drag.
Autosetting "insecure socket" for Samsung devices.
Translations updates.
3.1.6t - Beta 2016-11-23
Revised sketch dxf export
translation updates
3.1.6n - Beta 2016-10-24
Revised cross-section user interaction.
Svg-export: overall translation, and line class.
Bug fix: symbol wall:ice, svg-export label points
3.1.6h - Beta 2016-10-10
+/- button cycling thru XS-S-M-L-XL
line range shift modes: none, windowed, square-box
3.1.6g - Beta 2016-10-09
DistoX2 firmware 2.5
Error fix: at-station xsection
Translations updates
3.1.6c - beta 2016-09-14
Linepoint move with neighoring points (preliminary).
SVG grid setting (units: grid)
User manual update
3.1.6a - Production 2016-09-01
Potuguese translation update
Very minor icons update
3.1.6 - Production 2016-08-29
"Cancel" buttons in dialogs with text entries.
3.1.4n - Beta 2016-08-26
Portuguese translation by Angelo Roncolato
Updates to Hungarian translation.
3.1.4m - Beta 2016-08-04
Beta update before season break: basically no change over 3.1.4k
Hungarian and Persian translatons very patchy.
Portuguese not included yet.
3.1.4k - Beta 2016-07-29
Bug fix: profile flip
Main window palette button (instead of palette menu).
Sketch window: merged "rename" and "delete" menus.
Sketch window: new "switch" menu (to switch among sketches).
New grid-cell units: 2 ft.
3.1.4j - Beta 2016-07-25
BT button disabled during data download/connection.
Bug fixes: begin/end line erase undo/redo,
profile-switch on data download in sketch window.
Preliminary Hungarian translation by Suru Peter.
3.1.4i - Beta 2016-07-20
Preliminary Persian translation by Meyssam Khoshghadam.
3.1.3h - Beta 2016-07-17
Sketch: selected line item highlighted yellow.
cSurvey export qualified by cave.branch (cave = survey, branch = sketch)
Removed Import/Export setting cSurvey prefix.
Std dev. of M, G, and dip in survey data info.
3.1.4b - Beta 2016-06-20
Line continuation error fix.
Splay highlight button in shot-edit dialog.
3.1.4a - Beta 2016--6-18
Long click on splay opens latest sketch with splay highlighted
Latest (or current) station proposed as origin station for new sketch.
Completely straight lines (segments).
Modified drawing line tool "arrow".
Drawing tool re-install button in the palette at level "advanced".
3.1.4 - 2016-06-16
3.1.3h - 2016-06-13
3.1.3.f/g - Beta 2016-0609
"sl" code for slovenian language
Bug fix: DistoXComm, Recent tools, Label dialog
3.1.3c/d - Beta 3016-06-05
Slovanian translation by Ivica Raguz.
Download button showing "disabled" if no DistoX selected.
Line continuation button 3-state (off, join, continue); dropped setting "Line continuation mode".
New button in the "Palette" dialog: re-install the drawing tools.
Virtual DistoX [very experimental]
"Minor" bug fixes.
3.1.3a - Beta 2016-06-03
Dropped cSurvey data-only export.
3.1.3 - Beta 2016-05-30
Dropped buttons ThManager and Database from main window.
Accuracy settings: replaced absolute values with percentages.
Replaced level name "Experimental" with "Expert".
Bug fix: more decimals in SVG export.
3.1.1d/e/f/g Beta 2016-05-24
Area orientation.
Dropped Therion export setting to close areas with an extra point (default: yes).
New framework for settings: listed according to the activity level.
New Ukrainian translation by Vladyslav Kozly
Bug fix: endless beep.
3.1.1c - Beta 2016-05-16
New station name assignment policy: "tripod".
Revised splay group-station update.
Settings app "location" invokation if GPS is not enabled.
Translations and user manual updates.
3.1.1a - Beta 2016-05-14
Revised station name assignment.
3.1.1 - 2015-05-10
New export option: therion splays.
Error-fix: sketch erase and bezier lines
3.1.0s - Beta 2016-05-09
Sketch menu "zoom to fit".
More choices for buttons size (small, normal, medium, large, huge).
Two sketching settings: shift sensitivity (the smaller the more), pointing radius. Default values should be ok.
3.1.0r - Beta 2016-05-08
Sensors measure averaged values.
3.1.0q - Beta 2016-04-29
Bug fixes: Survex export LRUD, photo table in ZIP archive, shot comment during download.
3.1.0n - Beta 2016-04-21
Preliminary new export: Topo.
CWD displayed on main window title.
Triple-grid drawing tool picker (setting updated).
Translations and user-manual update.
Review of DB errors logging.
Bug fix: plot zoom and shift while downloading data.
3.1.0k - 2016-04-13
Bug fixes: x-section exports, survey rename.
3.1.0j - Beta 2016-04-11
Magnetic declination taken in to account in DXF, KML, and TrackFile exports.
DistoX calibration factory reset.
Bug fixes.
Translations and user-manual update.
3.1.0i - 2016-04-06
Bug fixes: task for DistoX memory / info functions,
point symbols in therion export,
proper inclusion of exported files in the zip.
3.1.0e - 2016-04-04
New export: Polygon
MobileTopographerPro list files
3.1.0c - beta 2016-04-01
New setting: data download pause.
Enable CRS setting: specifies default CRS for coords conversion (must be a name used in Proj4).
Fixed points with CRS coords, besides long-lat.
3.1.0b - beta 2016-03-30
Removed X310 data download slowdown
3.1.0 / 3.1.0a - 2016-03-21
IMPORTANT Binary-only sketch file format.
Set the "default sketch export" option.