TopoDroid 2.4


2.4.3e - beta 2015.03.04

VisualTopo import (experimental).

Data (length, azimuth, clino) of manually inputed shot, are editable.

Icons revision (10% size save on apk)

2.4.3c - beta 2015.02.25

Bug fix: device window button crashing

2.4.3b - beta 2015.02.24


Settings (re)-organization

User manual update (V. Georgiev)

2.4.3a - beta 2015.02.15

Sketch window: moved Info button under menu, added Bluetooth button

Shots and Sketch windows: bluetooth button associated to remote control.

Device window: removed Remote-Control button.

New settings: sketch line width; section-line tick size, green-dots size,

default data-export format, default sketch-export format.

Revised user manual (by Vladimir Georgiev)

2.4.3 - 2015.02.11

Current Work Directory, selectable through the main settings.

Saved stations: user can save stations to be used later to continue survey from there.

"Station-Assignment" button replaced with "Saved-Stations" button.

Cross-section semantics revision; added station names, splays at viewed station, computed scale in therion file.

New point: section.

SVG export: improved (no more embedded in HTML).

Long-lat dialog: input accept decimal degrees as well as

Settings: PNG resolution (sketch export), TopoDroid cwd.

Firmware updater detailed log on file.

Russian translation: revised.

User manual: updated

Bug fixes:

- phantom lines,

- cross-section file(s) delete,

- cross-section line orientation in therion file,

- minor bugs

2.4.2 only beta releases

2.4.1 - 2015-01-20

Walls export (no more experimental).

Revised "continuous-data" downloading (plus bug fixes).

Device setting "auto reconnect".

Bug fixes: drawing tool name update in sketch activity title.

Sketch activity data download crash.

2.4.0g - 2015-01-08

Bug fix: spaces and reserved characters in survey, sketch, and calibration names.

2.4.0f - 2015-01-07

Buf fix: try for Galaxy Ace (GT-S5830i), OPPO72_13076, Galaxy Xcover (GT-S5690)

2.4.0e - 2015-01-01

Bug fix: device-window crash

2.4.0d - 2014.12.30

New setting: splay "extend" assignment.

Bug fixes: automatic station assignment,

Walls export (experimental)

2.4.0a - 2012.12.27

SVG export for sketches.

Walls export for survey data.

Update and correction to the user manual.

New survey setting: minimum number of shots to make a leg (choice: 2, 3, 4)

Experimental features: 3D modeling, co-surveying (disabled by default: contact me to enable it).

Bug fix: icons resize in drawing window.

2.4.0 - 2014.12.15

IMPORTANT. With version 2.4 the Calibration Activity is moved under the Device Activity

because calibrations are less frequent than surveys, and each calibration "belongs" to a device.

The property of calibration "device address" is automatically assigned and not editable.

German translation (partial: feel free to send corrections).

Russian translation, by Andrey Kozhenkov.

Updated French translation, by G. Chardin.

Updated in-app user manual. Online French user manual (v. 2.2.4).

File import: Compass DAT, PocketTopo drawings.

Azimuth/clino with the Android sensors for manual shot datainput (Settings: timer and beep-volume).

Shifting drawing on the references.

New point symbols: pendant.

Styled buttons.

Activity windows with top-right menu button

Dialogs: "OK/Save" button on the right (Google guideline).

Revised left/right (undo/redo) icons.

Simplified fixed point location workflow.

Merged external and internal sensor measurements dialogs.

Sketch-recovery confirmation dialog.

Settings: removed "Parent directory" (the directory "TopoDroid" is placed in the primary external storage),

added "Team" (to speed up entering the team names when creating a new survey ), Timer, and Beep-Volume